"Bao Zi, why did you come to serve as a soldier?" Shi Yang simply chatted with Li Bao while smoking a cigarette.

"Isn't it because my family is poor, so I came to the army to have a good meal?" Li Bao took the match from Shi Yang's hand, struck the match to light the cigarette, and said to Shi Yang after taking a greedy puff, and then some Feeling melancholy, Shi Yang started to talk about it.

It turns out that there are five brothers and sisters in Li Bao's family. Li Bao is the eldest in the family. In addition to Li Bao's parents, there are seven or eight people. They only rely on a few acres of land for their livelihood. Barely able to make ends meet, let alone have any savings, and when Li Bao's younger brothers and sisters were growing up, the food at home was obviously not enough.

A few months ago, it happened to coincide with the recruiting of regiment commander Hu's army. In order to reduce the burden on his family, Li Bao signed up to be a leading soldier in regiment commander Hu's army. All the treasures were sent back to the family without moving. In her words, there is food, drink and clothing in the army, and it is useless to keep the money. It is better to send it home to reduce the burden on the family.

"Lian Zuo, why did you join the army?" After telling his story, Li Bao asked Shi Yang back.

"I, it was a coincidence that I saved the current Company Commander Guo, and then I was fooled into coming here by him," Shi Yang said, lighting up the cigarette again. There are three or four cigarette butts under my feet.

"Lian Zuo, then what did you do before," Li Bao continued to ask.

"Hehe, I want to say that I used to be a bandit leader, would you believe me?" Shi Yang replied with a smile on his face, but Shi Yang was taken aback by Li Bao's answer: "Believe me, I want to sit with you like this." He should be the kind of hero who roars through the mountains and forests, robs the rich and helps the poor, just like those heroes in Liangshan."

"You little brat," Shi Yang said as he stretched out his hand and pushed Li Bao's head.

"Hey," Li Bao chuckled, then suddenly stretched his neck, looked behind Shi Yang, then stood up and pointed to the direction behind Shi Yang and said to Shi Yang: "Lian Zuo, look at a group of people coming over there." , but it doesn't look like a little devil, but like our brother, "

Hearing Li Bao's words, Shi Yang also turned around and looked in the direction of Li Bao's finger. About two or three miles away, a group of people was rushing towards Shi Yang's side. It seemed that the number of people was about one It looks like the reorganized company, and it is obvious that Sun Zhiyu and Huazi are leading the way in front of this group of people. Presumably, it should be Captain Hu and his guards.

"Baozi, Captain Hu should be here, go and wake up the brothers," Shi Yang said to Li Bao who was beside him after looking around.

"Okay," Li Bao responded, extinguished the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, and carefully put it in his pocket, then followed Shi Yang's instructions to call the soldiers who were resting.

When Sun Zhiyu came to Shi Yang with Captain Hu and others, Shi Yang had already lined up with his soldiers.

"Reporting to the regiment, Shi Shi, the commander of the third battalion and the seventh company, and all the soldiers of the company welcome the commander..." When the commander Hu was more than 20 meters away from Shi Yang and the others, Shi Yang went up to greet him, hypocritically Said to Head Hu.

"You brat, don't do this with me, hurry up and let the soldiers disband and have a rest," Head Hu did not accept Shi Yang's tricks, and when he came to Shi Yang, he pretended to be serious and said to Shi Yang, But even so, he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Indeed, Captain Hu is really very happy now. He never imagined that Shi Yang would eat up a squadron of devils from the other side by relying on a company of basically recruits, and return the artillery positions of those little devils. Shi Yang was promoted by him. This time, Shi Yang really gave him a lot of face. Not only did Shi Yang get such a result in this battle, but also Shi Yang told himself that the little devil was going to sneak attack on his troops. If there is no news about Shi Yang, perhaps his troops are still fighting bloody battles with the little devils, and they are more likely to face the danger of being breached by the little devils.

"Brothers, since our group leaders have spoken, what are you waiting for, let's disband and rest," Shi Yang was not polite, and turned around and shouted to his soldiers after Captain Hu finished speaking.

With Shi Yang's order, those soldiers naturally wouldn't put on a show, cheered, and ran to the side to rest in groups of twos and threes.

"Shitou, you have done a great job this time. I will ask for credit for you when I go back later." After Shi Yang's soldiers disbanded, Head Hu stopped pretending and stepped forward to pat Shi Yang. Yang's shoulder said to Shi Yang.

"Tuan Zuo, there's no need to ask for merit, you should call me to get a better deal," Shi Yang said. Shi Yang has no interest in those meritorious deeds, medals, etc., so it's better to get something cheaper.

"Hehe, you cunning, then tell me what benefits you want," Hearing Shi Yang's words, Head Hu asked Shi Yang with a smile.

"Actually, I don't have too high a requirement. I just keep some of the seized things. After all, these brothers fought their lives to get them back. You are too embarrassed to take them away. Do you think there are a few Qiwu Mountain Cannons left for me, too," Shi Yang said unceremoniously.

"Hey, you're a lion," said Head Hu pretending to be surprised when he heard Shi Yang's request, and then put on a formal expression and said: "I can leave some of the other equipment for you. But don’t think about these Qiwushan cannons, I still want to use them to form an artillery company, and it’s useless to give you these things, because I’m going to drop you to my guard company, "

"What, that can't be done, we won't even go there," Shi Yang didn't say anything, but Hua Zi got anxious at the side, he couldn't bear to part with Shi Yang.

"Huazi, is that how I told you whether you are big or small? Is there a place for you to talk here? Hurry up and apologize to the group seat," Shi Yang yelled at Huazi, and then smiled at him. Head Hu said: "Tuan Zuo, Hua Zi is not sensible, don't be as knowledgeable as him, I will definitely educate him when I go back," but Hua Zi apologized to Head Hu with an aggrieved face , Then turned around and went to the place where the soldiers of his company were resting, and got angry.

"But regiment, you have also seen that the soldiers under me are reluctant to part with me. I will not go to your guard company, and I don't think your guard company is any better than my seventh company. Go, "Although Shi Yang scolded Hua Zi just now, he praised Hua Zi greatly in his heart. What Hua Zi said was really good, timely and in line with Shi Yang's wishes. Shi Yang was not interested. Go to the guard company of Commander Hu.

"What are you talking about?" Hearing Shi Yang's words, Captain Hu hadn't spoken yet, but the current guard company commander Ma Xingtao quit. He glared at Shi Yang with big eyes and said, but Shi Yang didn't even look at it. He glanced.

"Stone, I don't like to hear your words. My guard company is full of elites from our regiment. I know that most of your seventh company are recruits who have just joined the army. There is no comparison at all, how can you say that my guard company is not as good as your [-]th company," Hu head also said to Shi Yang with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, Tuan Zuo, don't be angry. If you say that, I would like to talk about what it would be like if you changed your guard company to the position of our seventh company today," Shi Yang said incredulously. Said to Head Hu without a word of humility.

After listening to Shi Yang's words, Captain Hu's complexion suddenly became a little ugly. Although his guard company's combat effectiveness is one of the best in the whole regiment, if it is true as Shi Yang said, today the guard company will be assigned to the seventh company led by Shi Yang. In terms of position, they really can't reach Shi Yang's record.

"Hmph, put us in your position, we may not be worse than you, don't proudly show off your achievements, it won't do you any good..." But the guard company commander Ma Xingtao still Not admitting defeat, said coldly from the side.

"Hehe, Company Commander Ma taught me a lesson, but since Company Commander Ma gave me three months, how about we have a competition after three months?" Shi Yang turned his head and said to Ma Xingtao, the company commander of the guard.

"Okay, what's the comparison?" Ma Xingtao said with a nonchalant expression.

"Tuan Zuo, you also know that the soldiers under me are all recruits who have just enlisted in the army. Compared with the elite soldiers under Company Commander Ma, they are naturally not as good as one star and a half, but our Seventh Company can't just admit defeat like this. During my three months, no matter what I do during these three months, I don’t need to report to you, I wonder if the regiment can give me this right,” Shi Yang didn’t answer the words of the security company commander Ma Xingtao, but turned around Said to Head Hu.

"Hearing what you said, I am also interested. Okay, since I will give you three months, but Shitou, what should you do if you lose at that time?" Head Hu said with a mouthful. He agreed to Shi Yang's request, but it also posed a problem for Shi Yang.

"Tuan Zuo, if I lose, I will apologize to Company Commander Ma and the soldiers of the guard company in front of the soldiers of the whole regiment, and I will deal with the Tuan Zuo and Company Commander Ma casually, but Tuan Zuo, if we win What should I do if it happens?" Shi Yang was not troubled by Head Hu, and after answering Head Hu's question, he also posed a problem for Head Hu.

"If you win, you can ask for any conditions, as long as they are not too excessive and do not violate the discipline of the army, I will agree to you." Head Hu couldn't baffle Shi Yang, so naturally he wouldn't be baffled by Shi Yang. , after Shi Yang finished asking, he replied decisively.

"Okay, what I want is your words from the group seat, and my request is not high. If we win, please leave us one of the seven or five mountain cannons, and give me a few operations that I understand. It’s fine with the artillery,” feeling Shi Yang was still thinking about the Qiwushan artillery,

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