Back to the Three Kingdoms to be the Lord

Chapter 95 Liu Yu's Anxiety

Liu Yu paced back and forth in the study, frowning.

Previously, he had sent secret spies to Youzhou to monitor Gongsun Zan, but he hadn't gotten any news about the battle between Gongsun Zan and Qingzhou, which made him very anxious.In fact, he also knew in his heart that it was only ten days later and he was still on the road, but he was just too impatient.Therefore, he laughed at himself and muttered, "It's Bo'an who is too impatient, haha."

"My lord, my lord." Engaged Qi Zhou walked in.

Liu Yu hurriedly asked: "How is Xiaoyun taking over the army? Is it going well? Have they started training? Has the [-] cavalry unit been formed?" Qi Zhou didn't know where to start with his series of questions. Yu also felt that he was acting too impatient at this time, and laughed at himself: "Bo An is impatient, you sit down and talk slowly."

Qi Zhou took his seat, took a sip of tea, and said: "The takeover went well, my lord, my uncle's two adopted brothers are peerless fighters, and there will be no problem if they are in charge of training. From now on, there will be my uncle and Tai Shici in Jicheng." , Zhao Yun is guarding, Jicheng is safe, and Youzhou is also safe, you don't have to worry too much."

Seeing what Qi Zhou said, Liu Yu calmed down, rubbed his hands, and said excitedly: "That's good, that's good!" Then he said, "I read Xiao Yun right, my family Xiao Yun He is also a famous general through the ages."

Qi Zhou was also full of excitement.He went to see Tai Shici and Zhao Yun training, he was very organized, and he couldn't help but increase his confidence.Previously, he was the same as Liu Yu, or everyone in the State Shepherd's Mansion had the same thoughts. He had a lot of concerns about Gongsun Zan taking advantage of Gongsun Xu's humiliation to return to Youzhou and seize Liu Yu's power.

"My lord, what is false is real, and what is real is false. Now that Xiaoyun is guarding Jicheng, Gongsun Zan will have to worry about the consequences of returning to the teacher. My uncle said that once Gongsun Zan makes any changes, he will immediately punish Gongsun Zan's forces in Youzhou." Extermination, including ransacking his house. Therefore, the subordinates feel that Gongsun Zan will not dare to act rashly, so there is no need to worry about it, my lord."

Liu Yu nodded with a smile and said: "The key is strength. Now that there are more than 2 horses and Xiaoyun belongs to him, Gongsun Zan really has to be cautious. After all, Xiaoyun went to Guanzhong and met Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army. Killing one by one, killing Zhang Ji, killing Niu Fu, beating Xu Rong until only a few hundred people fled, and then warming wine and beheading Hua Xiong, fighting against the world's most fierce general Lu Bu, and even injured him, Gongsun Zan is far inferior to Dong Zhuo."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, "My Qian'er is really lucky to have such a good son-in-law!"

Qi Zhou also took the opportunity to compliment and said: "My uncle is a hero in the world. Now that I am a big man with thirteen prefectures, who doesn't know the heroic story of Xiaoyun?"

Liu Yu rubbed his hands again, and his expression became relaxed, "With Xiaoyun, Bo'an doesn't have to worry too much about Gongsun Zan from now on. During this period of time, his hair has turned gray a lot. Anxiety is harmful! From now on, we must vigorously develop Xiaoyun. The troops he belongs to. Although Gongsun Zan doesn't dare to act rashly in the short term, he will still move in the long run and will definitely covet my position. Now that the world is in chaos, no one is listening to the court's orders, and Gongsun Zan's heart is about to move!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said to Qi Zhou: "Gongsun Zan is suppressing bandits in Qingzhou. If we are defeated, we may be able to calm down for a while. If we win a big victory, we may return to Youzhou to fight Xiaoyun with the momentum of victory. Therefore, we still need to Prepare for the rainy day, go and call Xiao Yun and Su Wan, let's discuss together, and ask Cheng Xu to join in."

After receiving Liu Yu's call, Zheng Yu and Su Wan hurried to the State Shepherd's Mansion.On the carriage, the two still moved hands and feet from time to time.Su Wan complained and said: "Sister, the measure, you must master the measure, don't let Wan'er's clothes become wrinkled, or her hair messed up, otherwise, how will I see Master Liu later?"

In the past few days, seeing the Zou sisters occupying Zheng Yu's big bed, Su Wan couldn't bear it any longer, and flirted with them. Although she still kept her girly body, she was really exploited by Zheng Yu.At this time, she was counting the days of her parents' memorial days every day, thinking of going up the mountain to worship with Zheng Yu early, so that she could really have a real relationship with him as a husband and wife.

"Wan'er, what do you think the adults want us to do?"

"Your mind is restless, but after meeting Mr. Xiang, you will feel at ease."

When the two came to Liu Yu's study, Liu Yu brought Qi Zhou and Cheng Xu to greet them at the door, this kind of courtesy was too much.Zheng Yu was very happy. He knew that Liu Yu was worried about Gongsun Zan for more than a day or two. Now that Gongsun Zan had a chance, he was very likely to take advantage of the situation and return to the army. If Zheng Yu hadn't been guarding Jicheng, Liu Yu would have almost changed It became difficult to sleep and eat.

"My lord, Xiao Yun and Su Wan are here to be taught!" Zheng Yu and Su Wan saluted politely, and greeted Qi Zhou and Cheng Xu.But Liu Yu couldn't care less, so he dragged Zheng Yu to the study and took a seat. "Xiaoyun, tell me, Gongsun Zan suppressed the bandits in Qingzhou, so what if he won? So what if he lost?"

The tone of Liu Yu's question was urgent, his eyes were burning and bloodshot, obviously, he was really anxious.From Liu Yu's point of view, Gongsun Zan absolutely couldn't bear the humiliation that Gongsun continued to suffer!Revenge is certain, it's just a matter of timing.Therefore, he changed from his indecision in the past, and decisively appointed Zheng Yu as the governor of Youzhou.

In fact, he also wanted to set up a governor before, but firstly, Gongsun Zan objected, and secondly, he tried his best to avoid making the conflict with Gongsun Zan public, so this position has been vacant.But Zheng Yu came and behaved extremely extraordinary, and now that he was his own sister-in-law, Liu Yu didn't care about it.

The key is that only Zheng Yu can secure this seat, and no one else can.

Liu Yu looked at Zheng Yu with burning eyes, hoping to get a satisfactory answer. He had thought about this question for a long time.Qi Zhou and Cheng Xu also paid close attention.Zheng Yu was not in a hurry to answer, but thought it through his head, took a sip of tea, and then glanced at Su Wan, who looked at him with a happy face.

"Msanggong, tell me quickly, everyone is waiting for Xianggong's judgment on this."

Zheng Yu thought for a while. He didn't know much about history, but he also knew that Liu Yu was defeated by Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Zan was rewarded by the imperial court through the victory of the bandit suppression in Qingzhou, and captured a large number of Yellow Turban Army and Black Mountain Army prisoners. Materials, etc., had great influence, so he had the capital to fight for hegemony later, so he knew that Gongsun Zan would return with a big victory this time.

"If Gongsun Zan is defeated, there is nothing to say. He has no capital to fight us. If he wins badly, it is nothing to worry about. If he wins big, he will have a large number of prisoners and supplies from the Yellow Turban Army and the Black Mountain Army. When it reaches tens of thousands, it will be difficult for me to wait.”

Thinking of the consequences of Gongsun Zan's victory, everyone looked solemn.

Qi Zhou couldn't help but said, "I don't know how my uncle can make Gongsun Zan invincible or defeated?"

Seeing what Qi Zhou said, Liu Yu quickly stopped him, and said with displeasure on his face, "Bo'an will never associate with thieves. Although Gongsun Zan is my opponent, he is here to suppress bandits for the great man, standing on a moral high ground. It must not be vandalized."

Qi Zhou hurriedly stood up and apologized, "Qi Zhou thought it wrong, please punish him."

Liu Yu shook his hand and said, "You can't bring this up again, otherwise, Bo'an won't show mercy. Xiaoyun should also pay attention, don't lose justice, otherwise, what's the difference between us and thieves?"

Zheng Yu quickly nodded and said: "Don't worry, my lord, Xiaoyun will never do such a thing. After all, Xiaoyun fought against the Yellow Turban Army and the Black Mountain Army for a long time, and they killed General Liu and many of Xiaoyun's subordinates. I will never Forgive them." Actually, he really wanted Zhang Jai to send troops to drag Gongsun Zan back, but after listening to Liu Yu's words, he had no choice but to give up.

Seeing Liu Yu's serious face, Qi Zhou and Cheng Xu were astonished and dared not speak anymore.

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