Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 93 Layout

Nine days away, a stream of purple and gold pierced through in an instant, covering hundreds of miles in an instant. After flying tens of thousands of miles, the stream of purple and gold suddenly disappeared into the sky with a "boom...", and appeared in the next moment. Thousands of miles away!Then continue to fly... Thunder Dun... fly... Thunder Dun!

Within half a day, the declaration of war quietly appeared in the sky above Tianchu Peak in the territory of the Elton Empire!

Covered with flowing purple gold, accompanied by divine thunder!

Xuan Zhan stood indifferently, the purple gold thunder wings on his shoulders trembled slightly, and disappeared in an instant, looking at the vast expanse of whiteness, Xuan Zhan said softly with a trace of real energy in his mouth: "The Proud Qi Zong declares war, please see the cold and charming Leng Gong of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm host!"

The panicked voice spread far and wide...

After a few breaths, twenty beams of light flew from the snow mountain to the position where the war was declared!

"Welcome Elder Xuan to visit my Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm!" Before he finished speaking, a glamorous woman in her thirties, escorted by twenty female disciples, flew to Xuan Zhan's side and took a closer look. After declaring war, I was slightly shocked in my heart, and said in a deep and gentle voice, "I am Han Jue, the great elder of our sect, and the palace master is retreating in the mountains!"

The shadow of the famous human tree, the name of declaring war has completely spread to the cultivation world, its cultivation level is so high that people can't even see how deep it is, it is said to be at the whirlwind stage, but even the monks at the unfalling stage are not opponents, It is said that it is not falling, but there is no sign of stepping into the period of not falling!Looking at the declaration of war at this moment, Han Jue looked like an ordinary mortal, which made her unbelievable... This is the legendary genius who will be immortal...

Xuan Zhan looked at this group of women, all of them were introverted, and they were all disciples of the Ji Xinqi, and... that Di Hui seemed to be among them, not only that, but also the disciples who participated in the Moyu Society and the elder sister Bing Ruo , is actually among them!It can be seen how much the monks in the bright heart and cold air world attach importance to the declaration of war!

Di Hui quietly smiled at Xuan Zhan in the team, and then stood there calmly!

Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, cupped his fists and said, "I wonder when Palace Master Leng will leave the customs?"

Han Jue frowned slightly, shook his head helplessly and said, "When the Palace Master was in seclusion, at least a few years, I don't know... I don't know why Elder Xuan is doing this trip?"

A trace of disappointment flashed across Xuan Zhan's face, looking at the vast snow-capped mountains, he sighed and said, "In this case, then..."

Di Hui's face darkened slightly. She could even imagine what would happen after the declaration of war. She hadn't seen this person for a year. To her, it could be said that she was haunted by dreams every day. Except for crazy cultivation, as long as she had a rest , the figure of declaring war quietly appeared in her mind!And when they met for the first time a year later, they had to part without saying a word... This kind of loss even made her feel extremely melancholy. Could it be... Couldn't she just stop for a day or two just for herself...

"In that case, I will take my leave!" Xuan Zhan said softly!

Han Jue was taken aback for a moment, then bowed slightly and said, "Elder Xuan, since you've come here, it's not too late to stop for two more days before leaving!"

Xuan Zhan clasped his fists slightly and said lightly: "I still have important matters to attend to!"

Han Jue stopped suddenly: "Wait, Elder Xuan, I have something to tell you!"

Xuan Zhan paused for a moment, then stood indifferently, looking at Han Jue...

Elder Han Jue smiled wryly and said, "Elder Xuan, the succession ceremony will be held in a few months, the palace master may..."

Xuan Zhan nodded slowly and said, "It's okay if Palace Master Leng doesn't come!" Then he looked at Di Hui and thought for a while and said, "Elder Hanjue, I have something to say to Di Hui, can you..."

Han Jue understood in an instant that Di Hui had practiced with Xuan Zhan in the past, and it was precisely because of being by his side that Di Hui had advanced from the early stage of the heart restraint period to the current late stage of the heart restraint period in just a few years!The speed of cultivation growth is astonishing!It is reasonable for the two to have a friendship!Then he turned his head slightly and said, "Dihui!"

"The disciple is here!" Di Hui was so excited that he wanted to fly, but there was no trace of happiness on his brisk and indifferent face!

With Han Jue's consent, Di Hui and Xuan Zhan left here and came to a small snowy mountain. Looking at Di Hui, who hadn't seen him for a year, Xuan Zhan smiled slightly and said, "I haven't seen you for a year, your cultivation level has greatly increased." !"

Dihui curled up slightly and looked at Xuan Zhan, and said in a light voice: "Brother Xuan and Dihui said that these irrelevant things must have some intentions!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then "haha..." laughed loudly, looked at her with a wry smile and shook his head, "I didn't expect you to be a ghost!"

Dihui smiled elegantly, pursed her lips slightly and said, "Tell me, what do you want me to say to Master?"

Xuan Zhan looked slightly serious, looked at Di Hui and said, "You must tell Leng Mei yourself about this matter, and no outsiders are allowed to be present!"

"Got it!" Di Hui said softly.

"I want to make a secret alliance with you in the Mingxin and Cold Qi Realm, and destroy the three demon sects, Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion!"

Dihui was taken aback for a moment, and said in a slow and deep voice, "When?"

"Within ten years!" Xuan Zhan looked into the distance lightly, and said softly, "After the succession ceremony, I will retreat and hit the deadline!"


A few days later, the declaration of war suddenly came to Zhenyu Huanxinzong!

Looking at the declaration of war in front of him, Qiu Mingyue felt a sudden sound in his heart, feeling a little bad!Hearing the report from the messenger disciple, he immediately took the disciples who were above the heart level in the sect, together with the five elders below, to meet him!

Today's declaration of war is no longer the lone monk in the past. At this time, he can not only destroy his life without falling, but even inherit one of the six major sects a few months later, becoming a cultivator who can stomp the entire cultivation world. Trembling giant figure!

After hearing the proposal of declaring war, Qiu Mingyue's face turned pale for a while, destroying the three sects, such a major event is not easy for him to imagine!But... the person in front of him spoke out the truth, and said it outright!

"Promise him!" An old voice sounded slowly, and then a thin figure suddenly appeared in the quiet room where Xuan Zhan was talking with Qiu Mingyue!

Xuan Zhan lightly clasped his fists and said, "I've seen a real person!"

Master Chang Shan looked at Xuan Zhan in front of him, and said slightly startled: "Xuan Xiaoyou, you... the old man can't see through your cultivation, but you have entered the stage of not falling?"

Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "No!"

Daoist Changshan let out a breath, and then a flash of surprise flashed in his heart. The cultivation level of declaring war at this moment can't even see through him, an old monster who has lived for nearly a thousand years... When did my vision change so much? That's bad... Then he smiled bitterly in his heart, living in the same era as this declaration of war, not only the sorrow of young people, but also the sorrow of old monsters like them! ! !

Qiu Mingyue saluted respectfully: "Patriarch!"

Master Changshan waved his hand slightly and said: "Ming Yue, promise Xiaoyou Xuan, those three sects are now working together, a nest of snakes and rats, we will be swallowed by them sooner or later, Ming Yue, I didn't blame you, you lived this long Hundreds of years, the more we live, the less courageous we are! Our True Jade Illusory Heart Sect cannot always stand in a neutral position, we must have allies! If we are always in a comfortable state... we will go to destruction sooner or later!"

Qiu Mingyue's face darkened slightly, he knew that the old patriarch's words were correct!

Master Changshan looked at Qiu Mingyue and shook his head slowly, then looked at Xuan Zhan, and said in a deep voice: "After we have eliminated the three sects, how will the benefits be distributed?"

Xuan Zhan said lightly: "One of the three sects!"


A few days later, the declaration of war suddenly appeared on the Mengwu prairie. Looking at the endless green grassland, his body trembled, his whole body quickly restrained, like an ordinary person, flying thousands of meters in the air!

With a sway of mind, it immediately turned into a white light and flew towards the extreme west!

The speed of declaring war at this moment, even if it does not rely on Lei Yi, the speed is not comparable to that of the general circle of perfection!

Half a day later, Xuan Zhan suddenly fell silently. Looking at a mountain hidden in the darkness in front of him, his figure shook, and a gust of wind suddenly rose from under his feet, and his whole person immediately changed into a different look!It seems to be the face after the disguise...

With a slight stretch of his right hand, a [-]-centimeter fat little man covered in blood red appeared in the palm of his hand. Looking at this little man, Xuan Zhan asked in a cold voice, "Can you sense the Blood Fiend Pool?"

The blood-colored villain shrank his body slightly, and turned into a smaller villain only ten centimeters tall, lying on the palm of the declared war, and said cautiously: "Not here master!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and shook his head slowly. His understanding of the three sects of the Demon Sect is really lacking!

The villain looked at the Black Mountain in the distance, and said slowly: "I was born in the Blood Fiend Pool, and I am extremely sensitive to its breath, and I will never escape my feeling!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the sky and paused for a moment, then his body suddenly disappeared in place...

In the sky... a black shadow suddenly crossed from a distance, and then flew towards the mountains!

Seeing that person, Xuan Zhan was startled, he suddenly thought of something, his body flashed, and suddenly appeared behind that person, a thunderbolt quietly covered his right hand, and slashed fiercely at that person's neck!

Bai Li is a deacon of the Mingxin sect of the three sects of the demon sect. Hundreds of years ago, he was the leader of the demon world in the ordinary world. , and then entered the three sects of the Demon Sect, became a disciple, practiced carefully along the way for hundreds of years, and is now a deacon of the Demon Sect in the middle of the heart, but... my talent is really limited, probably not more than a hundred years In this period, his lifespan will come to an end...

Hundreds of years of penance, but in the end it still has to be reduced to a piece of loess!But...he is not afraid!Because he has a secret in his heart...a secret that reverses Moli's cultivation world and manipulates life and death!

As long as that mysterious person can keep him in possession of this secret, he won't die, at least...he won't die within a thousand years!

That person...that person can break through the void and reverse the chaos!A powerful being who can break through the void and come to Moli alone!In his eyes, the so-called immortality is just an ant-like cultivator...

Suddenly, Bai Li only felt a sudden pain in his neck, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart, and his mind immediately passed out...

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