The three of them came to the living room next door, and Song Ji handed the collected information to Zheng Yu.

According to intelligence, after crossing the Mazi River, Uda’s troops split into two groups and headed southward into the Han River Basin. Gongsun Du urgently ordered the troops remaining in Mabian to return to the Lelang and Daifang lines in the west of the peninsula. The whole territory of Ma Bian and threatened the front line of Daifang County to the north. Gongsun Du immediately dispatched more than 3 troops from the front line to cross the Mazi River to confront the Wuhuan coalition forces.

Zheng Yu sighed and said: "Wu Da is an outstanding military talent, and Gongsun Du must have never thought of this trick." When he said this, his face was calm, and he didn't expect that Wu Da and others also saw the only way of life he was looking at. It is very clear that in this way, the Wuhuan coalition forces can be regarded as escaped.

"How could Gongsun Du be so unwise? It's a big taboo for soldiers fighting on two fronts. If his entire army goes eastward to pursue him, and he has a powerful navy, he can transport troops from the sea. Then Uda will be ugly," Song Ji said. When she said this, she felt very regretful in her heart. In her heart, she still felt ashamed when she was taken captive back then, and she longed for the Wuhuan coalition forces to suffer heavy losses.

But Lu Xian was delighted, and said to herself, from now on, everyone will be separated from each other, and Wu Da will not even think about coming back. Thinking of this, she couldn't help holding Zheng Yu's arm tightly, and begged, "Master Governor, from now on, Qian'er will move to live in the palace. It's very inconvenient to run around, besides, Qian'er really doesn't want to hide, she just wants to be able to stand beside adults openly one day."

Having said that, I thought it would be bad for Zheng Yu's reputation, so I could only shake my head and sigh: "Forget it, Qian'er is still in the dark, it will be better for the adult's reputation, anyway, we just want to be happy with each other."

Song Ji took the conversation, and teased, "It's more exciting to hide in the dark and have an affair. Besides, Qian'er was supposed to be the head of the palace, and there is also your residence here. If you want to live here, you can stay here. Who can come and ask about this matter?"

Seeing that the topic was being diverted by the two women, Zheng Yu quickly went on to analyze and said: "The key is that if the whole army goes eastward on Gongsun's vacation, the Xianbei behind him will copy Gongsundu's rear route, and then the entire Liaodong will be occupied by Xianbei. It's easy to fight. Gongsundu is facing a great dilemma. He may completely give up all the territory east of Ma Zishui that he occupied before, and will use all his strength to fight against Xianbei. But if he wants to have both fish and bear's paw, it is estimated that the battle in Liaodong There's going to be a fundamental reversal," he said.

Thinking of the development of the battle in Liaodong, Zheng Yu had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow. He was happy that Xianbei and Gongsundu fought against each other and weakened each other's strength. , There was a feeling of being out of control, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Song Ji suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously: "My lord, it seems that Gongsundu's family has moved to the Lelang area, so Gongsundu will definitely send troops to the east, so he will divide his troops, and the entire northern front of the Liaodong Army will be attacked. Turning to defense, the outcome of this battle is really unpredictable." When she said this, she showed a thoughtful expression on her face. During this time, her military hobby was also cultivated by Zheng Yu, and she said in her heart that fighting is an art.

Zheng Yu thought of this, so he patted his head, laughed and said: "Okay, let's wait for the good show." Having said that, Zheng Yu still attached great importance to it, and he immediately asked Lei Bao to send someone to notify The main generals came to Liucheng to discuss together. Among them, Kuaiqi was also sent to notify Tai Shici who was in Changli at this time, Yan Rou, Ta Dun, Zhao Yong, and Wang Meng who were in the border area of ​​Liaodong to come to discuss immediately.

After explaining everything, he locked himself in the study and thought. Wu Wu and Wu Yue came in with tea and fruit and put them on the tea table, "Sir, just call out if you want to eat," Wu Yue wanted to say something but Wu Wuqiang pulled him out and closed the door tightly.

The room looked bright. After Zheng Yu drank a big sip of fragrant tea, his mind became clear. He took a map of Liaodong and was completely immersed in the battle situation. In the end, he couldn't win either way, and he thought, Gongsun Du is a warrior who has fought for a long time, so how could he be confused.

At present, Gongsun Du's troops and Xianbei haven't broken their faces yet, but everyone knows each other clearly. Although the two armies have not yet fought each other in the border area, their hostility is obvious. Zheng Yu thought , there must be a reason he doesn't understand.

Gongsun Du currently has 12 troops in the Liaodong area, and if he sends 10 main forces eastward, there will only be [-] left. Xianbei has [-] troops, which are comparable to each other, but they are at a disadvantage. Including the [-] sent earlier, the total is [-]. This time, another [-] are sent, and there are [-] troops. Although the Wuhuan coalition has fought for more than a month, the total strength is still about [-]. It is still Gongsun. degree is at a disadvantage.

Concentrate the use of troops. Gongsundu's Liaodong Army is the strongest army, but after dividing the troops into two places, it becomes a disadvantaged force. Could it be that Gongsundu and Xianbei have reached a secret agreement again, but is this credible? They also reached before There was a secret agreement, but neither party wanted to keep the agreement seriously.

Soon, Song Ji brought Zhao Yun and Zheng Da to come, and the four began to analyze and discuss again.

"Brother, Yun has assembled his troops and is ready to go out. Food, grass and other supplies are all ready, so he can fight at long distances for a long time," Zhao Yun said excitedly. , In his bones, he still likes to go into battle to kill the enemy, that's the most enjoyable, so after he finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Yu with a begging look on his face.

After Zheng Yu saw it, he chuckled, "Zilong has fully grown up. From now on, in addition to using the gun in his hand, he will have to use his brain more, so that he can kill the enemy with tricks, and he can kill more enemies. Are you sure?" If you have any ideas, you might as well tell them and listen to them.”

Zhao Yun picked up the tea, took a sip to calm himself down, and said after a long time: "Brother, what Yun said may not be right, let's use it as a reference, Xianbei, like Wuhuan, is a branch of the Huns, and they have disturbed my border defense for a long time. This time, the whole army first attacked the territory of Su Puyan, and then sent troops to Goguryeo to fight Jinyang under the city of Wandu, and was restrained by Gongsun Du's army. I send troops to attack Suli and Yuwen Mohuai, and I don’t need much troops to completely occupy them. This is a golden opportunity.”

Zhao Yun said a lot, and the core sentence is that when the two main forces of Chengsuli and Yuwen Mohuai were restrained on the front line of Liaodong, they sent troops to raid the old dens of the two families, not only taking away their supplies and various people and livestock, but also Threatening them, you can choose a place to ambush them when they return to the army, which will definitely injure the Xianbei in the east, force them to retreat westward, and completely eliminate our threat from the north.

This plan is not unreasonable, the key is timing. Now Zheng Yu doesn't want to copy their lair, he wants to fight to solve all the problems. Therefore, the main force of Xianbei must be wiped out. reason.

He wants to wipe out Xianbei's vital forces and drive Xianbei away completely.

Zheng Yu didn't answer Zhao Yun immediately, but turned the teacup around in his hands. Seeing that Zheng Yu was lost in thought, everyone stopped talking to each other and waited quietly. After a long time, Zheng Yu asked Song Ji, "Yu Son, do you think that Gongsundu and Xianbei have reached some kind of secret agreement, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the fact that Gongsundu took the risk of fighting on two fronts and drew troops from the Liaodong front to advance eastward for reinforcements?"

Song Ji is now his intelligence officer. In addition to the intelligence on Zheng Yu's line, Wuhuan also has intelligence organizations in various places, and now they are all unified by her. He is also an expert in other aspects, which is very good.

Song Ji turned her head and said: "This possibility is indeed not small, but unfortunately we haven't received relevant information yet." Then, she raised her head and asked seriously: "How about I ask someone to ask in detail, unfortunately Time is running out,"

"Forget about it. In any case, if Gongsundu draws out his troops, it will be difficult for him to take the initiative in Liaodong. Even if the two sides reach a secret agreement, it is nothing more than an expedient measure. This is Gongsundu stealing chickens, or he is taking a risk. the risk of being able to comply with the agreement,"

Song Ji snorted, "Before Xianbei had already broken the contract in disguise, Gongsun Du didn't know that, and he let Uda stay on the front line of Tucheng at that time, and he didn't go to surround and attack it, in order to divert the disaster to the north. The Xianbei people would not have imagined that after Wuda went north, he would hang behind the Wuhuan coalition army and follow the army northward. The purpose was obvious, and the Xianbei people would not seriously believe him."

Zheng Da took over and said: "The two sides have their own guts and know each other well. I think Gongsun Du is really taking a risk. Once Xianbei sends troops to the south, he will have a big problem. This is the fish and the bear's paw. Get the truth, otherwise, you won’t get it at the other end.”

Zheng Yu stood up and paced the room. Soon, he said solemnly: "Gongsundu is in trouble. Not only will he not be able to get it, but he will also face the risk of losing money and life, and once Xianbei achieves his goal , will definitely take advantage of the situation and go south to attack Gongsundu, this is certain," Zheng Yu said with great certainty, on the one hand, it was his intuition produced by his long military career, and on the other hand, his analysis supported this statement.

If the Xianbei people reach a secret agreement with Gongsun Du, apart from the fact that they are dealing with Goguryeo’s Jin Yang and are temporarily unable to fight on both sides, they also have the intention to deceive Gongsun Du. In short, both sides are avoiding two-front combat, but in the end, Xianbei After concentrating forces to deal with Goguryeo, they will definitely concentrate on attacking Gongsundu.

In the next few days, intelligence came from Liaodong, showing that Zheng Yu's previous guess was basically correct. Gongsundu had indeed reached a secret agreement with Xianbei. Gongsundu betrayed Goguryeo and agreed with Xianbei's occupation of Goguryeo. Xianbei promised that he would never cross the border. In Liaodong, the two sides also signed a treaty of friendship and alliance, making it clear that they will jointly deal with Wuhuan and Zheng Yu of Liucheng in the future.

Song Ji took the information and swears, "This kind of people are simply beasts, how can they change as they say they want to, it's unreasonable to want to deal with us,"

Zheng Yu said cheerfully, "Don't be angry about this, everyone is doing it for their own interests, it's a common thing to unite today and divide tomorrow, between countries, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, on the battlefield, soldiers never tire of cheating, They will use various deceptions to deceive each other to achieve their strategic goals,"

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