The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 057: Changting Raiders 1

Chapter 057: Changting Raiders 1

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

In the original history, between 1934 and 1935, the life of the Nanjing Nationalist Government was relatively easy. The north was temporarily stabilized due to the signing of the "Tanggu Agreement", and the direction of Shanghai was temporarily stabilized due to the "Songhu Agreement". Stabilized; the "red bandits" in Jiangxi and Hubei have weakened, and because of the Central Plains War including the stability of Guangdong and Guangxi, Chiang Kai-shek can be said to be proud of the spring breeze at this time, the country is unified, and he has a leadership temperament and demeanor!

Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek was not worried about the resurgence of the "red bandits" on the border between Fujian and Jiangxi. People as powerful as Zhu and Mao were all driven to the mountainous areas of Guizhou, let alone a small "independent detachment". It is a bandit-like army, maybe it is really a bandit, but it is just playing the signboard of "Red Bandit".

If Chiang Kai-shek really knew the reason why Wu Aihua took such a name, I don't know how he would feel.The independent detachment is intended to be "independent", not waiting or relying on anyone, not favoring anyone, not relying on anyone!The Fujian-Jiangxi Independent Detachment of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army is a completely new army that is different from the traditional Red Army, and even more different from the regular army of the government, an army that surpasses this era!

At 1935 o'clock in the evening on March 3, 17, the outside field troops of the independent detachment, including members of the headquarters, had a total of 10 people who had slept all afternoon, and quietly left Rongshuping Base with weapons, ammunition and supplies.Thousands of people set off in full gear, but they didn't wake up the sleeping soldiers, which showed the training effort of the independent detachment.

This night, it was the twelfth day of the second month of the lunar calendar, and the moon in the sky was shining coldly, which just saved the independent detachment from even having torches.

Wu Aihua will choose Changting for the first battle of the independent detachment!

Changting has a long history and culture. The county was established in the Han Dynasty, and Tingzhou was established in the Tang Dynasty. It was one of the five prefectures in Fujian. From then until the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was the seat of prefectures, counties, roads, and prefectures.

In March 1929, the Red Army entered Changting and established the Revolutionary Committee of Changting County, which became the first red county group regime in western Fujian and southern Jiangxi. The Soviet government Yutufang belonged to the Soviet government in western Fujian. In October 3, the Tingzhou Soviet Government was established at Chengguan. In December, Nanyang, Caixi, Tongxian, Shexin, Tufang, Zhongwucun, Shuikou, Sanzhou, Zhuotian and other districts were established as Xinting County, and the county government was established in Zhuotian.Hetian, Sidu, Gucheng, Changting Fucheng, Tingdong, Tongfang, Zhangdi and other places are Changting County, and the county seat is located in Hetian.Cities and counties belong to the West Soviet government. In March 1931, the Fujian Provincial Soviet Government was established in Tingzhou City; at the same time, Xinting County was abolished. In October, the northeastern part of Changting County was divided into Tingdong County in front of Guanqian; in September 10, Zhaozheng County was established in part of Changting County near Tingzhou City. government.

In October 1934, the main force of the Red Army began to withdraw from this area, and Changting was restored to the jurisdiction of the National Government.

At this time, Changting's garrison numbered about 1600 people, who were temporarily organized into the Artillery Battalion, Guard Battalion, and Heavy Machine Gun Battalion of the 4th Brigade.

The Artillery Battalion of the 4th Brigade is temporarily organized, with 6 old-fashioned mountain guns, 75 new-style 4mm mountain guns, and 60 6mm mortars. Even equipped with American submachine guns.


Wu Aihua conspired with Changting, and he had this idea as early as after the Spring Festival.Moreover, through intelligence operations, certain results have also been achieved.Of course, the specific effect depends on whether the attack tonight goes well.

Yan Conggen, temporary commander of the 4nd Company of the Heavy Machine Gun Battalion of the 2th Brigade, is actually a cousin of Yang Guiqing, the commander of the 1st Marine Battalion.When Yang Guiqing was the squad leader of the 52nd Division of the Army, Yan Conggen was the platoon leader under Zhang Liansan. The two met and got drunk when they got home, and thus formed a friendship based on brotherhood. When the division was promoted to platoon leader after graduating from the military academy, his cousin Yan Conggen was promoted to the company commander in the provisional 52th brigade, and he was the company commander of the newly formed heavy machine gun battalion!

In November last year, Yang Guiqing became a prisoner of the Red Army, and then became a platoon leader of the Red Army.Originally, serving as a soldier means eating food, so it is the same wherever you serve as a soldier.However, the policies of the Red Army were indeed different, and they did not discriminate against those who surrendered. Therefore, Yang Guiqing quickly made up his mind to sacrifice his life for Wu Aihua.

Wu Aihua, who has traveled through time, naturally knows the inextricable connections among the national army, all kinds of connections between fellow villagers, classmates, comrades-in-arms, relatives and friends, as long as they are mastered by the Red Army, at some point By using them, they can be turned into one's own combat power.In later generations, this situation was highly praised as "relationship is also productivity!"

Therefore, after the second reorganization of the independent detachment, a soft rule was promulgated: all soldiers who have relatives and friends serving as soldiers or officials in the national army hope to provide the list so that they can avoid being attacked as much as possible when fighting. Second, they are welcome to join the independent detachment as the Red Army when they have the opportunity!Anyone who attracts relatives and friends through this kind of relationship is regarded as "upgrading military exploits"!

What is "combat merit upgrade"?It means that you instigated rebellion or introduced a company commander, and its military exploits are equivalent to killing or capturing a battalion commander of the national army on the battlefield. In short, it is a level higher than before.Of course, ordinary national army soldiers are also welcome, but the requirement is that they do not have bad habits such as gambling and smoking opium.

It is not surprising that Wu Aihua's method is common in the business competition of later generations, but the impact on the thinking of the old Red Army soldiers of this era is like a bolt from the blue, completely reversing their previous habits.You said that you, Commander Wu, turned captives into Red Army cadres and soldiers, we can all understand, but others stayed in the national army well, what kind of thought did you spend, besides, how did you know that the other party really joined the Red Army Or fake vote for the Red Army?

Regarding this matter, Wu Aihua asked rhetorically at the meeting of cadres above the platoon level: "What is the purpose of our revolution? Should we exclude ordinary soldiers and middle- and lower-level officers of the national army during our revolution? Do you know that the national army A company commander in the army, they have read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge? As for whether he really voted for the Red Army or pretended to vote for the Red Army, it is not based on what he said, but what he did after he joined the Red Army? Can you guarantee There are no traitors in the ranks of the Red Army? A person, no matter who he is, even if he is Chiang Kai-shek, as long as he accepts the ideas of the Red Army, abides by the policies and disciplines of the Red Army, actively participates in the battles of the Red Army, and kills the enemy heroically! Such a person is Revolutionary! He is our comrade and friend! As for his previous history of joining the national army, it is very normal, because people have to find something to do if they want to eat, and being a soldier in troubled times is better than starving to death!"

Wu Aihua's point of view is very "rebellious" in the traditional sense, but one has to admit that Wu Aihua is right.Because Wu Aihua also took Zhu as an example, saying that Zhu was already a general in the old army from the rank of officer to the brigade commander. Why could he become the comrade-in-arms of Chairman Mao and the commander-in-chief of the Red Army?We don't want him because he served in the old army?

Wu Aihua further analyzed: At present, the national government controls most of China's political, economic and educational resources. The talents they cultivate, in addition to ideological problems, in addition to problems with the life attitudes and habits of the small number of troops, their technical and professional level It is still quite high. Our Red Army not only wants to destroy the old world, but also build a new world. Could it be that we can build a new world and a new China just because we know only a hundred Chinese characters?Our Red Army, especially the independent detachment, must have the mind to accept all kinds of talents from all over the world. Only when we are open to all kinds of rivers can we become strong in the end and become Mr. Chiang Kai-shek's nightmare in the end!Let me say something first, not only the officers and soldiers of the national army are welcome in our independent detachment, but in the future, foreigners will come to participate in our independent detachment and our cause!

After the cadre meeting, Wu Aihua asked all the troops to organize discussions in units of companies, especially to listen to the voices of cadres and soldiers who had experience in the national army.

This kind of discussion, which is equivalent to the "rectification movement", was carried out almost at the same time as the Spring Festival military training.There is no doubt that the effect of this discussion is very good!If we say that in the past, it was the officers and soldiers of the national army who saw the difference in the independent detachment and were convinced to integrate into the Red Army, but there were always some old Red Army who believed that they were "authentic", and there was always some emotional gap between them and the "New Red Army".Well, after the discussion, most of these old Red Army men have figured it out, and thus they also showed their actions of being close to the "New Red Army" in their life and work attitudes.

So far, Wu Aihua's will truly dominated this army!

During the discussion, Yang Guiqing reported to Wu Aihua about his cousin Yan Conggen.In addition, Feng Jianjun, Zhuang Xizhen, Qian Minghui, Li Yanbing and others also approached Wu Aihua one after another to report on their family, relatives and friends, especially those with good relations in the original national army, to see if they could be useful to the independent detachment.

Naturally, Wu Aihua laughed heartily!

Wu Aihua's idea is very simple, that is to let Mr. Chiang Kai-shek become the chief instructor of the independent detachment's military training. Although the soldiers he trains are not qualified, it will be enough to rehabilitate them a little. It is better than directly recruiting new recruits!Of course, recruits are also recruited, and recruit training is also required, but isn't it better to walk on two legs than one?

Whether it is a conspiracy or a strategy, in short, it is Wu Aihua's established strategy to find the national army for sources of troops!This kind of strategy that seems to transcend class and camp, some people later concluded that it was "the great wisdom of the military commander!"

Great wisdom ass!Wu Aihua scolded self-deprecatingly, whoever has the experience of later life doesn't understand that if you are beaten to death today, in the end, you are still not like brothers, even closer than real brothers!

(Could someone help the king to brush up the data? This morning, I saw that the click ranking of the day turned out to be 5th. Even though it fell later, the position is still very high...Laughing...)

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