At the cost of a Liaodong county city and half of Liaodong county, Gongsundu tried to lure Wuda and Loushan to continue to go deep into Liaodong. The purpose is self-evident.He has calculated the greedy psychology of Wu Da and Lou Shan. He has lived in the highlands and deep mountains for a long time, and suddenly came to the prosperous big city on the plain. It would be a lie to say that he is not greedy.

It's just that Wu Da is not an idle person. He is also judging Gongsundu's attempt, and maintains a high degree of vigilance against Gongsundu's main force. Fang waited for a large amount of land. In this way, he would become the largest tribe in Wuhuan. At that time, it would not be a matter of the three kings, but the hero of the entire Wuhuan. The position of Shan Yu must belong to him.

Therefore, he felt the need to give it a go.

Wu Da and Lou Shan sent troops to Liaodong beyond his expectations, and Gongsun Du resolutely abandoned Liaodong County, which greatly stimulated Zheng Yu.In the past few days, he has been thinking about a question, are the ancients smart or the modern people smart?Thinking about the hundreds of schools of thought hundreds of years ago, why their works have been passed down for thousands of years and become classics, and why Sun Tzu's "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was regarded as the golden rule of military affairs by countries all over the world in later generations?

He felt that maybe when he first came, he underestimated the heroes of this era, so he put away his contempt, began to seriously consider the development of the war and the possible future results, and made detailed preparations.

Thinking too much about these things made Zheng Yu feel a little annoyed and his head was a little swollen, so he disguised himself as an ordinary person and went out of the palace alone to wander the streets.Lei Bao and several soldiers also disguised as civilians scattered behind him not far away, secretly guarding him.

Zheng Yu raised his head, looked at the shops on both sides of the street, and found that they were quite prosperous, so he also started to visit this one and ask about that one, feeling a little curious about the prosperity of Liucheng.When I came to a grocery store, I found that it was full of general merchandise, so I couldn't help asking the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, you still have fish here, where did you get them from?"

"Yuyang, the salted fish, salt, and all kinds of dried fish in my store are all shipped from the seaside of Yuyang." The shopkeeper said patiently, letting Zheng Yu understand that in fact, the Han people and the surrounding Hu people have Hu markets. They transported ironware, cloth, rice and other materials from the Han Dynasty, and exchanged them for horses, furs and other things from Hudi. The trade volume between the two sides was not small.And Liucheng is an important distribution center, so it is not surprising that it is so prosperous.

Zheng Yu turned his head and looked at the road, and saw that the Han people accounted for about half of the people coming and going, so he asked again: "Boss, there are quite a lot of Han people in Liucheng."

"Han people account for almost half of Liucheng's population. Back then, Qiu Liju plundered hundreds of thousands of people and came to Wuhuan, and now they have taken root in this northern land. Alas," the shopkeeper felt that he had made a mistake when he said this, and his expression changed. , quickly shook his head and said: "Let's not talk about these things, we are businessmen, just doing business, guest officer, what do you want to buy?"

Zheng Yu shook his head, "Let's take a look first. I want to buy a sword. I wonder if there is a blacksmith shop near here."

Seeing Zheng Yu's tall stature and extraordinary appearance, the shopkeeper also suspected that he was a member of the government, so he thought of dismissing him quickly, and quickly said, "Yes, there is a big blacksmith's shop a hundred meters away, which is run by Han people. Yes, you can hit anything."

He was relieved when he saw Zheng Yu leaving the house. What he said just now was a bit too much. If it was before, there would definitely be troubles. Fortunately, now Liucheng basically knows that the governor of Jicheng is the actual master, and the city guard has been replaced. Become a Han Chinese.Therefore, the Han people in Wuhuan, especially in Liucheng, have a much higher status, and those Wuhuan people have become more polite to the Han people.

Zheng Yu seemed to be a curious woman, and started to enjoy shopping in the streets and shops. He came here for half a day. Before long, he came to the East City Gate, and saw a carriage speeding up behind dozens of soldiers. When he met him, Lei Bao and others who were following tens of meters away were shocked because of his extremely fast speed.

Zheng Yu turned around and reached out to grab the frightened horse.

"You Han, don't you have eyes anymore?" A cavalry general riding a horse and guarding the side of the carriage shouted loudly.

Zheng Yu glared at him and didn't say a word, but this guy ruined the good mood of the morning, so he was naturally upset.Lei Bao and others rushed over, drew their swords and wanted to pull the cavalier off his horse, but Zheng Yu waved his hand to stop him.

"Is it reasonable for you to ride a horse on the street?" Zheng Yu reprimanded sternly.

The cavalier wanted to defend himself, but at this time the curtains in the carriage were lifted, and a woman in her 23s and [-]s showed her head, she was so beautiful, she quickly saluted Zheng Yu, and said apologetically, "Lord Governor, my family belongs to Wuda My family, I am really sorry for shocking your lord." She spoke pure Chinese, then got off the carriage and apologized to Zheng Yu.

It turned out to be the Wuda family, no wonder its subordinates are so awesome.

Zheng Yu saw that Mrs. Wu Da was a Han woman, her figure and face were superb, comparable to that of Song Ji, and she thought that this must be the fault of Wu Da and others, so her attitude became much gentler immediately, and she said with a smile: "Ah, It's Lord Wuda's family, it's okay, Lord Wuda won a big victory in Liaodong, and his ambition has been greatly boosted."

Hearing that the mistress was so respectful to Zheng Yu, the cavalry general quickly jumped off his horse and knelt down on the ground, saying: "This subordinate should be damned, I'm really sorry for offending Lord Governor."

Seeing that the other party showed weakness, Zheng Yu calmed down, "It's okay, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, we are all a family, it's okay, it's just that you tell the groom to drive carefully, don't scare the lady. Madam, Get in the car, I won't delay you."

The lady obviously wanted to leave as soon as possible, so she said sorry, and then returned to the carriage, and a group of people began to walk slowly towards the city gate.Zheng Yu turned around and said to Lei Bao: "Inform Sun Qi and the others, let people keep an eye on them."

Seeing the carriage going away, Lei Bao quickly whispered, "Spike is not far behind, don't dare to get too close, don't worry, my lord, Sun Qi is very experienced in doing things." Soon, Zheng Yu saw several horses carrying goods He followed him, knowing that Langya was disguised as a businessman and was following Mrs. Wuda.

When they came to Zheng Yu's side, they didn't even stop, they looked like they didn't know each other at all, but their outfits were so similar, Zheng Yu was quite appreciative in his heart.Seeing Mrs. Wu Da leaving the city, Zheng Yu turned around and wanted to go back, but saw a horse convoy entering the city, the number of which was about 300 people, guarding more than a dozen horse carriages, Zheng Yu thought to himself, this is a big businessman, so Stop and want to see where it is sacred.

When the carriage came to his side, a voice came from inside the carriage: "Stop, stop quickly!" The carriage stopped. At this time, Zheng Yu was alone on the side of the road watching like ordinary pedestrians. Lei Bao and others The people were farther away. Although their eyes were not looking this way, they could still feel that they were maintaining a high level of vigilance. The thing that surprised Zheng Yu earlier made Lei Bao very annoyed.

A strong and tall man got off the carriage, came to Zheng Yu, looked and looked, and then shouted: "Lord Governor, why are you so interested in wandering around?" He came up to shake hands with him while speaking.

In fact, Zheng Yu also saw that it was Su Puyan, Lord Wuhuan of Liaodong.Although he was dressed up, wearing a melon cap and fur coat, he was dressed like a businessman, but his eyes were burning, and his face was full of the weather of a battle-tested warrior, showing his heroic spirit from time to time, which was very different from that of a businessman.Besides, the two have met several times, how could they hide from each other.

Therefore, Zheng Yu held Su Puyan's hands, teasingly said: "Sir Su Puyan can change his career to do business, so what's the point of me wandering around as the governor? Why come to Liucheng when you have time? Really, don't say anything before you come, otherwise I will go out of the city myself to meet your lord."

Su Puyan rubbed his head, and said with a smile: "I want to tell my lord something, but I don't want outsiders to know, so I pretended to be a businessman quietly. Unfortunately, I didn't pretend to be like this, and my lord still saw it."

"Is it about Liaodong?"

Su Puyan took Zheng Yu's hand and came to a remote place on the side of the road, "It's about Wuda. He came to see me, my lord. It's inconvenient to talk here. Let's find a secret place to discuss."

Zheng Yu heard that it was about Wu Da, and he was curious. He really didn't know why Wu Da was looking for Su Puyan, but after a rough thought, he could understand that Wu Da was probably going to rescue soldiers. "How about going to the palace, no one knows there."

Su Puyan just wanted to agree, but in the blink of an eye, he looked at his attire and couldn't help but smiled and said: "I'm a businessman now, it's not suitable to go to the palace, let's find another place to discuss." The secret location was finally decided in Su Puyan At the abode, Zheng Yu put on a melon skin hat and pretended to be a businessman, and entered Su Puyan's abode half an hour late, and the two found a secret room to discuss.

"Wuda approached me and asked me to send troops with him to deal with Gongsundu, saying that if the main force of Gongsundu can be defeated, the two families will share the land, population and other spoils equally." Su Puyan said straight to the point.

Zheng Yu picked up the tea and took a sip, thinking that it is true, this Wu Da is not a reckless person, if Su Puyan sends troops together, Gongsun Du will be in trouble, then it will be really difficult to steal chickens, and he will lose money Liaodong.After thinking for a while, Su Puyan didn't interrupt his train of thought.

After a long time, Zheng Yu asked: "What do you think, how do you judge the outcome of the battle between the two sides?"

"Wuda and Loushan have 5 regular troops and [-] irregular troops. I have [-] regular troops and [-] irregular troops. The total is [-] regular troops and [-] irregular troops. Gongsun Du has [-] regular troops and [-] irregular troops, and Liaodong still has the potential to form another army, but they have few horses and can only engage in infantry, so my judgment is that the two sides are evenly matched and can fight."

Su Puyan compared the strength of the two sides, analyzed the situation and potential, and felt that the odds of winning were five or five.

"The point is, most of my tribe lives in the area west to the north of Liaodong, fighting against the Liaodong army all year round. After Gongsundu became the prefect, he even violated Lord Liu Yu's principle of living in harmony and continued to use troops against our tribe. We suffered a lot. , I really want revenge this time."

Speaking of Gongsun Du, Su Puyan looked stern and his eyes showed hatred. Obviously, he had suffered a lot before, "After Gongsun Du served as the governor of Liaodong, he raided hundreds of rich families and robbed them of their property. He did a lot of bad things. But his actual rule in Liaodong is also quite stable, and Gongsun Du is a master at using troops, so my analysis is still about five or five."

Zheng Yu didn't ask too much on this topic, but changed the subject, "What do you think of Gongsun Du's voluntary evacuation of Liaodong County this time? Could it be that he is playing some kind of conspiracy?"

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