Star Valkyrie

Chapter 32 Cannon Fodder Fate

Along the way, Yuqi was almost too lazy to walk, and devoted herself to the wonderful realm of "Xuantian Yijian".If it hadn't been for Chu Xiong to give it to her, she would never have imagined that there would be such mysterious sword skills in the world!

The theme of this "Xuantian Yijian" is actually similar to that of Dugu Nine Swords, and it emphasizes the late attack.But Dugu Nine Swords focuses on no moves, while Xuantian Yijian is a solid combination of offense and defense, looking for flaws in the process of attacking.More importantly, since it is called "Yi" sword, it is like playing chess against chess.Before the opponent's moves were made, he had already judged his possible next move.In this way, it is said that it is a late strike, but in fact it is anticipating the enemy's opportunity first, which is tantamount to a full combination of late strike and preemptive strike.

"Xuantian Yijian" is divided into five realms, which are "pinching fingers", "writing strokes", "painting", "scheming", and "thinking about reason".Among them, "finger pinching" is equivalent to a general sixth-class killing skill, and "pen chip" is equivalent to the top grade of sixth-class killing skills.When it reaches the realm of "painter", it is enough to be called a seventh-class killing skill!Now what Yuqi can mobilize can only reach the realm of "writing".Once restored to the realm of the four-star great demon and mastered ten thousand points of demon power, he can calmly use the moves in the "painter".

"Where did you get so many strange and powerful killing skills?" Yu Qi was full of doubts, looking at Chu Xiong with her delicate eyes.

Do you make your own?Chu Xiong smiled heartlessly, and said, "Stop rambling, Shadowmoon City is ahead. Well, it seems to be heavily guarded!"

Originally, as Yuqi's protector in You Yuezong, entering this second-class small town should be ostentatious.But Yuqi had always felt faintly that the big black-clothed monster who attacked her was very likely to be related to You Yuezong, and even had a somewhat familiar aura.In this way, it is better to hide the identity.And one of the problems caused by this is that, as a "demon", she probably cannot enter the city where humans live.

"Let's try it. If we can't get in, let's find another way." Chu Xiong said, and he took Yu Qi to the gate of Shadow Moon City. Disciple - stop him straight.

stop!Where do you come from?The leader of the guard sergeant shouted sharply.This person is very big and three thick, and it is not easy to get along with him at first sight.

"My lord, we were originally hunters at the foot of Dawu Mountain. I heard that the moon is coming, and the mountain is dangerous, so I hope to get shelter in the city." Chu Xiong said pitifully, seemingly simple.

"Why didn't you come here with your own tribe? These days, there are too many monsters, who knows if you are monsters that have transformed into humans!" The leader said sharply.In fact, what he said was purely asking for trouble. If he really encountered a monster that could transform into a human form, he would probably have peed his pants in fright.

"This is not going hunting alone in the mountains, and we were separated from the tribe for a few days. When we returned to the tribe, we found that everyone had moved forward." Chu Xiong said, and suddenly quietly took out a golden key the size of a finger belly, This is something he accidentally picked up in Dawu Mountain, and it has not yet been smelted into shape.Handing the golden scorpion to the leader, Chu Xiong said with a smile: "My lord, please be flexible. Once the beast monsters outside come, our little hunter will definitely die. You have the right to save your life." .”

"You can still be a man!" The leader secretly rejoiced, looked back at the followers behind him, and said righteously, "It is the duty of our Youyue Sect to protect the people of our Youyu, go in. Look It's time for you to reach the level of a warrior, quickly find a leader and join the temporary monster-controlling team."

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear; thousands of breaks, bribery does not break.Chu Xiong secretly lamented that even in this simple and primitive age, such obscene means are still unfavorable.

Entering Youyue City, Chu Xiong felt a little bit of a feeling of human society.Under Dawu Mountain, or in other tribes with my father a few years ago, I was always living in a semi-primitive state of life.

There are not only a large number of houses and residents in the city, but also some hotels, shops and the like.

"By the way, according to what the leader of the city gate said, we are going to be incorporated into the temporary monster guarding team, is it to defend against the attacks of beast monsters and beasts?" Chu Xiong asked.

Yuqi smiled and said: "Of course. But it's not 'us', it's you. According to the rules, women don't have to participate. They only need to do some production in the city, cook, make clothes, etc., and supply the city Soldiers. By the way, if it’s time to start a battle, don’t stand in front of it stupidly, life-saving is the most important thing.”

I still need you to teach!Chu Xiong smiled inwardly.No strength, no hero.In this era of chaos, it is not bad to save your life.

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a startled voice—"Chu...Chu Xiong!"

The voice was very familiar, it was Hong, a woman from the Chishui tribe at the foot of Dawu Mountain.Chu Xiong turned around, but saw not far to the left, Hong and several Chishui people were looking at him from a distance.

How did you come to Shadowmoon City?Didn't it mean that the Dawu Mountain side belongs to the Wanyue City?Chu Xiong stepped forward and asked.This woman's life was saved by her father, so she should only have good feelings for her.

Hong also felt a little surprised to see Chu Xiong here, and immediately said with a wry smile: "Our dozen or so tribes have completely offended the Cangfeng tribe. The Wind Tribe. That’s why the Cang Yue City only accommodated members of the Cang Feng Tribe, but forbids a dozen of our tribes to enter. In this way, we can only go to this Shadow Moon City. By the way, why did you come here, Uncle Chu? What about others?"

For the powerful five-star soul Wu Chuyun, Hong was almost worshiped as a legend.It is said that even the lord of Shadowmoon City is only in the realm of four-star soul martial arts.What's more, Chu Yun once saved his life.

Of course, Hong is also in awe of Chuxiong's strength.After all, at the foot of Dawu Mountain, Chu Xiong took out Ling Meng with three moves and two moves, and Ling Meng was a mid-level one-star soul martial artist, and he was known as the number one expert at the foot of Dawu Mountain.

"After a fight with those two bullocks, my father went to another place and has some private matters." Chu Xiong didn't tell the truth, but whispered, "Don't tell about my father, he doesn't want to cause trouble. "

Um!Rainbow nodded cleverly.

In fact, my father doesn't care about any troubles anymore, the key is that Chu Xiong himself doesn't want to cause troubles.If it is known that Chu Yun still has a son in the world, maybe the Xinghun Palace will come and wipe out the roots.

"How did you escape after the two mysterious monsters appeared?" Chu Xiong asked.

Hong smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "It's all fate! Those good fighters present almost died completely. Yihao, the patriarch of the Qingqiu tribe, and I escaped early, hey!"

Chu Xiong was speechless for a while.There were more than a hundred warriors present that time, and they were all warriors above the sixth rank.In other words, almost half of the masters of the sixteen tribes under the Dawu Mountain were lost.

"What about the people from Yihao and Qingqiu tribe?" Chu Xiong asked.

"They've all been incorporated into the temporary monster-controlling team. It's just that the sixteen tribes are divided into things. Only Chishui, Qingqiu, Senmu and Furukawa came to this Shadow Moon City." Hong said, "Our Chishui tribe is the last One waiting to be resettled, well, aren't those You Yuezong people here?"

Chu Xiong turned around to look, but saw three people walking over.Those people were dressed in purple, with a purple crescent moon embroidered on their chests, and a small blue sword slanted across the crescent moon—people from You Yue Sect.

Two of them had a single wave embroidered under the emblem, and the one in the front had two embroidered ones.Through Yuqi's introduction, Chu Xiong knew that the number of ripples embroidered meant that the person belonged to the realm of several stars.Just like the leader embroidered with two ripples, he is a two-star soul martial artist.

"Warriors from the Chishui Tribe in Dawu Mountain, hurry up!" the two-star Soul Warrior said impatiently, "You have been incorporated into the Ninth Monster Royal Team, hurry to the north of the city to report."

In the Ninth Royal Monster Squad, people from the Chishui tribe all feel like they have a big head.According to the historical rules, in addition to the regular defenders in a city, there are often nine temporary demon guarding teams, and the ones in the front are all slightly elite.As for the No. [-] and No. [-] Royal Monster Teams, they often acted as cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder again!Chu Xiong secretly lamented the fate of the Chishui tribe.But when the warriors from the Chishui tribe were leaving, the two-star soul warrior suddenly pointed at Chu Xiong and said, "You don't have eyes, you're going to die! Don't go with the tribe!"

Chu Xiong was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "I'm sorry, my lord, I'm not from the Chishui tribe, I'm..."

"Single one? Then temporarily join the Chishui Tribe, go!" The two-star Soul Martial Arts of the Youyue Sect didn't even look at it, and put Chu Xiong into the ranks of cannon fodder.

It seems that I can never escape the fate of this cannon fodder!Chu Xiong smiled helplessly.

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