Come and not reciprocate indecently.Zheng Yu accepted Tian Chou's suggestion.Immediately after the discussion ended, he and Song Ji went to visit Yang Yi on their own initiative.Tian Chou, Tai Shici, and Zhao Yun rode beside them.Go to the State Guesthouse together.

Zheng Yu didn't ride a horse.Instead, she was dragged into the carriage by Song Ji.Others followed on horseback.Along the way mighty.on the way.Song Ji who was sitting in the carriage looked excited.Said to Zheng Yu: "Xian'er is in charge of the preparations for the founding of the country. She is very capable. In some aspects, she is more mature than Yu'er. She is really the right person to choose as the head of the palace."

Think of having a country of your own.Zheng Yu was also very happy. "President Zitai is still responsible for the specific affairs of establishing the country. He is a great talent. Let Qian'er take care of the palace affairs. You are in charge of the general. I am going to war. I don't have time and energy to take care of these things." When he said this.The carriage has arrived at the gate of the State Guest House.

Song Ji sighed.Turning around to ask Zheng Yu: "Yu'er really doesn't like that this country is called Wuhuan Kingdom. This is our Zheng family's world. Why is it called Wuhuan Kingdom?" when he said this.She suddenly remembered that the wife of the Zheng family was Cai Yan.She is just a concubine.Think of a queen as a concubine.Xianggong is really lucky.But I think that all the glory and wealth today are bestowed by my husband.I felt relieved again.

Zheng Yu leaned his head on the back seat.Song Ji smiled at him.Then he asked earnestly: "Master. How about we teach Zheng Guo. I heard that there was a Zheng Guo in the Spring and Autumn Period. We can be regarded as the restoration of the country." After finishing speaking, he laughed.I find it interesting.

"Forget it. Let's call it Wuhuan Kingdom first. This will appease the tribes of Wuhuan. We will consider changing the name when the time is ripe. As far as the court is concerned, our Wuhuan Kingdom is no different from Zhao and Yan. That's it. It’s just a semi-independent territory. The land is still owned by a big man. The administrative level is almost a prefect. Or higher than the prefect.” Actually.For the countries in the states during the Han Dynasty.He couldn't figure it out either.

at this time.The carriage entered the gate of the State Guest House.Zheng Yu got out of the car first.He took Song Ji's hand very gracefully.He helped her out of the carriage.Yang Yi and the others greeted them.

Yang Yi is of medium build.Binocular shrewdness.Although this time he came here to ask for help from Gongsun Du.But when he met Zheng Yu, he was neither humble nor overbearing.Courtesy is very thoughtful.It is a talent.Tian Chou introduced Zheng Yu to him.Yang Yi gave a big gift.Then he said: "Yangyi has come to Liucheng for the third time. Today I can see Lord Dudu. I am really lucky."

Zheng Yu is the governor of Youzhou.Even Gongsun Du met him.It is also necessary to perform the ceremony of subordinates.

Met with Yang Yi.Zheng Yu was also smiling all over his face.He said very politely: "Master Yangyi has worked hard. For the affairs of Liaodong, I went back and forth between Liaodong and Liucheng many times. It was tiring to travel. Xiaoyun was called by Master Liu. He was in Jicheng during this time. He just came back not long ago. A snub. A real snub." He was now talking nonsense.It is also exported.And look friendly.Apparently the practice of emotional intelligence is progressing rapidly.

Song Ji and Tai Shici.Zhao Yun followed behind him.

"It's the honor of Yang Yi's three bodies to see you. Now the contract has been concluded. Yang Yi is overjoyed." Yang Yi also looked excited.Then lead Zheng Yu and others into the building.Take a seat in the council hall.

This state guest house was proposed by Tian Chou.It was built on the basis of Qiu Liju's original houses for distinguished guests from all over the world.The area is several times larger than before.Enclosed several big houses in the surrounding area.And built a wall.According to Zheng Yu's suggestion at the door.Write the three characters of State Guest House.There are more than a dozen independent buildings inside.Quiet and elegant.It does not disgrace the word "State Guest House".

Zheng Yu and Song Ji took the upper seat.Tian Chou, Tai Shici and Zhao Yun sit on the right.Yangyi and its main cadres live here.A dozen or so people sat in a circle.It is somewhat similar to the reception of foreign guests in later generations.

Zheng Yu looked around.Then he said seriously: "Let's not talk nonsense today. The treaty will be signed by Prime Minister Tian Chou and Lord Yangyi later. Her Majesty and I will be witnesses. You can discuss the specific matters. I am concerned about the latest developments in Liaodong The situation of the battle. Master Yangyi can introduce it in detail."

Zheng Yu made a start.Yang Yi will discuss the wars that have happened in the past few months.Including the battle in the east of Ma Zishui and the situation with each other.All detailed.Let Zheng Yu learn more about the details of the battle in Liaodong.Especially the strength and situation of the Liaodong Army.And the current defense situation of both the enemy and us.and basic situation.And Gongsun Du's speculation on the development of the Liaodong War.

Zheng Yu, Song Ji, Tian Chou, Tai Shici, and Zhao Yun all listened carefully.Now it seems.The frontline battle situation is more serious than imagined.After Yang Yi finished her introduction.Eyes wide open.Stand tall.Then he bowed down to Zheng Yu and Song Ji.He begged and said: "My lord, send troops quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Tian Chou saw Yang Yi's eye sockets were reddish.It seems like you want to cry.I was really worried that he would cry loudly in front of Zheng Yu and Song Ji.That would be a shame.Fortunately, Yang Yi is also very human.Stress your emotions.Squeeze a smile.But he still choked up and said: "Yang Yi was too impatient. Please forgive me, Lord Governor. Yang Yi has been in Liucheng for a while. Another ten days have passed. The situation in Liaodong will only get worse. More than 4 steps Cavalry is the elite of Liaodong. There is no room for mistakes."

Song Ji pursed her lips and said nothing.Zheng Yu gave a little support with his hands. "Get up. Talk about something." Seriously.He is still not used to big men kneeling down at every turn.But this is the etiquette of a big man.You can only do as the Romans do. "Sending troops is definitely going to happen. But Lord Yang Yi also knows. The army will go ahead before the food and grass are mobilized. Our army's preparations for sending troops have not been completed yet. It is estimated that it will be almost the same in ten days."

he was thinking.Gongsundu regards the more than 4 steps he was surrounded as a treasure.But in Zheng Yu's opinion.I really hope that the Xianbei Allied Forces will consume some more of the Liaodong Army.In other words, they consume some more of each other.Such a future battle will be easy to fight.Furthermore, Gongsun Du couldn't jump up anymore.What Tian Chou said before.Zheng Yu kept it in his heart. 'Gongsun Du is a dragon.Just give him a bowl of water.He'll make waves'.

It seems that we really have to guard against it.

Yang Yi got up and returned to her seat.See what Zheng Yu said.Quickly said: "Our army has secretly hoarded some food and supplies on the border. It can be used by the governor first. You should send troops quickly." He pleaded again.Only the words come out.I felt a little bit sad again.

When Zheng Yu heard that there was still this matter.I was overjoyed.Quickly asked: "How much is the quantity? Should I give it. Or give it first."

The meaning of these words is too obvious.Yang Yi hesitated for a moment.Only then said: "Just give it. Anyway, I can't take it away." Then I thought of the current predicament of the Liaodong Army.thought.It's pointless to think about those.What to do with food and supplies when people are gone.

If not to Zheng Yu.It will also be occupied and plundered by the Xianbei coalition forces.It is much better to give it to Zheng Yu.There is a trade-off.He also made up his mind.He hurriedly said seriously to Zheng Yu: "It's enough for an army of [-] for more than half a year. These are the combat materials my lord has stored up before. At that time, the plan was to use them to encircle and wipe out the Wuhuan coalition forces."

Zheng Yu was overjoyed.Heart said.You don't even need to prepare food and grass.Then dispatch troops as soon as possible.

Then he said to Yang Yi: "In this way, three days of preparation are enough. Don't worry, Lord Yang Yi. If you go ahead, I will follow. Let's give the Xianbei coalition forces a hard time. Make them never go home again."

Yang Yi was overjoyed. "Your Excellency, you can send the vanguard. When the time comes, Yang Yi will be responsible for handing over the batch of food and supplies to your Lord." After finishing speaking.Another long salute.

Zheng Yu quickly nodded in agreement.Even if the matter of sending troops is Chou represents Zheng Yu and Song Ji.On behalf of Gongsun Du, Yang Yi signed a secret agreement with each other.Decided to deal with the Xianbei coalition forces together.After signing the contract.Yang Yi immediately packed her luggage and left Liucheng.Go to Liaodong to report to Gongsun Du.

Song Ji and Zheng Yu personally sent Yang Yi out of the city gate.Yang Yi was very moved.

After leaving the city gate.Zheng Yu called Yang Yi to stop.Seriously said: "Go back and tell Gongsun Du. When you leave Liaodong County, you are only allowed to take your belongings with you. You must not disturb the people. Otherwise, our agreement will be void immediately. I mean what I say. Tell him. Xiaoyun represents Lord Muliu of Youzhou. He also represents the court of the Great Han Dynasty. You can ignore his separatist regime in Liaodong. It can be regarded as his ancestors who have accumulated virtue. Don’t make mistakes again.”

Yang Yi's serious expression should be yes.Then get in the car and leave with the people.

"Sanggong. Let's go back too." Song Ji said softly.

But Zheng Yu immediately called Zhao Yun and Tai Shici over.Ask Zhao Yun: "Have the two departments of Yan Rou and Ta Dun reached the northern border area?"

Zhao Yun said excitedly: "It's already here. I've been waiting for 'Aoooo'."

Zheng Yu's face showed joy.He is going to send troops first to seize the tribal territories of Suli and Yuwen Mohuai.Occupy its lair.And escorted all his tribes to Wuhuan territory.Let the two Xianbei tribes die out completely.

"The number of people is estimated to be more than [-]. This is a large military operation. By the way. Have you emphasized discipline? The key is that no brutal things will happen. Otherwise, I will peel them off. Especially those who Soldiers from the Wuhuan army. It must be emphasized again. If you dare to disgrace my Zheng family army, I will definitely find one and kill the other. There will be no mercy."

When Zheng Yu said this.I thought of the story Lu Xian told.His face became extremely serious.There was a cold light in his eyes.Even Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and other generals were so frightened that they knelt down quickly.

"Get up. I'm not talking about you. I'm just a little worried about Tadun."

Zheng Yu hastily reached out and pulled the two of them up. "But we are soldiers. We are not a group of animals. This must be strictly followed. I will never allow my army to have the tragedy that happened when the Wuhuan people robbed the Han people in the past. Absolutely not allowed."

Tai Shici quickly said: "Don't worry, my lord. Everyone in the army will recite the three major disciplines of my lord. Although Tadun is rebellious, he is absolutely obedient to Her Majesty and my lord. What you say, he will never dare to disobey half of it." One word. I heard that he himself serves as the captain of the military discipline monitoring team. Anyone who dares to violate military discipline will be killed without pardon."

"That's good. That's good. You send people to go to the two armies again. Make them obey military discipline. Otherwise. No matter how successful he was before. No matter how brave he is. I will take them down. This is not a lie. And It's iron discipline." When he said this.He thought of the story of Cao Cao cutting his hair.thought.Even a hero in ancient times could be so law-abiding.Love the people.How could he, a man of later generations, be left behind.

Tai Shici asked again: "Master, when shall we attack?"

Zheng Yu thought for a moment.Cai said: "Immediately launch an attack. But ask Yan Rou to secretly enter the opponent's lair. It is best to succeed in one fell swoop. At the beginning, try not to alarm all parties. Quick and quick." These were all planned long ago.The Spike Army has a clear understanding of both parts.There should be no accidents.And this time, half of the Wolf Fang team members cooperated with Ta Dun and Yan Rou.Victory is guaranteed.

Zhao Yun quickly responded.And immediately sent people to Ta Dun and Yan Rou to inform.Then he asked excitedly: "Then what about us? When will the attack on the Xianbei coalition be launched?"

"The troops will be deployed in the border area. Enter the starting point and wait. Others are waiting for orders. I will wait for the most detailed information from Lu Ziqi before launching. Yang Yi's words can only be used as a reference. After that, I will go out. Unified command of the Liaodong campaign. "

After Zheng Yu finished speaking.Immediately turned and got on the carriage.Go back to the palace with Song Ji.

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