The Gongsun Xu incident made Liu Yu, who had always been somewhat indecisive and kept himself clean, made up his mind.

"Xiaoyun, we are a family. The safety of Youzhou and Jicheng will be completely entrusted to you from now on. Bo'an is optimistic about you. It's just that most of Youzhou's troops are in the hands of Gongsun Zan, and his soldiers are all battle-tested hundreds of thousands of soldiers." Master of War, therefore, we should try our best to avoid direct confrontation with him at present, and try not to make the conflict with the Gongsun family public in the future."

Liu Yu gave instructions for a while, because he was from his own family, so while speaking kindly, he also explained in detail the distribution of various forces in Youzhou and the matters that should be paid attention to in the future, which can be regarded as earnest teaching.Then, he appointed Zheng Yu as the governor of Youzhou, and at the same time was responsible for defending the security of Jicheng.

However, the troops under Liu Yu's direct control were only 2, and the troops stationed in Jicheng were 2000, including 1 infantry and [-] cavalry.The other [-] people were stationed in various counties, but mainly in the north near Wuhuan and Xianbei.The key point is that the troops under Liu Yu's direct control are all military region troops, while the troops led by Gongsun Zan are field troops. Compared with the two sides, the difference in numbers is too large, and the combat effectiveness is even more incomparable.

If there is a war with Gongsun Zan in the near future, there is no chance of winning!

"The formation of [-] cavalry must be accelerated. Bo'an asked Qi Zhou to be in charge of this matter before. He has recruited Qi personnel, horses, and other weapons. As long as you take over the training, it is estimated that combat effectiveness will be formed within half a year. This matter makes Qi Zhou help you."

When Zheng Yu heard that he had men, horses and weapons, he was overjoyed.As long as he organizes the army, he can also pretend to be powerful, and Gongsun Zan must have scruples.

Finally, Liu Yu said another thing, which made Zheng Yu blush.

"Qian'er told me about Guo Ya, and Bo'an was optimistic about her success. In fact, I always regarded her as a girl. Gongsun Zan wanted to integrate with the Guo family in Yuyang through marriage, which shows that he is ambitious. It just so happens that Guo Ya Disagreeing, the Guo family approached Bo'an hoping to help fight Gongsun Zan, and Bo'an made a favor at that time. It's just that this matter is really hard for Guo Ya, a beautiful and intelligent woman, who was delayed for several years, but fortunately met Xiao at the end Yun, it can be considered that she has had a good home after all the hard work,..."

At this point, Zheng Yu understood why Liu Yu helped the Guo family for no reason, and did not hesitate to create conflicts and estrangements with Gongsun Zan. The core was that Liu Yu did not want Gongsun Zan to control both the Youzhou army and the economic lifeline of Youzhou. If so, Gongsun Zan It is tantamount to being the actual controller of Youzhou, and it is even more difficult for Liu Yu to deal with him.

Coming out of Liu Yu's study, Zheng Yu was very happy. He has been promoted again now. If Captain Qi is the commander of the regiment, then the current captain is an officer above the division commander. At the same time, he is also the commander of the Youzhou Military Region. He belongs to the garrison , while Gongsun Zan's troops belonged to the field army.

Zheng Yu wanted to go home with Su Wan, but she pushed her back, and said coquettishly: "Go and comfort Guo Ya, Master Liu is right, having Guo Ya is equivalent to controlling half of Youzhou's economy, and we will It's like a tiger with wings added."

Zheng Yu thought he was right, recruiting troops required money, and in the future the troops would not be able to do without logistics and supplies. With the help of the Guo family's financial resources, he would be able to fight against Gongsun Zan in the future.

Back in the backyard, I saw Guo Ya dressing up in the room. She was wearing extremely cool clothes. Her upper body was a tube top, trembling slightly, and her lower body was a pair of knee-length shorts, revealing a large part of her calf, which was so white that it was sunny You have to be shy, with fat buttocks but just right, white and smooth skin, full of charm.

Zheng Yu could bear it no longer, and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Sanggong, Ya'er wants to kill you!" Guo Ya's words were soft and full of temptation.

Zheng Yu groped around her chest with both hands, and untied her coiled hair, which exuded a delicate fragrance.Guo Ya was panting, and both of them couldn't hold back the coquettish moans.Zheng Yu decisively took off her underpants, and entered from behind. Guo Ya put her hands on the dressing table to meet her, and the two of them did it by the table for a while before returning to the bed.

After the matter was over, Guo Ya fell into his arms, and said coquettishly: "Sister, Ya'er was going to dress up beautifully for him to see, but now her hair is messed up." After finishing speaking, she wrapped her long hair with a piece of cloth The rope was pulled up, revealing a flawless white neck, really delicate and delicate.

Zheng Yu couldn't help sucking on her, but left a red mark on her neck.

When Guo Ya saw it, she couldn't help but shyly said: "My lord, Ya'er doesn't dare to see anyone anymore."

"If you don't see people, you don't see people. My husband and I are together with Ya'er in the afternoon." Zheng Yu buried his head in her chest, savoring the delicacy of the world, Guo Ya's breathing became rapid again, and his coquettish voice encouraged people to move forward.

Guo Ya pulled back the quilt and covered the two of them, one after another in the quilt.

It wasn't until Liu Qian came back to eat at night that she got up to wash up.The two of them are now inseparable, both obsessed with this matter of sex.Guo Ya fell into her arms, and said softly: "Sanggong, Ya'er is worthwhile in this life. With Xianggong, Ya'er will have everything." Her heart was full of sweetness, and she didn't want to be separated from him for a moment.

Liu Qian entered the door, dragged the two of them up, and then took a shower, groomed, and ate.

For two consecutive days, Zheng Yu stayed with the two girls in this small courtyard, and the three of them rolled together, forgetting about outside affairs for a while, and only cared about each other's happiness.Fortunately, Su Wan is capable, and she takes care of all kinds of major affairs, and she manages to be very orderly.

Three days later, Tai Shici and Ma Sheng came to Jicheng hand in hand, and Sun Qi also rushed over from Shanggu with his troops.

Zheng Yu was determined, and Liu Yu was also relieved.

Tai Shici led [-] cavalry, Ma Shengbu led [-] cavalry, and Sun Qi led most of the spy regiment, all temporarily stationed outside the city, and Liu Yu was responsible for supplying all supplies.With these soldiers and horses, Zheng Yu didn't worry about Gongsun Zan's tricks at all. Sun Qi accepted Zheng Yu's order and sent troops to monitor Gongsun Zan's headquarters and mansion.

Tai Shici and Ma Sheng came to see him hand in hand.

"My lord, military advisor."

When they saw Zheng Yu and Su Wan, they both knelt down, and Zheng Yu quickly helped them up, "Ziyi and Ziteng are here, that's good, that's good!" He was very happy, and he had been worried about Gongsun Zan before. , I was nervous for a while. With these 3000 people and Sun Qi's special forces, there is no need to worry about Gongsun Zan's conspiracy for the time being.

"Tomorrow, my brother, Xiao Yun, and Wan'er military division will go outside the city to receive Master Liu's garrison. Zi Teng can send people to the west of Liaoxi first, and most of the troops will still stay in Jicheng. After the matter here, he will escort the military division to the west of Liaoning. Accept the power and the garrison. Xiaoyun was appointed by Master Liu as the governor of Youzhou and also the prefect of Liaoxi."

Then, he reported several important events that happened in Jicheng during this period to the two capable men.

"Currently, Zilong's troops are stationed in Jicheng to prevent accidents and to protect Xiaoyun and your mistress. If necessary, measures will be taken to eradicate all Gongsun Zan's forces in Jicheng. Hmph, if he dares to mess around, we will Let's go first. If he keeps a low profile, we will keep a low profile."

Su Wan took it and said, "Gongsun Zan will not confront me right now. His troops are suppressing bandits in Qingzhou. Once he returns to Youzhou, it will be time for a showdown."

Tai Shici was very secretly happy about Gongsun Xu's being ruined, but he was calm and did not show this kind of joy, and how to deal with Gongsun Zan's revenge was really a matter, after thinking about it for a while. Seriously said: "Then try to prevent him from returning to Jicheng. As long as we control Liaoxi and Shanggu, and then try to get Yuyang, we will have the strength to compete with him, so don't worry too much."

After discussing for a while, Tai Shici and Ma Sheng went to Zhao Yun's place to rest.

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