Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 60 Turmoil

The Mixin Sect is a middle-level cultivation sect in the mainland of China. The disciples of the sect have withered. With the prosperity of the five major sects of the righteous way and the three sects of the evil way, it belongs to the sect that lives in the gap with its tail between its legs!

You Xin is the elder of the late Jixin of the Mixin Sect. Although his cultivation is not outstanding, his charm has made countless monks willing to sacrifice their lives for this woman!

But at this moment, You Xin no longer had her usual alluring appearance, her revealing coat was already in tatters, and there was even a trace of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, she was running desperately in the woods!

Looking at the dark forest, You Xin felt bitter and unspeakable, but she was terrified of the righteous people in her heart. Since two months ago, her Misty Heart Sect was suddenly hunted down by a large number of monks from the Pride Sect, and the sect was destroyed. The disciples were scattered, dying and fleeing!She knew that in addition to the Qinghu incident, there were three or two people from the Proud Qi Sect who had ulterior motives to eradicate the disciples of the Mixin Sect!She knows who these people are the masterminds, and she also wants to expose the evil face of this righteous person directly after she settles down!But... now she has to be exhausted in running for her life... the master behind her is following her!As if, I will never give up until I kill her!She also knows that the secret in her hands is so great that it even involves the direct displacement of several major sects in the cultivation world!

At this moment, You Xin suddenly froze, and looked ahead in horror. In the dark woods, a figure slowly walked out. The long shadow covered the mysterious person's face so that he couldn't see it at all!

"You Xin, are you running happily!" the mysterious person said lightly, but it was a male voice!

You Xin looked at this mysterious man, and said sadly: "Senior, my little girl will never reveal a word about your plan, I... I, I will immediately find a place to live in seclusion, and I will never appear in front of the world for the rest of my life, I beg you Senior forgive the little girl for her life!"

The man smiled darkly and said in a low voice: "In this world, the dead are the ones who won't reveal their secrets, hehe..." Then he paused and continued, "It's only because you appeared on the Qinghu Lake back then. If you learn more about the thorns, the old man will not bother to kill you at this moment, doing this thankless thing..."

Youxin smiled sadly, it turns turns out that my death was all caused by appearing in Qinghu! But...once I entered cultivation, I couldn't turn back...

"Senior, as long as you let the little girl go, the little girl is willing to be a slave for the rest of her life, no matter how much you torture and scold her, please... please show me your noble hand!" You Xin said sadly and flatteringly.

The mysterious man sighed, as if he was extremely regretful, and said lightly: "Hey, it's too late, hehe... Youxin, you should know that once I, a cultivator, enters this cage, I can't escape and turn back! Seeing Xuan Zhan died in front of you and revealed his true face, ruining our hundreds of years of plans, if you are still alive, you can't afford this crime!"

As soon as Shi Shi finished speaking, a wave of energy full of death breath hit You Xin in an instant!

You Xin trembled all over, feeling this force, subconsciously flew to the side!However, the next moment, that mysterious man appeared ten meters in front of You Xin, and in the darkness, two sharp cold lights came out, looking at You Xin, he said ruthlessly: "You Xin, a dying person, still wants to escape! ", as soon as the words fell, a sword light instantly pierced towards You Xin's chest!

The speed inspired by this sword light is definitely not comparable to that of You Xin, a late-stage cultivator, a majestic force instantly penetrates You Xin's heart that has not yet reacted! With a "plop", You Xin fell to the ground in an instant, spitting blood, eyes flashed with confusion, and said to himself: "The most ruthless... the most ruthless, why...why don't I waste it?" Those hundreds of years of ordinary time...however, you want to ask for these hundreds of years, hiding and hiding all day long...hehehehe...", looking at the mysterious man spitting blood, he said miserably: "Senior, little boy The woman's cultivation base is superficial... but she has been reduced to being used by you, You Xin is about to die, but she wants to die clearly... You, who are you?"

The man sighed, and slowly walked out of the shadows, You Xin took advantage of the dim moonlight to look at the man, Shi Shi saw it clearly, his whole body seemed to be frozen, after a few breaths, he "giggled" and said with a coquettish laugh: " It's a shame, it's a shame... the Pride Sect! The Pride Sect has been deceived by you, such as the illusory clouds and flowing mountains, the three-star pavilion of Qingshu... Haha, senior's forbearance is so high, the little girl... I admire it!" , as soon as the voice fell, Youxin slowly disappeared with his last breath...

"I can't help myself!" The man looked at the dead Youxin, sighed and said slowly, and then slowly disappeared, and came from his mouth silently: "Dust to dust, dust to dust! Everything in the world is born of existence. , Being born out of nothing, going back to going back... But, where is nothing born?"


Linglong sat on a part of Qingsong Peak, staring blankly at the Tanxin Pavilion in the distance, then sighed boredly, and muttered: "It's been three or four months, and Uncle Xuan hasn't left the customs yet! I'm so bored ..." and then propped his chin with his hands and looked at the Tanxin Pavilion, which was covered with a blue light, and lightning flashed occasionally on the blue light!

"Brother Tianxiong doesn't know what's going on recently. He often goes outside. Sister Dihui is also true. Since she came back, she has also started to retreat. Brother Dikuang often fights with the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect one after another. Hey... …Uncle Xuan, Linglong is so boring..." Linglong yawned, stared blankly at Tanxin Pavilion, then seemed to think of something funny, and smiled silly by herself...

"Junior Sister Linglong, Junior Sister Linglong!" Someone suddenly shouted in the distance.

Linglong looked at the person boredly, then narrowed her eyes and said lightly: "Senior Brother Su, what's the matter?"

But seeing the handsome face of the person who came, and the slender and tall figure set off by the strong blue clothes, this person is the seventh among the nine disciples of the Proud Qi Sect. His name is Su Lin, and he is six. The closed disciple of Elder Liuchen, who ranks the last among the great elders, has completely stabilized his cultivation in the early stage of Confinement Heart, and is working hard to attack the early stage of Confinement Heart!

"Hehe, I knew Junior Sister Linglong was here, don't wait, senior brother Su will take you to play, it is said that the local madman is going to compete with the old eighth Yang Hua today, let's go and have a look!"

"It's so boring, Brother Su, that maniac doesn't do anything except fight with others!" Linglong said indifferently, "Besides, with such a low cultivation level, there's nothing to see!"

Su Lin was taken aback for a moment, and then he said nana: "But, Junior Sister Linglong is only in the middle stage of Digging Yuan. It will be of great benefit to me to watch more of their battles!"

"Boring!" Linglong rolled her eyes, but she thought of her Uncle Xuan. Every time there was a big battle, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her heart!

Su Lin smiled awkwardly, and then asked curiously: "Junior Sister Linglong is still waiting for Elder Xuan to leave the customs, right?"

"Well, yes!" Linglong said casually, "Uncle Xuan can really hold back inside, hey..."

"Hehe, for senior monks like Elder Xuan, every time they retreat, it's only three or four months, which is really too short!" Su Lin laughed. He also admired the declaration of war in his heart. It is said that Elder Xuan actually had a fight with the patriarch of this sect in the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, and, with the initial cultivation of Xuanlun, he did not show defeat within ten strokes. Far away, I can only fantasize in my heart!

Linglong rolled her eyes, since she returned to the Pride Sect this time, this Su Lin didn't know what was going on, and came to her every other day or so, even if she had nothing to say, she followed her like a tail, and couldn't even shake her off. But this Su Lin didn't make him hate him, so... he let him follow him!

"Junior Sister, I'll tell you something, don't tell others!" Su Lin said mysteriously.

Linglong said weakly: "If you have anything to say, hurry up and stop dawdling!"

"Senior brother Tianxiong will be back tomorrow. Before he left, he promised us brothers and sisters that he would bring a lot of wine and meat from the ordinary world, as well as some delicacies from mountains and seas. We will eat them tomorrow!" Su Lin said quietly, not allowed in the sect. Excessive drinking and meat, as long as he is found out, Elder Tie will definitely punish him severely!Therefore, under normal circumstances, all the disciples can only eat the delicious delicacies secretly!

Linglong finally became interested when she heard the news, and said with a grin, "Senior Brother Su, when will Brother Tianxiong come back tomorrow?" !

"Well, maybe tomorrow afternoon, junior sister is interested!" Su Lin laughed.

Linglong laughed coquettishly: "I haven't seen Brother Tianxiong for half a month, I miss him a lot, when he comes, we have to blackmail him well, heck..."

Su Lin smiled faintly, and continued: "It's decided, Junior Sister, tomorrow I'll call you where you live!"

"En!" Linglong said lightly, and then chatted with Su Lin about some other messy things. This day gradually passed...

In the afternoon of the next day, after Tianxiong came back from the outside, he reported his experience to Tianshangge and the six suzerains. As soon as he left the hall, he sneaked to the back mountain of "Qiandifeng", one of the twelve peaks of the Proud Qi Sect.

There is a secluded and elegant residence in the back mountain of Qiandie Peak. This place is the place where Tianxiong and other nine disciples of the Xinxin period often gather. They like to run here when they have nothing to do. They have a small party, drink a little wine, eat something Delicious side dishes, so happy!

As soon as he appeared at the door of Yaju, a flash of light suddenly shot out from inside, Tianxiong laughed and said: "Junior brothers and sisters, in front of my Xuanlun stage masters, you actually want to use this sneak attack method, you think you are Brother Xuan! !” Before the words fell, the figure flashed, and after dodging the flash, he rushed into Yaju in an instant.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound in the small room!

"Watch me monkey steal peaches!"

"Avalokitesvara sits on a lotus! Oops... I'm sorry, my brother, I'm wrong! It's a sin, my brother, Avalokitesvara sits on a lotus..."

"You stinky men, watch me cut grass and roots!" A slightly shy voice shouted!

"Senior Brother Tianxiong, come on, Brother Tianxiong, come on..." This was Linglong's voice.

"Haha... look at the sweeping of this real person! All the brats go away, haha..."

"Ah, Lao Liu, I was wrong... Lao Liu, spare your life, I shouldn't have stolen your peach..."

"Junior Sister Linglong, help me...they are too many to bully!"

"Hehehehe... It's a pity that Senior Sister Dihui is not here, and Linglong's cultivation level is low, so I can't help you..."

"Brother, fight me for [-] rounds, ah... I will fight! Ouch... Amitabha... Surin, I was wrong..."

About half an hour later, the sound of laughter and slapstick slowly fell...

However, in the room, everyone was tearing at each other layer by layer. It was miserable!They didn't have the self-discipline attitude that a cultivator should have, and they were all playing around happily... Around these people, there were three female disciples who were smiling and charming, and among them, Linglongjiao Stand among them with a smile!

Panting heavily, Tianxiong looked at the mountains of human flesh layer upon layer on his body, and said with a pair of miserable faces: "You... you brats, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted..."

Xu Zhong panted heavily and said loudly: "Elder brother, do you accept it or not!"

"Don't accept it! This sneak attack!" Tianxiong roared angrily.

"If you don't accept it, hit me!" A disciple inside roared angrily!



A female disciple beside her shyly looked at the group of men and said softly, "Really, it doesn't have the prestige of the 'Nine Swords' of the Pride Sect at all!", but the "Nine Swords" were given to nine disciples by countless disciples of the Pride Sect. The title given to the disciple with the highest cultivation! , this woman is the eldest disciple of the elder Shui Qingdie, her name is Fang Qingya, as her name suggests, she has a beautiful face that is indeed delicate and elegant!

Another disciple next to Linglong is the last among the Nine Swords, the beloved daughter of the elder Xu Changan, her body cultivation has just entered the early stage of restraining her heart dozens of years ago, her name is Xu Jing, but she heard her She said tenderly, "Senior Sister Fang, it's not that you don't know. The few of them look dignified and handsome outside, and when they are in front of our own people, they let go of all airs! However, I like this feeling, Junior Sister. Heck... big brother, come on!"

"You bullies, bullies, you brats... Oh no, who grabbed my crotch!"


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