Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 79 tit for tat

Chenshi the next day!

Tianshangge looked at the thousands of monks on the arena, and proudly said with his hands behind his back: "After two days of fierce competition, we have finally selected the top [-] young monks in our Moyu Association! And these five Ten drops of the Spring of Righteous Mind can also be regarded as a 'Flower Falling Bright Lord', hehe..."

The monks who were eliminated below each sighed. Looking at the fifty young monks in the field, there were countless expressions of envy in their eyes. One drop of the spiritual spring can be worth ten years of hard work. ...

"Starting today, these fifty outstanding young men began to compete for the top ten at a time, and then selected the most outstanding top three from the top ten!"

"Which talented person will get that sword-level magic weapon of my Proud Qi Sect, hehe..." After Tianshangge finished speaking indifferently, he looked at the arena below, and suddenly his hands swung, swirling round In the later stage, the cultivation base of Dzogchen suddenly oscillated within a radius of tens of kilometers!

The faces of the thousands of monks present tensed up, and the faces of the monks with low cultivation even turned pale in an instant!

At this moment, the ten arenas suddenly boomed and violently turbulent. Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Tianshangge yelled softly: "Get up...", white light flashed on both palms, surging The true essence instantly enveloped the ten oscillating arenas!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I saw the ten huge arenas slowly rising...

" this the perfect cultivation of the whirlpool..." Countless monks stared at this scene in shock, as if at this moment, it had become a holy place for monks to pilgrimage...

Ten huge arenas slowly rose to a height of nearly [-] meters under the gaze of countless monks!

Tianshangge looked indifferently at the ten huge arenas in the sky, and softly shouted: "Here!" As soon as the words fell, the situation was turbulent, and the sky was turned upside down...

The ten arenas moved slowly above the height of [-] meters. After a dozen or so breaths, they made roaring sounds and joined together... When the ten arenas were completely joined together Suddenly, a super arena quietly appeared in the eyes of everyone!

Wuming, Yanzhen and Poyunzi looked at each other gloomyly, a trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the three of them, and it disappeared in a flash...

"I didn't expect this old bastard's skill to reach such a level..." Wuming thought sinisterly in his heart, looking at Shangge's indifferent figure that day, a stern light flashed away, and he wished he could rush up and kill him immediately the...

The three people who were not far away were slightly cast aside with cold and cold eyes, and a slight disdainful chuckle appeared on the corner of the mouth under the veil of the corner of the mouth!

Tianshangge controlled the super arena, and slowly lowered his hands, and the arena fell with it!

"Boom..." There was a shock, and the entire Jianzhong Peak trembled slightly!

What was presented in front of everyone seemed to be an arena that had been enlarged ten times!

"The competition begins!" The next deacon let out a clear whistle, and fifty monks appeared around the super arena in a flash!

"The first match, Diaoyu vs. Shiya!" The deacon said lightly. The young casual cultivator named Diaoyu who Tianxiong noticed appeared on the arena in a flash. Proudly, Diao Yusheng is white and clean, and his eyes are extremely bright, as if they have been washed by the spirit of the fairy spirit, without any distracting thoughts!The most fundamental reason why Tianxiong was so impressed with this person was his pair of pure eyes that were not like those in the cultivation world!

It should be known that the world of cultivation is a cruel world, once one enters the world of cultivation, there is no turning back, and the indifference and ruthlessness of the world of cultivation creates a heart as hard as a stone and as cold as ice!But through this person's eyes, Tianxiong saw an extremely pure and thorough heart!Therefore, Tianxiong is wary of this person. Judging from his rich experience, either this person's Dao heart is really as pure as Tianshan snow lotus, or... belongs to the most terrifying type of person, absolutely Hidden thoughts!

Shi Ya is also a casual cultivator, but Shi Ya's expression is indeed the eyes of a normal cultivator, cold, indifferent, and even deeply wary...

What Carving Jade uses is a pen, a light and delicate brush, but through the power emanating from this pen, no young monk dares to be careless; the magic weapon used by Shi Ya is a gun, a cold air Shoot the sharp silver snake gun!However, the strengths of the two are extremely asymmetrical. The older generation of Xuanlun powerhouses can find out that Diaoyu is in the early stage of Xuanlun, while Shiya is in the late period of Jixin!

After the two exchanged names, they began the competition. It is said that any young monk who has advanced to the top [-] will have a few powerful spells, but the cultivation bases of the two are really not at the same level. After drawing the third "one"-shaped true element, he won easily...

When Diaoyu was winning, he even smiled at Tianxiong, Tianxiong saw a hint of kindness in his eyes, Tianxiong also nodded to this person, and smiled...

"Next match, Su Lin vs. Xiao Junfeng!" The deacon said indifferently.

Su Lin slowly walked towards the arena, but he gently grasped the magic weapon flying sword he was using, like a man in the rivers and lakes; Xiao Junfeng also used a three-foot cold front!

Su Lin looked at the indifferent Xiao Junfeng opposite, and proudly smiled softly: "We still met..."

Xiao Junfeng smiled coldly, and said coldly with the sword formula: "Stop talking nonsense, I will see the winners and losers!", but saw a cold light suddenly shot from between the fingers, and quickly spun around his body.

Su Lin squinted his eyes, and said indifferently: "Since you want to lose so much, I'll let you do it!" As soon as the words fell, his cultivation level that was completely suppressed by him before suddenly radiated out—the late stage of heart restraint!

"Good boy!" Tianxiong was taken aback, and laughed instantly. He didn't expect Su Lin to break through after he came back. At the beginning, when he was not traveling, he was just a monk in the mid-term. Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and in the last few critical days, I broke through to the late stage of restraint...

Maybe it's because he deliberately suppressed his cultivation... Tianxiong said with emotion in his heart.

Fang Qingya said with a soft smile: "Eldest brother, you don't know that since we experienced that catastrophe, this kid seems to practice desperately. When he was traveling outside, he worked the hardest and desperately!"

Tianxiong nodded knowingly, the doomed doom a year and a half ago really stimulated his juniors and sisters, otherwise, if he wanted to break through the middle stage and enter the late stage, it would be far from enough. It can be done in one year, or even a few years, and it may take more than ten years to step into...

Xiao Junfeng was taken aback for a moment, then snorted coldly and said: "In the late stage of Jixin, I didn't expect to be broken by you at this critical moment... But, do you think that in the late stage of Jixin, you can steadily defeat me?"

Su Lin smiled proudly: "Try it and you will know!" As soon as the voice fell, the sword formula suddenly came out, and the flying sword with him suddenly scattered in the sky, turning into thousands of flying swords. Under the guidance of Su Lin's sword formula, Qian Daofei A long torrent of flying swords from the sword row rushed towards Xiao Junfeng crazily!

Xiao Junfeng snorted coldly, and the flying sword spinning around him instantly transformed into a blue barrier, which tightly surrounded his whole body.

Hearing "Ding Ding Ding..." After a burst of sound, Xiao Junfeng's formula changed, and a mountain-like true energy surged up, and suddenly turned into a long roaring fire dragon in the air, and swallowed it at Su Lin with a roar. past.

The "Hao Ran Ao Xin Jue" crazily shook Su Lin's body, and the sword art moved: Zangfeng Chain Sword!The flying sword under his hand flashed suddenly, and instantly changed into three sword lights exuding unparalleled power, and shot towards the fire dragon frantically!

"Boom..." After a loud roar, two of Su Lin's three flying swords were instantly scattered. In the last one, Xiao Junfeng was accidentally shot all over him, and a burst of air fluctuations instantly turbulent "Om..."

"Explosive Sword Art!" Su Lin let out a clear whistle, and the magic weapon flying sword suddenly changed into a huge flying sword thirty feet long and shining with dazzling white light!

Xiao Junfeng looked at this powerful move, he didn't dare to fall behind, he stood clangingly, the sword formula surged for a while, and then with a movement of the sword finger, the flying sword transformed into nearly a thousand in an instant, and ruthlessly slammed into Su Lin's flying sword!

"Zha!" Su Lin snorted angrily, and the huge flying sword under his control swept across the countless sword lights, and after a burst of magic weapon impact sounds!The two suddenly moved and appeared in the sky in an instant. The two of them fought frantically back and forth...

All of a sudden, sword energy surged, cold light radiated everywhere, and countless leaked sword energy flew fiercely...

The two wrestled in the air, and they appeared to be evenly matched, but the old camel Zhuxi below looked more and more surprised. He knew how much his disciple was, and now he had lost all his wealth, and all he had to do was take out It's a desperate attitude. With his current combat experience, it is difficult for the general Xinxin late stage to get benefits!But that Su Lin only put out eight parts of his strength, as if he still had a plan...

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Su Lin said with a clear whistle: "Xiao Junfeng, look at the move! The second form of the Tibetan Front Three Swords, Phantom Sword!" As soon as the words fell, the flying sword flashed instantly, and even drew a path The phantom, instantly transformed into thousands of hazy sword lights in the air, spread all over Xiao Junfeng's surroundings!

Xiao Junfeng looked at the phantoms around him in horror, he couldn't tell which one was real and which one was false, he was furious in his heart, when the sword formula came out, nearly a thousand flying swords flew out of the air in an instant, sweeping towards the surrounding phantoms , but the sword failed...

"Here!" Su Lin said coldly, as soon as the words fell, a unparalleled sword energy flashed across Xiao Junfeng's side in an instant...

"Pfft..." Xiao Junfeng's body was instantly bombarded fiercely, and after the sword light came out through his body, Xiao Junfeng trembled all over, like an old withered tree that was about to fall!

Zhuxi sighed secretly, and shook his head helplessly, the top ten has nothing to do with him!

The deacon elder smiled lightly, he is a disciple of the Proud Qi Sect, and his own sect won, of course he was happy, and then he said with a clear whistle: "Su Lin, the Proud Qi Sect, win!"

"The next battle is Dihui vs. Yeying!" the deacon disciple continued.

Ye Ying is the only female monk in the three sects of the Demon Sect, but she is the strongest female monk among the three sects of the Demon Sect.For Di Hui, this battle can be described as quite difficult...

Both of them are women, but they turned the world upside down as soon as they played. Compared with Su Lin and Xiao Junfeng in the previous match, they can be said to be on a higher level in terms of cultivation and intensity!

The "Han Yu Ning Dan Heart Method" in the world of bright heart and cold air is the first-class and superb mental method in the realm of comprehension in the mainland of China. Hui is a little lower, but this woman's cultivation is a whole level higher than Zhihui's!The magic weapons used by the two are both high-level magic weapons, but this battle is like a battle between dragons and tigers, which makes the monks below look extremely anxious!

Di Huisheng has rich experience, the more the two fight, the more tragic the moves they use, until both of them are injured, until finally, Di Hui holds on to his injuries, and uses a deadly entanglement that even has a hint of annihilation, and then kills the phantom He fainted from the beating, which is a miserable victory!But this battle made everyone quietly remember the name of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm - Di Hui!

Fang Qingya was defeated by Bing Ruo, the senior elder sister of the Mingxin Chilling Qi Realm. When the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect advanced to the top [-], only Dikuang and his senior brother Zhang Xu were left. He ran into the only young monk from Xuyun Liubo Mountain—Kong Shuo, and lost!

After such a round, there are only Tianxiong and Su Lin left in the Proud Qi School, two people in the Demon Sect, and no one in the Mingxin Cold Qi Realm is intact!There is only one person left in the three-star pavilion of Qingshu, Zhenyu Huanxinzong and Xuyun Liuboshan, one person!

Youshi has just passed, and the top 25 have already been born. In order to successfully select the top 25, we will draw lots with luck, [-] numbers, and the disciples who get the bottom ten will compete again, and five people will be selected for the top [-] powerful!

Although this lottery does not depend on the strength of cultivation, but those who practice the Tao most pay attention to the luck in the dark!Sometimes, luck... is also part of a person's strength!

After drawing lots, Tianxiong smiled wryly, he actually got the number eighteen, and the other nine people, Kong Shuo from Xuyun Liuboshan, were among them, and the other two in Mingxin Hanqi Realm besides Bingruo and Dihui Among them are five disciples, and the other six are all disciples of other sects!

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