Back to the Three Kingdoms to be the Lord

Chapter 163 Strategic encirclement

Liu Yi didn't send any troops to pursue, but only dispatched scouts to monitor the retreat of the Wuhuan coalition forces.Then, another team of cavalry was sent to hang the tail of the coalition army far away, but did not approach.

Wu Da led the main force to withdraw slowly, appearing calm, and alternately covered, not worried that Liu Yi would send troops to catch up, in fact, he really hoped that Liu Yi would send troops to pursue, and then the battle in Liaodong would really be reversed.Although he found Liu Yi's cavalry team of more than 2000 people, he didn't care about it, and he didn't send troops to ambush it.

Then, Uda secretly sent [-] cavalry to the upper reaches of the Mazi River again to support the troops previously sent to seize the ferry.For him, the upstream ferry is very important, this is the only way out for the Wuhuan coalition forces.The possibility of breaking out to the west is too small. He just pretended to retreat westward this time to attract the attention of Gongsundu's ministries, showing that he was fooled, and his real purpose was still to advance north and then turn east.

Once the ferry is captured and enough ferries are collected, he will immediately order the entire army to cross the Mazishui eastward and enter Lelang and Mabian.For the Wuhuan Allied Forces, once the eastward crossing is successful, it is a victory. Not only is the east of Ma Zishui extremely empty, but Gongsun Du never expected that Uda would use this trick, and it will surely achieve the effect of surprise and attack.

Seizing a large amount of land east of the Mazi River is very important to Uda personally, so he would not hesitate to give up Wuhuan's territory for this purpose.With this piece of sky, Wuhuan will be able to continue, and he will be able to dominate the east of the Ma Zishui. Even Su Puyan, Nanlou, and Wuyan, the three appointed by the court, can only listen to him. At that time, he will establish the Eastern Wuhuan Kingdom, and it will become a matter of course for him to become the king of Wuhuan.

Thinking of the beauty, Wu Da smiled, and said to himself, this is what a blessing in disguise means.

After Wu Da led the army westward for two hundred miles, he stopped to set up camp, and immediately called Wu Yan to understand the situation in Tucheng.At the same time, they are also waiting for the exact news of the capture of the upper reaches of the Mazi River.

The main force of the Wuhuan Allied Forces stopped advancing in the central area of ​​Central Liao. Liu Yi laughed "haha" when he got the news, and said to Gongsun Kang: "It seems that the lord's western defense line has been completed, and the net is waiting for Wuda to drill. If he doesn't Where can I go when I go west?" Although he was asking, he was extremely proud, with a smile on his face, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

Yang Yi tactfully interjected, "Xiangbei, it must be Xiangbei! Wuhuan can only find his way home if Xiangbei defeats Xianbei." After speaking, he pursed his lips and smiled, appearing to be much reserved.At this moment, in the living room, the three of them were sitting on chairs drinking tea and chatting, in a happy mood.

Gongsun Kang got up and poured tea for the two adults in charge, with a flattering expression, he laughed and said, "Let Wuhuan and Xianbei dog bite the dog. When both losers, it's time for my army to come forward to clean up the mess. Unfortunately, Zheng Yu is guarding the border area , the Wuhuan Territory probably won’t be taken. But if our army wins a big victory, the next one we have to deal with is that bastard Zheng Yu.”

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Kang smiled proudly and arrogantly.

Liu Yi glanced at him, and said with a serious expression: "Zheng Yu is not easy to deal with. He has placed himself in a very favorable position. We may not be able to deal with him, at least in the short term. We have to eat every bite. As long as the Wuhuan coalition forces are completely annihilated, and Xianbei is able to take advantage of the victory, this is the biggest battle goal of this battle. If you are greedy, you can’t eat too much! Of course, it may not be a big problem to take Goguryeo by then, and we will have a large territory by then, and we can establish a country And there will be no obstacles in electing the lord to be the emperor."

After speaking, the three of them laughed loudly, they all looked like they were holding the chance of victory, even Liu Yi, a calm person, felt that this time the Wuhuan coalition forces would be completely irreversible.

However, he said that Gongsun Du brought his personal troops to Tucheng for inspection, and when he saw the posture in front of him, he immediately had a bottom line in his mind. The current situation is that it is difficult for him to attack the Wuhuan soldiers, but the Wuhuan coalition forces don't even think about crossing any swamp. land.Let the two sides continue to confront each other. In short, continuing to confront each other is beneficial to themselves, but it is a disaster for the Wuhuan coalition forces.Even if they don't fight them, relying on God's cold weather is enough to wipe out the Wuhuan coalition army.

Then, Gongsundu ordered the landing troops to set up several blocking lines and spread them out to the two wings, forming a tendency to encircle the Wuhuan coalition forces, but not really encircling them.What Gongsun Du wanted was to maintain this siege, and he took his soldiers back to the newly occupied Liaodong County to enjoy the blessings.

In his view, the battle situation in Liaodong has been settled. The strategic encirclement situation of the Liaodong Army against the Wuhuan coalition forces has been fully formed. The coalition forces led by Wuda are in the joint attack of Gongsun Du and Liu Yi's troops. The situation of victory and defeat is very obvious. , Uda can't turn the sky.

Gongsun Du's purpose was to force the Wuhuan coalition forces to break through to the north and attack Xianbei Suli and Yuwen Mohuai, so that they could consume each other and achieve the effect of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight. Otherwise, more than [-] Wuhuan soldiers would really be wiped out. The Liaodong Army must have suffered heavy losses, so let the firepower of the Wuhuan Allied Forces unleash on the Xianbei cavalry.

The weather is getting colder day by day, and the fate of the Wuhuan coalition forces is indeed in jeopardy.

How many people are happy and how many people are sad.Zheng Yu stayed in the border area and lived a leisurely life. Lu Ziqi came to report the situation of the war.

"My lord, Gongsun Du's troops have all landed on the western front, with a total strength of more than 6 troops, but they claim to be 11. Wuda's troops are currently trapped on the front line of Tucheng, and it is difficult to go west. The main force of Liu Yi's troops is still there Xi'an leveled the front line and did not encircle Uda's troops. In addition, Gongsun Du's [-]-step cavalry from the upper reaches of the Mazi River joined the western defense line. As a result, Gongsun Du deployed heavy troops on the east and west lines, But let go of the Northern Line completely."

Lu Ziqi explained the latest situation of the Liaodong War.

Zheng Yu snorted, and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity that Wuda was bluffed by Gongsun Du. If he attacked westward with all his strength, although he would not be able to wipe out Gongsun Du's troops, it would be no problem to escape. But now he is in If you don’t freeze to death, you will starve to death. I really overestimated Wu Da’s military ability. But Liu Yi is a great talent, so don’t underestimate him.”

Li Ji interjected and asked: "Why did Gongsundu attack from east to west, but he didn't close the encirclement, and he also left a big hole in the north. Could it be that his real purpose is to try to let Wuhuan's [-] cavalry go to fight the Xianbei cavalry? It's so vicious." Idea." After finishing speaking, she showed a thoughtful expression, during this period of time she participated in the Liaodong military operations, she was very curious about the conspiracies and tricks in the war, and also aroused her military curiosity, asking Zheng Yu this and that from time to time, like a good student.

Zheng Yu leaned halfway on the chair, turned to Li Ji and said, "Soldiers are deceitful! There is no such thing as viciousness in war, there is only the difference between good and bad, and only the difference between victory and defeat. If you lose, the whole army will be wiped out. Victory means that the enemy's entire army will be wiped out. The purpose of opening up the northern front is obvious. Their own strength is insufficient, and they will hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred. After a battle, Gongsun Du will also lie on the ground to breathe. Therefore, he That's the best strategy right now."

Lu Ziqi analyzed: "Wuda can only go north to break through the siege. In order to return to Wuhuan territory, he can only fight with Xianbei and fight a bloody road. In this way, Wuhuan must suffer heavy losses. Xianbei will also be hurt because of this, and when Gongsun Du joins forces to attack it, not only Wuhuan will face defeat, but Xianbei will also find it difficult to gain a foothold in the old place, this is a tactic that kills birds with one stone."

Li Ji snorted, and said coldly, "Perhaps even Goguryeo is in Gongsundu's scheme."

Zheng Yu nodded, expressing his approval, "In this way, he can establish a country and become the emperor. Now that he has separated Liaodong, the next step is of course to become the emperor. Gongsun regime, such a beautiful calculation."

Umin shook his arm and asked curiously, "Then who will win the final victory?"

Li Ji took it and said: "Gongsun Du can calculate, and others are not stupid. It is still unknown who will win."

Zheng Yu nodded again and again, and said approvingly: "Feng'er's words are level, and we are still watching. Alright, it's time for us to go out."

Wu Min was overjoyed and asked: "Sister Xianggong is going to send troops?"

Zheng Yu shook his head and said: "We are not sending troops, but returning to Liucheng. I am most worried about Su Boyan and others coming to rescue soldiers. Do you think Xianggong will help or not? The Wuhuan coalition forces are in a life-and-death situation. Help them, Xianggong is a bad person. After being a good person for so long, it must be a good person to the end, right? Let's hide and hide far away so that he can't find it."

Seeing Zheng Yu's funny words, everyone burst into laughter.

After laughing, Lu Ziqi said seriously: "Gongsundu has deployed several lines of defense on the western front, and even the birds can't even think about flying over them. They can't get through, so they have to go north, but Suli deployed heavy troops on the northern front to intercept them. Huan Lianjun can only fight with them, therefore, my lord does not need to worry."

Zheng Yu stood up, laughed loudly, and said, "We don't have to be safe, just in case. Besides, I also want to go home and see the ladies at home. I have been out for a month and a half."

Li Ji laughed and said coquettishly: "This is the real intention of my husband. Let's go back to Liucheng tomorrow. We should also go back to Shengnvshan and report to Wusu and Lan'er."

Zheng Yu summoned Ta Dun, Zhao Yong, Yan Rou and Wang Meng to hold a military meeting, and explained the latest information on the Liaodong war situation, as well as his analysis, to the generals in detail, "After I leave, all of your ministries will guard the border area. , There is only one purpose, let them fight to the death, let's continue to watch the battle! The four parts are specifically in charge of by Wang Meng, and at the same time under the command of Tai Shici, we must not act blindly."

The next day, he took Li Ji and Wu Min, escorted by Leibao and his own soldiers, and galloped towards Liucheng on a fast horse.Zheng Yu was in front, and the two women followed behind him, galloping all the way.

"Sanggong, wait, Leibao and the others didn't follow up." Wu Min yelled.

Li Ji laughed loudly, and then teased, "My husband misses Song Ji."

The three of them talked and laughed, and soon returned to Liucheng.

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