Anti-Japanese Bandit King

Chapter 143 I met a bandit

Following Shi Yang's instructions, he carried away the two big trees blocking the road.The members of the Timberwolves boarded the back compartments of the two trucks one after another.The people who got into the front compartment were a little gloating.And those who got into Shi Yang's truck felt a little uneasy.

"Hey. Why don't these guys come to sit in the cab. Forget it. Never mind. They like to sit in the car. Let them do it. I haven't driven a car for a long time. I don't know if there will be some Strange." Shi Yang muttered while sitting alone in the cab.

Follow the truck in front to start slowly.Shi Yang also started the engines of his two trucks.Step on the clutch, shift gears, accelerate, and slowly release the clutch.But when Shi Yang let go of the clutch.The car rushed out with a whoosh.Headed straight for the back of the truck in front.Shocked, Shi Yang stepped on the brake.The truck was extinguished immediately.

"It won't work if it doesn't break for a long time." Shi Yang shook his head.Start the truck again.But everyone sitting in the rear compartment is already in a cold sweat.It's too scary.Can the captain do it?

"Haha. Luckily, I'm smart enough. I sneaked into this compartment. Let those boys be scared." Hua Zi sat in the back compartment of the front car and pointed at Shi Yang's truck, laughing and said.

"Hua Zi, you dare to laugh at me. Sooner or later, you will cry." Shi Yang just saw Hua Zi sitting in the front compartment pointing at himself and laughing.But I couldn't hear Hua Zi's words.I thought Hua Zi was laughing at himself.grunted.Ignore Hanako.Start the truck again.But this time it was not the same as before.Although at the beginning.Still a little raw.But it didn't take long for Shi Yang to get acquainted.The truck also drove smoothly.

"You see. Brother's driving skills are pretty good." Shi Yang said beautifully.Then hum a little tune.And he even freed one hand to smoke.And the Timberwolves sitting in the back compartment.Also with the smooth driving of the truck.A little snack was put back into the stomach.

Sun Zhiyu saw Shi Yang slowly following him from the rear view mirror.I also let out a long sigh of relief.He commanded the truck to drive in the direction of Hutouzhai.However, when the two trucks drove for almost half an hour.Just passed a bridge.When I was about to pass the bridge, I suddenly encountered trouble.A few big rocks.In addition, a few big trees are placed across the bridgehead.


"I planted this tree. I... I drove this... this road. If you want to get through... here, stay... buy... buy road money." Sun Zhiyu had just asked the man to take the truck stop.A group of bandits jumped out from the side of the road.One of the guys who seems to be the boss.He fired a shot into the sky.Shouted stammeringly.

Sun Zhiyu was stunned for a moment.I and others met bandits.

But Shi Yang behind him didn't know what happened.I don't understand why Sun Zhiyu and the others stopped.And the subsequent gunshot also startled Shi Yang.I thought it was the two guys in the car in front who were playing tricks.That's why Sun Zhiyu fired.He hurriedly opened the door and rushed towards the cab of the truck in front.When you can see the scene in front of you.Shi Yang was stunned.

"Get off... get off the car. Get off all the things... let me get off the car." The bandit stammered again.He didn't care what Shi Yang and the others looked like.They have been waiting here for most of the day.Just now a brother suddenly reported that two trucks were going to pass by here.This time the hasty organization staff ambushed here.It's been a while since I and others have done business.Finally met a big fish.Where do you care so much.

"Brother, you're a bastard. We are all on the same path. Brother, can you make it easier for me. I will definitely go up the mountain to thank you in the next day." After a short period of astonishment.Shi Yang cupped his fists at the bandit leader and said.

"Less... less fucking with's close. I don't you unreasonable. I, Feng...Feng Wu, will order today's batch." But Feng Wu didn't have it at all. Pay attention to Shi Yang's words.He turned his mouth and said to Shi Yang.

While the two were talking.Hua Zi and others also jumped out of the car.Seeing the situation in front of him, he pointed his gun at Feng Wu and his group without hesitation.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh again." Seeing Huazi waiting.Feng Wu just frowned slightly.Then he shouted at the brothers who were still in ambush not far away.

Following Feng Wu's words.Those who are still in ambush.Hulala all rushed out.Good guy.There are more than 100 people from top to bottom.One by one, they confronted Hua Zi and the others fiercely with guns in their hands.

Shi Yang waved his hand to signal Hua Zi and others to put down the gun.Then he cupped his fists at Feng Wu again and said, "This brother. I'm Shi Yang in Xiahutouzhai. Although I don't know who the brother belongs to. But I hope that the brother will sell me to save face. I won't let the brothers come out for nothing. Come on. In two days, I will definitely give you a generous gift."

It stands to reason that the bandits in this area have basically been controlled by Shi Yang.Feng Wu and his group of bandits, Shi Yang, really don't know where they suddenly appeared.

"You are Hutouzhai Shi... the head of Shi Da." Feng Wu asked with some doubts.

This Feng Wu was not originally a bandit in this area.It's just that my own hair was attacked by devils.Only then did the lock be transferred to this area.Of course, he had heard of Hutouzhai and Shi Yang's reputation.But he didn't believe it would be such a coincidence.When I and others came here to do the first business, I met someone like Shi Yang.

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed." Shi Yang said noncommittally.

" do you prove...prove it." Feng Wu did not dare to act rashly.In case it really is Shi Yang from Hutou Village.That's something I can't afford to offend.People like myself are not enough to give others a gap between their teeth.

"Five Brothers Feng, how can I prove it?" Shi Yang asked rhetorically.This time Feng Wu was stopped.Although he had heard of Shi Yang's name.But for a while, he couldn't find any way for Shi Yang to prove his identity.

"Hehe. Brother Feng Wu. Although I am not talented, I think that no one can pretend to be my name." Shi Yang said to Feng Wu again.


Just when Shi Yang had just finished speaking.The driver on the first truck took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on Feng Wu and the others.Suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the car.A few steps ran to the bridge and jumped into the river below.The devil in the car saw the guy jump into the river.Just wanted to get up and jump down.But I haven't jumped out of the car yet.Sun Zhiyu put his head in the head with a gun.

From the beginning, this guy was thinking about how to escape from Shi Yang and others.Because he knows.Just follow Shi Yang and the others back.Then there is only one fate for oneself.That is death.

"Fuck. That shit jumped into the river." Hua Zi quickly rushed to the bridge.Facing the wavy river, he pulled the trigger in his hand.But that guy is like a rock.He jumped into the river and didn't come up.It was only after Huazi fired a few shots.A red color slowly appeared in the river.

Shi Yangyong pointed to Feng Wu.But he didn't say a word.Then ignore Feng Wu.Relying on the clothes on his upper body, he jumped into the river.Although that guy is not important to the current affairs.But Shi Yang didn't want to just let him go.In Shi Yang's heart.This kind of person who treats the little devil as a second dog.More hateful than a little devil.Even if Shi Yang could spare the kid in the car, he wouldn't let this guy go.But will Shi Yang let that little devil go?The answer is definitely not.

See what happened suddenly.Feng Wu was a little dumbfounded.It seems that Shi Yang's identity is very likely to be real.And he seems to have delayed his important event. "Brother...brothers. Let the guy...let go." Now Feng Wu can only ask to turn the situation back.People put down their guns long ago.But his own side is still pointing a gun at others.

"Everyone...everyone...brothers from Hutou Village. This...this is a complete... misunderstanding." After everyone under his command put down their guns.Feng Wu said to Sun Zhiyu and others.

But Sun Zhiyu and others have no time to talk to him now.In addition to leaving two people responsible for guarding the Japanese.Everyone else gathered around the bridge.Stare at the situation under the bridge.Feng Wu, who was ignored by everyone, could only scratch his head in embarrassment.No more talking.He also went to the side of the bridge and followed the crowd to observe the situation under the bridge.

Not long after Shi Yang jumped off.There were waves in the river again.And it also carries a large swath of bright red.Then Shi Yang's head came out of the water.At this time, Shi Yang was biting a dagger in his mouth.One hand is used to paddle the water in the hand.The other hand held the dying guy.

"Hurry up. Let go and help the master." Sun Zhiyu ordered the Timberwolves players.

In fact, there is no need for Sun Zhiyu to order.Huazi had been staying with the two of them for a long time.Go around the bridge.Several people worked together to pull Shi Yang and the dying guy to the shore.

"His grandma's. I didn't expect this guy to be so good at water. He has been in the water for such a long time. Fortunately, I am not bad. Otherwise, this kid would have run away." After landing.Shi Yang took the dagger out of his mouth and put it back into his boots.He kicked the dying guy again and said.After speaking, he walked to the bridge.But just took a few steps.Standing down again, he turned around and said to Huazi and the others: "See if there is any medicine in the car that is suitable for him. Give it to him first. Let him die too early and too cheaply. When I return to Hutou Village, I will take care of it." greet him."

"Yes." Hua Zi and the others agreed.

Shi Yang just walked from under the bridge to the bridge.Feng Wu greeted him with a smile on his face: "Shi... Shi Da is the head of the family. It's all my fault that I have... eyes that don't know Mount Tai. I almost... missed your important event. Please... please forgive me. "

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