Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 387 Crusade and declaration of war, the rampant prestige of the British land

Xuan Zhan thought about it for a moment, and his face suddenly sank. If the truth came out, it was the first time for Xuan Zhan to come to this misty Jianxintian, and he didn't understand anything deeply, especially the gang formation and intrigue. Eldest brother Wan Qingkui didn't even mention any point. Although he is in the complex sect of Piaomiao Jianxintian, he doesn't have much affection for it. The two big brothers who took care of him, as well as Tianxiong, Dihui, Dikuang, Xiaoxiaobai and others, he would definitely not appear in this place!

Now, he has been involved in such things unknowingly, but he feels inexplicably disgusted in his heart. Although many monks in front of him are his elders in name, but after only two contacts and exchanges Among them, they don't have a good impression of Yin Zhengfeng, a group of monks who are huddled in the deep mountains!

He is a disciple of Master Yu, and Queren is a disciple of Yin Zhengfeng. The two treat each other equally in seniority, but the lust for power and snobbery between Queren's brows are extremely conspicuous. I know that Queren It should belong to the generation who is extremely greedy!Immediately made a position for him in my heart...

"The five sword intents..." Xuan Zhan squinted his eyes at Yin Zhengfeng, and said softly, "Uncle Yin, you said that I absorbed my sword intent for the situation that day, right?"

"Exactly!" Yin Zhengfeng said coldly, "The five sword intents are important items for our disciples' sword cultivation, but you absorbed them. This crime is unforgivable!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly clasped his fists and said, "Uncle, this junior will ask you again, did this junior absorb the five sword intents on purpose? You are all top masters in the world, and I don't tell you what kind of physical condition I was in at that time. You should know , and, it is not too much to say, with my cultivation at the time, even if I was not injured, could I absorb the five sword intents? Piaomiao Jianxintian has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and I declared war. The talent is good, but it is hard to compare with the predecessors of the past, they are not capable of absorbing it, how can I absorb it when I declare war!"

The declaration of war was frank and straightforward, but a group of old guys on the opposite side fell silent when they heard the declaration of war!

That's true. On top of what he suffered when he declared war that day, his whole body was broken. Who can absorb the five sword intents under such circumstances?Apart from declaring war, let me ask the cultivators of Piaomiao Jianxintian, who dares to say that they can absorb these five sword intents!

No one dared to boast that Haikou could absorb the five sword intents!Every day before, there will be no more in the past!

Seeing Xuan Zhan's arrogant and calm face, everyone subconsciously felt a little embarrassed!

"Hey!" Que Ren suddenly said sharply, "Even if you make all kinds of sophistry, it is impossible to cover up that you are the real murderer who absorbed the five swords!"

Xuan Zhan frowned, Ling Ran looked at Que Ren, but suddenly stepped forward, with his hands proudly behind his back, and said in a deep and solemn voice: "Senior Brother Que Ren, what Xuan has done, he will never do Deny, I did absorb those five sword intents, but..."

"There is no but!" A stern look flashed in Que Ren's eyes, and he shouted wildly, "Since you know that you absorbed the five sword intents, you don't need to say all kinds of excuses. If you are a man, just tell me the truth." pick it up!"

After declaring war, he silently glanced at the middle-aged man in front of him, then glanced at the many elders behind Que Ren, and shook his head indifferently. Although Que Ren in front of him made him feel extremely annoying, but this person's behavior He was kind, but Xuan Zhan was suddenly taken aback!And those senior uncles just watched the declaration of war expressionlessly!

Xuan Zhan squinted his eyes, but a trace of disdain flashed, Xuan Zhan said lightly: "Well, even if I absorbed the five sword intents, but...Senior Brother Quren, are you worthy of convicting me!"

"You..." When Que Ren heard the words of declaring war, murderous intent suddenly shot out from his eyes, as if these words just touched his inverse scales of Que Ren, and immediately made him feel angry all over his body, "declare war , don’t be too arrogant! Is the law of my Misty Jian Xintian, a monk like you who just joined the sect can override it at will!"

"I don't know if he is qualified to surpass!" A maddened voice full of hostility suddenly sounded beside the crowd, "But you have the intention of using lynching, I can see it clearly!"

When the sound appeared, a gloomy and fierce light appeared above everyone's heads from the void at the same time, but a monk whose whole body was filled with madness and evil spirit, with only his head exposed appeared above everyone's heads!

Everyone was shocked, but they looked at the person with serious expressions, and said in a low voice, "Yingdi is rampant!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the person who came, thought for a moment, and heard the voices of the old people around him, and suddenly remembered who this person was, the master-level powerhouse of Piaomiao Jianxintian—the ferocious master Yingdi Ramp!

Yingdi Ran's complexion was pale, this kind of white was not ordinary white, it was pale!Seemingly unadulterated paleness, if it wasn't for the aura around him that proved his identity, Xuan Zhan would have thought he was just an ordinary young man with a pale complexion!But looking at the cloud of murderous smoke around him, Xuan Zhan's heart suddenly felt chills, and felt that what was wrapped in this evil smoke was an outrageous breath like a prehistoric beast!

"Que Ren!" Yingdi rampantly looked at Que Ren with eyes full of hostility, without looking at the declaration of war, but looked directly at Que Ren and whispered, "Don't cause trouble for me, Piao Miao Jian Xintian is not here yet You come and talk!"

Que Ren's heart skipped a beat, and a savage look flashed across his face. He is Yin Zhengfeng's big disciple, and the Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian monk who is about to ascend, but in this huge sect, I don't know when, It is no longer him and these senior disciples around him who are in charge!

Que Ren suddenly recalled the past. At that time, he had just entered the sect, and he had heard something told him by his brothers. Tens of thousands of years ago, Wan Qingkui was already a master-level powerhouse. However, Piao Miao back then Jian Xintian didn't have so many main-level powerhouses at all, and all the future main-level powerhouses were taken in by Wan Qingkui and Luo Tiangang!

And the disciples that the two of them took in have all grown up without exception. The monks who were once inferior to many of his senior brothers have grown into absolute powerhouses who can overturn the stars in just a thousand years!

And 200 years ago, he saw with his own eyes Wan Qingkui brought a few outside monks with a low level of cultivation to Yuzhixing, and then joined the Piaomiao Jianxin Tianmen sect, but after staying on Yuzhixing for several years, he became mysterious. They disappeared, and as for where they went, I didn't know at all!But this incident has become an unresolved mystery in his heart!

Just like the rampant hero in front of him, the well-known savage lord in the world of cosmic comprehension!It is said that 5000 years ago, he was just an ant whose cultivation base was only in the realm of digging Yuan, but it was heard that in less than 3000 years, he was able to control the stars with one hand and become a cultivator-level figure! 3000 years... For many monks, even the time to cultivate to the Tianxin stage is not enough...

Although he lacks tenacity, he is a Mahayana monk, but if he talks about controlling the stars, he is ridiculous. He can destroy a small planet...

Quren, with a complex and changeable complexion, was blocked by Yin Zhengfeng, looking at Yingdi rampant, he looked at Yingdi rampant from shame and anger, and said: "Yingdi rampant, Qu Ren is the old man's big disciple, you treat your fellow disciple like this , Covering up and declaring war, what is the intention! With this old man here, how can I allow you to mess around!"

Hearing this sentence, Yingdi's rampant eyebrows suddenly became a little gloomy, and she looked at Yin Zhengfeng and said without the slightest emotion: "Old fellows who are close to life, if the boss hadn't ordered you not to be forced to kill you, just what you said just now, It is already enough for me to kill you thousands of times, fall into reincarnation and never be reborn!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Yin Zhengfeng and a group of old people around him, even if they declared war, their hearts would not stop trembling. What Yingdi Huang said just now really shook his heart!

"Junior dare!" Yin Zhengfeng's whole body suddenly burst into fury and tyranny, and he saw a surge of sword intent suddenly soaring into the sky, and his old face was ferocious. During the roar, thousands of sword qi raged wildly from his body Come out, and slammed towards Yingdi fiercely!

This force, just like Tianwei's wrath, shocked hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and suddenly the wind and clouds surged and turmoiled!

At this moment, when Xuan Zhan was not surprised, he saw Yingdi Rang suddenly stretched out a finger. This finger was so small and powerless under the turbulent power of heaven and earth at this moment, like an ant Ordinary lingering!

Yin Zhengfeng is a master who lacks tenacity. His own strength is strong. Although he has not passed the thunder calamity to advance to the Mahayana period, his cultivation base has spent countless talents and treasures in this ruthless time for thousands of years. After passing the eight-level loose immortal thunder calamity, you will become an eighth-rank loose immortal!It can be said that with Yin Zhengfeng's current strength, even if he declared war, he would be at the point of instant killing!

However, the thousands of sword qi that can instantly kill the declaration of war, immediately after the finger that Ying Diyan stretched out, a tyrannical torrent suddenly burst from the finger!

If Yin Zhengfeng's strength is the power of heaven and earth, then the power that Yingdi Mang suddenly poured out from this finger is simply as divine as hell, as ferocious as the breath of the wild!

"Boom!!!" The tyrannical torrent blasted away the countless sword qi that Yin Zhengfeng had shot out until it collapsed and disappeared...

"Boom..." With this location as the center, the two bombarded each other, instantly destroying an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers around the entire Withered Mountain!

A group of Piaomiao Jianxintian elder monks around them were shocked for a while, and they all stretched out their body protection barriers, frantically resisting the energy fluctuations generated by the bombing of the two!

Xuan Zhan looked at the torrent of energy around him, which spread to both sides as soon as he got close to him, and he knew in his heart that although Na Yingdi was fighting with Yin Zhengfeng, he still did not forget to protect himself!However, even so, he declared war and finally saw the tyrannical power of this master cultivator, one finger, just one finger can burst out such a tyrannical power!

This kind of scene, which seemed to be seen only in a dream, immediately made Xuan Zhan feel invincible!

A long time ago, he had seen Wan Qingkui make a move, and the stars were destroyed with a wave of his hand, which was even enough to turn back time, but...

Xuan Zhan sighed leisurely, no matter how he imagined it, he couldn't believe how far the realm of a master monk had reached...

"Yingdi rampant, don't bully people too much!" Dozens of monks couldn't stand it and yelled angrily, all of them were shocked, and the boundless frenzy burst out suddenly!

But seeing beside this withered mountain, all kinds of lights suddenly flowed, and sword qi with different attributes rose across the sky. In an instant, it was the magical power of heaven and earth. He slammed it hard!

"Hmph, a group of ants who don't know the so-called!" Yingdi groaned in a low voice, and suddenly flipped the palm of his right hand!

"Boom!" Hundreds of murderous sword qi suddenly fell from the sky, and all of them smashed fiercely at the cultivator who made the attack!

The faces of the dozens of cultivators who made the attack suddenly changed, and the magic formula suddenly became frenzied, and they summoned their own natal magic weapons to protect their bodies desperately!Especially Yin Zhengfeng, with lack of tenacity, unleashed hundreds of millions of sword qi, and crazily blasted towards the ferocious sword qi above his head!

In just a split second, these dozens of ferocious breaths shattered all the sword energy from these monks with the supreme magic power, but the castration did not diminish, and it still fell on the bodies of these dozens of monks!

"Boom..." The ground with a radius of tens of kilometers sank slightly, but at this moment, dozens of large pits with a diameter of [-] meters appeared in front of the declaration of war, and the surrounding trees and grasses were still completely wiped out. Turn into a hellish scene on earth!

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