Xuan Zhan sat cross-legged in the guest room, sighed softly, perhaps because of preconceived reasons, he really dislikes the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, and feels that this place is quite vulgar.And because of the vicious words of that savage princess in the daytime, even a trace of murderous intent arose in his heart!

His mind slowly turned, and he felt that Tianxiong would definitely not retreat, so what was the reason for Qiu Mingyue to hide the truth and not let himself see Tianxiong? , it stands to reason that the Dabi, a disciple of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, must have been there today, and Tianxiong and the Earth Maniac came back together, so the Earth Maniac must know what happened to Tianxiong!

With a flash of figure, he appeared in the sky above the guest room in an instant, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, Xuan Zhan's eyes wrinkled for a while, thinking of the miraculous ability of his eyes, but he was not proficient in controlling them, and it was too powerful to use... Thinking about it After a while, the thunder element in the body slowly circulated, looking at this piece of heaven and earth, a thunder element slowly flowed to the eyes, at this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the heart, this piece of sky seemed to sense something, the dark clouds in the sky slowly Densely covered, from the dark clouds "Boom!" came a sound of thunder...

Declaring war immersed in his mind, his face seemed to be solemn and solemn!A white thunderbolt flashed across the deep eyes looking at the sky, and a bolt of lightning suddenly "clicked" in the sky...

The structure of this world slowly appeared in his eyes, looking at the hazy streamer above the white silk threads, Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, looking around, the world in his eyes began to shine!

Leng Mei in the distance heard the turmoil in the sky, she raised her head slightly in her heart, looked towards the place where the war was declared, and thought of the declaration of war that her body floated up and flew to the sky in an instant!

Looking at this space that is as clear as water, Xuan Zhan felt silent for a while, "Huh?" Xuan Zhan looked at a place, and a doubt flashed in his heart. The place he saw was behind this small island, and he saw that place , like a formation that has lost its aura, it is in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 50 meters, and a six-pointed formation is depicted in this circle, and the ancient curse patterns seem to have lost their life at this moment, desolate and dead silent...

"Where is this place?" Xuan Zhan had a question in his heart. This formation... seems to have been seen in some records about the cultivation world left by his master Master Yu, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. After memorizing the pattern of the formation, Xuan Zhan plans to go back and browse through those materials again!

"What did you find?" Leng Mei asked softly behind her.

Xuan Zhan shook his head and said: "I'm looking for Tianxiong, but... wait!" He saw a small courtyard, and the strange thing is that this small courtyard actually presented a foggy scene in his eyes , I just roughly saw the outline of the periphery of this small courtyard...

At this moment, a huge surge of intangible and qualitative energy suddenly surged out of this small courtyard. This energy instantly penetrated the void, and directly bumped towards the declaration of war and Leng Mei. The two of them couldn't dodge in time, "Boom!" collided with this energy, and their bodies were blasted into the sky as if being thrown into the air!

Staying in the air to stabilize his figure, Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei looked at each other in horror.

"No fall!" The two said in surprise at the same time.

"Hum!" An angry hum suddenly poured into the ears of the two of them. Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei could only feel that under this angry hum, the real energy in their bodies was in turmoil, and the two people's blood was tumbling with the sound of panic. .

Leng Mei held back her turbulent body, her eyes sharpened suddenly, a stream of extremely cold energy flowed in her body, and the suppressing skill "Han Yu Ning Danxin Method" of Mingxin Cold Qi Realm suddenly turned in her body!

At the same time, the fourth layer of "Cang Xin Jue" surged violently, declared war and immediately withdrew the supernatural powers of the eyes, the thunder element in the body roared wildly, there was a "bang" in the sky, and the dark clouds were densely covered with lightning and thunder!

"Huh..." A slightly surprised old voice sounded in the ears of the two, "The two little guys have good cultivation! Especially you kid, you have achieved the body of Lei Yuan resonance at such a young age!"

Xuan Zhan slowly recovered from the shock in his heart, he didn't expect that the small courtyard turned out to be the place where the founder of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect practiced, no wonder he couldn't see clearly!Clasping fists together, he said, "The two juniors have no intention of offending seniors, it's just that my friend Tianxiong is somewhere within the noble sect, but I can't find it..."

"I already know the reason for your visit, don't worry, this little guy is here with me, drinking with my grandson and grandson, the two of you are unconscious!" The old voice said indifferently, "It's just that I am a real Jade Illusory Heart Sect It's not for anyone to search at will!" As soon as these words came out, an energy that was several times more violent than before surged up in the small courtyard, rushing into the air to declare war and charming the two of them!

"Xu Jian—Empty Screen Lotus Flower!", Xuan Zhan clenched his fingers and pinched the sword formula, and the golden sword flashed all over his body in an instant. Under the guidance of the sword formula, he angrily unfolded nine golden swords Mang blocked the two of them behind...

At the same time as Leng Mei issued the magic formula, the veil on her body rose without wind, changing into several white veils, wrapping the two of them in it!

Unfallen period, mysterious unfallen period!Feeling this magical energy like a giant mountain pressing down on the top, the two of them were shocked again and again!Is this the period of not falling, the real body has not been seen, but the words change the situation!

"Boom!" As soon as the two of them finished defending, this energy came over fiercely...

All of a sudden, the earth was shaken, and this small island was crumbling under this incomparable energy...

"What's going on?" Qiu Mingyue suddenly stood up in the place of meditation, and his body appeared in the void in a flash. Looking at the declaration of war and the coldness in the distance, something bad suddenly flashed in his heart!

The turbulence caused the light on the island to suddenly light up. Countless monks and disciples flew into the air with magic weapons, looking at the battle place in horror...

At this moment, Xuan Zhan was under tremendous pressure, and his whole body seemed to collapse. With a slight pull of the sword formula, the surging Lei Yuan in his body followed the guidance of the sword formula, and with a sound of "Kach!", it exploded crazily in his body, turning golden. The sword instantly transformed into nine hundred-foot-long thunderbolts and lightnings, the divine thunder of heaven and earth, broke all the filth in the world, and taught thousands of ways to secluded beings!

Nine thunderbolts danced wildly like silver snakes. With the movement of the sword, the nine thunderbolts immediately enveloped Xuan Zhan and they turned into a thunderbolt sphere!Feeling the tremendous pressure, Xuan Zhan's eyes reappeared in an instant, and the structure of heaven and earth appeared again. He looked around indifferently, his left hand gently embraced Leng Mei's soft waist, he made a wrong step, and took a step...one step, five kilometers far!

"Huh?" The old voice said, "What kind of Taoism is this?", as if wondering why the two of them appeared in the air five kilometers away in an instant...

The blushing face of Leng Mei, who was hugged by Xuan Zhan, was slightly revealed. At this moment, the huge energy around the two of them had disappeared. Leng Mei flashed lightly, and left Xuan Zhan's left hand...

"This... this declaration of war..." Qiu Mingyue looked at the declaration of war in the distance with his eyes in shock. He had waited and watched before, and he already understood that the declaration of war and Leng Mei had attracted the attention of the patriarch!But at this moment, they don't know what method they used, and they have escaped from the siege of the ancestor's spiritual consciousness!Although I can't see clearly the cultivation base of this declaration of war, he is definitely not the opponent of the patriarch, but at this moment... His eyes are faintly silent, the elder Ke Qing of the Pride Sect really lives up to his name, no... even on it!

"Sovereign, this..." The three whirlwind stage masters beside him looked into the distance with horror on their faces...

"This declaration of war, the strength is unpredictable, and if you can escape the imprisonment of the ancestor's spiritual consciousness, you must not be the opponent of this son!" Qiu Mingyue said lightly.

Xuan Zhan standing in the void in the distance looked indifferently at the mysterious small courtyard below, feeling a little fear in his heart for this immortal master!What the unfallen old man used just now should be the "spiritual consciousness" that can only be possessed by unfallen masters, and this divine consciousness is only one of the unique means of unfallen stage!Consciousness, qualitative and invisible energy, can transform everything in the world into reality. This kind of supernatural ability is definitely not something that people in the spiral stage can resist...

"Is this... is it divine consciousness..." Leng Mei said silently, her heart was also shaken, and the cold and ice-like temperament of the past was no longer...

"Let's retreat!" The unfalling voice suddenly said leisurely on the Void Star Island, "When Tianxiong and Dikuang wake up, you can see it!"

As soon as the voice sounded, countless monks bowed in vain: "Respect the will of the patriarch!" The next moment, countless streamers slowly fell...

"You guys go down too, I'll take a look at the two of them!" Qiu Mingyue said lightly to the elders around him, and with a flash, he flew towards Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei.

Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei withdrew their true energy, looked at Qiu Mingyue and said, "Sect Master Qiu, please explain to me why Tianxiong is hidden during the day."

Qiu Mingyue smiled wryly and said: "Fellow Taoist, Palace Master Leng, let's go on and talk about it. Here, one or two sentences are not clear, but rest assured, Young Sect Master Tianxiong is absolutely safe and sound at this moment!"

Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei glanced at each other, then flew towards the guest room below.Qiu Mingyue smiled wryly: These two are really troublemakers, but they are so strong in cultivation!

Then it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the residence of the two.

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