The first demon

Chapter 36 Attribution

Looking at Zhunti at this time, under the bombardment of Shenlei, although the bowl is still barely holding on to the final barrier.But the strong shock force made Zhunti's face pale, with blood still dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't hurt my junior brother!" Jieyin roared, and suddenly appeared in his right hand a thick "subduing magic pestle" with a length of about three feet.As the left hand flickered, complicated handprints appeared.


A glittering golden Buddha pattern was drawn out in conjunction with the complicated "wisdom fist seal".The huge Buddha pattern suddenly attacked Li Qingming.


"Shameless!" Li Qingming cursed loudly.With one hand, he summoned the Qiankun Ding to protect his whole body.The other hand was the Commander's Qiankun Ruler, which pressed down hard on the guiding Taoist.


Receiving sacrifices, raising and lowering the magic pestle, and fighting with the Qiankun ruler in the void.The two sides have fought back and forth for thousands or tens of thousands of rounds, evenly matched.

Zhunti in the bowl is in jeopardy.The number of gods and thunders is increasing, and the bowl bowls that are smashed by the sea of ​​​​thunderstorms are clanging, but they are standing still and guarding Zhunti.

Seeing this, Tong Tian smiled and pointed at it and raised his voice, "Zunti Daoist, is this thing still destined for you?"


Finally, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Zhunti's mouth with a strong fishy smell.The trembling bowl suddenly fell from the top of his head, Zhunti closed his eyes and fell unconscious.

The violent thunder that filled the sky seemed to have never appeared before.The dark clouds on the sky instantly dissipated, revealing the brilliant blue sea and blue sky behind.

"Junior brother!" Jieyin exclaimed, and a Huyue picked up the unconscious Zhunti, shaking it non-stop.

"Okay, welcome Master Uncle! He's just temporarily in a coma caused by panic attack. I didn't kill him!" Li Qingming looked helplessly at Yingying's actions, and said.

"Wuliang Tianzun! It's our skills that are inferior to others, that's the case! I'm sorry. But fellow Daoist Qingmingzi, we will write down what happened today, and we will understand the cause and effect with fellow Daoist later!" With a look of sorrow and suffering, the words are full of coldness.

This is like the nobles in ancient times, arbitrarily bullying and enslaving the poor.Suddenly one day the noble family was ruined and became a beggar.When the oppressed civilians saw the nobles reduced to beggars, their heartfelt comfort could not be expressed in words.Cut and cut, it is the two words "relieving qi"!

Li Qingming read a lot of prehistoric novels in his previous life, and almost any of them contained negative teaching materials for the two masters in the West.Over time, quite a few people think that these two people are extremely hateful.

Therefore, Li Qingming didn't care about hearing the words of the quotation, and even immersed himself in the strange state of the sky thunder bombarding Zhunti.


The Taoist guide helped Zhun Ti up, and he swept around the crowd in a dark and distressed manner, then he dared not look at the list of gods in the sky, and turned into a rainbow and left.

"Three senior brothers! My little sister doesn't want to touch this treasure. Let's take my leave now!"

Nuwa didn't want to snatch this thing at first, she just came to watch the fun, seeing that the fight had stopped, she didn't stay any longer, Yingying saluted, got on the phoenix chariot and floated away.

In this way, only Sanqing and Li Qingming are left here as mentors and apprentices.

"Brother, from my point of view, how about we collect this treasure first, and then go back to the mountain to make a fuss?"At this time, seeing that everything was over, he said aloud.

Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan looked at each other and said, "Good!"

Yuan Yuan took two steps forward and waved to the Heavenly Book "Fengshen Bang".The list of gods was automatically closed, and it floated into Yuan Yuan Tianzun's hands.


Before he was caught firmly by Yuan Shi, the list of gods swished straight to the Chaos Outer Heaven.

At the same time, an old voice sounded in everyone's ears: "You come to Zixiao Palace as soon as possible!"

Sanqing looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't figure out how a mere spirit treasure could alarm Daozu Hongjun.


"Disciples (Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan, Tong Tian), apprentice Sun Qingming, junior Sun Yuan, please see Dao Patriarch!" Outside the mysterious Zixiao Palace, Li Qingming and his party knelt neatly in front of the palace gate.


The boy Haotian opened the palace gate, and said calmly: "Master let you come in with me!"

Everyone followed Haotian and entered Zixiao Palace.

"Dare to ask Master, why did you ask us to come here?" Lao Tzu, as the elder brother among the crowd, was the first to ask after the ceremony.

Hongjun, who was sitting on the cloud platform, raised his eyelids lightly, took out the list of gods and said, "Of course it's for this thing!"

"Dare to ask Master, what is this?" There was a smile in Li Qingming's eyes.To be honest, Li Qingming felt disgusted in his heart at this moment.This day, the list of gods in the book of heaven was already in his pocket, but he was cut off by Hongjun unexpectedly.How can he not be angry?

Hongjun cast aside Li Qingming, the meaning in those eyes was self-evident.After a while, Hongjun said:

"There are three great books in this world: the Heavenly Book Conferring Gods, the Earthly Book Afterbirth, and the Human Book of Life and Death. These three control the gods, immortals, and ghosts who passed away in the prehistoric world. Controlled by the three! This thing is the Heavenly Book 'Fengshen Bang'!"

"We are also under its control?" Li Qingming heard for the first time that the three books of heaven, earth and people have such great effects.

"You are not reincarnated spirits, so you should not be restricted by them! Well, although Qingmingzi is special, he is not included!" Hongjun understood the reason for Li Qingming's question.

"Master, where are the books from the land and people?" Tong Tian's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, he asked aloud.

"The book from the ground is in the hands of Daoist Yuanzi, Wuzhuangguan Town, Wanshou Mountain. As for the book from the man, it has not yet been born!" Hong Jun knew that Tongtian had this question, so he said it without thinking.

"Zhen Yuanzi actually has such a treasure?" Yuan Yuan was startled, and nodded thoughtfully.

"I have received your treasure this time, and I will not treat you badly!" Hong Jun had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "That monkey, your body is a gibbon monkey, one of the four monkeys in the chaotic world. Now that you have worshiped under my Taoist sect, you will not be treated badly!"

After saying that, he took out this booklet made of white jade, threw it to Sun Yuan, and said: "This is my Taoist hair-protecting profound art "Nine Turns Xuan Gong", which is cultivated by both body and soul, so I will give it to you! "

Sun Yuan kowtowed ecstatically after obtaining this exercise: "Disciple Sun Yuan, thank you for the gift!"

Hongjun nodded, looked at Qingmingzi, and suddenly smiled and said: "You little bear, you are really hard to deal with!" After speaking, the faint light in his hand flourished, and said: "This is the innate treasure" Killing God Spear', it is the thing of the demon ancestor Rahu! I will give it to you!"

Li Qingming took the fruit-killing gun, and secretly said: "I said that I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked for it back then. So it was hidden by this old bastard!"

Turning his eyes to Sanqing, Hongjun's eyes were quite playful, and he said: "What are you three thinking in my heart! Forget it, let me leave this thing to you!"

After Hongjun said that, a green light suddenly burst out in front of Sanqing, and a lotus flower with rich power of good fortune suddenly appeared in front of Sanqing.The huge lotus leaf, with its fragrant fragrance, moves automatically without wind, swaying in a charming figure!

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