Star Valkyrie

Chapter 29 The Monster 8 Stars

It's night, and the stars are shining.Chu Xiong sat cross-legged on a flat and open stone, looking up at the starry sky above his head.

According to the remnants of the "Star Sacrifice Chapter", the star soul power borrowed by Hunwu all comes from the eight stars in the northern part of the sky.The Big Dipper, plus Polaris?Chu Xiong immediately recognized the positions of those stars.

In fact, when he first came to this spirit world, Chu Xiong discovered that the positions of the stars in the sky were the same as those in his previous life.So much so that he wondered if he had come to a certain period in history.But in fact, no historical stage is the same as the reality of Soul Martial World.

Looking at the eight twinkling stars, Chu Xiong felt more profound and unfathomable.

let's start!According to the first layer of the "Star Sacrifice Chapter", he placed his hands in a heart seal on his chest, and easily closed his eyes.The star energy in the veins began to speed up, and along a complicated route, they rushed to the fontanel on the top of the head.No wonder it is impossible to continue to practice without the guidance of Astral Soul Art.Even though Chu Xiong is so familiar with meridians, he still finds it troublesome.

At this time, the top of his head was pointing to the fluctuating star in the Big Dipper, which is also called the "first star" in the Soul Martial World.Today's Big Dipper (Yaoguang, Kaiyang, Yuheng, Tianquan, Tianji, Tianxuan, Tianshu) and Polaris are called the "Eight Stars of Soul Wu" by the soul warriors in the soul martial world.

The rich star energy emanates from the fontanel on the top of the head, and condenses into a ball after a while.Utilizing the steps in "Star Sacrifice Chapter", Chu Xiong moved all his strength to his head, and suddenly struck outward.

Received the impact of Qi Jin, the star energy above his head suddenly flashed.But there seemed to be a faint attraction, and the unreachable fluctuating star immediately projected a faint force into the cloud of star energy.This kind of power is mysterious and mysterious, it cannot be seen at all, even Yu Qi who is beside him can't feel it, but Chu Xiong himself can clearly perceive it.

This is an incomprehensible thing.It is said that the Big Dipper is a star, and the distance from the ground is calculated in light years.But it is such a long distance that a mysterious connection can occur.The astral soul technique is really strange.

And once the star energy is completely fused with the mysterious power of Yaoguangxing, the star soul power of Yaoguangxing will be instilled in his body.Until the infusion of the pulse is full, it will be declared a success.

Just when Chu Xiong thought he was about to succeed, he suddenly felt like vomiting.It seemed that there was a sudden blockage in the chest, and a mouthful of hot blood was churning in the body, almost spurting out.


Chu Xiong roared, and the connection between Xingqi and Xinghun was cut off immediately.The cluster of star energy entrenched on the top of the head, and then slowly flowed back into the body from the fontanelle, and finally hibernated in the belt vein.

"You...failed?" Yu Qi's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief. "Let's not talk about your aptitude and physical strength, even people who are half as weak as you can succeed relatively smoothly! What's going on?"

Chu Xiong shook his head bitterly, "I don't know. Maybe the meridian that was forcibly opened by the demon cultivator can't bear the eight-star star soul? By the way, if you demon cultivator opened the meridian, how did you borrow it? "

Yuqi said: "Our demon cultivators are different from the star souls borrowed by soul martial arts. They borrowed eight soul martial stars, but we borrowed eight demon star stars. After the soul martial arts are borrowed, they form star souls Soul power; after the beast monster borrows the monster's eight stars, it forms a monster power."

What is the "Eight Stars of the Demon"?Chu Xiong asked.

Yuqi pointed to a few stars in the sky, and carefully introduced: "Here, that is the first star of the demon, and that is the second star...Compared with the eight stars of Soul Martial Arts, the star soul power of the eight stars of demon is much weaker. Not much. So compared to the soul martial of the same level as the beast monster, the beast monster has stronger physical strength, and slightly weaker monster power. If the two are converted, everyone's strength is still the same... Could it be that the monster cultivator you choose can only be borrowed? Is it the star soul of the demon eight stars?"

However, following her guidance, Chu Xiong immediately recognized that the so-called "eight demon stars" were the eight planets other than the earth in his previous life - Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (a while ago , It seems that a group of scientists who made a lot of trouble drove Pluto out of the ranks of the nine planets? Let them drive away, sister Pluto, brother continue to take you in).

From a scientific point of view, the eight demon stars are all planets, while the eight soul martial stars are all stars, and their masses are far apart, which leads to the difference in star soul power?But because the eight planets are much closer to the ground, can this make up for the huge gap?Just like although the moon is a very small star, its influence on the ground is second only to the sun, and it can even cause tides in the sea because it is very close to the ground.

These are all Chu Xiong's conjectures. After all, star soul power is too mysterious to be explained by scientific common sense.

"Why, you decided to try to borrow the eight stars of the demon, and go to the end of the road of demon cultivation?" Yuqi covered her mouth and smiled, "At that time, don't really become a beast monster, hehe. "

"At that time, you will be able to give me a pure blooded little demon cub."

"Damn it!" Yuqi hit Chuxiong's shoulder with a punch, making the fellow grin his teeth in pain.This guy was even thinking maliciously: If she used such strength while flirting with him, she would definitely kill herself half to death!

"Stop making trouble, tell me how the beast monster borrows the power of the eight-star monster's star soul." Chu Xiong knew that if he continued joking, he might be torn apart by this violent woman.

Yuqi said angrily, "Yaoxiu doesn't have any star soul skills, and the eight star souls are all borrowed from the same kind of luck." After speaking, she explained the running route of star energy carefully, and Chu Xiong kept it in mind.Chu Xiong also discovered that, in fact, this running route is similar to the route on the first floor of "Star Sacrifice Chapter".

"Then I'll start." There are only two days a month to borrow the star soul, and the time waits for no one, Chu Xiong said something and immediately practiced again.Yuqi stopped talking, and looked at him quietly with her cheeks on the side.

After a while of shaking, the star energy in the veins rushed to the top of the head again and condensed into a ball.But this time, due to the different operating routes, it seems that the breath has changed slightly.Suddenly, the sparks in the sky seemed to flicker for a moment, and then a mysterious force was thrown, pouring into the star energy above the head.The star gas trembled slightly, as if something was brewing.

Bang - A sound like a small firecracker bursting from the top of the head, seemed to cause a turmoil inside the star gas.Immediately, the cluster of star gas began to rotate, and the power of Mars inside also began to merge with the star gas.

Chu Xiong felt that with the acceleration of the fusion of the power of the star soul, the cluster of star energy became richer and denser.And this phenomenon shows that the first step of his demon cultivation is relatively smooth.

This time, there doesn't seem to be much of a problem!

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