The first demon

Chapter 38 Huangfengling Yellow Wind Monster

Li Qingming left Zixiao Palace, sent Sun Yuan back to Kunlun Mountain with Yuan Tianzun, and started a new round of traveling.

Riding on Xiong Da's body, Li Qingming looked quite relaxed, and even hummed a popular song from his previous life.Cooperating with the navy blue Taoist robe and the purple gold jade crown, it is indescribably neither fish nor fowl

I have been wandering around like this for many years, and I have seen all the way along the way, and there are always endless scenery and endless fights in the world.

On this day, Li Qingming was leisurely lying on the back of the bigger bear, drinking his homemade fruit wine.I saw the endless mountains in front of me covering an area of ​​more than hundreds of miles, and I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Approaching, the mountains are magnificent:

The tall ones are mountains, the steep ones are ridges; the steep ones are cliffs, and the deep ones are ravines; the loud ones are springs, and the fresh ones are flowers.Whether the mountain is high or not, the top meets the blue sky; whether the stream is deep or not, you can see the underworld in the bottom.In front of the mountain, there are white clouds with bones, towering strange rocks, and the cliff of the soul of the soul.Behind the cliff, there is a zigzag hidden dragon cave, in which there are jingling dripping rocks.

Li Qingming patted Xiong Da's head, stopped and sighed: "Qing Dai is dyed into thousands of feet of jade, and green gauze covers thousands of piles of smoke! It really is a strange mountain and cliff!"

While he was thinking, a group of about a hundred or so little demons with incomplete transformations suddenly appeared in front of him.

The leader is a weasel with wicked eyebrows and eyes, dressed in animal skin, with a steel fork on its waist, holding a small ephedra flag in its hand, with a weasel with its teeth and claws embroidered on the flag.Upon closer inspection, there was actually a Little Spirit card hanging on his chest, engraved with three crooked avenue runes "little witty" on the card!

Li Qingming had an intuition that it was funny, and secretly said: "A Dao Rune? I think the leader of this little monster must be an old monster! Hehe, little clever, interesting!"

"Hey, that Taoist! Do you know that this is the territory of my king, Huangfeng Yaosheng?" Xiao Jiling waved the chess piece in his hand, and said quite proudly: "My king is from Huangfengling, which is eight hundred miles away. Master, there are thousands of demon kings, tens of thousands of big monsters, and hundreds of thousands of little monsters under your command. You, a Taoist, blocked the main road of the mountain for no reason, where did you come from?"

Li Qingming frowned, listened to the words of the little demon in front of him, and thought to himself: "No wonder I said that I am so familiar. Isn't Huangfengling the old lair of Huangfeng monsters? Huh? No, didn't that guy only appear in Journey to the West?" ? How was it born so early?"

"Hey, that Taoist. My uncle asked you something!" Xiao Jiling shouted loudly, and even pulled out the steel fork at his waist, waving it left and right.

Li Qingming's heart moved, why not follow this little demon to find out?

So he took a few steps forward and said: "Wu Na Xiao Yao, I am a distinguished guest invited by your king! You are so rude, be careful, I will let your king peel you off and throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

After saying that, he suddenly took a step forward.Xu suddenly shook violently like an earthquake.The feeling like the end of the world frightened nearly a hundred little monsters to tremble all over, their faces pale.

The little wit looked at Li Qingming in fear, and stammered: "No, no, I don't know, my grandfather and my family are married, but the king unexpectedly, it turned out to be an old friend, an old man! Return it, please grandpa, no, no, don't blame me Little, little demon!"

A smile flashed across Li Qingming's slightly angry eyes, and he said: "I won't argue with you, a little monster. Quickly lead me the way, I have something important to share with your lord!"

Hearing Li Qingming's words, the little wit suddenly let go of the stone in his heart, bowed and smiled obsequiously, and said: "Grandpa, please come with Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyao!"

Li Qingming nodded lightly, with a haughty expression, but secretly smiled in his heart: "After all, it's a little demon who has just opened up his spiritual wisdom. Not to mention unsuspecting, he even named him Little Clever. It's really funny!"

Li Qingming followed a group of little demons into the mountains, and saw some deer with horns and crosses in the mountains, looking at people in the mud and mud; winding red-scaled pythons, playing with naughty white-faced apes.Birds and birds in the grass are jumping up and down; animals in the forest are walking in rhythm.Suddenly a wave of wolf worms passed by, frightening people's hearts.

Along the way, Little Clever dutifully performed his duties as a guide.Talk about the terrain of the mountains and forests; talk about the beasts and birds in the mountains.On the contrary, he said it clearly and logically.

What's funny is that when Li Qingming asked it where it got the matter in the mountains, the little witty shook his head shyly and said: "My king taught us this!"

Li Qingming laughed loudly, and said in his heart: "This yellow wind monster is an interesting monster!"

Li Qingming followed a group of little demons across mountains and ridges, and after less than half a day, they arrived at a place with a steep peak.I saw that this place is quite empty, with green grass and strange rocks everywhere.Near the peak wall is another big east gate like a tiger's mouth, on which six avenue runes are engraved with red lacquer, saying: "Huangfengling Huangfeng Cave"!

As soon as the little witty arrived at the door, he rushed into the dark cave, shouting as he ran, "Your Majesty, someone outside said that your grandpa is your distinguished guest, and the little one has already led him to the entrance of the cave!"

Wearing a yellow robe, the middle-aged man with a rather heroic appearance stood up when he heard the words, and said: "Little clever, has that man ever told you his name?"

Little Clever scratched his ears, pondered for a while, and said: "My lord, he only said he was your old friend, he never said who he is!"

Huang Fengwei frowned suspiciously, and thought to himself: "My old friend? The elder brother and the second elder brother both work in the Heavenly Court, and they have never been to the wild land for thousands of years. Could it be the two of them?"

Thinking of this, the Yellow Wind Monster looked a little excited, and disappeared into the cave as a yellow wind.

After getting out of the cave, the Yellow Wind Monster looked at Li Qingming in front of him, quite puzzled, and said, "Who are you? This king doesn't remember ever having an encounter with you!"

Li Qingming looked at Huangfeng Monster up and down, his unscrupulous eyes made Huangfeng Monster frown endlessly.

"Yellow Wind Demon Saint?"

"That's right!" Huang Fenggui nodded and said, "You haven't answered my king's question yet!"

Secretly calculating the origin of the Yellow Wind Monster in his heart, Li Qingming did not answer the Yellow Wind Monster.After a while, Li Qingming smiled slightly and said, "So that's how it is!"

The distraught Huangfeng Monster, who had already been watched by Li Qingming, had no patience to wait for Li Qingming.Seeing that Li Qingming didn't have the slightest intention to answer, he raised his steel fork, which was about ten feet long, and attacked.

Li Qingming smiled slightly when he saw the yellow wind monster attacking.He called out the green bamboo, turned into a three-foot green spear, and fought against the yellow wind monster quite easily.

At the beginning, the Yellow Wind Monster was quite confident in his mid-term Daluo Jinxian cultivation, but as time went by, his mana became less and less.On the other hand, Li Qingming strolled in the courtyard without any effort, and the Huangfeng Monster was shocked immediately.

Shocked, he couldn't hold the steel fork in his hand, and was thrown flying by Li Qingming's sword.The emerald green long sword shone with a faint cold light, and it was about to stab the yellow wind monster's chest.

Huang Feng couldn't do anything else because of the strangeness, the yellow light in his eyes was shining brightly, his mouth opened three times, and a gust of yellow wind rose from the ground!

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