Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 370 The Appearance of You Zijin

Xuan Zhan's cold eyes looked at the three people in front of him indifferently, as if he knew it already, the light in his eyes seemed to be still saying: "You... you came too late!"

"Uncle Master..." Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang looked at Xuan Zhan with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice with their fists clasped!

A gust of sea breeze blew past everyone, refreshing their spirits!

The gaze of declaring war was finally placed in front of the strange woman in front of him. The woman in front of her was beautiful but cold like a snow lotus on an iceberg. Her temperament was elegant and untouchable!Her aura seemed to freeze the space around her. Even though no aura leaked out, it made the people around her feel the coming of a world of ice and snow!With every gesture, it's as if thousands of miles are frozen...

However, Xuan Zhan saw wildfires in the sky through her eyes...

"Your relationship is really messed up!" The woman said with her teeth open, "Among the four of us, I am the youngest... Forget it, you will know in the future, now, we should go!"

Her name is You Zijin, a very reserved name, but what she says is not reserved at all!She is Wan Qingkui's disciple, and also the monk who came to pick up the three of them, Piaomiao Jianxintian!

Xuan Zhan looked at You Zijin indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Where are my two friends?"

"I told them to leave early!" You Zijin said lightly, "Before I found you, I sent them out early!"

Xuan Zhan shrank in his heart, and looked at You Zijin with a wry smile. When did You Zijin send Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen away? He didn't even feel it at all. Mo so big...

"Now, it's up to the three of you!" Youzi Jinfu said again, with a hint of impatience flashing across his cold face, "Do you have anything else to say, if you have anything, hurry up, if you don't, then leave now! "

Speak crisply and skillfully!Although it is as cold as ice, it is extremely hot!

This is a very stubborn woman!Xuan Zhan laughed in his heart, then looked at Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang, then glanced at the vast sea of ​​clouds, lightly stroked Panda's fur, and said in a low voice: "Let's go!"

Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang also nodded with wry smiles. Looking at the woman in front of them, a palpitation suddenly surged in their hearts. This woman...appeared too evil and mysterious. , No one found out, directly caught the two together, said to explain the funeral, let them leave with him, and said that it was the master Wan Qingkui who explained it!

What's more, Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen were taken away without any explanation, and they were sent to some unknown place...

The two of them were also proud and arrogant people, but this woman suppressed the two of them into unspeakable misery by means of thunder, and used absolute means to make the two of them confess their funerals, and then found the two of them on the East China Sea declared war...

After You Zijin heard the words of declaring war, the formula moved slightly... In an instant, the sword energy was like fire, and the sword energy was like a blade, wrapping the three of them straight to the sky...

Seeing Mo Lixing gradually moving away, Xuan Zhan let out a breath subconsciously, Mo Lixing... goodbye!

"Boom..." The sword energy led the three of them into the sky in an instant, and the next moment, the sword energy changed again, bringing the three of them into the universe suddenly. Change, hit a magic weapon, but seeing that the magic weapon is silver-white oval shape, when it turns in the sky, it is instantly radiant, and it becomes a huge astrolabe with a distance of one thousand meters!

A beam of light radiated from the center of the astrolabe, leading the four of them into the astrolabe...

"Om..." The astrolabe suddenly trembled fiercely, and in the next moment, it immediately rushed into the universe with a thunderous momentum, and its tail wings bloomed ten thousand feet. Under the gaze of the sword, it shot hundreds of millions of kilometers in an instant...

Xing Chen quickly flew back, Xuan Zhan found a place to sit down alone, watching Xing Chen outside the window for a moment of silence...

Chu Xinghen and Ni Ganxuan were thrown somewhere by You Zijin, and Xuan Zhan sighed bitterly in his heart. He wanted to give him the method of cultivating Luan Zhan's blood, but he didn't expect that the result would be like this...Looking at Changsheng, who was entrenched on Panda's head, was silent for a while, then closed his eyes, turned to the sky inadvertently, and meditated...

Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou didn't talk speculatively with You Zijin, and found a corner to talk alone, and their hearts were filled with confusion and passion for the future!

A month later, everyone rushed out of the Chaotic Star Sea, and then... the declaration of war came to Gou Jingxing again!Looking at the planet in front of him, he still remembered that 150 years ago, it was Wan Qingkui who came here with the declaration of war, and let him see with his own eyes what it is that can live in the realm of comprehension...

Xue Bao poked his head out of Xuan Zhan's arms, looked at the surrounding scene curiously and asked, "Little master, where are we going?"

Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile: "We are going to Yuzhe Star to participate in the 'Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference' once in a thousand years!"

"Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference?" Xue Bao asked curiously, "What conference is it?"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and after a few breaths, he said softly: "The Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is actually a conference to resolve disputes among senior monks. All of the forces will be invited to resolve the dispute through Piaomiao Jianxintian on the Jade Sting Star. To put it bluntly, Piaomiao Jianxintian will be a peacemaker with great strength! Or, be a hegemony and forcefully resolve the dispute Dispute! Hmm... under the slogan of thinking about the peace of the cultivation world!"

Xue Bao's little head clenched his chest for declaring war, secretly delighted in his heart: seize every opportunity to take advantage of the little master!

"But... But what good does this do to you Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian? Why do I feel that holding this kind of conference is of no benefit at all!" Xue Bao said, shaking his head!

"Yeah, I don't know what's the benefit!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently, "Cultivators say they are indifferent to fame and wealth, but...the greatest interests in this world are all from these monks, vying for heaven and earth Conspiracy, competition for heaven and luck, are all played by these monks, but I can't guess what the purpose of the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is... The purpose of the big brother holding this conference Where..."

Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang beside him also heard the declaration of war, but for them, this trip is just their first contact with the cultivation world, and they... can't say anything...

You Zijin looked at Xuan Zhan and the three of them indifferently and said: "Don't guess what Master is thinking. Master has never let others guess his purpose easily, especially this Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference. Except for the ten seniors, no one can know the purpose of our Piaomiao Jianxintian holding this Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference!"

Chen Tianyou said dissatisfied: "I said, Senior Sister, we can be regarded as the same door after all, can you be more polite to us!"

Luo Tiangang also followed suit and said, "Junior Brother Chen is right, we are also from the same sect, no matter how you look at it, you feel like a life-and-death enemy!"

You Zijin suddenly fell silent, and after a long time, he spit out a few words: "Limited by temper..."

Everyone is speechless...

After a while, Xuan Zhan and his group appeared in a teleportation array. Looking at the long teleportation team in front of him, Chen Tianyou shook his head and said, "Hey... let's wait!"

"Wait!" You Zijin said disdainfully, under the stunned eyes of everyone, You Zijin's killing intent suddenly shot out wildly, and before the horror of hundreds of monks around, You Zijin suddenly shot out thousands of killing sword energy !

"Boom!" Tens of thousands of slaughtering sword qi slammed fiercely at hundreds of monks around, the tyrannical strength doomed the end...

The surroundings were suddenly filled with the sound of screams, and when countless monks screamed, they immediately gave way to a road...

Xuan Zhan smiled bitterly, thinking in his heart: Sure enough, like a teacher, there must be a disciple!Then walked towards the teleportation array with easy steps!

Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang stared at the indifferent You Zijin with dumbfounded eyes, a chill suddenly surged up behind them...

"Who dares to be arrogant to me, Gou Jingxing!" A sky-shattering roar suddenly howled from the sky, and the next moment, a rapid stream of light suddenly appeared in the sky!

Xuan Zhan looked at the streamer with amused expression, and chuckled softly, "It's him again!"

An indifferent and disdainful smile flashed across You Zijin's beautiful iceberg face, and under the light movement of the formula, a streamer of light suddenly flew out of his body, viciously blasting towards the visitor from the sky!

The man was horrified, and suddenly created a series of true essence barriers...

"Boom boom boom..." Under the sword energy, the barriers were instantly shattered, and then slammed into the person who came!

"Pfft..." The visitor spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at the teleportation array with stern eyes!

"The crowd of ants!" You Zijin said indifferently, and then led a few people into the teleportation array and disappeared before everyone's eyes!

That exactly Li Po who had a relationship with Xuan Zhan back then, the Pavilion Master of Miguang Pavilion of Bingjian...

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