The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 106 Iron Blood Ambition 1

Chapter 106 Iron Blood Ambition 1

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

When the joint news interview team was interviewing along the way, a report was placed on Wu Aihua's desk about the investigation of the identities of the reporters of the joint news interview team. This investigation was not the public identity mentioned in Chen Jitang's telegram, but their secret identities.

The interview team consisted of seven people:

Chen Siwei: Female, graduated from the Journalism Department of Fudan Public School, and is a reporter for Nanguo Morning Post.Real identity: Adjutant of the Adjutant Department of the Guangdong Army Command, Chen Jitang's confidential secretary, and Chen Jitang's niece.

Chen Ying: female, graduated from the English Department of South China University, and is a reporter for the Nanguo Morning Post.No special background.

Wei Yingmin: Female, graduated from the Journalism Department of Fudan Public School, and is a reporter for Shanghai Oriental Evening News.Chen Siwei's college classmate, no special background.

Yang Yanan: Female, graduated from the Literature Department of Beijing Normal University, a reporter for Shanghai "Oriental Evening News".Colleagues with Wei Yingmin, no special background.

Sun Qiuju: female, graduated from the Department of Literature of Jinan University, and is a reporter for the "Central Daily" in Nanjing.Wei Yingmin, a fellow villager, has been working as a reporter for three years and has no special background.

Zhu Yiting: Male, graduated from the Chinese Department of Nankai University, reporter of Guangdong Daily.No special background.

Li Ping: Male, graduated from the University of Tokyo, and is a reporter for the Nanjing Central News Agency.No special background (the situation in Japan is unknown).

From the report, it seems that among the 7 people above, only Chen Siwei has a special background or a special mission, but who knows what the truth is?It has only been less than ten days since Chen Jitang was listed on the list. No matter how strong the "wind" is, it is impossible to find out all the truth.

Intuitively, Wu Aihua felt that there was something wrong with the joint news interview team. The reason why Wu Aihua estimated this was because the situation at this time was particularly sensitive. If they didn’t come sooner or later, why did they come before the war started?

Wu Aihua's estimation was indeed correct. On the third morning, the Ministry of Intelligence handed over a report:

The journalist Wei Yingmin accompanying the press corps left the team alone at 1 pm on January 13, went to the Thousand Buddha Pagoda, and stayed under the easternmost pagoda of the Thousand Buddha Pagoda for about 2 minutes.Two hours later, a businessman who looked like a businessman also stayed in front of the tower for about 10 minutes, and then left pretending nothing happened.

The businessman is a director of the Meizhou Chamber of Commerce and is mainly engaged in the sale of foreign goods. After investigation, the businessman's name is He Liyu, and he came to Meizhou to do business in the autumn of 1932.

Also in Meizhou, reporter Sun Qiuju bumped into someone on the street and smashed the clay pot in the person's hand. Originally, Sun Qiuju could just pay the other party a loss or a little more, but Sun Qiuju agreed to go to the grocery store to buy one for the other party.Due to the sudden incident, our people were unable to follow up in time, and Sun Qiuju escaped from the monitoring sight for 5 minutes.

The next day, when the press team arrived at Longzhang Pass between Jiaoling and Shanghang, Chen Siwei suddenly asked to stop.After the car stopped, except for Chen Siwei, the other six people set up their cameras and took pictures of the surrounding mountain pass. Some people wanted to walk into the high ground inside the pass, but Wang Ying, the director of the accompanying news department, said that time was running out. blocked.

After reading the report, Wu Aihua took out a pack of cigarettes without making a sound, took out a cigarette and lit it on his own.It is normal for these people to come to the base for interviews at this time, and there are one or two people with problems among them. However, other people may be suspected, so the nature of this matter has to be re-evaluated.

"Feng Er, do you see the problem?" Wu Aihua asked after taking a puff of smoke.

Zhang Guanglu had already read this information before, and he could memorize almost all of it. Zhang Guanglu said, "People who seem to have problems may be okay; people who seem to have no problems may have problems."

"Commander, I can guarantee that their information will not be taken to the base." Zhang Guanglu said, patting his chest.

"Hehe, Feng Er, I'm thinking about letting them take out the information, but we have to know where the secrets were leaked, and we have to investigate all the other people lurking in the base area, but not arrest them for the time being. I mean, you Do you understand?"

"Understood." Zhang Guanglu is an intelligence expert, how could he not understand.

"If we only do this, we are actually defeated. Therefore, we have to prepare some information for them and let them take it out by the way. Let them do us a favor."

"How many people does the commander mean to use?"

"Yes. What they want most is our military strength and military deployment. Let your people brew one tomorrow."


"Also, Feng Er, do you think there are too many butterflies flying this time?"

"There are too many, probably more than one faction. However, our people will find out slowly."

... # ...

Spy warfare, since human beings have wars, there has been a form of intelligence warfare.It's not a big deal for the joint news group to become a spy group.

On January 1936, 1, the 15 journalists and entourage of the joint interview group arrived in Longyan.These guys, after a short break, asked to interview Wu Aihua and the leaders of the Red Army.

After research, the three main leaders Wu Aihua, Xiang y, and Chen y were interviewed by reporters at the same time.The press conference was chaired by Wang Ying, Director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department.

The press conferences in this era don’t have so many guns and short guns. Most reporters carry a notebook and a pen, and a few reporters who specialize in photography have cameras.However, the few guys who came to the base area this time are rich and powerful, and they all have cameras.However, at this time, due to technical or cost reasons, most of the cameras were equipped with a tripod when taking photos, because a slight shake of the hand may waste a negative.

So, although this press conference is small, it still looks like that.

Perhaps, the guys with special purpose are still rejoicing that they will finally meet the big man who caused Chairman Jiang and many people a headache, but they don't know that when they just stepped into the 30 kilometers away from Longyan, their The identity has been completely exposed in Wu Aihua's eyes.Except for Chen Siwei who is white, the other six guys are all pink.

However, when observing closely in the "holographic map", Wu Aihua found that this girl named Chen Siwei is really beautiful, and the other girls are not bad. It seems that the headquarters will "enhance" a lot in the past two days .

"Ladies and gentlemen, journalists, now, I solemnly introduce the head of the independent column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army attending this press conference!" Wang Ying is wearing a female military uniform at this time, which is also the standard style of the 07-style female military uniform. , in this era, has absolute lethality!

Wang Ying was originally a beautiful woman, and with this outfit, she immediately attracted the attention of the reporters, "Oh, Director Wang, you are so beautiful!" Come on, forget the protagonist all at once.

If Wu Aihua didn't know the identities of these people, Wu Aihua might think that this group of young people who were about the same size as him were cute and innocent, but now Wu Aihua watched their performance with a sneer in his heart. Let's pretend, let's see how long you can pretend.

"Hey, everyone, don't forget the master!" It was Chen Siwei who first realized that something was wrong and greeted him.

"This is Mr. Wu Aihua, commander of the independent column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army!" Wang Ying said following Wu Aihua who was standing in the middle.

"Friends from the press, please give me some advice." Wu Aihua smiled slightly and sat down with a sunny face.

"Sure enough young! Sure enough!" Chen Siwei first noticed Wu Aihua, and immediately gave an evaluation.Although the other two were also very young, Wu Aihua looked younger, more energetic, more confident, and... more handsome.

"This is Mr. Xiang Yi, Political Commissar of the Independent Column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army." Wang Ying continued to introduce.Regarding the title "Mr.", Xiang y initially disagreed, saying that revolutionary comrades would never call him "Mr."

After Wu Aihua heard about it, he immediately dismissed it with one sentence: "To call comrades, there is a premise that the other party is also our comrades; the political commissar can confirm that they are our comrades? And Mr., Ms., and Miss are common names in the world. Regardless of age, ethnicity, nationality, occupation, or belief!"

In this sense, no one is Wu Aihua's opponent.

"This is Mr. Chen Yi, Deputy Commander of the Independent Column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army..."

"Hi, friends from the press, my name is Chen y, and I'm from Sichuan!" Chen y's voice was loud and resonant.

"Now, the press conference officially begins. I invite Mr. Wu Aihua, the commander of the independent column of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, to speak." Seeing that everyone else had already taken their seats except for the two reporters who were preparing to take pictures, Wang Ying began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, heck (the word "Miss" is not suitable for me), I will make a long story short. First of all, welcome to the independent column of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants, and also welcome you to report on all the causes and people in the areas under the jurisdiction of the anti-Japanese democratic government in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi Regarding your interview outline, I would like to share a few points of view. If you have different opinions, you can argue and discuss them. If you don’t argue, you can’t understand the truth.

You ask: Now that China has been unified under the Nationalist government, why does the Red Army always have to do something different? Is this the name of false doctrine and the reality of separatism?

That's a big question, but I can answer it.The so-called National Government was established by Mr. Sun Yat-sen. It is a revolutionary government, which takes the nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood as its banner, and is dedicated to the interests of the entire Chinese people.Take a look at the current national government. What are they doing that is in line with the banner of the nation, civil rights, and people's livelihood?From the bloody storm in 1927, to the severe drought in Shaanxi in 1929, to the Great War in the Central Plains, the September [-]th Incident, the Shanghai January [-]th Incident, and then to the wrong formulation and implementation of the policy that we must first secure the interior in order to fight against the outside world. The second encirclement and suppression of our Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and the "Qin-Tu Agreement" and "Hemei Agreement" in the first half of this year, everyone, tell me, does this kind of government still deserve the word "national"!Such a government has long been a reactionary and dictatorial government.Under the rule of this dictatorship, the people are worse than death, and the people of the country are worse than a dog!Someone once asked me: Why did you rebel?My answer is simple: If I can't survive, I can only resist! "

In college, Wu Aihua participated in department-to-department debates. Coupled with his standard Mandarin, it is definitely refreshing in this era.

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