The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 114 Fate Showdown 2

Chapter 114 Fate Showdown 2

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

The national army that has been "reorganized" is indeed different from ordinary miscellaneous troops. Although they were a little nervous when they saw the monsters on the battlefield, the chariot troops, they did not panic.Soldiers take squads and platoons as units, relying on trees and houses as shelters, set up machine guns, and immediately build artillery positions with 82 mortar companies and 20mm machine gun companies (genuine equipment from German engineers, mainly due to the large gap between the heavy firepower and the German army) , ready to fight at any time.

The sound of rumbling chariots was approaching step by step. Some soldiers of the national army began to sweat slightly in their palms. Some soldiers moved forward and could even see the red star on the helmet of the red bandit on the top of the chariot.Hey, how could this be? Didn’t it mean that the steel helmet is a special product for our German weapon reorganizers? Why does the red bandit also have this?

Seeing the chariots getting closer, some soldiers of the national army set up their rifles and started shooting at the chariots with "bang, bang, bang"!Immediately afterwards, "dong dong dong", "da da da" enemy heavy machine guns and light machine guns also began to join the ranks of attack.

When rifles and machine guns are used against tanks and armored vehicles, it feels like raindrops falling on the body. The only difference may be that the decibels of the bullets hitting the armor are much higher.

"Fire the cannons—in a daze..." The national army's 6 mortars, which had only six in total, finally began to show their power!

"Bang bang bang..." The machine guns of the national army also joined the attacking chorus.

82 mortar, although it is called a medium mortar, but because it is a curved gun, it is not a big threat to the tank, unless it falls directly on the turret on the top of the tank, but this kind of thing is extremely rare on the battlefield , artillery is not a rifle, let alone a sniper; as for the 20mm machine gun, it is a tactical direct-firing gun, and it should be able to pose a certain threat to the "t-12" assault tank. There are no imported armor-piercing shells, so although they play happily, their effect is just like tickling.

"Attention all vehicles, attention all vehicles, enemy mortar positions are found at ten o'clock, and enemy machine gun positions are found at three o'clock!" The observation post reported the enemy's position to the assault vehicles in a timely manner.


"Black cat, black cat, I am No. 1 Elvis! Tanks within No. 4 will follow me to attack the enemy's mortar position, and No. 5-8 will turn around and attack the enemy's machine gun position! Action!" The commander of the tank company as the No. 1 vehicle The captain of the car gave instructions accurately.

Although the "t-12" assault tank weighs only 12 tons, it is much more advanced than the tanks of the same period in history. The most important performance is the inter-vehicle communication system. Directly issue instructions; the other is its artillery sighting system, which uses a more advanced "hydraulic mechanical power-assisted aiming system". Unlike other tanks, it takes a long time for the gunner to fire a shot; the third is It is also equipped with a mechanical assist device for the ammunition supply system, which makes the ammunition hand easier.

The technical specification reads: "t-12" assault tank and "t-24" medium tank can fire 6 rounds per minute.

Less than ten seconds after the order was issued, each vehicle completed the tactical formation again, and the long barrel of the 37 anti-aircraft guns in front of the tank began to aim at the enemy artillery positions that were fighting happily.

"Boom—" the chariot fired the first shell, and the chariot troops of the independent column officially entered the war stage!

"Boom boom boom—" All the chariots completed the first round of shooting in about a second or two!Huge smoke suddenly rose from the enemy artillery position about a kilometer away.

"Black cat, shoot another round, and then kill the annoying heavy machine gun!" Since the heavy machine gun is not a big threat, the tank has never paid attention to it, and the range of the squad machine gun is just 200 meters shorter than that of the heavy machine gun. The light machine gun equipped on the vehicle was even more helpless, so the bullets from this heavy machine gun kept hitting the front armor of the tank, which made the tank company commander very upset.

"Understood, Elvis!"

"Boom boom boom—" Chariots, tanks, and tigers on the battlefield are teaching the national army the most profound modern military lesson.

Xu Yongxiang, commander of the 3th Brigade of the 8rd Division of the enemy, who was hiding in the temporary bunker, has been observing the situation on the battlefield with binoculars.In the early days, Xu Yongxiang was overjoyed to see his artillery unit move quickly and take the lead in firing. Although ordinary shells were difficult to hit on this chariot, it wasn’t impossible to hit it. He saw a near-missed shell land on the side of the chariot. On the way, thick smoke billowed up, and the chariot of the Red Bandits visibly swayed, Xu Yongxiang shouted loudly, "It's hit, good job!"

However, the chariot only swayed like that, then rushed out of the thick smoke and continued to drive towards our position!At this time, Xu Yongxiang was not so optimistic, and Xu Yongxiang found that the tanks were re-formed in an instant, half of the tanks rushed towards the 82 mortar position, while the other half rushed towards the 20mm machine gun position .

"Oops!" Xu Yongxiang saw that the chariots were like steel tigers, not afraid of the threat of artillery fire at all, and an ominous feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Before Xu Yongxiang felt the ground, the chariot fired, and the first shot accurately hit the artillery position of the 8th Brigade!But the smoke from the explosion of the shells had not cleared away, and the second round of shells from the chariot fell again.

When the chariot destroyed the artillery positions and then turned to the heavy machine gun positions, Xu Yongxiang knew that his 2nd regiment and the entire brigade were finished, and the previous 1st regiment did not know where to go. I have gone, but I can't get in touch, and maybe it's over.

"Traveler, why don't we retreat?" The adjutant also saw that the situation was wrong, and he felt that if he didn't retreat, the whole brigade might have to be put here.

"Can you withdraw?" Xu Yongxiang said weakly.Because, he suddenly found that the tanks were accelerating, and the armored vehicles behind the 8 tanks were also accelerating towards the positions of the battalions and companies.

It is impossible for human legs to outperform machines.

At this moment, a particularly loud voice sounded on the battlefield, "Brothers in the national army, surrender, stubborn resistance will lead to death! The powerful chariot troops cannot be stopped by flesh and blood!"

"Hand in your guns and don't kill—hand in your guns and don't kill—" The detoured troops from both sides finally rushed to the battlefield, and at the same time issued the final order to the national army!

"Ah, Commander!" The adjutant pounced violently, and threw Xu Yongxiang, who had drawn out his pistol to commit suicide, to the ground, gripping the pistol tightly with both hands, "Commander, don't be too hard on yourself! There are so many brothers, but we still have to rely on You!" The adjutant said with a sob.

"Send a farewell telegram to the division headquarters and Chief Chen. Just say that our army lost to the Red Bandit chariot troops, and the whole army is exhausted." Xu Yongxiang weakly put down his arm that was still struggling, "After the farewell telegram is sent, immediately order the whole army Give up resistance and surrender to the red bandits!"

Later generations of historians commented that Chen Cheng's political ability is stronger than his military ability.These words are very reasonable. Throughout Chen Cheng's life, he has indeed never commanded a few decent battles.As if to prove this point, the national army's "decisive battle" plan actually started from the second strategic cluster where Chen Cheng belonged, and as soon as the battle started, a German weapon brigade was wiped out in one noon, and only the brigade A company of heavy soldiers lost their baggage and escaped with their lives, and returned to Sanming, where the 1rd Division was stationed.

In the eyes of Li Yutang, who reorganized the 3rd Division, although the Red Bandits had defeated him, his 3rd Division at that time was far from what it is now.In his opinion, even if the red bandits have chariots, it is not a problem for Xu Yongxiang's thousands of people to persist for a long time. He didn't pay attention to it, but just forwarded this telegram to Chen Cheng, the commander of the second strategic cluster.However, Li Yutang had a plan. He was going to send the 9th Brigade Chen Yinglong to support when Xu Yongxiang called for help. In fact, he had already prepared the 9th Brigade and the 227th Brigade stationed in the suburbs of Sanming, ready to go to Gongyang at any time. Chuanzhen support.The 9th Brigade only needs to march for an hour to join the 8th Brigade Xu Yongxiang.

However, Li Yutang was dumbfounded by Xu Yongxiang's second telegram, because it was a "farewell telegram", indicating that the entire 8th brigade was gone!

This... is really beyond Li Yutang's expectation.Farewell, is the enemy's attack too fierce and too fast, too late to retreat, or the enemy is surrounded on all sides, unable to retreat; could it be that Xu Yong and a few officers can't retreat completely?

In fact, the several situations that Li Yutang was thinking about existed at that time.

Xu Yongxiang chose "self-judgment" because Xu Yongxiang, who was in the first phase of Whampoa before, was his "mirror". The lives of soldiers.Of course, there is another reason that cannot be publicly stated on the table.

Before this expedition, there was a rumor circulating in the army that the red army in western Fujian was different from other red armies. For example, Zhang Binxian, the commander of the 4th Division of the Red Bandit Marine War, was only the battalion commander of the 52nd Brigade, 2 Regiment, and 1nd Battalion of the 2nd Division when he was captured. Now he is the commander of the main division; some of the former platoon leaders under Zhang Binxian graduated from the 8th term of the Central Military Academy, and some graduated from the 52nd Division of the Military Academy. They are all at the division commander and brigade commander level with heavy troops in their hands.

For such rumors, no one would believe them once they heard them, but they had to be believed after hearing them too many times.It just so happened that Xu Yongxiang had a little fellow who was the commander of the 52st Brigade of the 1nd Division. After the battle meeting in Zhangzhou, Xu Yongxiang specially asked the little fellow to have a drink. During the banquet, Xu Yongxiang unconsciously asked whether the rumor was true or not.

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