The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 016 The First Battle in the Jungle 4

Chapter 016 The First Battle in the Jungle 4

"Now, you still have 130 living people. I will start counting now. When the count reaches five, no one comes out to surrender. Then, you all report to the King of Hades! 1——Bang!" A guy wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but Where is he an opponent of intelligent robots.

Deterrence, absolute deterrence!One person intimidates a company, and the tragedy of this company is that they didn't fire a single shot, including the company commander, 9 people died!


"3—bang!" Another unbelievers got shot just as he raised his gun!

"Stop fighting, I surrender, I surrender!" Finally, some soldiers couldn't stand the atmosphere and raised their hands.

"The one who surrendered puts his head in his hands and squats in place!" Shen Ren added directly.



"Grandfather of the Red Army, stop shouting, we surrender, we all surrender!" Finally, all 52 members of the 2nd Division, 1 Brigade, 2 Regiment, 1 Battalion, 138 Company, and Company of the National Army made their bids except for the 10 who were shot dead. Jin is a captive alone!

"Bang!" Another gunshot sounded, "This is the guy who is about to run away! Such a person doesn't deserve to live in this world!" Shen Ren said loudly.Only a few soldiers knew that with this shot, their "company deputy" also went to see Hades.

With this shot, the soldiers of the national army were really shocked!Because, they found that the Red Army soldier did not look in the direction of the "company deputy" at all, and the muzzle of the gun did not point in the direction of the "company deputy". Just shoot it out.miss?Just kidding, didn't you hear the sound of "Vice Lian" falling to the ground?

In the end, Shin In received only 127 captives alone.

Just when Shen Ren stood on the rock like a god of war and ordered a dozen prisoners to pack up the spoils, our lovely pig-footed student Wu Aihua, like the police of later generations, finally arrived late.

"Hehe, Shen Ren, that's not bad. One person wiped out a company of the national army!" Wu Aihua, holding a Mauser 98 in one hand and a Czech light machine gun on his body, said happily.

"Chief, 11 enemies were killed and 127 captured in this battle!" Shen Ren held the gun in his left hand and saluted with his right.

"Okay. Now, you have to go to Instructor Liu and ask them to come over and help us manage the prisoners!" Wu Aihua said.Here, it is less than two kilometers away from the cave where Instructor Liu and the others live. It takes half an hour for Shen Ren to come and go.And Wu Aihua believed that within half an hour, other troops of the national army would not be able to arrive here.

... # ...

In fact, when the national army was half encircling the "Wuming Cave", Lin Xiugu and Liu Changxiu knew the enemy's situation. According to their thinking, they planned to go out to lure the enemy away like last time, but this time they His idea was blocked by Deputy Division Commander Zhong and Zhou Changbing.

Zhou Changbing said, "Wu Aihua's base is not far from here. If the enemy searches the mountain, they will definitely find the enemy! Besides, we only need to guard the only passage, and the enemy will definitely not find the cave within half an hour or an hour. Therefore, We are safe for now."

When Zhou Changbing said this, he was just looking forward to a "miracle".Because, Wu Aihua said that he would be given to the Red Army today, maybe Wu Aihua would encounter the enemy.And as long as the two sides meet, Zhou Changbing instinctively thinks that no one will be Wu Aihua's opponent, especially that man named Shen Ren, who is purely born to kill people!

"I also don't agree to lure the enemy! This time, it is different from last time. Last time, we were isolated and had insufficient ammunition. But this time, we not only have no shortage of guns, sufficient ammunition, and may have powerful Foreign aid!" Deputy Master Zhong also expressed his opinion.

Deputy Commander Zhong's thinking was the same as Zhou Changbing's, and he was also hoping for a "miracle" to happen.However, Deputy Commander Zhong, as the middle and senior leader of the Red Army, has a farther perspective than Zhou Changbing.According to analysis, at least one battalion of the national army entered the mountain to encircle and suppress the Red Army guerrillas, and the goal was very clear, which was to protect this small Red Army team of its own.Therefore, it is not enough to repel the national army's attack by leading 12 soldiers alone.If they can "unite" with Wu Aihua's troops, it may be the best choice for the Red Army guerrillas currently stranded in the south.

Now, it depends on Wu Aihua's actions.If Wu Aihua can make a decisive move, Deputy Master Zhong will personally persuade Lin Xiugu and Liu Changxiu after the war. If Wu Aihua doesn't make a move, whether he can overcome the current difficulties is only resigned to fate.

Perhaps, the expectations of this small Red Army team really played a role.At their most critical moment, that is, after a soldier of the national army touched the forest mechanism and was shot dead, there was a sudden clear gunshot in the distance!A few minutes later, I saw the enemy receding like a tide.

"Deputy Commander Zhong, the enemy has retreated. Could it be that Wu Aihua and the others have started to attack?" Lin Xiugu came in and reported with a happy face, which also contained some nervousness and worry.

"It should be them. It's just that there are too many enemies today, I don't know if they can handle it." Wu Aihua finally acted as Deputy Commander Zhong wished.

Then, gunshots continued to be heard in the distance, and occasionally there was the sound of machine guns; but the vicinity of this small Red Army unit was surprisingly quiet.

Although Zhong Shoufu and the others had a lot of thoughts, they could only be in a hurry.They are too weak to help at all.

Half an hour passed, an hour passed, and then the gunshots stopped.This situation is really weird!Could it be that Wu Aihua and the others were wiped out by the national army?Inside the cave, the atmosphere suddenly turned bad.

"Report. Company Commander Lin, Shen Ren outside the cave, please see?" Chameizi, who was in charge of security, suddenly came to report.

"Shen Ren, is he alone?" Lin Xiugu suddenly felt an ominous premonition.Then Wu Aihua, she did have a good impression of him, how could she lose it all of a sudden.

"Tea girl, please hurry up." Instructor Liu is still able to stand still, the situation is unclear at this time, and it is useless to say anything.

"Yes. Instructor." Cha Meizi turned around and ran out, but she didn't understand why the face of this company commander Xiugu suddenly changed.

"Company Commander Lin, Instructor Liu, our chief asked me to invite you to help take care of the prisoners." Shen Ren always said something.

"What?" Everyone was taken aback. They had thought of everything, but they didn't expect this to happen.

"Lin Xiugu, hurry up, take a few people to follow Shen Ren!" Deputy Master Zhong was the first to realize that this matter is good.

Because the distance is not too far, when Lin Xiugu, Chameizi, Zhou Changbing, Zhang Fen, Wang Qian, He Xiu, Qiao Lijuan and other 6 female and 1 male Red Army fighters arrived at the place where the captives were concentrated, Wu Aihua was sucking his soft Chinese chicly. Several enemy platoon leaders also enjoyed the high-end cigarettes from the future.

"Report. Chief. Red Army soldiers brought here!" Shen Ren greeted from a distance.

"Okay! Welcome, welcome!" Wu Aihua jumped down from a boulder, "Now, time is tight, so I won't say much! Comrades Lin Xiugu and Zhang Fen, you are responsible for leading a total of 6 soldiers from the independent detachment and guarding these Captives! Instructor Liu, Zhou Changbing and other comrades, as well as five other fighters from the independent detachment, let's go and annihilate the enemy!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Aihua took another hard look at the prisoners who were not far away from him, "Feng Jianjun, Yang Guiqing, Zhuang Xizhen, Qian Minhui, listen to me, you four, don't make trouble while I'm away." Otherwise, even if you hide in Chiang Kai-shek's bedroom, I will arrest you!"

"Yes. Commander of the Red Army, we have the heart but not the guts!" Feng Jianjun said.

Just now, Wu Aihua had a great chat with the four platoon leader-level prisoners, and took out cigarettes for them to smoke.Coupled with Shen Ren's perverted skills, at this time, they really couldn't have any disagreements.People like Feng Jianjun have already made up their minds to join the Red Army.

Originally, the best arrangement was that Shen Ren took Hu Wen and others and a few Red Army soldiers to wipe out the enemy, while Wu Aihua stayed here to guard the prisoners. In this way, both sides had a balance.

However, as the "chief", Wu Aihua had to rush to the front. At this time, the team was starting up and it was time for him to establish his "prestige". How could he give up this opportunity.

"Okay. Comrade Changbing, let's go!" After finishing speaking, he led the team and rushed into the dense forest.

About 3 hours have passed since the outbreak of this jungle battle, and Zhang Binxian, commander of the 52nd Battalion of the 2nd Brigade and 1st Regiment of the Army's 2nd Division, has almost consumed half of his troops so far.What was wiped out was his whole company, 3 companies and 2 platoons; at present, Zhang Binxian still has 2 companies, guard platoons, heavy machine gun platoons, and 3 companies and 3 platoons. Although Liu Fagui's 3 companies and 1 platoon The soldiers also pulled into the mountain after Zhang Binxian appointed another platoon leader, but the combat effectiveness of that platoon was almost negligible.

Zhang Binxian soon knew about the weird situation after the first attack.However, no matter what, Zhang Binxian would never have thought that his 1st company was gone, and his 1rd company and 3nd row were gone.Because in the past, when the main force of the Red Army was in western Fujian, Zhang Binxian had heard his colleagues talk about the combat power of the Red Army many times.If the Red Army is defending based on terrain, a company of the national army will not be able to break through the defense of the Red Army even though it has superior weapons; Unless five times as many troops as the enemy are dispatched, they don't even think about it.

However, the tactics of the Red Army are obviously superior to those of the national army. They have never had certain rules in fighting and fighting, and they have always been elusive.In addition, the morale of the Red Army troops is very high at any time, and their fighting spirit is very strong, which is why the national army cannot beat the Red Army.

Of course, Zhang Binxian automatically ignored the reason why national army officers were afraid of death and only wanted to get promoted and get rich because of their "class standpoint".

(Moved by ing, I finally have a red flower...)

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