Back to the Three Kingdoms to be the Lord

Chapter 155 An Interesting Battle Situation

In the early stage of the Liaodong Campaign, Uda and Lou Shan led their troops to assemble in the border area with Liaodong, making the appearance of attempting to attack the Gongsun Du tribe in Liaodong. However, in the eyes of all parties, Uda’s real purpose was to attack the extremely empty Changli Gongsunxu tribe at that time. , That is to confuse Gongsun Yue by attacking from the east to the west, but who would have thought that after Wu Da relaxed his vigilance in Gongsundu and transferred the main force to the east, he and Lou Shan finally attacked Liaodong.

This is a typical slam dunk!

It has been a month and a half since Wuda and Loushan led Wuhuan troops across the border of Liaodong, and the Liaodong campaign officially started.At the beginning, Gongsun Kang and Liu Yi led [-] cavalry to resist tenaciously in the border area. After being frustrated, they immediately retreated eastward, and then lured the enemy to go deep.

In this offensive and defensive process, both commanders showed extraordinary military wisdom.Although the battle has fallen into a stalemate, the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Both sides are trying to gather more troops to fight bigger battles, and each is seeking foreign aid. The ultimate goal is to wipe out the opponent's troops.

The four tribes of Wuhuan sent troops together, of course, with the purpose of coveting a large area of ​​land in Liaodong.And Gongsundu also attempted to solve the Wuhuan issue in World War I, and seized the territories of Su Puyan, Loushan, and Wuda.In short, neither of the two sides is a fuel-efficient lamp. They tried their best to fight each other's wits and courage, which was very lively.

After personally experiencing the entire development process of the Liaodong War in the early stages, Zheng Yu put aside his contempt for the ancients at the beginning, and then understood why a [-]-character "Tao Te Ching" became a classic for later generations, and a "Sun Tzu's Art of War" did not. It was regarded as a military textbook by later generations. These are the crystallization of wisdom condensed by the experience and lessons accumulated by the ancients in the long-term battle.

Now, what he is most worried about is that the development of the battle is out of control, so in addition to continuing to maintain a high level of vigilance, he also puts the main force in the best standby position, and continuously sends spies and spikes to deal with Xianbei Yuwen Mohuai and Suli's troops. , and closely monitored the main force of Gongsundu east of Ma Zishui.

He believes that as long as these three forces are kept close, the battle in Liaodong will not be overturned. At least, the ministries he leads will not suffer major damage.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the sun is shining brightly, today is a good weather.

During this time, Zheng Yu often took Li Ji and Wu Min's two daughters, under the protection of Lei Bao and other personal soldiers, to watch the battle on a hill a few miles away from Tucheng, and set up camp at the foot of the hill.There was a boulder on the mountain, and the three of them sat on the boulder. Umin placed a piece of cloth on the stone, and put all kinds of food and wine on it.

"It's a pity that we can't make tea here. My husband likes tea the most." Li Ji said regretfully.

But Wu Min was busy with this and that, turned his head and glanced around, regretfully said: "This rock is a bit crooked, and my husband is not comfortable sitting on it. Why don't you let Leibao go down the mountain to get a chair? When the time comes, Mr. Wouldn't it be more beautiful to sit on the boulder, look around at the opposing sides of Liaodong, and laugh about the affairs of the world?"

After finishing speaking, she began to giggle.

Ever since she called Zheng Yu "Xianggong", she has completely regarded him as his wife. When she was with Zheng Yu, she was extremely considerate and docile. She peeked at him from time to time, and her face was always red. He hurriedly sat behind him, pulled Zheng Yu's body into his arms, and let him use it as a backrest.

Zheng Yu's heart was moved by the tenderness and considerateness revealed in these subtleties.He was half lying down, leaning his head against her chest, which was extremely soft, and naturally he was reluctant to leave.

Next, the three carefully watched the confrontation between the two armies outside Tucheng, and the scene where the Wuhuan soldiers dispatched large-scale troops to dig and fill the river. It was really spectacular.However, the two women were thinking about how this battle would develop in the end, especially Zheng Yu said that if the final moment was not reached, no one would dare to say that victory would definitely be won, because various factors were superimposed, and external forces were thrown in one after another. The battle situation became more complicated and confusing.

The key is that Gongsun Du still has several cards yet to be played.

Seeing thousands of troops digging soil to fill the river in front of the Tucheng, Zheng Yu thought of organizing hundreds of thousands of military and civilian battles in later generations, and thought to himself, maybe this big battle was learned from the ancients.Therefore, he sighed to Li Ji and Wu Min and said: "The combined armies of the two sides have invested tens of thousands of troops, with the goal of annihilating each other's enemies. This is a decisive battle."

Li Ji took the words and said with a serious expression: "there are tens of thousands of regular troops, and there are a large number of civilians and second-line troops behind them who are involved in transporting food and supplies, carrying the wounded, repairing ditches, delivering ordnance, etc., adding up to tens of thousands Come on, I've never seen so many people gathering to fight, it's really thrilling and frightening to death. On the battlefield, the most worthless thing is human life."

Zheng Yu said softly, "They are all fighting for survival."

Wu Min took out a wine jug wrapped in cotton cloth, poured out a glass of wine and handed it to Zheng Yu, and said with a smile: "Let's ignore others and take care of our own affairs first, Mr. Gong, let's drink a glass of wine to warm your body. It's getting colder and colder. How about we go back to our tents? Digging is everywhere here, and the sky is filled with light dust, so there's nothing to see."

The three of them stayed for a while, Li Ji said with a smile: "Let's go back, there are hot quilts in the camp at the foot of the mountain, and it's a thousand times better than being here with your two ladies." After finishing speaking, she pulled Zheng Yu up. , Wu Min hurriedly packed his things.

The three of them went down the mountain and returned to the camp. Li Ji hurriedly went to make tea. After a while, a cup of hot tea was served, and Zheng Yu drank it very refreshingly. "It's better to stay in the camp. As Wu Min said, it is more important to manage our own one-acre three-point land and make sure that nothing goes wrong. I judge that Yuwen Mohuai and Suli Department of Xianbei must do something. At this time, Gongsun You haven't played the last card yet."

The battle has been really interesting until now, or in other words, since Zheng Yu joined in, the entire Liaodong campaign has become more confusing and more interesting.

Now, in addition to digging and filling the river in front of Tucheng, the upstream is also competing for the stream channel. One party wants to break the water and pour it into the moat, and the other party is also seizing control of the water source. The purpose is to dig another river channel. In an attempt to submerge the depression behind Tucheng and block the retreat of Gongsun Kang's troops.

Li Ji finished making tea, sat back beside Zheng Yu, took his arm, and said with a smile: "There is one more thing, that is, Ta Dun, Zhao Yong, and Wang Meng led their troops to run around on the border. The two parties in the war must be staring at Xianggong playing tricks, and I don’t know what this little guy will think. He is a person who knows no one except Xianggong and Song Ji. Should we send someone to supervise him? Come on, don't let him break the rules that my husband said."

Thinking of Ta Dun, Zhao Yong, and Wang Meng running around in the border area, both Zheng Yu and Wu Min laughed.

The three of them hid in the tent and discussed the battle situation in Liaodong, and bursts of laughter came from the tent from time to time.

But Ta Dun, Zhao Yong and Wang Meng are also hiding in the tent at this time discussing Zheng Yu's motive for this move?The three of them each led [-] cavalry to and fro in the border area, making it very lively, which confused the enemy and us. In fact, the three of them are still confused now, thinking that this is a battle of confusion. .

But if the lord doesn't say anything, it's not easy for them to ask, just strictly enforce it.

The three led their troops to cross the border strictly from west to east during the day, and at night they sent troops back to the Wuhuan territory. After going back and forth several times like this, even the birds on the trees were alarmed, let alone Gongsun Du's. Spy?

However, no matter what, they couldn't figure out what Zheng Yu's intention was in doing this.

Ta Dun, Zhao Yong, and Wang Meng led troops and horses to make a big move here. Of course, they couldn't hide Gongsun Du's spies. Therefore, these spies immediately informed Gongsun Kanghe of Zheng Yu's troops and horses and their movements. Liu Yi and others, meanwhile, continued to closely monitor the border area.

He also said that the three of Tadun were still doing this seriously at the beginning, pretending during the day, and marching secretly at night.But later found out that they couldn't hide it from others at all, so they just sent troops to put on a show, and the main force stayed in the border area to camp, while Ta Dun and other three generals no longer participated directly, but just sent their generals to respond to the occasion, and the three of them organized Together, Riwei wondered what Zheng Yu meant?

Ta Dun asked: "Zhao Yong, Wang Meng, have you figured it out?"

"The lord must want to confuse the enemy?" Although Zhao Yong couldn't think of the reason, he admired Zheng Yu extremely, and thought that the lord's move must have a deep meaning, so he started thinking about it as soon as he was free, and his head hurt. I didn't even think about it.

"I think the lord wants to confuse Wu Da, Lou Shan, Su Boyan, etc. in addition to confusing the enemy." Wang Meng said with certainty, he thinks that even our own people have been confused by the lord, who else in this world can guess? Out of the lord's intention?

"I don't think about it anymore. After thinking about it for several days, my head hurts like hell. I'll just ask my adoptive father another day. But I think the foster father is most likely trying to confuse the three of us." Ta Dun said shaking his head, and then said loudly laugh it out.

But Zhao Yong suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked Ta Dun and Wang Meng, "Have any of your subordinates disturbed the people? This is a big matter, so let someone investigate it immediately. Although the lord is friendly, he also loves us very much. , but the premise is that you are not allowed to violate military discipline, otherwise no one can do it, and the peeling skin will be light. Tadun, the lord is most worried about you, do you want someone to check it out, don't make mistakes."

Ta Dun raised his chest and said: "Don't worry, I know which is more important, and I will never violate the three chapters of the agreement of my foster father, but you should check it yourself first. We have been going back and forth, and the troops have moved a lot. God, it’s inevitable that horses will trample on people’s fields and orchards, or take people’s weeds and other small things, hehe, I’ll keep a close eye on it, and I won’t commit any crimes, and you two won’t know about it.”

Speaking of this, Tadu smiled smugly, Zhao Yong and Wang Meng hurriedly sent people to investigate carefully, and they would never dare to violate the slightest.He said in his heart that the lord's Zheng family army is the most innocent army in this era.

However, Zheng Yu, Li Ji, and Wu Min did not climb the mountain the next day, but Su Puyan, Wu Yan, and Nanlou came to see Zheng Yu with wine and expensive gifts.After the four of them were seated, they began to discuss the battle in Liaodong again.Su Puyan said happily: "Wuda sent Loushan to lead [-] cavalry to seize the upper stream, and then plan to dig a ditch to divert the stream to fill the depression behind the Tucheng. By then, there will be a desert. Let's see how long Gongsun Kang can last?"

Seeing that Zheng Yu just made a small suggestion, Nan Lou and Wu Yan could not help but admire a gap in the stalemate battle situation. Of course, they did not dare to ask him to send troops again.

Su Puyan said in a deep voice: "The governor is just talking. It seems that Gongsun Kang and Liu Yi are going to be wiped out, but I judge that they will withdraw their troops before the ditch is formed. As long as we can clear the moat in time." Fill in, they will never be allowed to evacuate safely, and the two sides will fight to the death here."

However, Zheng Yu thought that things in the world will not always go as they wish, and the other party is also seeing it, so there must be a proper countermeasure. He thought that at this time Liu Yi and Gongsun Kang had no choice but to withdraw their troops.So he said solemnly: "You are all here, let me explain that the next battle is under your control, and my work is almost completed. Next, I have to deal with the possibility that Suli's troops may go south and attack my Chishan Wuhuan. It's over."

The three of Su Puyan didn't stay for an hour, and left hand in hand.

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