Star Valkyrie

Chapter 35

Standing at the top of the city, Chu Xiong couldn't help feeling the strangeness of this world.A large number of ferocious beasts rushed forward like a flood, eagles howled, wolves howled, tigers howled and monkeys howled, the momentum was so great that ordinary people were scared to the bone.Such a situation would have been unimaginable in the previous life.

This is the Soul Martial World!It belongs to soul martial arts, but also belongs to beast monsters.Just like what Yuqi said, humans call this world the Soul Martial Realm, but the orcs call it the Sky Demon Realm.Different positions, different perceptions.

About five or six miles away in the wilderness, a monster beast whose body was only the size of a cow, shaped like a unicorn but covered in long hairs, was suspended in the air proudly, waiting for hundreds of monster beasts and ferocious beasts to catch up behind it.This beast monster has a long pointed horn on its forehead, and its eyes are bright and energetic.This is - Xiezhi? !Based on his memory, Chuxiong finally identified its true identity!

Xiezhi, also known as unicorns (don’t associate them with those messy unicorns in the west, we are pure-blooded oriental animals).It is said that this thing is the most bizarre, even if it has just been born and is not in the realm of a four-ringed monster, it can still spout people's words.Apart from the divine beast Bai Ze, there is no other third kind who can possess this kind of innate wisdom!

However, according to records, this Xiezhi can distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, loyal and traitorous, and when he finds a treacherous person, he knocks him down with his horn and swallows him in one gulp.For a long time, Chu Xiong thought that this kind of strange beast was decent, but unexpectedly he became the leader of the beast monster riot.

Behind this Xiezhi's head, there are six dazzling black demon rings floating, showing its might as a top-class six-ringed beast monster.And everyone knows that during this moon-watching period, the six-ringed beast monster on the surface is as powerful as a top-ranked seven-ringed beast monster!

Flying in the air behind Xiezhi were a giant bear with wings and two huge wolves.Each of these three beast monsters is ten feet long, and four white demon rings are suspended behind their heads.Among them, the giant bear with wings is even the first-class four-ringed beast monster.

Under these four big monsters, a large group of beast monsters and fierce beasts finally came overwhelmingly!In the front, there are about forty or fifty beast monsters.And there are more four or five hundred powerful beasts behind.The aura of these ferocious beasts is equivalent to warriors above the eighth rank!

In fact, there are only a dozen or so monster beasts nearby.It's just that during the month of worship, some ferocious beasts equivalent to ninth-class warriors temporarily possess the strength of a ring of beast monsters.

In other words, the most threatening ones are the big monsters in the sky and the dozen or so guys who were originally beast monsters.For Shadowmoon City, these beast monsters are the most terrifying existence.

The locations of these beast monsters and ferocious beasts are just to the east of Shadowmoon City.And the city wall to the east is precisely the defensive area of ​​the Ninth Temporary Monster Guarding Team.Looking at those ferocious beast monsters and listening to the deafening beast roars, all the warriors of the ninth temporary monster guarding team were frightened.Such a battle is simply not something they can bear.

Chu Xiong looked at everything in front of him with great interest, but the original nervousness in his heart disappeared.Being a man for four lifetimes, thousands of killings made him develop the calmness and excitement before the battle.Only with this potential can one be called a qualified fighter.

On the other hand, Hong, Yihao, Yong, Ding Wu and others seemed a little guilty, let alone ordinary clansmen.The emotion of terror spread quietly, and it spread throughout the city in a short time.Everyone, including the first team and the second team, was trembling.

"Damn it, what are you afraid of! You are killing monsters, not waiting to be killed by monsters! Get up and keep your eyes on me." Feng's cursing voice sounded again.Although not as confident as before, at least he is still very firm.Chu Xiong looked at the young two-star Soul Martial, and suddenly felt that this kid was also a material.

"That Chuxiong, come here and stay with me." Feng said loudly.Seeing Chu Xiong approaching, Feng whispered again, "Brother, to be honest, what level of cultivation are you in?"

"Let's wait for one-star Soul Martial Arts." Chu Xiong said calmly.

"Don't be joking with brother, tell the truth, hey!" Feng said with a deadpan smile, "Whatever you say, but I know that you are not as simple as inferior to one-star soul martial arts! Well, no matter what, I'm considered a Earn it, haha! Who would have thought that there would be a Soul Martial Soul in this most trashy Ninth Temporary Demon Squad!"

Clans with soul martial arts can generally be incorporated into the first three temporary monster-controlling teams.And if this soul warrior is strong enough, he can even be included in the first team.

But Chu Xiong shook his head and said, "What's the use of that? With our small number of people, it's not enough to put those big monsters between their teeth. You, your two assistants, and me, the Ninth Temporary Monster Guarding Team Just four Xingwu."

"You don't understand that!" Feng said triumphantly, "All the big monsters above the fourth ring are dealt with by the Zongmen themselves. And our team is only responsible for those beast monsters and fierce beasts on the ground. We are condescending and have a lot of advantages. Besides, as long as we resist half the time and kill the enemy's momentum, even if we have completed today's mission, we will switch to the official monster guarding team in the city to defend."

"Half time? The pressure is not small." Chu Xiong said.The so-called "half leakage" is equal to half an hour in the previous life.A mere two or three hundred weaklings, defending against beast monsters and ferocious beasts twice as many as themselves, is simply living like a year.

"No, it's coming!" With a distant roar resounding through the sky, both Chu Xiong and Feng looked forward.The figure of Xie Zhi in the middle rushed forward, Fei Xiong and the two wolves followed closely, and rushed straight to Shadow Moon City.Below, four or five hundred beast monsters and ferocious beasts roared in unison, and rushed towards them in a dense mass.

The full-scale demon attack has begun!

At this time, six beams of purple light burst out from Shadow Moon City, quickly rushed into the air, and blocked Xiezhi and other four monster beasts.With a thud, the six beams of purple light erupted with great power, blocking Xiezhi abruptly.Chu Xiong looked over, but saw stars hovering above the six people's heads.One of them had six glaring stars on his head, two five-star spirits, and three four-star spirits!

These six people are the members of You Yue Sect that Feng mentioned.These spirit warriors are only responsible for defending against beast monsters above the fourth ring.However, from the perspective of momentum and strength, these six people are still somewhat weak.After all, under the urging of Bai Wangyue, Xiezhi is already equivalent to the first-class seven-ring monster, and its strength is more than twice that of the first-class six-star soul martial.


Hunwu and the big demon above didn't even say hello, and the battle had already officially started.The powerful momentum was transmitted to the ground, blowing the warriors on the top of the wall a little unsteadily.

Everyone was stunned. Among the ordinary warriors on the top of the city, few of them had ever seen this kind of confrontation between big monsters and big warriors.Chu Xiong sneered at Hong, "What are you looking at, be careful of yourself!"

Hong came back to his senses and was shocked.Because just under the top of the city, a group of beast monsters have already attacked first!

A two-meter-long, lumpy, disgusting monster has quickly climbed up the rock.This thing looks like a toad, but it has sharp teeth and claws.The red eyes seem to be able to spew fire.

Chu Xiong saw that the monster's four legs seemed to have something like suction cups, which enabled it to climb along the city wall calmly.Generally, other beast monsters have one or two monsters, but there are more than ten monsters in this group, it seems that they live in groups.Although Chu Xiong has extensive knowledge, he can't recognize the origin of this kind of thing.

On the back of the monster's head, there was a light yellow demon ring—an inferior ring beast.But Chu Xiong knew that under the influence of Bai Wangyue, its actual combat power was equivalent to that of the inferior second-ring beast monster.

The monster suddenly opened its huge mouth—it was even bigger than its own body, and with a mouthful of stench, it pounced on Hong who was almost terrified.Even Chu Xiong, who was several feet away, felt a little disgusted!

Hong shook his body slightly, his mind seemed to lose his wits, and he fell forward.And the position where it fell was the huge mouth opened by the monster.

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