Chapter 076 Old Jiang's Enlightenment (Please Subscribe!)

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

"Therefore, the revolution also has disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the sacrifice is too great! Some people say, we are not afraid of sacrifice, you don't need to be afraid, but are your relatives afraid of you? When the national army fired a cannon, a large part of the houses of the people fell down; when the Red Army threw a grenade, it might blow up some things that shouldn't be injured."

"Commander, what should we do?" Finally, the thinking of several people was led away by Wu Aihua.

"Then what should we do? Of course we have to make a revolution! However, we revolutionaries must realize that revolution has both good and bad sides. Our task is to consolidate and develop the good side, and to overcome and reduce the bad side as much as possible. This is called the duality of things, and it is divided into two. Everything, everything, has a good side and a bad side. For example, in our development in western Fujian, you always advocate that we should make great fanfare and vigorously, so as to make the world famous Everyone knows it; but I advocate burying our heads in development and developing quietly. Then, which of these two methods has more benefits and is more beneficial to us, we will choose that method!"

"Commander, I think it's really aggrieved for you not to become a professor at a university!" Xia Zhongqing finally gave in.

In fact, through Wu Aihua's deception, several people really opened the window of thought.Later, when they encountered problems, they would think in this way. Slowly, these people also gained the approval of cadres and soldiers in the independent detachment, and finally became world-famous figures.

If it was in later generations, even if Wu Aihua was the instructor of the special forces, it would be difficult to say such words.Firstly, who will listen to these things in future generations? Secondly, the state power is already very strong, and the gcd no longer needs to rely on such pale preaching to mobilize the people. The later ages are not an era of revolution.But in this era, especially Wu Aihua chose the revolutionary camp. With the expansion of the team, he will gradually become the center of people's attention. Revolutionaries speak with a certain depth.Only in this way can some specific behaviors and habits of Wu Aihua have a reasonable explanation and be understood by people.

It is theoretically feasible for Wu Aihua to make a fortune silently.But the reality is always so cruel!

The small-scale discussion of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government on April 4 was not fruitless, but had a big result!

Chiang Kai-shek knew very well that the Fujian incident two years ago almost made him unable to step down, and the trouble of the red bandits in Fujian was no less than the chaos between Zhu and Mao.This truth was also suddenly figured out by Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek looked at the map. The red bandits started an incident in Changting. Instead of rushing to restore their previous base, they kept running towards Longyan. What on earth were they trying to do?Under Longyan, there are Longxi (Zhangzhou) and Xiamen...

The red bandits want to go to sea!Chiang Kai-shek came to this conclusion that surprised him so much that he couldn't believe it. This red bandit is not simple. They keep rushing to the seaside. This is because they want to get "international aid" and "international recognition"!

Chiang Kai-shek naturally did not have any concept of "sea power" or "marine age" at this time, but it was not easy for Chiang Kai-shek to come to this conclusion, which shows that he is still a strategist.

So, in the middle of the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek unexpectedly made a self-criticism for the first time at the meeting, saying that he did not pay enough attention to the banditry in western Fujian before, which led to such an embarrassing situation.

Lao Jiang took the initiative, and the wind direction of this meeting changed.

Immediately established the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government "Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong Provinces Joint Bandit Suppression Headquarters", Chiang Kai-shek volunteered to be the commander-in-chief, and appointed Chen Jitang, He Jian, Gu Zhutong, Zhang Zhizhong, and Chen Cheng as the deputy commander-in-chief.

The "Joint Bandit Suppression Headquarters of the Three Provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong" has three armies under its jurisdiction:

The East Route Army, with Wei Lihuang, the commander of the 14th Army, as the commander-in-chief, and Li Yannian, the commander of the 2nd Army, as the deputy commander-in-chief and the premise commander-in-chief, commanded the 6rd Division, 3th Division, and 9th Division of the 10th Army. The 52nd Division, the 80th Division, and the 83rd Division have a total of 6 divisions and 12 brigades with 9.8 people. In the first stage of the bandit suppression, Longxi, Hua'an, Datian, Shaxian, and Jiangle will attack westward, reducing the living space of the Red Bandit .The headquarters is located in Longxi (Zhangzhou).



For this campaign, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government allocated 1000 million French currency for campaign expenses.However, Chiang Kai-shek made a rule: the money is not divided equally between each division, but in the form of bonuses. Whoever achieves the results of the battle will get it, and whoever has the most military exploits will get more!

With an army of 30 and a bonus of 1000 million French currency, Chiang Kai-shek's move is very poisonous!

It is also very poisonous to require the headquarters of the three-way army to be located within a day's raid distance from the red bandits!

Because part of He Jian's Hunan army was in charge of suppressing bandits in the border areas of Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan, and He Jian himself was also the commander-in-chief of suppressing bandits in the Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan borders, Chiang Kai-shek had to mobilize and redeploy troops on a large scale across the country.

At this point, Chiang Kai-shek was completely awakened.Not to mention that Wu Aihua, the red bandit in western Fujian, had the idea of ​​getting "international aid" through the sea, but because he reoccupied 7 counties in less than a month without making any noise, it deserves to be taken seriously.Think back then, people as powerful as Zhu and Mao were only in more than 20 county towns in their heyday.

On April 4, in response to media questions, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government held a press conference in Nanjing, announcing the establishment of the "Joint Bandit Suppression Command of the Three Provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong". A total of 25 divisions and 16 people from Lu Dajun went all out to encircle and suppress the red bandits in western Fujian, requiring all armies to restore order in western Fujian within three months and wipe out the red bandits under Wu Aihua.

On April 4, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government held a "Situation Analysis and Operations Conference on Suppressing Bandits" in Nanjing. Because of the word "Situation Analysis", the participants included not only the military, but also many party and state officials.

After 10 days of intensive investigation, Dai Li of the Military Control Bureau finally obtained more detailed information.In this nearly ten-day investigation, Dai Li mobilized most of the military forces in Fujian, Jiangxi, and eastern Guangdong. He even visited the agent of the Teng family in Nanjing, a family of Ganzhou merchants. People's Intelligence War.

At the meeting, the first speaker was Dai Li's intelligence introduction about the Red Bandits in West Fujian.As Dai Li's words continued, Wu Aihua, the red bandit in western Fujian, gradually developed from one or two people at the beginning to the present process, which was clearly displayed in front of every party and state official.

"Ah, this red bandit is too evil!"

"Ah, this red bandit is simply born out of nowhere!"

"Oops, the national army is in trouble this time!"

In the middle of Dai Li's introduction, some important officials of the party and state began to think about it. This Wuaihua bandit department may be even more difficult to deal with than the Zhumao bandit department back then.

In fact, at the beginning of Wu Aihua's uprising, and now he controls 7 counties, Wu Aihua has been very strict with intelligence work. In his controlled area, it is definitely impossible for the national government's radio and telephone communications to leak.But looking at it from another perspective, Wu Aihua did not deliberately block information about himself, that is to say, he did not attach much importance to intelligence work.From the first day of crossing, Liu Fagui’s platoon of the national army was released, and then most of Zhang Binxian’s battalion escaped, and then most of the captured national army officers and soldiers were free to come and go. As a businessman, if the military committee of the national government is a caring person, it is easy to obtain information.

However, Chiang Kai-shek's national government and its military committee, at this time, are especially like the government of later generations. The words and intelligence from the people contain too much truth and knowledge, but no one believes it, and no one specifically accepts this matter. Even if someone accepts the matter, it is still a matter of shuffling between departments, until the trouble becomes big and many people die, the higher-ups are angry, and the lower-level people are anxious.

The agents of the military command bureau in this era are very much like the police of later generations.Agents catch the gcd, catch it or not, you have to catch it!The police catch bad guys, if they don't catch them, they have to!But it is risky for agents to catch the gcd. Everyone knows that Changting is controlled by the red gangsters, but who dares to catch it?Before Zhang Liansan could catch him, he lost thousands of troops.

Of course, there are "risks" in the police arresting bad guys. This risk is: this guy can only be detained for 15 days, and he will be released after being caught. It is better not to arrest this guy; What good is he? Besides, there are so many evil people in this world, can they be caught?As a result, there have been many "strike hard" from top to bottom!Strictly crack down on high-voltage lines, whoever touches them will be unlucky, and whoever intercede doesn't care, anyway, there are people above.

Of course, military command agents can also get promoted and get rich when they catch g bandit predators, just like the police can get promoted and get rich when they catch a national A-level wanted criminal.However, how can there be so many predators and wanted criminals in this world?

Wu Aihua seized the loopholes of the Nationalist government, which were not loopholes, and fought with the national army and the Home Returning Group with open arms, but the reaction of the national army was always delayed.This "half shot" is Wu Aihua's opportunity.

(There is a testimonial on the public version, friends who are free can go and have a look)

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