The founding of the country is a major event, and the celebration is a facade project, which is to show oneself to all parties in society, and of course it is a major event.

In order to complete the founding ceremony, Cai Yong and Tian Chou were extremely busy, and Song Ji and Su Wan were also busy. All the preparations were finally completed, and those guests who were invited and those who did not invite but came voluntarily also arrived. Everything is ready, just waiting for the exciting day.

The founding of Wuhuan was blessed by nature. On the day of the celebration, even God came to help. The sun was shining brightly, a few faint clouds were floating in the sky, and the breeze was blowing, making it very cool.

The celebration ceremony was arranged in the large square in front of the palace, and many people came. Of course, they all stood at a distance to watch the ceremony. The local governments controlled by Zheng Yu all sent representatives, including Goguryeo, Yuan Buyeo, Yilou and Wo Famous scholars in Ju and other places, rich and wealthy households, local gentry, etc.

As a result, the entire celebration was postponed for three months, and it was not officially held until August.

There were more than 1 people participating. In addition to the local people, the square was crowded with people. This practice was tantamount to setting a precedent in history. At the same time, Zheng Yu also added the super element of military parade for later generations, which made the whole celebration more visible. Enhancement, for this reason, everyone is waiting curiously.

A huge stage was set up next to the palace. On that day, the main distinguished guests, Zheng Yu's family all boarded the stage early, watching the bustling scene in the square, everyone was smiling and excited. Dou, the best in the world, is very familiar with court etiquette, and after a while, it is very orderly, solemn and lively, and the atmosphere is warm.

Zheng Yu's ladies were standing in the background, whispering to each other at this time, their expressions were curious and joyful, and the guests in the audience were even more curious. Such a founding of the country can be described as an ancient and modern one, and I have never seen it before. As for the people in the distance, their faces are full of excitement , Xin said, when the imperial court allowed the people to participate in the founding ceremony, only Master Zheng Yu would be so close to the people. Therefore, the degree of support and affinity for Zheng Yu and Song Ji rose to the highest point. At this time, they were proud and a sense of honor.

The first person to speak was Master Liu Yu. On behalf of the imperial court and Youzhou Mu, he highly praised the founding of Wuhuan, and once again talked about his policy of softness and national reconciliation. At this time, Liu Yu's prestige in the northern states and counties is extremely high. Gao, his policy of softness is deeply rooted in the hearts of foreigners. During his speech, cheers appeared from time to time.

Zheng Yu thought to himself, there is no sound amplification equipment in this era, and people behind and in the distance may not be able to hear clearly, but Liu Yu is full of energy, with a resonant voice, cadenced speech, and great eloquence.

The following ceremony was very interesting. There was an imperial chair in the middle, and Song Ji sat on it, accepting the worship of officials and people from all over the world. Although she was a woman, men were superior to women in this day and age, but Her Majesty the Queen still had to kneel, and Song Ji was extremely intelligent. , enjoys a reputation in Wuhuan, so everyone didn't say anything, including those guests who came to celebrate, they also stood up and bowed to Song Ji.

At this time, Song Ji was the most beautiful, graceful and luxurious, with a faint smile from time to time, and her flowery appearance made the sun in the sky slightly inferior. Zheng Yu, Liu Yu, Cai Yong, Su Wan, Li Ji and other women were all standing behind Song Ji As a witness, there was a long row, and those who did not need to kneel down were invited to the stage, and there was a large crowd of people kneeling all over the stage.

The ceremony didn't last long, and at the end it was Zheng Yu who spoke. When he was about to get up, Su Wan took his hand and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous, sir, it's fine as usual."

Zheng Yu said helplessly: "It's a lie if I'm not nervous. I haven't given a speech since I grew up. Now that so many people listen to me, I'm really nervous." Having said that, he still walked to the stage with his chest up and his head up. , full of confidence on his face.

This matter has to start with Cai Yong’s speech manuscript. He drafted a manuscript for Zheng Yu. Zheng Yu read it for three days, but he didn’t understand the content and meaning of the article. Although the article is gorgeous, it’s just too profound. , It's really too profound, and in the end Su Wan had no choice but to make a suggestion, "You can say whatever you want, these are the people of Xianggong, so you just need to speak out what's in your heart."

Therefore, he did not bring a speech script with his speech at this time.

Zheng Yu walked up to the stage, thinking as he walked, Mr. Cai had already said the exciting words, and Mr. Liu Yu had already said the heart-warming words. What he should say was nothing more than an attitude, and he was the supervisor. The country is also the queen's husband, and the actual controller of the entire Northland. He has a high prestige among the people, and he can just say a few words. The key is that there is no loudspeaker equipment. People in the distance behind him may not be able to hear clearly. .

Standing at the front desk, Zheng Yu cleared his throat and watched the audience seriously until the "buzzing" sound stopped completely and the whole square became extremely quiet, then he said: "The establishment of Wuhuan is a big event, I want to say The most important thing is that Wuhuan Kingdom will always be a Han Dynasty. This will not change and cannot be changed. For a long time, there have been wars in the north, people have suffered, local corruption, and social turmoil. After Wuhuan established the country, it was determined to change this situation. From now on, there will be no wars in the north, no one dares to provoke us, otherwise it will perish, "

After a pause, Zheng Yu continued: "The Wuhuan Kingdom, and the new Goguryeo Kingdom that will be established later, all have the same mission, which is to guard the border for the great Han, live in harmony with foreign nations, and let the people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment..."

"The establishment of the Wuhuan state is the blessing of the great Han, the people of the Central Plains, and the people of all ethnic groups in the frontier. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rioted at the border, robbed property, and oppressed the people, there wouldn’t be so many tragedies in life.”

When he said this, he thought of the tragic stories that Lu Xian had told, and his face became serious. He would never let it happen again.

"From now on, no matter the people of the Han nationality, or the people of Wuhuan, Xianbei, Yilou, Fuyu, Goguryeo and other ethnic groups, they are all under the rule of the queen, and they are all members of a big family. Brother, from now on, the people of the Han nationality and the people of all ethnic groups in the frontier will have a brotherly relationship. They must live in harmony and treat each other sincerely..."

Zheng Yu's speech was not long, but it was very imposing. The guests in front of the stage stood up and cheered, and the people in the distance even cheered loudly, although they didn't hear what Zheng Yu said clearly.

Even if the founding ceremony and the queen's enthronement ceremony are over, next is the most curious military parade.

This is Zheng Yu's proposal, saying that doing so will make it more lively, and it is also a deterrent to other ethnic groups. Even if it is a military parade, the three-month training is still effective. Although it is impossible to go straight, after all, people in this era have never seen a military parade, so they are full of freshness and curiosity. When the team passes by, the people are enthusiastic cheer.

"This is Xiaoyun's idea, interesting, really interesting," Liu Yu said with a smile.

At this time, the square had been cleared out, and the guests were all on the big stage. Everyone was watching, without the solemnity before, and seemed to be full of interest.

"I just came up with an idea, and Ziyi is responsible for the specifics. He is very capable," Zheng Yu said, but he was thinking in his heart. At this time, there are few troops, the troops don't know how to walk, and the prestige is not enough. The armor and military uniform of the time, and carrying cold weapons, naturally reduced the beauty a lot.

Anyway, he can't control these things, everyone just wants to have fun, but the army walks in a square formation, and it looks good, so that these guests and people who have never seen a military parade are all hooked, "Mighty, the Zheng family army is really good!" Powerful, no wonder he was invincible in the battle of Liaodong." Cao Cao squeezed over from a distance and said seriously, Liu Bei followed behind him, pointing at the phalanx from time to time, "Xiao Yun's mind is full of whimsical ideas, such a military parade I've never seen it before."

It took a lot of time for 1 people to walk through the phalanx, and the ceremony finally ended.

Back in the palace, a banquet was held for distinguished guests, including the special envoy of the imperial court, Liu Yu and state herds from all over the country. Cao Liu was not qualified to participate in this banquet. During the banquet, Liu Yu said excitedly: "Xiaoyun, what do you think?" It’s really good, everyone in the four seas is brothers, this is really good, from now on, the Han people and Wuhuan, Xianbei and other ethnic groups outside the Great Wall will be as close as brothers. The establishment of the Wuhuan Kingdom must do the utmost in national reconciliation and integration. Work hard, only in this way can we ensure the country's long-term peace and stability,"

Cai Yong took over and said: "Whether it is Wuhuan or Xianbei, from now on people in Wuhuan will be ordinary people. Therefore, some of their customs must be respected, and don't force them. The principle of joining the Han people is voluntary. We need more people." For probation matters, the Han nationality has thousands of years of history, and this is the most precious heritage, which can be ruled and unified by culture, and can only be fully integrated into the big family of the Han nationality after decades."

All the people attending the banquet today are elegant people, so drink as much as you want.

During the banquet, Liu Yu once again talked about his Huairou national reconciliation policy. Although it was old-fashioned, Zheng Yu still had to listen carefully. After the banquet was over, he returned to the inner palace. I had no choice but to talk about what happened at the banquet.

"Lord Liu Yu is going to investigate the site selection of Seoul with my father-in-law, and they are also very concerned about the construction of the two palaces. They will definitely do the best with their personal checks. After that, Lord Liu will also Go to Wandu, Fuyu, Yilou, Woju and other countries to investigate, appease the people and local gentry, and do national melting matters, "

However, Su Wan asked urgently: "I've been out for several months, and I don't know what's going on with Jicheng. Now that Wan'er is the governor of Jicheng, she should take more care."

Zheng Yu said seriously: "The special envoy of the imperial court will return in three days, and I will personally escort him back to Chang'an. Well, it's time to pay homage to General Liu's tomb." Speaking of General Liu, Zheng Yu's voice was low, and Su Wan answered Guo Guo said: "Then we will go back to Jicheng in three days. Zou Fang, Zou Yuan and the other sisters will go up the mountain to practice in the next day. This time, Wan'er will go back to Jicheng alone."

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