Back to the Three Kingdoms to be the Lord

Chapter 110 Burning White Wolf Valley

White Wolf Valley is located thirty miles east of White Wolf Beach. The valley is more than ten miles long, narrow at both ends and wider in the middle.There are some small hills scattered in the valley, and an ancient road passes through the middle of the hills. It is the only way to enter Liaodong and Changli from the direction of Youbeiping, and it is an ideal place to set up an ambush.

The valley is full of grass and shrubs, and the leaves are withered and yellow, rustling in the cold wind.

Gongsun Xu's battalion headquarters was located behind the mountain bag, and at this time he was discussing the ambush with the generals of Gongsun Kang's troops.Gongsun Xu ruthlessly ordered to his subordinates: "The other party only has 1000 people, and I have 500 people. Make sure to ask Zheng Yu to come and see him. Hmph, I want to see people when I am born, and I want to see corpses when I die. Damn, this The bastard dares to fight against me, hum! I want to make him regret coming to this world."

When Gongsun continued to say this, his appearance was extremely ferocious, and several subordinates couldn't help shrinking their necks.In fact, they were all worried in their hearts, and they knew that Gongsun Xu was not even good at talking on paper, but he was Gongsun Zan's only son and future lord, so they had no choice but to obey him.

One of the commanders under his command said worriedly: "My lord, Zheng Yu and his troops have been marching slowly along the way. Could it be that they suspect that there is an ambush in this White Wolf Valley? I see that they keep sending scouts to investigate, but they only arrive at the entrance of the valley. Stop, why? It stands to reason that they should go into the valley to investigate."

When he said this, the commander knew very well in his heart that Zheng Yu's behavior was too abnormal, and the so-called abnormality is a demon, so he was reminding Gongsun Xu in disguise to beware of Zheng Yu's deception.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the opponent only has more than 1000 people, and I have three thousand and five, so I will win this battle." Gongsun Xu tilted his head, waved his hand, and stopped his subordinates from continuing.Seeing the subordinate backing away, he couldn't help explaining: "I'm waiting for work at leisure, and the other party is traveling with a teacher. We have an absolute advantage."

After hearing this, several subordinates laughed bitterly, but they didn't dare to say anything. Only the commander muttered in his mouth: "But we have been guarding in this valley for almost ten days. The troops sleep in the wind and are exhausted. Unbearable, does it taste like waiting for work?"

He saw that in this valley, due to the obstruction of the mountain, the wind direction was erratic from east to west, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart, but he didn't say anything, but went to the side of the road to direct the ambush.

Having said that, they were all soldiers who were good at fighting, so they couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, the opponent was Zheng Yu. This hero who dared to enter Dong Zhuo's hinterland alone in the Guanzhong area and won many battles is not something ordinary people can deal with. Got it.

At this time, the legendary stories about Zheng Yu beheading Zhang Ji, Zhan Niufu, Xu Rong, Wenjiu beating Huaxiong, fighting against the world's number one master Lu Bu, and even injuring Lu Bu are already well-known, so I have a lot of scruples in my heart.

However, it was said that Yan Rou set up camp at sunrise that day, and traveled east slowly all the way, arriving at the entrance of White Wolf Valley in the afternoon, and began to set up camp.He sent the vanguard to force Gongsun Xu's vanguard into the valley, and then set up tripping ropes and horse pits at the mouth of the valley. Then, the whole army got off their horses and rested, waiting for the sunset.

He was taken captive to Wuhuan when he was young, and he grew up in this area. He naturally knew that the wind in White Wolf Valley is unstable, and there are often swirling winds, and the wind is much stronger at night than during the day. Now it is early autumn, and the northwest wind is blowing. When the wind passes through the mouth of the canyon, it will make piercing screams, which is very terrifying.Once the fire starts, the fire will spread in this valley, and it will become a prairie fire.

He was waiting for Lu Ziqi's anger to start.

Lu Ziqi led [-] Spike team members to the vicinity of White Wolf Valley three days in advance, and went to investigate closely. He had a clear understanding of Gongsun Xu's deployment and the situation of the station, and did not climb over the top of the mountain until Yan Rou arrived at White Wolf Beach. , Hanging by ropes and lurking in the valley.In a group of three, nearly a hundred fire points were deployed, ready to explode in all directions, making Gongsun Xusuo partly confused about the direction of attack, and must be in a panic.

As it got dark, the mountain wind in the valley began to pick up.

But he waited, waiting for midnight when the enemy would let his guard down, and for the hour when the wind was strongest in the valley.The night was pitch black, and at midnight, some black shadows flickered like ghosts, and then, almost at the same time, dozens of fire points were ignited near the enemy camp at the same time.

The wind helped the fire to start a prairie fire quickly, and the fire was full of shouts and horses neighing, making it look miserable.

The Spike team members who had finished lighting the fire did not leave, but used the light of the fire to shoot cold arrows to sneak attack those soldiers under Gongsun Xu who had left the camp.

However, although Gongsun Xu is a military idiot, his soldiers have experienced many battles. Therefore, as soon as they found that the fire was coming from all directions, they quickly set up Gongsun Xu, took his own soldiers, and accurately broke through to the east.Before they were completely surrounded by the fire, some soldiers rushed out of the flames.

The other subordinates gathered quickly, most of them broke through to the east, and a small part of the troops near the valley entrance at the west end rushed towards the direction of Bailangtan, preparing to break through the blockade of Yan Rou's troops.

The fire in the valley was getting bigger and bigger, and it burned quickly.Although these burning objects are mainly weeds and shrubs, they have not been burned, and soon after the fire started, the fire weakened and even went out.But the fire was extinguished, but there was thick smoke billowing in the whole valley. Many people were choked by the smoke and fainted, and finally failed to escape and died in the flames.

The battle was easy, about hundreds of cavalry infantry broke through to the west, but encountered stumbling ropes and traps at the mouth of the valley.Yan Rou ordered the cavalry to dismount and start shooting arrows, and finally all those who broke through to the west were caught and no one escaped.On the other hand, there were nearly a thousand of those who broke through to the east after rushing out of the sea of ​​flames, but at this time most of them had burns, most of their body hair was burned off, and their faces were dark and in a state of embarrassment.

At dawn, the entire valley was still covered by thick smoke, but it could be seen that the fire was much weaker.

Gongsun Xu escaped from the sea of ​​flames under the escort of his personal soldiers and was not burned.Up to this moment, he also understood that Zheng Yu had tricked him again, and he felt annoyed and resentful.Looking back at the sky above the pitch-black valley, the whole team had no choice but to continue heading east, trying to cross the Baisha River as soon as possible and get rid of the pursuers.

But he said that this fire also blocked Yan Rou's troops from the White Wolf Valley and did not dare to enter, so he gave up the pursuit plan, otherwise, he really wanted to wipe out Gongsun Xu's remaining soldiers.

After successfully lighting the fire and attacking the enemy camp, Lu Ziqi and his troops quickly climbed back to the top of the mountain along the ropes that had been laid long ago.At this time, he was hanging far away from the tail of Gongsun Xu's department, ready to give him another blow if necessary.

Let's say that the troops led by Zheng Yu are camping on the east bank of the Baisha River, about ten miles east of the place where Gongsun Xu must pass to the east, and wait in a hidden valley.At dawn, Zheng Da called softly outside the tent: "My lord, seeing the thick smoke in the direction of White Wolf Valley, Lu Ziqi and Lord Yan Rou have made a move, what should we do?"

"Lead your troops closer first, and attack them halfway, but be careful to let Gongsun Xu go. Your mistress and I will arrive later."

After Zheng Yu finished speaking, he pushed Zuo Lan who was tightly wrapped around his body, "Lan'er, Gongsun Xucheng has become a roast pig!"

Zuo Lan hummed, and said in a low voice, "Let Zheng Da and the others go. We don't want Gongsun Xu's life anyway. It's boring. Let Lan Er hug her and sleep for a while. It's very comfortable." Li arched his head, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

At this time, the sky was already bright, but Zheng Yu was entangled and couldn't get up, thinking that there was still thirty miles between Bailang Valley and Baisha River, and the other party would not be able to reach Baisha River for a while, so let Zuo Lando sleep for a while.

An hour later, Zuo Lan woke up, stretched her waist, stood up and said, "Master, did Gongsun Xufang run away? What a pity." Then there was dressing and grooming.

Zheng Yu chuckled and said: "No, they haven't arrived at Baisha River yet, and they don't know what the hell they are doing. Let's go and have a look. For the next battle, we will be spectators, and we will just watch and not fight. Let Zheng Da and the others do their best to attack them halfway through, and if Gongsun Xu can really escape when he is caught off guard, he will surely cry without tears."

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