Ni Chu

Chapter 49

Xiang Qing took the grilled fish and put it in front of her nose to smell it. Maybe she was too hungry, or maybe the grilled fish was too fragrant. She licked her lips and started to gnaw.

Meng Su on the side looked at the grilled fish in Xiang Qing's hands, turned his head and joked to Xiang Ye who was sitting beside her: "It seems that his ability to grill fish is better than yours!"

Xiang Ye smiled slightly, did not speak, and cast his gaze on Xiang Tong who ran back to grill another fish.

From the level of Xiang Tong's grilled fish, it can be seen that he must have marched and fought many times in the past. After a while, the second golden-colored fish full of fragrance was grilled after a few simple flips. Putting the fish in Monsu's hand, he continued to squat by the fire for a third fish.

Meng Su sniffed it intoxicated, and was about to open his mouth to chew on it, when Xiang Ye said from the side: "It's roasted directly on fire, and the flames will spread to the fish, and the roasted food is easy to catch fire. The best way Or use the method I roasted Guan Yijian, pour salt water into the belly of the fish, keep away from the fire, and wait until the salt taste has entered the meat after roasting..."

As soon as he said this, Meng Su covered his mouth and turned his head to the side before he could say the second half of the sentence "that is the skin is burnt, the meat is tender, fresh and refreshing". In her eyes, the delicious grilled fish seemed to suddenly Turned into a roasted Guan Yijian, even just looking at it made him feel extremely disgusted.

"If you don't eat it, I will eat it!" Mengsu just covered his mouth and retched, and the grilled fish in his hand was unconsciously placed on the ground. Xiang Ye reached out and grabbed the grilled fish in his hand, dusted it on He sniffed the dust on his nose deeply, and said intoxicatedly, "It's really fragrant, even more fragrant than Guan Yijian's meat!"

It's okay if he doesn't say it, but Mengsu really vomited when he said it.

Holding the fish, Xiang Ye looked at Mengsu viciously, feeling very proud, just now Mengsu belittled his level of grilled fish, he was so depressed that he was dying, now he finally got the debt back.

At this time, Xiang Qing had already gnawed the fish clean, and she said to Meng Su while sucking her fingers that still smelled of fish: "Sister Meng, don't pay attention to him, he deliberately said something to you while you were eating. Such a disgusting thing, I just don’t want you to eat it well, the rest is his, you just pretend you didn’t hear it, don’t listen, don’t think about it, don’t care what he says.”

Meng Su raised his head, glanced at Xiang Qing with some resentment, and said, "Sister said so lightly, Guan Yijian's death is really disgusting, as long as I mention it now, I can still think of the pieces of steaming Cooked meat, where else can I eat it?"

"quack!".Xiang Ye smirked twice, and said to Mengsu: "Your appetite is too weak, you can't eat just by talking about it. I think you should learn from Xiang Qing. Look at her, she doesn't want to eat after eating." Forget about sucking her jade-like 'fish-flavored fingers'."

Unknowingly, the relationship between the three of them has gotten closer, and they inadvertently abandoned politeness when speaking, and called each other by their first names.

Xiang Qing glanced at Xiang Ye, licked his lips and said to him: "Xiang Ye, you should have heard what Xin Nong said just now, Guan Yijian seems to be relying on someone's influence, you tortured and killed him, don't you worry at all?" That person will use the same method against you?"

Xiang Ye chuckled, and casually stuffed the grilled fish into Mengsu's hands, Mengsu and Xiang Qing all looked at him, they all wanted to know how Xiang Ye planned to deal with the man behind Guan Yijian.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover." Xiang Ye said with a face full of indifference: "Killing is killing, torture is torture, and it is useless to regret it. Knowing that he has a backer, I can't eat or sleep all day long, so why don't I just sleep?" Is it Xin Nong's way? What he wants is that Mengsu and I can't eat well and sleep well, so we won't be fooled, and we must eat delicious food and have a good body!"

Xiang Qing and Meng Su looked at Xiang Ye in astonishment, and their eyes suddenly became a little strange. If they had lived more than 2000 years later and watched island monster movies, they would definitely feel that when they looked at Xiang Ye, they The look in the eyes is completely the first time the earthlings saw Ultraman's eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I have words carved on my face?" Seeing the two women looking at him with extremely complicated eyes, Xiang Ye felt a little unnatural. He touched his face subconsciously and muttered: " My skin is very tender, if you look at me like this, I will be really embarrassed!"

Xiang Qing and Meng Su glanced at each other, they both let out a long breath at the same time, curled their lips at Xiang Ye with contempt on their faces.

There are indeed many thin-skinned people in this world, but no matter what, it is impossible for them to associate cheeky people with Xiang Ye.Mengsu is fine, she has seen Xiang Ye's wretchedness only superficially, but Xiang Qing's breasts were actually plucked by his salty hands, so it is naturally impossible to associate him with a decent person.

The expressions of the two women made Xiang Ye feel a little embarrassed. At this time, Xiang Tong baked the third fish and sent it to him, breaking the embarrassment in front of him.

He took the fish from Xiang Tong's hand, stuffed it into Mengsu's arms, and then snatched the fish from Mengsu's hand and said, "This one is hot, you eat this one, and the other one is cold, I'll eat it." !"

Meng Su froze for a moment, glanced at Xiang Ye, picked up the steaming fish he just stuffed for her, silently put it to his mouth, and ate it in small bites.

That night, the four of them lay on the bank of the Yellow River and fell asleep listening to the loud noise of the crashing waves.

When the sun was shining directly on Xiang Ye's face, his eyelids moved, and he wanted to raise his hands to rub his eyes, but his hands seemed to be tied by something, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift them up .

Xiang Ye, who was still asleep, suddenly had a bad thought in his mind, and quickly opened his eyes and looked around.I saw that Xiang Qing, Meng Su and Xiang Tong were all tied up like zongzi. Xiang Qing and Meng Su were sitting side by side, but Xiang Tong was still shaking like a dead pig with his mouth open. Loud snoring.

Seeing that Xiang Ye woke up, Xiang Qing and Meng Su looked at him for help.Xiang Ye looked back at them, he shook his head helplessly, and silently told them the fact that he had no way out this time.

Others were fine, their clothes were still neatly dressed after being tied up, but he was the only one whose coat was completely stripped off, leaving him only a pair of bottoms, and the cold river wind blowing from his side Scraped, giving him a feeling of being stuck in an ice cellar.

"What's the matter? How could I sleep so deeply? Not to mention being tied up and stripped of my clothes, I didn't even wake up!" Xiang Ye struggled to sit up, he shook his head vigorously, Trying hard to recall the feeling of being tied up in sleep.

"Hehe, it's strange why you didn't know why you were tied up, right?" When Xiang Ye was trying to recall everything that happened last night, a voice came. He followed the voice and looked towards the rocks by the river. I saw a young man in his 20s playing with the sword Xiang Ye wore, sitting on a cliff and looking at him with a smile on his face.

Behind the young man stood twenty or thirty people dressed as civilians. All of these people were wearing short swords. The combination of short swords and civilian attire made them look a bit nondescript.

"I don't know if you've heard of something?" The young man was still playing with the long sword in his hand. He pulled the long sword out of the scabbard and shook it against the sun. The slender light and shadow shone on the young man's forehead, and he sighed in admiration: "It's really a good sword. You defeated Guan Yijian with this sword, right? Hehe, if he knew that he wouldn't have to catch you If you fight recklessly, I’m afraid you won’t feel at ease underground.”

"Zhao Tong, what method did you use to get me tied up by you without knowing it?" Xiang Ye struggled and twisted his body twice, staring at the young man who was playing with the long sword with eyes full of anger.

That young man was none other than Zhao Tong who had been trying to arrest Mengsu in Xingyang. When Xiang Ye asked what method he used to tie them up, he looked at Xiang Ye with a smile on his face, and his lips moved. After moving, a sentence came out: "Have you heard a saying? The water is cold and fragrant, and the bank of the cold water is fragrant for half a year!"

"What kind of weird thing is that?" Xiang Ye frowned, and looked at Zhao Tong puzzled. From Zhao Tong's words, he vaguely felt that he, Xiang Qing, Meng Su and others had been tricked.

"Shuihanxiang? Why do you have that kind of thing?" Xiang Ye was puzzled, but it didn't mean that no one knew about it. When Meng Su heard the word "Shuihanxiang", he looked at it with horror. Zhao Tong.

Zhao Tong inserted the long sword into the scabbard, stood up and patted the dust on his buttocks, and walked slowly towards Mengsu. Sitting Xiang Qing said, "This must be the only daughter of General Xiang Liang, right? Hehe, my luck is really good. Not only did I get the evidence that your Mengshi colluded with Jiangdong Xiangshi, but I also arrested Xiang Liang's daughter with my own hands."

Although Xiang Qing, who was tightly bound by the rope, lost her freedom, she still maintained the arrogance behind the door. She really wanted to slap Zhao Tong hard, but the rope on her body was tied tightly. After several violent struggles, the rope showed no sign of breaking free.

Zhao Tong straightened up, looked down at Xiang Qing who was sitting next to Mengsu, shook his head as if he was struggling and said, "It should be considered a great achievement to catch Xiang Liang's daughter, but unfortunately I have too few people with me. If there is any omission in the custody of you, it will definitely be beaten. With the few people under me, it is impossible to subdue you by strength, what a pity, what a pity..."

"What are you going to do?" Xiang Ye heard a bit of unkindness from Zhao Tong's words, and quickly struggled and shouted at him: "If you dare to touch her with a finger, I will make you die ugly!"

After he shouted this sentence, Xiang Qing gave him a grateful glance.There was a flash of relief in her eyes that were already full of despair.

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