The first demon

Chapter 16 Yunmeng Blood Prison

At this moment, Zhunti's heart is bleeding!Nine is the extreme number of the Dao, and the chaotic spiritual root is restricted under the Dao, and this bodhi seed is sent out.For the rest of his life, Zhunti can only live by guarding the remaining eight coins!

"You go, I said I won't embarrass you! I just hope you don't come to the east again in the future!" Li Qingming put away the bodhisattva and said calmly to Zhuangti.

Zhunti looked sad, nodded, and shot towards the west.But I made up my mind: "I swear, I will save all the treasures and talents of the East! If you want to blame, you can blame that hateful Taoist priest!" The unlucky Zhunti fought with Li Qingming For a long time, he still didn't know who Li Qingming was!Really sad reminder to the extreme!

Li Qingming was in a happy mood. After thinking about it, he used the Zongdi Golden Light Technique and headed straight to the south.

The territory of the Mobei Dragon Clan, the Ancestral Dragon Hall!

"Tian'er, more than seven hundred years have passed since the battle of Bu Zhou, have you ever hated me in your heart?" Ao Long, who was sitting on the dragon seat, said to Ao Tian who was sitting on the lower head.

"I never hated my father!" Ao Tian shook his head and said, "It's just that the beasts and birds are too hateful. Although they are divided into three parts of the world with my clan now. But in the past hundred years, they have repeatedly violated my territory. Terrible!"

"Tian'er, you can think like this, I am very pleased for my father! I have issued a crusade order and distributed it among the tribes of the scales. I ordered the tribes to gather soldiers and fight against the two tribes in Yunmeng Daze. The Great Desolation belongs!" Aolong stroked the beard under his chin and said.

"Since that's the case, I would like to thank my father for the soldiers who died in the battle of Buzhou Mountain!" Ao Tian was secretly happy, and said: "It's really hard to find a place to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it! In this way, the deity's plan It's done!"

Tiannan Immortal Volcano, Phoenix Hall.

"Patriarch Bing, Feng Wei sent the battle report today. The Dragon Clan invites our Clan to a decisive battle at Yunmeng Daze in 200 years!" Feng Qiming, the second elder of the Feng Clan, clasped his hands in the hall.

"Oh!" Fengtian jumped up from the phoenix chariot, and said: "Is this really the case? Good! Good! Good! This time, I will avenge the bullying of my clan several times! Pass down the order and order all the clans of the birds Come to the Phoenix Hall to discuss the final battle!"

The sacred place of the central beast clan, the Qilin Hall.

"Patriarch, this time the Dragon Clan invites Douwu to equal Yunmeng Daze, is there any conspiracy?" Mu Batian, the patriarch of the Mastiff Lion Clan, said to Lin Tian who was lazily sitting on the throne.

"What kind of conspiracy can there be? It's nothing more than trying to use this as an excuse to arrange an ambush with an army in order to seriously injure us!" Yawning, Lin Tian was obviously in a bad state.

"But, my lord!" Mu Batian said, "I am worried, we will send a large group of people to go. The Dragon Clan will take advantage of the emptiness in our clan and sneak attack on our clan's territory!"

"Don't worry, my beast clan is the largest clan in this prehistoric world. I just need to gather a few elite cattle and a few elite leopards, and the most important thing is to bring the white tiger clan!" Lin Tian said here, his eyes flashed A dazzling cold light.Then he continued: "Just these three groups are enough to wipe out the Dragon Clan, that unrealistic plan!"

Mu Batian looked at Lintian's expression, wisely, he didn't say anything.

Time is always passing by inadvertently, and 200 years will come soon.

The land of Western Xinjiang, Yunmeng Daze.

This Yunmeng Daze is a barrier that divides the East and the West, with a radius of millions of miles.The mountains in it are tall and straight, and the colorful clouds are bright and colorful.Among the clouds and mists, spirit birds and immortal beasts loomed.A Yunmeng River that stretches for hundreds of miles runs through the entire Yunmeng Lake, hence the name Yunmeng Lake.

At this time, the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribes had already led their armies in front of the Yunmeng River, facing each other two by two.The momentum is dignified and tense.Just listening to the ancestor dragon of the dragon clan, Ao Long yelled loudly: "Lintian, Fengtian. Our three innate clans are the leaders of the three clans of beasts, birds, and scales. Since the beginning of birth, we have fought for several Yuanhui .Now our three races, in this prehistoric world, have more than one yuanhui. I want to make a break with you! My dragon clan is destined to rule the prehistoric world!" The aura of the middle stage of the saint pressed towards Lintian and Fengtian across the river.

The momentum of the tribe to which the Dragon Clan belonged rose sharply, and the members of the Dragon Clan Headquarters uttered loud and clear dragon chant, turned into their own bodies, and leaped into the clouds.The subordinates of snakes all spit out long cores and hold steel forks; the subordinates of fish all control water and resist thunder...

Feng Tian snorted coldly, and shouted angrily: "Hmph! Ao Long, you killed my Suzaku family, killed the deputy head Huang Jing'er, and your enmity with my Feng Clan is as deep as sea! Today, I will definitely not have anything to do with you!" Hugh!" As he said that, he let out his aura, and he was also in the mid-stage quasi-sage!

All the tribes that the birds belonged to turned into prototypes, and the overwhelming birds, with their wings flickering, displayed their own innate magical powers, and rushed towards the scales.

"Hahaha! You fight each other, how can I do without my Lintian! Sons of the beast clan, let's fight!" A huge black unicorn came from the sky deep in the lake.

All the tribes of the beasts, the bull tribe formed an inverted triangle team, rushing straight ahead like sharp knives; the white tiger tribe is in the middle, with all sharp claws and huge fangs; Beak and sharp claws, the mouth can't stop emitting ultrasonic waves, and the vibrating space is shaking...


Finally, the three clans met on the Yunmeng River!

The high-end combat forces of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans fought together.And the subordinates of scale armor, birds, and beasts also fought on their own.Soon, the entire Yunmeng Daze became an Asura battlefield.At this time, there is no noble posture of the three clans, all of them opened their blood-red eyes angrily, screaming and roaring non-stop!

Aolong, Fengtian, and Lintian were fighting in chaos, and they kept moving towards the Great Desolate Heaven.In the beginning, Ao Long fought against Feng Tian alone, and Lin Tian made sneak attacks from time to time, but he still couldn't hurt Ao Long at all!At this time, the three beasts changed their fighting methods. Ao Long turned into a golden dragon with nine claws, Fengtian showed his real body of a colorful cloud and phoenix, and together with the huge black unicorn, the three of them fought again, and the damage caused was astonishing. It's not that one plus one equals two!

The three giant beasts entangled and bit each other.The ancestral dragon spit out the heavy water of Sanyin, the phoenix spewed the real flame of the sun, and the unicorn controlled the thunder of the [-] earth. The endless turbulent void burst into cracks, and the gray chaotic air escaped from the cracks in the space, and then split. It has become earth, water, fire and wind.Make this prehistoric world out of the sky, stir up the miasma and chaos!

The Great Desolate Continent, Mount Sumeru in the west.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, God is really helping me! Hongjun, I see how you can still fight with me!" Luo Hu squatted beside the black pool of water, with a rare expression showing a trace of excitement.

At this time, Li Qingming had already appeared outside Wanzhu Island.

Looking at the Wanzhu Island in front of him, Li Qingming was full of emotion in his heart, "When I first came out of the island, I hadn't yet transformed into a form. Now that I have achieved the cultivation level of Da Luo Jinxian, it can be regarded as returning home, ha ha!" Laughing at himself, Li Qingming pinched Fajue to open the formation and entered Wanzhu Island.

Outside the Bamboo Hall in the middle of Wanzhu Island, Li Yanran was calmly tending the apricot tree, but now her expression suddenly changed, and she looked at Li Qingquan.

Li Qingquan showed an excited smile on his face, and said: "Mom, I feel my body is rusty for ten thousand years. This time, please don't stop me, I have to move around well! "As he spoke, he picked up a green bamboo spear and rushed towards the edge of Wanzhu Island.

After Li Qingming set foot on Wanzhu Island, he slowly began to appreciate the scenery on the island: all he could see was that on the beach by the sea, there was a stretch of strange reefs and rocks, like leaps and bounds, the cliffs were like screens, and the bottom was full of gravel , hit by the waves, long and smooth, smooth and lovely in color, shaped like pearls, and there are a lot of them.Su Shi said: "Whenever the tide falls, the pearls will spread on the shore, shining brightly on people, reaching east and west, and there is no end." It is suitable for this place.

Going forward, there is a bamboo forest full of green bamboos.The curving and tender ones are Hsinchu, like a girl with tenderness and water; the tall and straight ones are old bamboos, like a warrior wrapped in armor.

Looking up, the bamboo forests formed in square formations are like teams, rows of troops straddling horses and figos. When walking along the bamboo roads on both sides, the bamboo leaves gently brush your face, and it looks very gentle and peaceful. and elegant.The combination of rigidity and softness can bend and stretch, which is another surname of bamboo. "Don't dislike the snow and bow your head. When the red sun returns, you will rush to the sky; don't be buried in the earth and the knot will be short. After the green tip is exposed, it will stab the sky." Doesn't this just express the broad mind and open-minded character of bamboo? ?

Li Qingming stepped in the bamboo grove, feeling the squirming of the bamboo grove as it grew, his soul was emptied, and he actually entered the state of epiphany that a cultivator desires but can't get.

At this time, Li Qingquan was heading towards the surrounding bamboo forest full of excitement.He never imagined that someone would be able to break through the protective formation arranged by Sanqing and enter.When he arrived at the beach, Li Qingquan scattered his Yuanshen and unscrupulously explored the situation outside the island.After a while, I returned to Yuanshen, scratched my head, and muttered: "What's going on? Mother said, I also felt it. Someone is obviously touching the formation. How can there be no one?"

"Boom!" There was a thunderous explosion on the ground, and the momentum swept across the entire Wanzhu Island.

Li Qingquan widened his eyes, looked at the center of the bamboo forest, and said to himself: "Good guy! What's going on?" Feeling this momentum, Li Qingquan thought to himself: "I'm afraid we have already arrived at the Da Luo Jinxian! No Okay, I have to stop him, or mother will be in danger!"

It turned out that at the beginning of Li Qingming's epiphany, he was drawn into the pit he dug:

Li Qingming opened his eyes again, and what he saw was a clean white wall, and the room was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant.Standing beside her was a beautiful little nurse in a nurse uniform.

After recuperating for nearly four months, Li Qingming was discharged from the hospital.Of course, the beautiful little nurse left with him.During these four months, Li Qingming and the little nurse went from acquaintance to acquaintance, and then fell in love.Everything is almost perfect.

After being discharged from the hospital, Li Qingming founded a company and donated to charity. A year later, he married a nurse and gave birth to a child.In the following 30 years, Li Qingming made his company number one in the world.Defeat the island country's economic system, dominate the U.S. stock market, and establish a reading fund...

In the last few decades, Li Qingming bought a small island in the Pacific Ocean, and his children and grandchildren lived in peace in his old age.

When he was dying, Li Qingming looked at the children and grandchildren in the room, smiled gratifiedly, and said: "In this life, I have also experienced ups and downs, happiness and sadness. So, I am also satisfied! Break!" With the ensuing The broken word exit, the surrounding space, fragments shattered.Li Qingming, who was already sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly burst out with all his aura, and immediately let it go.

Standing up, Li Qingming said to himself: "I didn't expect to break through to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. The Tao is really endless! Huh? The peak of Taiyi Jinxian! Hehe, Xiaoer is working hard!"

"Hey! That Taoist! Who are you? Why did you come to my Wanzhu Island? And how did you get into my Wanzhu Island?" Li Qingquan pointed at Li Qingming with a spear in his hand.

Li Qingming felt a little funny in his heart, rolled his eyes, and Li Qingming said: "I see that this island is destined for me, so I came here to collect it. I didn't expect that this island already has an owner. Although I have the virtue of living, I can't resist good fortune. People, hey! It seems that we can only kill the owner of this island!"

"You Taoist is so unreasonable! This island is our property, how can there be any predestined relationship with you! Today, I will definitely spare you!" Li Qingquan glared angrily, raised his gun and stabbed.

"What a junior!" Li Qingming feigned anger.He lowered his head and dodged the green long spear, and pulled up a green bamboo next to him. With the real energy in his hand, he whittled it into a bamboo sword in two or three strokes.Holding the hilt upside down, he charged forward.

"Sword" is known as "the king of a hundred soldiers".Generally speaking, there are only three ways to use a sword, which are nothing more than cutting, cutting and stabbing.And what about guns?It is a variety of usages such as pricking, stabbing, slamming, pointing, and wrapping.

At this time, the set of marksmanship that Li Qingquan was playing was the "Rainstorm Pear Blossom Spear" that Li Qingming had passed on to him!There are seven routines in this marksmanship, totaling 220 three moves, and the moves are tight and tangled.Li Qingming poured true energy into the bamboo sword, so the bamboo sword is stronger than fine steel.

Li Qingming's moves are open and closed, and every point is where Li Qingquan's marksmanship is difficult to focus on.Li Qingquan's feeling at this time is that he will meet his opponent and will meet a good talent.Thousands of years of fighting spirit broke out at this time, so the more they fought, the more excited they became, and they became crazy unconsciously.I saw the gun, but it was gone.All I could see was the cherry-red gun head that filled the sky, appearing and flickering in front of Li Qingquan's body!

"Good!" Li Qingming praised secretly.Seeing the crazy look on Li Qingquan's face, he knew that he might be immersed in martial arts.So he increased his skill to [-]%.Only in this way can Li Qingquan be put under pressure.

"Clang, clang!" The movements of the two became faster and faster, and Li Qingquan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

I don't know how long it took.

"Hahaha! Let's go, let's go!" Suddenly, a burst of madness spread from Li Qingquan's body.

Due to the excessive noise when the two were fighting, Li Yanran had already been alarmed.At this time Li Yanran was standing beside the two of them, watching for a long time.Li Qingquan may not be able to tell who he is, but who is Li Yanran?After all, Li Qingming is also the flesh that fell from Li Yanran's body.That feeling of being connected by blood is unstoppable no matter what.

"Okay, Xiao Er!" Seeing that the two had stopped fighting, Li Yanran stepped forward and said softly, "You are too, Xiao Da! If you bully your younger brother when you come back, you should be an older brother!" Although it was preaching , but the warmth in Li Yanran's eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Hehe! Mom..." Li Qingming also had tears in the corners of his eyes.

Li Qingquan, who had just broken through to Daluo Jinxian, was dumbfounded, and exaggeratedly shouted: "What? Mother, you say he is my elder brother?"

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