It was dark, and the mountains in the distance rushed towards us like ghosts, which was very scary.

There was the sound of "da da, da da" horseshoes on the official road. Zheng Yu and Du Xiuniang rode southward on horseback. Along the way, they heard Xiuniang's hearty laughter from time to time.After a while, it was completely dark, Du Xiuniang was afraid, she turned her head and asked Zheng Yu in a low voice, "My lord, where shall we sleep at night?"

At this time, Zheng Yu hugged Xiuniang's small waist with his big arms, and he was happy in his heart, hoping that this road would never end.When Xiu Niang asked, she said without thinking, "Just find a place to sleep by the side of the road, and continue on our way tomorrow."

Du Xiuniang grabbed him with a big hand, and said resolutely: "No, son, find a place to sleep with people, Xiuniang is afraid of the dark."

"Okay, then let's hurry up!"

As Zheng Yu said, he tightened his grip on the horse's belly, waved the whip with one hand, and yelled "Drive, drive", while holding Du Xiuniang tightly with the other hand, he let go of the horse's hooves and ran wildly.

"My lord, go down." Du Xiuniang whispered.

At this time, Zheng Yu accidentally grabbed her chest with one hand and kneaded it, making her swollen with joy.After groping for a while, Du Xiuniang began to stiffen her body, then gasped for breath, and then called out, asking him to go down and order, while her head rested on his neck, and the hot breath from her breath made his neck itchy.

"Go down? Go down what?" Zheng Yu pretended to be stupid on purpose, but continued to caress her chest with his hands.

Du Xiuniang turned her head and gave him a blank look, and said coquettishly, "My lord did it on purpose, I'm going to order it." But it was dark, Zheng Yu couldn't see her wink, so he pretended he didn't.

Her voice is quite like a coquettish appearance, delicate and clear, very pleasant to hear.The two hugged tightly, and at this moment, Zheng Yu's body reacted.Du Xiuniang's body became stiff again, seeing that Zheng Yu was indifferent, she covered the back of his big hand with her small hand, not allowing him to continue fondling.

Immediately, the two rode in an ambiguous manner, and after more than an hour, they came to a small town and found a restaurant.When she dismounted, Du Xiuniang couldn't stand up and asked him to hold her. She rested for a while before entering the hotel.Zheng Yu opened a room, and the two lived in it.

Seeing that there was only one bed, Du Xiuniang couldn't help but panicked, and said in a trembling voice, "Young Master, Young Master." The voice was so thin that even she could hardly hear it.

Zheng Yu looked serious, and said earnestly: "Go out and be careful. Besides, now that the army is in chaos, we can only say that we are husband and wife to the outside world, so as not to attract attention. Xiu Niang, safety first, you know? "

Seeing what she said, Du Xiuniang didn't dare to say any more.She had never traveled far, so she had to listen to Zheng Yu as to what to do.The two ate, and then Zheng Yu asked the hotel to bring in hot water for Du Xiuniang to take a bath.

Du Xiuniang blushed and said, "Master, Xiuniang dare not take off her clothes. Xiuniang's body has never been seen by others, why don't you go out first and come in after Xiuniang finishes washing?"

When encountering such a thing, Zheng Yu will let it go.

So she pretended to say: "Don't be pedantic, Xiuniang, how can you be so particular when you are away from home? You wash first, then go to bed, then I wash, let's go to bed early, and we have to go on the road tomorrow." After finishing speaking, she turned around and left. Don't look at Du Xiuniang.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Du Xiuniang took off her clothes and got into the bucket with him on her back. "Plop, plop", after washing for a while, she hurriedly got up to wipe it, but seeing Zheng Yu lying on the bed and staring at her, she couldn't help being ashamed, and hid in the bucket again.

"My lord, my lord." Du Xiuniang wailed.

Zheng Yu teased and said, "Xiu Niang is so beautiful. Alright, I've seen it all, just wipe it off quickly, I'm still waiting to wash it."

Du Xiuniang had no choice but to wipe it behind his back, then put on her clothes, and hurriedly lay down under the quilt, covered her head with the quilt, and dared not speak again.

Zheng Yu also got into bed after washing, and hugged her in his arms.

"My lord, my lord," Du Xiuniang began to cry again.

Zheng Yu comforted her with a smile, "Don't be nervous, we hug each other like this when we are on the horse, so Xiuniang just treat it as if we are on the horse now."

It's just that the difference between this bed and the horse is really huge, Du Xiuniang has never experienced such a battle before, and she couldn't help feeling hot all over.On the other hand, Zheng Yu directly put his hand into her tube top to feel for it. Du Xiuniang's smooth and smooth skin made him feel so comfortable that he wanted to scream out loud.

Du Xiuniang's body was tense, and then her whole body became hot. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed him by the hand, and said in a mournful voice, "My lord, I can't move anymore. Xiuniang really can't take it anymore."

Zheng Yu turned her body over and hugged her tightly, and said softly, "Xiuniang, my name is Zheng Yu, and I'm named Xiaoyun. Let's discuss something."

He said Qin Yi was Dong Zhuo's subordinate, and Dong Zhuo had abolished the young emperor, promiscuously messed up the harem, forced the queen mother to death, despised the court, overbearing and disrupting power and other evil deeds.Then he said seriously: "Xiu Niang, your fiancé, Qin Yi and Dong Zhuo, are working for tigers, and he has done a lot of bad things."

"That, that," Du Xiuniang was speechless for a long time after hearing Zheng Yu's words.

Zheng Yu said solemnly: "Troubled times are about to begin, and Dong Zhuo has a lustful nature. If you really go to Luoyang, after being seen by Dong Zhuo, your fiancé will definitely ask your fiancé to give you to him. Will you follow or not?"

Du Xiuniang said in a trembling voice, "Is that true? Didn't the young master lie to Xiuniang?"

"How about this? If I'm lying to you, Xiuniang can marry Qin Yi. If it turns out that Xiaoyun didn't lie to you, why don't you just be Zheng Yu's concubine." Zheng Yu opened the offer, straightforward.To be honest, he held it in for too long.Of the three wives, one is too young, and the other always thinks that the orders of his parents cannot be violated.Su Wan went too far, asking him to cut off Yuan Shao's head before he could touch her.

He cherishes Su Wan, Luo Er, and Mi Er in his heart.

But for Du Xiuniang, he didn't have such a burden.Besides, Du Xiuniang's face and body are so beautiful that it always makes him desire to conquer her.

After thinking about it for a while, Du Xiuniang asked in a deliberative tone: "How about we sworn brothers and sisters first? If Qin Yi is not a bad person in the end, I will marry him. If he is really a bad person, Xiuniang will follow her elder brother, Elder brother has children. But now elder brother can't damage Xiuniang's body, okay?"

Zheng Yu thought to himself, this Du Xiuniang is another Luoer.

But he will not let this peerless and enchanting Du Xiuniang go, meeting is fate, as long as time goes by, she won't be able to escape from his grasp.Therefore, they quickly agreed, and the two got up and worshiped the heaven and the earth, and made a vow, which was regarded as sworn vows.

When she lay back under the quilt again, Du Xiuniang was not too resistant to him.

"Brother, don't move, Xiuniang is too powerful, I won't be able to bear it." Du Xiuniang whispered.

Zheng Yu naturally agreed, and then, he hugged her in his arms and covered her big mouth. Du Xiuniang first clenched her teeth, and then let go to let him disturb her.It was hard to stop this kind of thing at the beginning, and soon, Xiu Niang also felt that the two of them got together, and they both felt happy.

One after another in the quilt, the atmosphere is very charming.

The two traveled south all the way, and when they arrived at the bank of the Yellow River, they seemed like a loving young couple.

"Sir, how do we cross the river?"

Looking at the surging water of the Yellow River, Du Xiuniang felt guilty. She had never seen such a wide river with so much water.

Zheng Yu laughed and said, "Why don't we really become husband and wife at night, and the husband will take his wife across the river?"

Du Xiuniang blushed, and said disapprovingly: "No way, my husband said to leave the last bit for Xiuniang. Besides, we are more like an ordinary couple, isn't my husband satisfied?"

Zheng Yu held her in his arms, teasingly said: "Xiu Niang's body is really beautiful, brother can't put it down."

But Du Xiuniang said seriously: "Sister, if Qin Yi is really a thief who is attached to Dong Zhuo and works as a minion, Xiuniang will naturally give her body to him. In fact, Xiuniang is very fond of her husband. She thinks that his husband is the best person in the world. When Xianggong is together, Xiuniang feels very happy, really happy."

The two went to the ferry to find a ferry, and spent a lot of money to get the boatman to help ferry them. They also heard a lot of stories about Dong Zhuo's journey to Beijing from him.After hearing this, Du Xiuniang was very happy. It seemed that her husband did not lie to her, but she still had to find Qin Yi to see what happened, otherwise she would not give up.

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