Back to the Three Kingdoms to be the Lord

Chapter 142 The Story of General Liu

Song Jizhi can surprise Zheng Yu.

In political affairs, he showed a view of the overall situation and a vigorous and resolute way of dealing with things, without delay; in military affairs, he also had a considerable strategic vision, and he could always see the essence of problems. Although some aspects showed a woman's intuition, this intuition was It's horribly accurate.

I also heard that she loved reading when she was a child, and there was a soldier in her family. She often discussed military issues with her family, and she got a lot of advice from her seniors, so she knew a thing or two.Only now did Zheng Yu understand that Qiu Liju had the help of Song Ji to achieve success later, otherwise, he might not be able to compete with his elder brother Wu Da.

Zheng Yu was very fortunate to have Song Ji, which made him more comfortable controlling Wuhuan in the future.

As soon as they entered the palace, Song Ji said to Zheng Yu: "Master, take Zilong and the others to the living room, and I will ask Wu Wu and Wu Yue to bring tea and fruits. Those fruits are stored in the ice cellar and are still very fresh. .Liucheng persimmons are the most famous. At this time, the leaves are falling, and the branches are full of red persimmons, which are delicious.” Then he turned to Lei Bao and said, “Lei Bao, take some soldiers to pick some. Next, you also come to the table to participate in the banquet."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, stopped after walking a few steps, turned back and said to Zheng Yu: "Zilong is my brother, and the others are the robes of Xianggong during the bloody battle in Qingzhou, and they all lived and died together. It’s different from outsiders, tonight I’ll cook the dishes myself, get some local dishes, and make sure everyone gets used to it.” Then, he left excitedly.

The generals were very moved by what Song Ji said.I feel that this mistress is not only the queen, but also the most reasonable and kind mistress.Zheng Yu was also very satisfied, what Song Ji said and did gave him a lot of face.

Therefore, he said to Zilong and others: "Your sister-in-law is very capable, and her level is probably comparable to that of Su Wan. She is the one who takes care of the whole Wuhuan affairs, and Wuhuan people respect her very much. Qiu Liju has The servant named Ta Dun is very heroic and capable, but he has a stubborn personality and refuses to obey anyone, so I will obey you, the mistress."

When he said this, his face was full of joy, and then he brought everyone to the living room to discuss matters.

Soon, Wu Wu and Wu Yue came in to serve them with tea in person, making all the generals polite and saluted again.The mistress serves tea, which is a great gift for people in this era.Seeing the generals saying "thank you mistress" and other polite words, the two women looked a little flustered, and finally left in embarrassment.Soon, Leibao came with a large plate of red persimmons just picked from the tree, and everyone ate it up. It was really sweet and soft, and the taste was very good.

Then, when the discussion started, Zheng Yu directly called Wang Pin by name and said first.

"My lord, Gongsun Zan's victories over the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou are not small. I have checked, and there are indeed capable people in the Black Mountain Army. That's why General Liu was lured into the hub and died in ambush. From then on, the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army In terms of fighting against Gongsun Zan, the Yellow Turban Army is not as good as the Black Mountain Army, and most of them rely on numbers to fight. Gongsun Zan’s troops have not only experienced battles, but also fought against Wuhuan and Xianbei for many years. Adopt a strategy to win the Yellow Turban Army in a row. The subordinates judge that although the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is large in scale and has a large number of people, it may not be able to last long, and there are signs of total collapse...."

Wang Pin described Gongsun Zan's main battles in Qingzhou, as well as the military strength, tactics and main battles of both sides. It was very detailed and indeed took a lot of effort.Then, Wang Pin said happily again: "My lord, I have recruited some people from Gongsun Zan's department, and this time it will be of great help."


Zheng Yu stood up, rubbed his hands, stomped his steps, and kept saying yes.But he soon discovered that this action was Cao Cao's exclusive action, so he couldn't help being funny, so he quickly sat back in his seat and said to Wang Pin, "Go on, especially the information about Liaodong."

According to Wang Pin, he sent an intelligence team to Liaodong half a year ago. At the beginning, it mainly concentrated in Liaodong County to collect intelligence. But not long after, Gongsun Du sent his troops to march eastward, and the team crossed the Mazi River to Le Lang and Daifang two counties, and then crossed the Han River south and entered Mabian to collect information.

Gongsundu had a water army named Liaodong Water Army, with more than [-] large and small ships.When attacking Daifang and Lelang this time, this water army was used to transport troops and entered from the Han River, forming a pincer attack from the north to the south. In the end, there was no major battle between the two counties. When it was heard that the south was occupied by Gongsun Du, the prefects of the two counties surrendered voluntarily.Gongsun Du had more than [-] regular cavalry in the two counties, and his strength increased greatly, so he decided to immediately launch the war against Mabian.

Zheng Yuxin said that Gongsun Du used troops really well. This is the earliest amphibious landing operation. The effect is amazing, and the ancients cannot be bullied!

Wang Pin went on to say: "But this Ma Bian is a foreigner, so it is not easy to surrender, and they have a more powerful navy, with more than [-] warships of various types, including more than [-] warships that can carry more than [-] people. There has been long-term trade relations with the Dongyi and Wa countries, following the route of Qin Shihuang's eastward crossing, there are large ships traveling between the two places every month."

What Wang Pin said showed Zheng Yu the general status quo and combat power of the entire Korean Peninsula and ancient Japan. Although it was not complete, it was the first time he had heard about the situation of the two countries facing each other across the sea since he came to the Three Kingdoms. .Therefore, he couldn't wait to ask: "How did Gongsun Du deal with Ma Bian? If you still use the first move, it will definitely not work."

Wang Pin replied: "Gongsun Du first attracted the main force of Mabian to the north, and then activated the nearly 500 troops who had disguised and lurked in the south of Mabian a year ago, and then used the Liaodong navy, and You Lelang and Daifang sea ships The navy formed, with a total of more than [-] ships, secretly marched southward, arrived at the southernmost point and landed. With the cooperation of water and land, the Mabian navy was defeated when the opponent was unprepared, and more than half of the warships were captured, achieving a great victory. Now, Although he is still fighting Ma Bian, there is no suspense for Gongsun Du to win."

Zheng Yuxin said that this was another classic battle example, and he valued Gongsundu even more, thinking that Wu Da and Su Puyan would not be able to please Gongsundu in the process of dealing with Gongsundu.Therefore, I am more determined to "sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight", and feel that this is the most correct strategy at present.

After Wang Pin finished his report, Song Ji came to order dinner in person.

At the banquet, the dishes were very rich, with the characteristics of Chinese cuisine, which made everyone very happy.At the same time, Song Ji brought out the fine wine that Qiu Liju had collected for many years to entertain the guests, but because she was present, everyone ordered as much as they could. Out of politeness, most of the time they sat upright and behaved very well.

Seeing this state of affairs, Song Ji definitely couldn't do it. She stood up halfway through her meal and said, "You are all brothers of my husband's life and death. You can let go of drinking. I'll go first." It's a brother, don't be restrained, my husband can also get drunk, just don't get too drunk. Last time, he was drunk by more than 20 chiefs of Wuhuan in Chishan, and all of them fell ill."

When Zheng Yu heard it, how could he say that?

Therefore, he pushed Song Ji out of the door, "It's okay, you can't die when you get drunk, it was an accident last time."

Song Ji is a person of great wisdom. As soon as she heard what she said just now, she understood that what she just said was inappropriate. She quickly turned her head and said to everyone: "Okay, you just drink, for the sake of the brothers, you don't even want your life, and you are afraid of getting drunk? You drink Alright, I'm leaving." After finishing speaking, he trotted away.

Zheng Yu returned to the banquet and said to everyone: "Start drinking now, Lei Bao, you put a wine jar next to everyone, these are all good wines that Qiu Liju has collected for many years, now it is cheaper for us. From now on, don't think of me as the lord, we are brothers, brothers who live and die together."

Zheng Yu's phone call moved everyone and made the atmosphere warm.They are all soldiers. Soldiers throughout the ages have one thing in common, that is, straightforwardness.As soon as they drank too much, they all began to besiege Zheng Yu, so he really drank a lot, but Zhao Yun was his brother, who took most of the place for him, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

The wine table was swaying here and there, Song Ji brought Wu Wu and Wu Yue in, brought sober tea and fruit, and let the brothers have a good drink and a good talk.

Zheng Yu's face was flushed at this time, that face was really redder than a monkey's butt.

At this time, he said to Wang Pin with his tongue out: "Wang Pin, you should talk about General Liu's affairs today. In fact, I already knew about it. I just dare not talk about and think of him because I am afraid of crying. Let's Many people, except Zilong, are considered Lord Liu's soldiers. Today, we cry for Lord Liu, this is a memorial to him."

In fact, Zheng Yu already knew about General Liu's situation from Liu Yu and the imperial palace newspaper.

General Liu’s name is Liu Yun. He is a descendant of the Han family and the king of Zhongshan Liu Sheng. He shares a common ancestor with Liu Bei, but General Liu is the pillar of the imperial court, and Liu Bei began to decline because of his grandfather’s generation. People sigh.

In order to cover the breakout of the large army, Liu Yu finally led more than 2000 people to the rear. He was shot in the back by the arrow and bled profusely. In the end, his personal soldiers and the troops he led broke through like crazy. The corpses, protruding 700 people, joined the early breakout troops. The two armies added up to about 2000 people. They returned all the way south to the Xuzhou border area and broke away from the encirclement.

Besides, Zhang Yan saw Liu Yun died in battle, and saw that none of these subordinates surrendered, and the whole army went crazy, so in the end, Zhang Yan also let them go.They went south to Xuzhou collectively, and were recalled to Luoyang by the imperial court to reward them, and everyone was promoted to rank.But such people no longer want to join the army, but collectively guard the descendants of Liu Yun's family and guard Liu Yun's tomb, swearing to the death that they do not want to leave.

Their loyalty moved the imperial court, including later Dong Zhuo. Therefore, they treated Liu Yun extremely kindly, continuously added officials to him, and enjoyed great honors after his death.The 2000 remnant soldiers were ordered by the imperial court to be allowed to eat the royal salary, and agreed to be stationed in the small town where Liu Yun's tomb is located, guarding his tomb and protecting Liu Yun's descendants at the same time.

"Master Liu didn't die immediately after being shot by the enemy's cold arrow. His last words were to tell these soldiers to come to join the lord. He also said that the lord's way is the most hopeful to break out of the encirclement. Like, it will surely accomplish great things, and tell the lord to treat them kindly."

When Wang Pin said this, his eyes were red, and tears fell as he spoke.Because Zheng Yu drank too much wine, he was so excited that he couldn't restrain his emotions. He lay down on the table and burst into tears, causing all the generals to cry.

They all couldn't let go of General Liu's death, and they always remembered General Liu's kindness.

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