The valley is very large and deep, covering at least ten square kilometers.It is in the shape of a gourd, and the mouth of the valley is narrow and long, and it is hidden enough to hide tens of thousands of troops.

Zheng Yu slowly rode the oolong horse, followed by dozens of soldiers patrolling the valley.

"Sir, the scenery in this valley is so beautiful."

Zhen Mi's delicate voice sounded, she was sitting straddling him in front of him, looking at the scenery in the valley with great interest, then turned her head and smiled at Zheng Yu, her smile was very charming.Seeing that Zheng Yu didn't answer, he pushed him again, and asked coquettishly, "Sir, what are you thinking, can you tell Mi'er?"

Hearing Zhen Mi call him Mr. Xianggong, Zheng Yu felt weird in his heart. It was really hard to get used to being called Mr. Xianggong by a ten-year-old girl.But when he thought that the enchanting woman in front of him was actually the best woman of the Three Kingdoms, he couldn't help feeling complacent.She is still a loli at the moment and needs to be developed slowly.

Zhen Luo pushed Zheng Yu behind him, then blew hot air on his neck, and said reluctantly: "Brother, your wife is asking you something, answer it quickly!"

Zheng Yu withdrew his gaze from a distance, and said with a smile: "I was thinking, we must let Yu Du see the King of Hades, in order to completely keep the secrets in this valley. After we go back, we will start to plot against this wild wolf."

Zhen Mi whispered: "Civil!" Then pinched the back of his hand again.

Zhen Luo, who was behind her, blushed a little, and moved her body that was tightly pressed against Zheng Yu's back.

A brook, a waterfall, a pool of water.Zhen Luo and Zhen Mi could no longer bear to dismount and stop.Zheng Yu is also in a happy mood, it is difficult to see such a natural scenery in later generations.Sitting on the edge of the stream, seeing the two girls playing in the water in front of them, with constant "giggling" laughter, he was very happy.

The three of them lingered by the stream for quite a while before reluctantly returning to the barracks at Taniguchi.

These barracks are used for garrison, hidden in the green trees, it is difficult to find.Yu Du's younger brother has thought of everything very carefully, this place is indeed a natural and hidden place.

Zhen Mi took his arm and said coquettishly, "Sir, let's come again next time, I really like this place."

Zhen Luo said happily: "Brother, I want to come too, I really want to live here for the rest of my life."

Zheng Yu was also overjoyed, "I will definitely bring you to play in this valley again."

Then, Zheng Yu named the valley Zangjun Valley, arranged for Wang Meng to station five hundred soldiers secretly here, and asked them to dress up as Yu Du's subordinates.He stayed with Zhen Luo and Zhen Mi for another two days before leaving the mysterious valley with Zhao Yong, Wu Tao and hundreds of soldiers.

Along the way, shouting from front to back and embracing from back, it is also majestic.

A few days later, the group returned to Yu Du's old lair, opened their jaws to welcome them, and said with a smile: "My lord, there are guests."

When I returned to the meeting hall, I saw that it was full of people, and I couldn't help being shocked, "Who are these?"

Zhang Jai smiled and said: "They came to petition, and they want my Zheng family army to help them completely cut off this cancerous tumor of Yu Du. Hmph, this Yu Du has caused serious harm to the people, and it is very unpopular."

With a smile, Zheng Yu shook hands with these local elders and sages for a while before listening to them seriously.

An old man stood up and said: "We hope Master Zheng can stay here for a long time to protect the environment and the people. This poison is too bad. It occupies our precious land, robs the people's wealth and women, and does all kinds of evil. Hmph, at the beginning, the Black Mountain Army The military discipline is not bad, but when the poisonous power grows stronger, it will cause chaos, and the people will be poisoned very deeply."

Another old man knelt down to Zheng Yu, and said pleadingly: "Master Zheng's virtues are seen by everyone. Zheng's army has strict discipline, and he has never committed any crimes. He is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. We beg you to completely cut off the poison and eliminate the evil spirits." Hidden danger. At this time, he was surrounded by the officers and soldiers, but as long as he returns to this land, he will run rampant in the countryside, and his head must fall to the ground, so as to completely eliminate future troubles."

Another old man said: "We will mobilize the villagers to join the Zheng family army, so that we can deal with Yudu."

After listening for a while, Zheng Yu realized that Yu Du was really bad, so he made up his mind to cut him off completely.Next, these old men encouraged the local youths to join the Zheng family army, and Zheng Yu formed another thousand-man team, with Zhang Jaw in charge of training.At the same time, Zheng Yu ordered that after he left, Zhang Jaw would stay here permanently to protect the village for the people.

He thought to himself, with the full support of the local people, this site will be surnamed Zheng from now on.

The battle of Wuji fell into a stalemate, and the two sides fought fiercely. Qingzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou all sent a large number of officers and soldiers to participate in the battle, and various departments of the Black Mountain Army joined in one after another.

After Zheng Yu analyzed the situation, he felt that this was a war of attrition, and he didn't want to get involved at all.

Besides, he only has more than 1000 troops now, which is not enough to watch at all.After experiencing large corps battles, Zheng Yu was cautious about the war, so besides sending Wang Pin and Wu Tao to investigate, he lived a small life with Zhen Luo and Zhen Mi.

The relationship with the common people has become harmonious.

Zheng Yu often takes Zhen Luo and Zhen Mi to ask the people how they are, showing his closeness to the people.Gradually, the fame of him and Zheng Jiajun became very popular in this land.

With the support of the local people, Zheng Yu began to recruit troops in the surrounding areas to expand his army.In addition, his Zheng family army is still an official army and a division of benevolence and righteousness. The original plan was to expand a thousand-man team, but more than 3000 people came to join the army.

After strict selection, Zheng Yu formed three thousand-man teams.Moreover, there were many people who came to seek refuge because of their reputation. They brought their own horses, weapons, etc., which made Zheng Yu very happy.

The grass head king in troubled times, Zheng Yu has a team of more than 4000 people since then, which is also quite a force.

Zhang Jai said happily: "My lord, in this way we have four teams of thousands of people. If the lord leaves, Zhang Jai is sure to hold this area. From now on, we will develop here. When the lord returns, the subordinates will I will be able to train a powerful Zheng family army for my lord."

Zheng Yu said solemnly: "The key is to have strict military discipline and to convince people with virtue. It is very difficult to build up a reputation, but it is extremely easy to destroy it. Therefore, Zhang Jaw, you must understand this point."

A few days later, Wang Pin came back and reported the latest progress of the Wuji War.

"My lord, the battle of Wuji involves a lot. All three states have sent officers and soldiers to participate in the battle. After this battle, according to the judgment of my subordinates, it will be a lose-lose situation. The Yu Poison Office is at the core. In the end, it is estimated that if the entire army is not wiped out, There are not many people left, and we just took advantage of his illness to take his life."

This opportunity came quickly, and Yu Du only led more than 2000 people and began to retreat.

Zheng Yu lays an ambush on the only way that the poison must pass back.

Seeing Yu Du's troops on the mountain road like remnants of defeated soldiers, Zheng Yu was ecstatic in his heart.

The battle of Infinity finally came to an end.After the two sides fought for more than a month, these peasant troops were seriously injured, and finally all the ministries had to withdraw, but there were only less than 2000 people left in the Yu Drug Office.Seeing Yu Du walking crookedly and with a tired face, Zheng Yu drew his bow and set an arrow, and with a sound of "咻", the arrow accurately shot into his neck.

Yu poisoned and fell off his horse.

Zheng's army beat the drums, and Zheng Yu took the lead, riding an oolong horse and rushing down the mountain with a spear in hand.Beside him are Zhang Jai, Wang Pin and Zhao Yong. More than 4000 people fought against these two thousand remnants who were defeated. In addition, there was no suspense in the battle.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Zheng Yu led Zhang Jai and others directly to the core to kill, shouting while killing: "Yu Pou is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed!" Immediately, Yu Po's department fell into panic, and then most of them began to abandon their swords and surrender.After less than half an hour, the battle ended smoothly. More than 500 people surrendered and less than 500 people were killed.

Zheng Yu walked to Yu Du's side, picked up his heavy golden gun, and was very happy.

"Good gun, really good gun."

The whole body of this gun is made of fine iron, and the head and body of the gun are plated with gold, which is very golden and beautiful.Zhao Yong took a look at it and said, "My lord, this spear is very sharp. Its tip is much longer than ordinary spears. Its shape is a bit weird. The barrel of the spear is very heavy."

With a smile on his face, Zheng Yu said happily: "Yu Du is famous for this golden gun, and the golden gun will belong to my lord from now on." Then, he will search all the other equipment on Du's body, so that he finally has a full body Arm up.

But he was thinking in his heart, this Yu Du is really a rich man, with brand-name goods all over his body.

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