After Zheng Yu learned that Wuda and Loushan were trying to attack Changli, and that it might attract Gongsun Zan to secretly lead his troops back north, Zheng Yu immediately sent people to Jicheng to report to Su Wan and Master Liu Yu, and told them to be ready for contingencies.Su Wan received Zheng Yu's secret report and hurriedly summoned Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, Zhao Yong, Wang Pin, Cai Yong and others to discuss together.

"Civil strife in Wuhuan is inevitable. In a big sense, civil strife in Wuhuan is extremely beneficial to my great man. Otherwise, Wuhuan will live in the north and stare at my great man. It will be a disaster after all. But now there is a virtuous son-in-law in control, and Bo Jie is not I hope that if there is civil strife, my son-in-law will rule Wuhuan, and he will become my strongest force in the battle against Xianbei in the future, guarding the borders of the Han Dynasty, and ensuring peace for a hundred years."

Cai Yong was full of joy and shook his head. Everyone felt that what he said was very insightful and nodded quickly.At this time, he was the prefect of Jicheng and an important staff member of Liu Yu. He was regarded as an official, so he was naturally high-spirited.

The other subordinates were overjoyed at what Zheng Yu had done in Wuhuan.

Tai Shici straightened his clothes, straightened his chest, and said in a deep voice, "Hmph, I have [-] riders on the front line of Jicheng. Unless Gongsun Zan's whole army comes to attack, he can't succeed. To pass Lord Liu's test, unless Gongsun Zan openly rebels against the imperial court, if so, he will be reviled by all the people."

Now, Tai Shici had completely broken with Gongsun Zan.

Zhao Yun quickly echoed and said, "I support elder brother's idea. If you want to take advantage of the situation and occupy Jicheng, it is not what Gongsun Zan can do at this time. Even a surprise attack will not work. We are not just for nothing. But we still need to obey the orders of the lord. Tight on the inside and loose on the outside, only by being careful can you make no big mistakes.”

Wang Pin took the conversation, he was in charge of intelligence, so he knew very well what Gongsun Zan's troops were doing in Qingzhou. "Gongsun Zan fought the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou. Although he won a few small victories in a row, it was not enough to completely leave the battlefield and attack our Jicheng. On the contrary, his family members are all in Changli. It seems very likely that he will send some troops to protect Changli. , must guard against."

Su Wan felt a little awkward about Zheng Yu accepting Song Ji, thinking that Wuhuan people are really barbaric, even Queen Qiu Liju can give her away, it is unreasonable.But after Song Ji followed Zheng Yu, a great situation appeared in Wuhuan, which meant that Qiu Liju gave Zheng Yu all his subordinates, territory, wealth and women, which was a great thing.

Therefore, the unhappiness at the beginning was quickly forgotten by her. She is a smart woman, so she naturally understands the benefits of it.He just said in his heart that next time, no matter what, he would not dare to hesitate any longer, and must let Zheng Yu and her pay homage to his parents, and marry him as soon as possible.

After listening to everyone's discussion, Su Wan sighed and said: "If Wuda and Loushan are not completely wiped out, the situation in Changli will inevitably be turbulent in the future, and it will be a disaster after all. If I were Gongsun Zan, I would send the main force to Changli in secret, and give Wuda and Loushan a lot of trouble." Only by inflicting heavy losses on the troops can we achieve long-term peace and stability. But in this way, their power in Changli will increase in the future, and if the future is not good for me, I will have to deal with two enemies, which is a bit of a headache."

This is indeed a problem, and everyone should seriously think about it.

Cai Yong finally said: "Su Wan and the old man went to find Mr. Liu. He said before that he would build another [-] cavalry. Why not start now? If I add [-] troops, there will be a total of [-] regular troops. Beware of Gongsun Zan making troubles."

Su Wan rejoiced and said: "Your Excellency's words are very true. This is a good way. We are hostile to each other. In the end, it is strength that speaks."

After the discussion, Su Wan and Cai Yong went to the State Shepherd's Mansion to meet Liu Yu.As soon as Liu Yu heard that Gongsun Zan might take advantage of the situation to march northward and threaten Jicheng, he quickly agreed to their request and decided to organize, train and command the [-] horsemen under Tai Shici and Zhao Yun.

Su Wan and Cai Yong returned home overjoyed.

On the way, Cai Yong asked Su Wan: "Wu Da and Lou Shan really want to seize Changli?"

Su Wan said solemnly: "My Master's judgment is very good, and he definitely wants to take advantage of the situation to seize Changli. However, they are making a lot of noise this time, so Gongsun Du in Liaodong may be nervous for a few days. Hmph, the chaos in Wuhuan is just convenient for my Master to seize the opportunity to control it." Wuhuan, with tens of thousands of Wuhuan Buqi from now on, I don't have to worry about Gongsun Zan making troubles anymore."

Su Wan's judgment was extremely accurate.When Wuda and Loushan began to gather troops in their respective territories, Gongsun Du of Liaodong didn't pay attention at first, but his subordinates said that he might have come to deal with Liaodong to avenge Qiu Liju, so he attracted Gongsun Du's attention.

He immediately ordered to step up intelligence collection, and found that although the two divisions had only 3 cavalry, the Wuhuan soldiers and civilians were combined.Adding [-] regular cavalry is enough to pose a threat to Liaodong.

Immediately afterwards, according to Gongsundu's intelligence, it was discovered that both Uda and Loushan cavalry began to gather towards the border area, hoarding a large amount of combat supplies, and their troops pointed directly at Liaodong.Now, Gongsun Du was really nervous, and quickly ordered Gongsun Kang to lead [-] paces to the border area to garrison.

For a time, tens of thousands of elite soldiers gathered in the border area between the two places, and it looked like a war was about to break out.

However, Su Puyan saw that Gongsun Du had assembled his troops and marched westward, so he quickly ordered the troops to be prepared for defense.The perennial battle between him and Gongsun Du does not rule out the possibility of Gongsun Kang taking the opportunity to invade his subordinate territory.Wu Yan of You Beiping also began to gather troops, just in case.

As a result, the entire Liaoxi, Changli and Liaodong are highly tense.

The most tense atmosphere was Gongsun Xu, Gongsun Yue, Qiu Wu and others in Changli County Shoufu.

Mrs. Gongsun jumped on her feet and said, "This is all caused by Xu'er. From now on, don't leave me for half a step." Her expression was extremely angry.She had just received a letter from Gongsun Zan, scolding her, saying that he drowned too much, which made Gongsun Xu mess up, almost costing his life, and even causing foreign troubles.

At this point, Mrs. Gongsun began to restrain herself, and strictly controlled Gongsun Xu, and she did not allow him to leave the house.Gongsun Yue and Qiu Wu knew that Mrs. Gongsun had overkill.

However, after Gongsun Xu was restrained in this way, he spent the whole day in the mansion with his head downcast, and went to tease the maids when he had nothing to do. At this time, Mrs. Gongsun dragged him from the bed to discuss matters, looking embarrassed.Both Qiu Wu and Gongsun Yue shook their heads and sighed. Knowing that Gongsun Zan is a hero, how could he give birth to such a dog?

Qiu Wu didn't pay attention to Gongsun Xu's stupid look, but said to Gongsun Yue: "After Xiaoyun arrived in Wuhuan, a series of incidents occurred, Wuhuan's internal division, all of which are under my control. Wuda Seeing that Helou Shan couldn't deal with Tadun and Xiaoyun, he turned to try to deal with my empty Changli, which made me really passive. It's just that although they said they were dealing with Gongsundu, they were actually dealing with Changli, so there is nothing wrong with that."

Gongsun Yue nodded hastily. In fact, due to the emptiness inside, they had already dispatched agents and spies to inquire about the news and monitor Wuhuan and Zheng Yu.Therefore, none of these things that happened in Wuhuan Liucheng could be hidden from them.

"Now, the key is that the reinforcements sent by my elder brother must arrive in time, otherwise, Changli cannot be defended. The Wuhuan cavalry are powerful, we have known this for a long time, and my elder brother has fought against them for many years, winning and losing each other. I understand. This time I came prepared, and my army strength is too big compared with it, so I must not fight. If the troops sent by the elder brother are too late to reach Changli, we must retreat south..."

Seeing that Gongsun Yue said the situation was so serious, Mrs. Gongsun was shocked and asked: "Uncle, do you really want to withdraw?"

Gongsun Xu snatched the words, pouted and said, "So what if you don't retreat? You can't fight again and again. If you want to save your life, you can only retreat to Qingzhou, where your father lives."

Mrs. Gongsun glared at him angrily and said: "You still dare to talk nonsense. This is all caused by you. Now your father is fighting with the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army. If we lose, we will all be captured." Mrs. Gongsun's voice trembled, her body trembled, and she raised her hand to hit Gongsun Xu again, "You are not allowed to leave the county guard's mansion from now on, or I will skin you." Gongsun Xu hurriedly stepped aside.

Gongsun Yue ignored the wrangling between the two women, but turned around and asked Qiu Wu: "Ziping, can we let Gongsun Du send troops to rescue? Huan wiped them all out?"

After thinking for a while, Qiu Wu said: "Gongsun Du just separatized Liaodong, and he rebelled against the imperial court. If I join forces with him, it will be unreasonable legally, and it will add chaos to the lord. This is not the time. Besides, he is currently unable to support him. We, Su Puyan on the opposite side of him are also gathering troops, if he goes south to fight Wuda and Loushan's troops, Su Puyan will take advantage of the situation to attack Liaodong County, so I judge that he will not join me."

Gongsun Yue lamented and said: "It seems that we can only wait for the rescue of the elder brother, but we must be prepared to evacuate. If there is any trouble, we will retreat south immediately. As long as the green hills remain, we will not worry about running out of firewood."

Then, everyone divided the work to prepare for the evacuation.

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