Anti-Japanese Bandit King

Chapter 16 Attacking He Da Ya

Hearing the words of the stone, the people who rushed up adjusted their guns one after another, and came to the side of the stone through the cover to meet the stone.

"Go in later, everyone don't shoot, there are only seven or eight people inside. All of them are dealt with with daggers. Don't let them destroy the weapons inside. After you take them down, you can choose the weapons inside first." Stone and After everyone gathered, he ordered.

"Captain, don't worry. Make sure that those bastards inside won't have the chance to destroy the weapons inside." Hearing that the weapons inside were allowed to be picked by his brothers first, the brothers under Shitou immediately said happily.Especially the kid who was answering, he had already set his eyes on the crooked man who was spitting out the tongue of fire just now.

"I'll check three numbers, Hu Zi, Er Leng, you guys rush in with me." Shitou said to the six or seven brothers around him.

"One, two, charge..." Following Shi Shi's order, several figures followed Shi Shi and rushed into the weapon arsenal.

"Bang! Bang! Ah!" As several people rushed into the weapon depot, a burst of noisy voices came from inside.The people in charge of the arsenal are not fools, they also know that if the ammunition in the arsenal is detonated, they will definitely die without a burial.So after Shitou and others rushed in, they tacitly did not shoot.Instead, he chose to fight hand-to-hand with Shitou and others.But what they didn't expect was that Shitou and others were better than them at 01:30.After a while, seven or eight people were knocked down by Shi Shi and others.On the stone side, two brothers also suffered minor injuries.

"Haha, this guy is mine now." After the battle, Huzi picked up the crooked machine gun just now, and laughed loudly.

When Shi Shi and others rushed into the arsenal, Zhou Guoquan and Tan Sheng led their brothers directly to He Daya's residence.And He Baozhong directed his brothers to fire cold guns at those who just ran out of the house.And some people who were equipped with weapons hid in the house and fought back at He Baozhong and others.In an instant, the screams of killing and the wailing of wounded came from He Da Ya's locks.


Holding guns in both hands, Zhou Guoquan kicked open the door of He Daya's room, but there was only a shivering woman leaning against the corner of the wall, hugging the quilt, and the window of the room was open.

"Fuck..., He Daya ran away. Chase! Two people are left to keep an eye on this woman." He glanced at the woman on the kang.Zhou Guoquan turned around and rushed out of the room.


At this moment, a horse barking caught Zhou Guoquan's attention: "Chasing over there, He Daya is over there."

Following the direction of Zhou Guoquan's finger, a chubby figure was galloping northward on a horse.This person is He Da Ya, he knew that something was wrong when the first shot was fired, he opened the door and wanted to rush out but found that it was too late, he quickly retreated back and locked the door, ignoring the beauty he just snatched three days ago, He jumped out of the window by himself, touched the stables quietly, and didn't care about finding his own horse, so he just pulled out a horse and galloped away. It was at this time that Zhou Guoquan discovered him.

No matter how fast a man ran, he couldn't run as fast as a horse. After a while, He Daya disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing that He Daya had disappeared, Zhou Guoquan stomped his feet angrily: "Damn it, let this bastard run away."

Since the stone controlled the opponent's arsenal, most of the opponent had no weapons to fight back, and the battle ended quickly.Zhou Guoquan didn't suffer much loss here, only a dozen people were killed or injured.However, He Da Ya's party suffered heavy losses.At least 50 people were killed or injured.The second master, Zhu Pingsheng, was captured by He Baozhong.Seeing that the situation was not good, the third master squatted on the ground and surrendered.In addition to the more than 50 people who were killed or injured, the bandits under He Daya also raised their hands and surrendered like their third leader.

"Everyone performed very well today, and the brothers who were injured or injured will receive double the pension." Zhou Guoquan first praised the bandits under his command, and then said regretfully, "Ah! But it's a pity that that bastard, He Daya, ran away..."

"Big boss, look who this is." As soon as Zhou Guoquan finished speaking, Duan Gang rushed over with a dozen brothers, escorting He Daya.

It turns out that Shi Shi asked Duan Gang to take people away just now, because the secret passage to He Daya's secret escape was blocked.He Daya, who escaped from the secret passage, happened to run into Duan Gang who had been waiting for him for a long time. The enemy was extremely jealous when they met.He ordered a few minions to go up and down three times, five times and two times, and tied up He Daya.If it wasn't for fear of Zhou Guoquan and the others waiting anxiously, Duan Gang would have made He Da Ya suffer more.

Pat... "I fucking let you run."

Zhou Guoquan's eyes lit up when he saw Duan Gang bring He Daya back.When they went up, they gave He Daya a big ear.

Pat... "I fucking let you kill my brother!"

Pat... "I fucking let you steal my business!"

Zhou Guoquan hit more and more vigorously, and the big ear scraper waved He Da Ya's face in a round circle as if he didn't want money.

"Master, let me come here twice." Duan Gang looked at his hands itching, stepped forward and said to Zhou Guoquan.And Zhou Guoquan was really tired from playing, so he took a step back and gave up his position to Duan Gang.

This is just an opportunity.The big hands like cattail fan started to work from left to right, He Da Ya wailed and practiced while beating. "Your surname Zhou, if you have the guts, you can fucking kill me, don't let me suffer foreign crimes..."

Now that it has fallen into Zhou Guoquan's hands, He Daya also knows that he is definitely not well, so it is better to let Zhou Guoquan give himself a good time.Although this He Da Ya is not a very good person, he is still a man.

"Want to die? He Da Ya, you are too naive to think, how can I let you die so happily..." Duan Gang stopped his hands and said with contempt.

"Bah, why didn't I see you so rampant when you were running for your life like a dog." He Daya spat bloody saliva on Duan Gang and said.

"You're fucking looking for death." Duan Gang was talking about his pain, and the anger he had vented just now came out again.He pulled out the box gun at his waist and pointed it at He Daya's head.

But He Da Ya shouted not to be outdone: "Come on, if you don't fucking shoot, you are my child..."

At this time, the eyes are about to burst into flames, and it doesn't matter how much, if you open the insurance, the bastard in front of you will collapse.

"Duan Gang!" Zhou Guoquan stopped him.

Duan Gang slammed He Daya on the head with a spear, turned around and walked towards Zhou Guo's body, at the same time a line of blood flowed from He Daya's head.But He Da Ya was laughing wickedly.

"He Daya, I didn't expect you to fall into the hands of my Zhou Guoquan today." Zhou Guoquan stepped forward two steps and said to He Daya.

"My surname is Zhou, I fell into your hands today, and there is nothing to say. If you are a man, I will give me a good time. I don't hate you on Huangquan Road. I have thought of this day long ago." Da Ya spat bloody saliva on the ground again and said.

"Okay, He Daya, although I don't like your way of doing things, I still respect you as a man. I will help you. Duan Gang..." Zhou Guoquan originally wanted to say something to He Daya, but now it seems that he didn't go on. It's necessary.

Anyway, He Da Ya was doomed, and Zhou Guoquan didn't care who killed him, let alone such a good opportunity to buy people's hearts, of course Zhou Guoquan would not let it go.Duan Gang, who was called, was stunned for a moment. He thought that Zhou Guoquan would collapse He Daya himself, but he didn't expect that this job would eventually fall on himself.

"He Daya, although my marksmanship is not good, I want you to leave happily." Duan Gang, who came to He Daya again, fiddled with the box gun in his hand and said to He Daya.

"Stop fucking nonsense, Grandpa is waiting!" He Da Ya closed his eyes after speaking.


He Da Ya fell to the ground after a gunshot.Blood flowed out instantly.

"Find a place to bury him..." Zhou Guoquan ordered, and turned to those bandits who had surrendered and were gathered by He Baozhong. "Oh, what are you doing? Quickly, untie Cui's family." Zhou Guoquan walked in front of the captured bandits and pointed at Fatty Cui who had already been tied up.

Hearing Zhou Guoquan's words, although everyone didn't know what Zhou Guoquan wanted to do, someone still went up to untie Fatty Cui.

"Brother Cui, the relationship between me and He Daya is purely personal. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to be afraid, brother, I won't do anything to you." After Fatty Cui was untied from the rope, Zhou Guoquan stepped forward Helping Fatty Cui up, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Fatty Cui was at a loss, not understanding what kind of medicine Zhou Guoquan was selling in this gourd.Looking at Zhou Guoquan tremblingly, he didn't know what to say.But the stone standing aside saw some ways.This Zhou Guoquan wanted to win over Fatty Cui. He had just captured Heishi Ridge. The remnants of Zhou Guoquan here must be brought under his jurisdiction. It will definitely be greatly discounted if you give your own order, and it will be much better if Fatty Cui can help manage it. After all, Fatty Cui still has a certain authority among these people.And Zhou Guoquan only needs to manage Fatty Cui well.

"Brother Cui, I don't know if you have a quieter place here, I want to talk to you alone!" At this time, Zhou Guoquan treated Fatty Cui like an old friend for many years.

"Yes... yes." Fatty Cui nodded and said blankly.

"Then brother Cui, please lead the way." Zhou Guoquan made a gesture of invitation, and then turned back to Shi Shi and said, "Shi Shi, you follow." Bringing it with him made Zhou Guoquan feel at ease.

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