Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 83 Declare war now!

In the middle of the night, Di Hui sat alone on the roof of her guest room, slowly opened her eyes, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and felt a little melancholy from the bottom of her heart. How long has it been since I saw him?That figure that has been deeply engraved in the deepest part of his heart, unconsciously poured into his mind...

"People are ruthless when they are most affectionate..." Dihui said bitterly, that man, with the utmost affection for his late wife, could no longer tolerate any beauty walking into his heart...

Getting rid of the melancholy from his mind, Di Huifu thought again of the battle with Senior Sister Bingruo during the day, what she said!She felt that this set of footwork seemed to have stepped into a knot that she couldn't see through, or that she had only practiced this set of footwork for a short time, and she hadn't discovered the profound meaning in it!

Fight against Xu Shifei tomorrow!Thinking of this person's characteristics, she felt a little headache. Xu Shifei was also good at speed and agility. In tomorrow's battle, apart from having to compete with this person for speed, it was more about surprise!And the biggest feature of the Golden Carp Walking Waves... is that it is unexpected, taking advantage of the emptiness, and looking for the slightest loophole in the thousands of crises!

The next morning!

Dihui tidied up her white gauze clothes a little bit, looked at herself in the mirror, a smile quietly appeared on the corner of her mouth, then she made a wrong step, and appeared in the void in an instant. Get off, ride yourself to Jianzhong Peak!

"Today's first match, Ming Xin Chi Chi Jie Di Hui, will face off against Xu Shifei! Whether the two win or lose is related to the belonging of the top three!" Deacon Qing Xiao said, "Two enter the arena!"

With a movement of Dihui's figure, like a fluttering fairy, she gently floated onto the arena, and looked at Xu Shifei who had already played indifferently!

"Junior Sister Dihui is really different from ordinary monks. She has an ethereal and elegant temperament. I think that Nine Heavens Xuannv is probably no more than that!" Xu Shifei smiled softly, holding a folding fan.

Di Hui was taken aback for a moment, and said coldly: "Senior Brother Xu, let's compete!"

"Competition? Uh... um, good!" Xu Shifei said perfunctorily, the magic formula suddenly moved, and a flash of light suddenly appeared from the folding fan in his hand, and the folding fan changed into hundreds of thousands in an instant, flying towards the place where Dihui was standing go!

The thousands of monks present were stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry: "Damn! So this kid came up with the idea of ​​a sneak attack!"

"It's really shameless, Dihui is such a beautiful woman, he is willing to give up such a ruthless hand!"


A gleam of cold light flashed in Dihui's eyes, and his feet suddenly made a wrong move. The golden carp's walking wave footwork instantly appeared in the crowd, and a white figure was seen, like a slippery fish swimming in the water, wandering in the space where folding fans danced!

"Good!" The monks cheered loudly!

"I can't take advantage of this..." Xu Shifei's heart sank, and then the magic formula moved, and countless folding fans opened "shua!" in an instant, and countless cold lights suddenly shot out from the thousands of folding fans, as if there were countless The sword light is flooding the entire arena, but the wisdom of the earth is like a solitary boat, rippling with the waves, surrounded by many crises!

However, in the eyes of an insider, the Earth Wisdom at this moment is as stable as a giant mountain, and is not threatened by the thousands of Ling Guang in the field at all...

"This gait is really miraculous. Even though it was a few years ago when I saw it for the first time, now I see this girl using it, and it is not enough, but I still find it hard to understand!" Mie Hun, who had experienced this gait Old devil, I have a deep understanding of this!

A group of demon cultivators around listened and asked curiously: "Elder Mie Hun, isn't the use of Earth Wisdom not advanced enough?"

Miehun old devil's face flashed with fear, and he sighed: "If that person used it, Xu Zhengfei would have already lost! The footwork that person used is so unpredictable!"

Everyone was confused for a while, and then asked: "Which senior is the person the elder is talking about?"

"Hehe..." Miehun old devil smiled lightly, and a lonely figure appeared in his heart, that magnificent figure, and said slowly, "In the future, you must know his name! I don't care if I don't say it..."

Earth Wisdom swims in the midst of ten thousand rays of light, but there is a moment of tranquility in his heart: this golden carp walks in waves, according to Senior Brother Xuan, he observes the fish swimming in the water according to the position of the eight trigrams of heaven and earth, and then blends it with countless common customs. Qinggong was created just now, and after countless changes, it was just Mahayana!Although I am a cultivator, I am still so obscure in my studies. Senior Brother Xuan's talent is truly incalculable...

Looking around while flashing, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes!Xuan Zhan once told her that there are blind spots in every law in the world, as long as one finds the dead spots, the golden carp can take advantage of them!The gossip picture instantly appeared in the mind, according to the picture array, Dihui observed where Xu Shifei was standing!She made a wrong step, and in the next moment, she appeared in the corner of an arena, and all around her, Ling Guang passed by her, without violating her position in the slightest!

"What... what's going on?" Everyone was shocked, looking at Di Hui's corner!

dead end!Cultivators who are above the whirlpool stage will understand it after a short look!Feeling straight in my heart...

Di Hui was stunned by Xu Shifei for a moment, then smiled indifferently, and then made a wrong step, and his body appeared behind Xu Shifei as if piercing through the void!

"Damn it!" Xu Shifei's back suddenly felt hairy, his body shot, and then the magic formula moved, and hundreds of fan lights immediately hit behind him!

However, Xu Shifei hadn't stabilized his figure yet, he just felt a chill from the soles of his feet, screamed strangely, and immediately shot upwards!

"As long as you can find the slightest loophole in your opponent, the Golden Carp Walking Wave Step will be able to sneak in through the gap, making it impossible for him to escape! The most important point is that you must firmly grasp the trajectory of his avoidance!" Declare war The words rang in her ears like earnest instruction...

Dihui fixedly stared at Xu Shifei's figure, and followed her up. The golden carp was walking under her feet at the moment, as if a stroke of God, and she kept close to Xu Shifei's side every step of the way, following waves of cold air. The moving track of Xu right and wrong!

"The footwork has changed!" Bing Ruo muttered to herself softly, frowning.

Indeed, it has changed. At this moment, Di Hui has completely presented the position of the entire arena in her mind according to the gossip diagram. She can accurately predict the position of any place where Xu Shifei appears!Then, appear in the best close-up position according to the position!

Xu Shifei was covered in cold sweat. He had never encountered such a situation before. He followed him in times of crisis, as if his evasion trajectory was clearly groped by the other party!This crisis made him linger, and he was so tormented that he even wanted to admit defeat immediately!

Gritting his teeth, he looked at the sky coldly, and lamented in his heart: There is no room for me in such a vast place!There was a sudden crisis in the back, and the body immediately shot down...

After half an hour...after a quarter of an hour...after half an hour...

Everyone was bored watching it for a while, and some monks even murmured: This may be right or wrong, so we might as well just admit defeat...

"I admit defeat!" Xu Shifei roared at the last moment, wanting to cry without tears...

"In this battle, Huihui from the world of bright heart and cold energy won! The top three in this year's Moyu Conference, Dihui won the third place!" The deacon's face flashed with emotion, and he said with a clear whistle!

"Palace Master Leng's disciple is really extraordinary!"

"The disciple of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm is still so gorgeous... Although he doesn't often go around the cultivation world, no one dares to covet this disciple!"

Everyone looked at Di Hui in the field and talked a lot!

In the afternoon, the most anticipated championship battle began!

At this moment, Yan Zhen, head of Xuyun Liubo Mountain, stood up indifferently, looked at the monks in the field, took a deep breath, and a voice mixed with true essence filled the whole Pride Sect: "Declaration of war!" , when are you going to shrink back?"

"Declaration of war, how long are you going to shrink back?"


The sound echoed throughout the entire Pride Sect, and thousands of monks were stunned for a moment!

"Who is the declaration of war called by Sect Master Yan?"

"Could it be? A few years ago, the newly promoted cultivator who became famous in the battle of Ningyun Kingdom?"

"It should be him. According to rumors, the cultivator named Xuan Zhan fought with the two sects of Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion in the end! By the way, the battle of life and death will be held at the Moyu Society." war!"

"So it's that monk, I've heard about it, but I've never seen him in real life!"

"Is this a declaration of war looking for death? He actually fought a life-and-death fight with two of the six major sects in the cultivation world!"

"Huh! Your news is so closed, this declaration of war has long been the elder Ke Qing of the Pride Sect..."

Thousands of monks chattered in low voices below. After a while of rumors, they even talked about all kinds of things about the declaration of war in the cultivation world!

Tianxiong, Dihui, Leng Mei, Tianshangge and other members of the Pride Sect who knew Xuan Zhan looked at Yan Zhen with a cold light in their eyes.

"The old guy can't take it anymore!" Tianxiong said with a sneer. The Aoqi Eight Swords standing beside Tianxiong and other Aoqi Sect disciples had heard of this battle, and Xuyun Liubo Shanshan and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion The two are working together to occupy the Pride Sect, which makes these people's hatred for them unforgettable!

Linglong among the crowd looked at Yanzhen in the distance, a trace of hatred suddenly appeared on her innocent face, if it wasn't for those pious monks who caught her and Dihui, this battle, perhaps... avoid……

Looking around, Po Yunzi and Wu Ming beside Yanzhen frowned and took a look...

Suddenly, a shocking sound sounded from a thousand meters above everyone's head: Boom...

Countless people immediately raised their heads to look at the sky, and a bolt of lightning suddenly smashed into the clear sky with a loud crack. Under everyone's surprised and confused eyes, a white figure slowly appeared, and thousands of silver threads scattered in the sky, thunderous and thunderous. Accompanied by the sound, a pair of cold eyes are indifferent to all living beings...

Yan Zhen looked at the figure in the sky, and a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart...

Wuming and Poyunzi looked at the figure in the sky indifferently!

"Is he...declaring war?" All the older monks in the cultivation world looked at the figure in the sky in surprise!

" declaring war?" All those who have never seen declaring war stared blankly at the figure in the sky surrounded by lightning, Diaoyu, Xu Shifei, Bai Duanliu, Qiu Jiyun, Zhan Tianpeng...

Xuan Zhan looked at the crowd in the audience coldly, turned his eyes slightly, frowned slightly, and looked at the two young and indifferent disciples in Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, knowing in his heart that these two were the " Corpse extermination cultivator", then looked at Yan Zhen coldly, and said softly: "Yan Zhen, Po Yunzi, you two, prepare for the battle of life and death tomorrow! At tomorrow's hour, here, no matter life or death!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed it casually, and a thunderbolt of lightning suddenly appeared in his hand. With a violent pull, his body instantly disappeared into the thunder and lightning, and disappeared into the sky!

"Wow... This declaration of war is so powerful..."

"Yeah, under his eyes, I actually have the behavior of wanting to bow my head..."

Immediately after everyone declared war and left, they started discussing again. Obviously, the championship battle in the afternoon was completely unable to arouse their desires, and everyone was looking forward to tomorrow's life-and-death battle!

"That voice..." Diaoyu said in a trance, "That voice is too familiar..."

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