Zheng Dacai has been around for a long time, and Zheng Yu is still thinking about Xu Rong's pursuit. Although he is not worried about Xu Rong's 5000 people, it would be uncomfortable if he hangs his tail.

Seeing Zheng Yu's frowning, Zou Fang said hastily, "Master, maybe you can take Xu Rongyuan to come to be tired and tired, and you don't know my details, so you can take the night to attack and harass him."

When Zheng Yu heard this, his heart was greatly moved. He turned to look at Zou Fang, thought for a while, and agreed: "That makes sense! Although I went deep alone, Dong Zhuo was challenged by the princes of the Guandong outside the Hulao Pass in the east. The capital will be moved to Chang’an. Along the way, Liangzhou’s soldiers were scattered everywhere against the enemy, so their combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened.”

Zou Fang took the words and said seriously: "More importantly, Zhang Ji's entire army was annihilated first, and I even cut off his head, and then Niu Fu's two thousand cavalry were killed in Niutouling, and only one person escaped alone. Xu Rong didn't know why I was Fang Sheng Therefore, he marched cautiously, and he would not dare to come forward to challenge recklessly. When he marched, he would march during the day and camp at night. I can take the initiative to attack him when he doesn't know why, and he will definitely get miraculous results."

Zheng Yu thought he was right. General Liu always likes to use defense instead of attack. The bank of the Yellow River must not be defended. Either cross the river to break away from it, or take the initiative to attack and repel him.Although the opponent has 5000 people, they are all infantry, and they are tired all the way, their morale is low, and their bodies are tired. This is a good opportunity for me to use cavalry to attack them.

Therefore, Golden Spear Guard immediately asked Tai Shici and Ma Sheng to discuss it.

After the Golden Spear Guard left, Zheng Yu smiled and said to Zou Fang: "Fang'er, you have done a great job!" After speaking, he hugged her and gnawed her fiercely, which made Zou Fang happy and blushed at the same time.

But Zou Yuan refused and said: "My sister has made great contributions, and Yuan'er has made small contributions. I want to kiss you too." After speaking, he took the initiative to sit on his lap, hugged Zheng Yu's head and kissed.

Seeing that the two kissed endlessly, Zou Fang couldn't help worrying and said: "My husband, my sister, brother Ziyi and Master Ma Sheng will be here soon, don't do this, what a shame it will be if someone sees you later." After finishing speaking, He dragged Zou Yuan off Zheng Yu's lap, and dragged him back to the inner hall.

But Zheng Yu called out behind Zou Fang: "Fang'er, you will come to participate in the discussion later."

After a while, Tai Shici and Ma Sheng rushed over, and Zheng Yu told them about Zou Fangti's thoughts.

Both Tai Shici and Ma Sheng had bright eyes, thinking that it was reasonable.

Zheng Yu immediately finalized the camp stealing plan, and asked Sun Qi and Wang Pin to send out their subordinates to investigate in detail the route and speed of Xu Rong's march, and the situation of camping, etc., and then asked Tai Shici and Ma Sheng's cavalry to prepare Prepare.

Previously, when Zhang Jai left, he left 1000 people around the ferry to guard the ferry and the ferry. Therefore, Zheng Yu and others did not have to worry about the safety of the ferry when they left.

Sun Qi came to report that Xu Rong's department was [-] miles away from here, and they began to bury pots and camp before the sun went down.

Zheng Yu was overjoyed and said, "God help me too!"

That night, the moonlight was cold and the night was hazy, which was a good time to steal camp.

It was already midnight when Zheng Yu and others arrived.The horses covered their mouths with cloth and wrapped their hooves, and there was not much noise along the way.Seeing the endless tents in front of them, several groups of patrol soldiers patrolled the surrounding listlessly, and more of them leaned against the tents to take a nap and rest.

Zheng Yu said to Tai Shici and Ma Sheng: "Wait here, I'll go and light some fires in the camp, then Xu Rong's troops will be in chaos, and if you add your cavalry to charge, it will have a miraculous effect."

Ma Sheng was shocked, and whispered: "My lord, no, absolutely no!"

Tai Shici also quickly said: "My dear brother, you are the leader of an army, how can you always take risks alone? This is absolutely impossible!"

But Zheng Yu said: "Victory is more important than anything else. My safety is fine. Maybe I can kill Xu Rong, so that the other party will be leaderless."

When they heard that Zheng Yu wanted to get bigger and bigger, everyone was startled.

Sun Qi quickly said: "My lord, it is most suitable for me to do this kind of thing. My subordinates are specially trained for this. Let me go. My lord is here to lead the whole army."

Zheng Yu still wanted to speak, but Zou Fang and Zou Yuan held his hands tightly, so he shut up.But he knew in his heart that he was really the most suitable for this matter. What do special forces do?That's what it's for.But when he saw that his subordinates persisted, he gave up the idea of ​​taking risks.

Tai Shici and Ma Sheng led their troops to hide several miles outside the camp, while Zheng Yu led Zou Fang, Zou Yuan, Zheng Dajin Spear Guards and nearly [-] other soldiers, leaning against the shadows outside the camp.The final implementation plan was to wait for Sun Qi's troops to go into the burning camp. After seeing the fire, Zheng Yu led his troops into reinforcements, and at the same time made the chaos even bigger.

When the Xu camp was in chaos, Tai Shici and Ma Sheng each led a thousand cavalry to attack the camp.

Zheng Yu thought, if this happens, Xu Rong's troops will be in chaos!

As expected, Sun Qi led his troops to ignite dozens of fires smoothly, and then ran around in the dark, shouting and setting fires everywhere.

The camp began to be chaotic, and there was a sound of shouting for firefighting.

Seeing that the camp was on fire, Zheng Yu rushed in with the Zou sisters, eighteen guards, and personal soldiers.

Suddenly, there was chaos in Xu Rong's camp.Zheng Yu rode an oolong horse and held a long spear, stabbing Xu Rongjun whenever he saw him. Wherever he went, enemy soldiers fell to the ground one after another.Zou Fang and Zou Yuan guarded him like goddesses of death, those ordinary soldiers had no chance at all.

The Eighteen Golden Spear Guards seemed to be in the land of no one. Although they mainly guarded the safety of the lord and mistress, they also took advantage of the situation to kill many enemies.

An enemy general charged over on horseback, and before reaching Zheng Yu's side, Zou Fang shot an arrow from a long distance away, the opponent immediately fell off the horse, and all the other enemies ran back one after another, Zheng Yu drew out his ice sword and chased after him It was like chopping melons and vegetables for a while, killing happily.

Zheng Yu fought the most bravely this way, and quickly penetrated deep into the enemy camp.

Zou Fang reminded in a low voice: "Master, we have penetrated too deeply, we should wait for the brothers and the others."

Zou Yuan leaned against him, holding his sword and slashing desperately, yelling, "I'll kill you, kill you, Dong Zhuo's old thief!" counterattack.

There were more and more enemies around Zheng Yu, and among them were a few martial arts masters who were very tenacious.

An enemy general, guarded by more than a dozen personal soldiers, held a knife and killed Zheng Yu's team. Zheng Yu chased after him with his gun raised. Zou Yuan shouted, "Master, wait for me!" , rushed to Zheng Yu's side.

Zheng Yu shot straight at the general's door, and the general raised his saber to block it, but dodged his head to one side.

Seeing that the stab was empty, Zheng Yu hurriedly replaced the stab with a smash, using the spear as a stick, and knocked the general off his horse.Zheng Da and the others rushed up and slashed fiercely, and immediately, the enemy general died.

Zheng Yu killed it smoothly and happily.

At this time, the enemy camp was in chaos, and someone shouted: "The enemy cavalry is coming, run, run!"

Zheng Yu took advantage of the momentum and shouted, "You are surrounded by our army, those who surrender will not die, those who surrender will not die!"

When Tai Shici and Ma Sheng rushed into the camp in disorder, Xu Rong's troops immediately collapsed, and some fled southward, with many followers.It was no longer possible to organize a decent resistance in the camp.

Zheng Yu ordered Tai Shici and Ma Sheng to wipe out most of the camp before going after the enemy.

In a short while, more than 1000 people were killed, and the brigade of enemy troops hurriedly retreated south.

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