Anti-Japanese Bandit King

Chapter 122 Wilderness Survival Training

"From today onwards, you will have half a month of field survival training in this mountain without any food. At this time, I will not go to you to provide any help. Everything must It is up to you to deal with it yourself, and no one is allowed to go together, and after half a month, you must bring me back more than one prey. Wolf, tiger, and bear are up to you to choose. After half a month, return to me. Come here to gather, if anyone does not come back within the stipulated time, then I will treat him as starved to death and eaten by wild animals. Even if he returns later, I will not admit that he is a member of my Timberwolves team. Do you hear clearly?" After Sun Zhiyu took the selected people aside, Shi Yang stood in front of the rest of the people and said very seriously and in a very stern tone.

When he said this, Shi Yang couldn't help thinking about the scene when he was undergoing this training. What Shi Yang said just now was part of what the instructors said to their trainees when he was undergoing training. In that training, Shi Yangjian provided Shi Yang and others with only a 20-meter-long rope, a dagger, and three painkillers were unscrewed from the back of the dagger, and a Type [-] semi-automatic rifle. Two hundred rounds of ammunition, a matchbox, and fifteen matches in it, which means that you can only use one a day. I spent a cold night in the mountains while keeping warm. I have nothing else but these things. The goal is to start from this point and arrive at the point on the other side of the mountain within fifteen days.

One of Shi Yang's comrades-in-arms secretly hid a hundred yuan in his shoes while the instructor was not paying attention, but when the training was over, the one hundred yuan was trampled beyond recognition, and there was no purchase in Dashan. Things, it's useless to take money...

During that training, Shi Yang personally saw two comrades die in front of him, one was bitten by a poisonous spider, and Shi Yang's comrade's hand swelled up rapidly. To prevent the toxin from spreading, Shi Yang's comrade in arms decisively took out a dagger and chopped off his hand bitten by the poisonous spider, but Shi Yang's comrade in arms was still somewhat reluctant to part with his hand. After turning around, you returned to the place where the hand was. At this time, the hand was swollen like a bear's paw. Shi Yang's comrades tried to fiddle with the branch, but they didn't expect to touch the hand on the branch. When he touched it, the hand burst immediately, and the poisonous blood seeped into the mouth and eyes of Shi Yang's comrade-in-arms, and finally remained in the mountain forever without being rescued.

Another comrade-in-arms was about to walk out of the mountain and when he reached a certain point in the mountain, he fell into the bear pit used by the hunters to catch bears nearby, and was pierced through the heart by a wooden stick as thick as an arm erected in it. cold.

During that training, Shi Yang even caught a mouse and drank the mouse's blood directly, and ate the meat of the mouse after peeling off the mouse's skin, while another of Shi Yang's comrades shot because of starvation. Killed a white-haired wolf king, and when that wolf king was about to die, he ran out of a small hole with his front paws on the ground, and put his wolf kiss into the small hole with great effort and let out a sound. He fell to the ground convulsing and died after howling, and after the howling of wolf kiss, there were countless howling wolves in the mountain.

However, Shi Yang's comrade-in-arms, who was already dazzled by hunger, didn't care about it. He rushed up to pull out the wolf's skin and had a full meal. But just after his delicious meal, he was surrounded by hundreds of wolves on the tree. After the final mission, he was rescued by the patrolling helicopter. When he was sent out, Shi Yang's comrade-in-arms was already dying, and he was also returned to the original unit.

Today, Shi Yang also equipped the soldiers under him with the same equipment, but although the time limit is the same as the training time he received, Shi Yang lowered the requirements for completing the task a lot, and it was not for him to They crossed the entire mountain range like themselves and others.

"Listen clearly," the remaining members of the Timberwolves team replied in unison, and at the same time brought Shi Yang's thoughts back. After two months of training, everyone has gotten used to Shi Yang turning into a black-faced evil star during training. Therefore, he didn't have too much thought about Shi Yang's attitude.

"Okay, let's go..." Following Shi Yang's order, all the members of the Timberwolves team who participated in this training quickly disbanded and headed deeper into the mountain. It took them two months to get used to it. Unconditionally obey Shi Yang's orders.

And those members of the Timberwolves team who were selected looked at the backs of Shi Yang and those players who had already left, including Sun Zhiyu, who also looked at Shi Yang with a look of astonishment. This is not training at all. It is to let those players die.

"Brother, can this work?" Sun Zhiyu came to Shi Yang and asked after the figures of those players disappeared completely.

"There is nothing to do. I have also come out of this kind of training, and it is more than ten times more difficult than the last training..." Shi Yang said to Sun Zhiyu without turning his head, but his eyes were still fixed on those people. In the direction where the team members disappeared, I silently prayed for them in my heart. Everyone can return smoothly. That's all.

But he didn't see the expressions of those players standing beside him and not far away, it was more than ten times more difficult, what kind of training it would be like.

"Okay, don't be dazed, you know how to train yourself..." Shi Yang turned his eyes away from the direction where the players disappeared, calmed down his mood and said to the players who were still in a daze.

"Yes," although I was still a little worried for those players, but since Shi Yang had spoken, the rest of the players would naturally not disobey Shi Yang's order, and they didn't need Sun Zhiyu to follow. They all trained again according to the training items of the previous two months Get up, while Shi Yang and Sun Zhiyu sit down and smoke.

"How about it, Zhiyu, are you interested in giving it a try?" After the two of them lit a cigarette one after another, Shi Yang took a big drag, and then said to Sun Zhiyu exhaling thick smoke.

"I really want to give it a try." After hearing what Shi Yang said, Sun Zhiyu was really ready to move.

"Haha, this is my brother, go ahead, the task is the same as theirs, I am here waiting for you to come back, brother," Shi Yang said with a laugh.

"Brother, don't worry, I will never let you down." After obtaining Shi Yang's consent, Sun Zhiyu stopped smoking, and called a selected team member to remove his equipment and wear it After being on his body, he greeted Shi Yang and followed him into the deeper part of the mountain.

Seeing Sun Zhiyu leaving, Shi Yang took another two puffs of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground before extinguishing it, and shouted to the remaining members of the Timberwolves team who were training: "Assemble!"

Hearing Shi Yang's shout, those team members stopped quickly, quickly lined up in front of Shi Yang, and waited for Shi Yang's next order.

"We will spend the next month here. Although you don't have to think like them, you have to figure out how to eat and drink next. Remember, no one can walk out of this mountain, and You can't leave the daily training behind, there are no other requirements, you can figure it out, and now you are disbanded..." After the team members assembled in front of him, Shi Yang said to everyone.

After finishing speaking, Shi Yang ignored his clan members. After checking his equipment, he turned around and left thinking about the depths of the mountain, not worried that those team members would violate his orders.

Shi Yang now wants to relive the familiar and unfamiliar life, and try his best to secretly protect those team members who have gone deeper into the mountain, although Shi Yang said that he will not provide them with any help, But those team members are all the pimples in Shi Yang's heart now, and Shi Yang doesn't want any accidents to happen to any of them.

Shi Yang, who has rich experience in living in the mountains and forests, quickly discovered many members of the Timberwolves team. Many of them wrote blindly, not knowing how to wake up next, and Li Bao became one of the people Shi Yang discovered. The odd number, to be precise, should be when he was getting used to the depths of the mountain, Li Bao was the first to discover him. When Shi Yang found him, Li Bao was sitting cross-legged on the ground, using a finger-thick branch on the ground. While painting, he still muttered something, but Shi Yang heard it when he got closer. It turned out that this kid was planning for the next fifteen days.

After smiling, Shi Yang quietly left the place where Li Bao was, because in Shi Yang's view, if there were no extremely special circumstances, Li Bao would definitely be able to complete this training task smoothly, so he also There is no need to worry about this kid.

However, none of the other people's performance could satisfy Shi Yang like Li Bao. They bumped into the mountains like headless chickens, but Shi Yang didn't show up to tell them, everything must be done. Let them find out by themselves, so that they can remember more firmly, and it is more suitable for them.

Two days later, all Timberwolves members began to worry about the food problem, and they searched for something to eat in the mountains, but most of them were small things like mushrooms, and these small things It became the main food of the Timberwolves. Occasionally a few lucky ones would catch a rabbit or two, but everyone cooked things at dusk, because they could only use one rabbit a day. Matches, at night, the fire ignited by this match is used to keep warm and repel insects. In this big mountain forest, those snakes, insects, rats and ants are more terrifying than large beasts.

Shi Yang didn't show anything to these people, these things nearby are enough for them to persist for five days at most, and the real exercise will be after five days...

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