The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 125 The Japanese want to get involved

Chapter 125 The Japanese want to get involved

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

No one dared to take over this incident, because facing the huge "ransom" demanded by the Red Army, Chiang Kai-shek couldn't stand it even with the support of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang consortia, and the others couldn't stand it even more.If anyone dared to stretch their buttocks to sit in this seat, and did not pay the ransom, they might die immediately in a soldier riot.

The independent column newly occupied two provinces, and the importance of local governance was suddenly highlighted.While Wu Aihua appointed local fame, he also screened the provincial, city, and county officials of the former Guomindang Party. As long as they had no bad habits, were not against g, and were relatively clean, they would all be appointed.

At the same time, Wu Aihua integrated the educational resources in Nanchang, Fuzhou and other places, and quickly established two institutions of higher learning, "Jiangxi Red Army University" and "Fujian Red Army University".

In Wu Aihua’s school-running plan, Red Army University is completely a comprehensive university with 10 colleges:

Army Academy: training Red Army command cadres.And according to the needs of future operations, subjects such as street warfare, mountain warfare, jungle warfare, landing operations, special operations, air-ground coordination, and infantry-tank coordination will be set up.

Air Force Academy: To train Red Army Air Force fighter jets, bomber pilots, commanders, and ground liaison officers.

Naval Academy: Training future naval commanders and technical arms of the Red Army.

Military Academy: Cultivate military industrial talents.

School of Economics: Cultivate talents in the direction of economics.

School of Government Affairs: Cultivate government service talents.

School of Chinese Language and Literature: Cultivate talents in Chinese culture.

Institute of Science and Technology: Cultivate talents in natural science and technology, and carry out scientific and technological research.

School of Business: Cultivate commercial circulation talents.

School of Foreign Languages: Learning foreign languages, mainly offering Russian and Asian languages.

Of course, the establishment of these colleges also has a focus. For example, Jiangxi Red Army University does not have a naval academy, and Fujian Red Army University near Fuzhou does not have a military engineering college.

Under each college, according to the needs, there are also different departments.In short, as far as Wu Aihua can think of, all disciplines that already have a certain foundation in this era must be set up.

Wu Aihua set a precedent for this practice of combining military majors and civilian majors.In later generations, these two completely different schools and majors are listed separately, but Wu Aihua doesn't think so.Whether it is a war era or a peace era, the spirit of "martial arts" must not be lost. College students of later generations are not only free and slow in discipline and habits, but also impetuous and lazy in professional learning, and lack of tempering in body and will.

In Wu Aihua's subconscious mind, in the past, present and future, the Chinese nation is doomed to be alone in the world. Because of cultural traditions, it is impossible for East and West to mix together. Either the east wind will overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind will overwhelm the east.Therefore, Wu Aihua must continue the martial spirit of the people and young people in order to meet the challenges of the world!

Of course, Wu Aihua also understands that it is impossible for all universities to be set up like this, otherwise, wouldn't the whole world be ruled by soldiers.However, it is entirely possible for a country to have several such schools, and the talents it trains are also capable of both civil and military skills.

Before the two universities were formally established, Wu Aihua had to run various "training courses" in an "emergency" way. As for teachers, it was relatively easy to find. First of all, there is no shortage of talents in China in any era, and what is lacking is the ability to discover talents. Bole; secondly, Wu Aihua "exchanged" some high-end professional teachers from the system.

These teachers have no problems in business, and can even be said to be the best.The most difficult thing is dealing with human affairs. For example, what should a female student do if she falls in love with a "foreign teacher"?For a long time afterwards, Wu Aihua was troubled by this.

Just when Wu Aihua was having a hard time managing the two provinces, the Guomin government also did not find peace.Regarding the "Announcement on the Disposal of National Army Prisoners" issued by the independent column, Chiang Kai-shek adopted the method of ignoring, asking, researching, and answering. As the biggest party involved, Chiang Kai-shek could do this, but Wang Jingwei, He Yingqin and others were somewhat overwhelmed.Because the people who came to complain and intercede were their old acquaintances. This is a matter of life and death. How could Chairman Jiang be so irresponsible.

"Tell me what to do. If you give money, you will surrender to the red bandits. I will never agree!" Chiang Kai-shek played a rogue in front of Wang Jingwei and He Yingqin.

... # ...

Since the war broke out on February 2, European and American countries have paid close attention to this large-scale civil war in China.

Because they are also very concerned about the combat effectiveness of the German weapon reorganizers of the Guomin government.In Europe, after Hitler came to power, Germany quickly embarked on the road of military expansion and preparation for war. Although it was not enough to threaten Britain, France and other countries, it had already shown a certain degree of domineering; in Asia, Japan’s policy of aggression and expansion in China also caused their concern. Worried, because Japan's dominance of China is not in the interests of European and American powers.They hope that the best result is that China is in a weak position where the great powers can share interests, and even a certain split is not bad.

In the past, the Guomin government was too weak to resist Japan's annexation, so they also adopted a tacit attitude towards Chiang Kai-shek's trick of inviting a German advisory group to prepare for a strong national defense.

Now, the German weapon reorganizers are on the battlefield, and they hope to see a good result, that is, the German weapon masters of the Guomin government can be as strong as the legends, and after the tempering of the war, they will wipe out the army of China g. , the great powers are also very disgusted.This is determined by the so-called class nature.

However, the course of the war really surprised the hopeful powers.The German weapon master of the Guomin government is so vulnerable to the more powerful Red Army troops than him!Judging from the speed and scale of the Red Army's victory, and from the fact that the Red Army won so cleanly, the national army is not a level existence at all.

The Red Army has the best tank troops, the Red Army has the most advanced combat aircraft in the world today, and the Red Army has 150mm cannons that are rare in the European continent. With the deepening of intelligence, the powers are confused in the face of so many incomprehensible information: here In the ancient continent of the East, who is the orthodox and who is the "bandit".

The Red Army’s occupation of Xiamen directly threatened the safety of the Gulangyu International Concession. When the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry was preparing to go to protest and negotiate, a statement from the Red Army was sent over:

"The public concession of Gulangyu Island has its historical reasons. Our anti-Japanese democratic government and the Red Army of Workers and Peasants belong only to the local government of China. Therefore, the Gulangyu Island area can temporarily maintain the status quo. The future and status of the Gulangyu Island area must be decided by the Chinese central government.

The Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and its anti-Japanese democratic government are mainly committed to national independence and the improvement of people's livelihood. Therefore, we welcome all European and American countries to cooperate with our anti-Japanese democratic government in economics, commerce, technology, and culture to jointly promote human civilization. process. "

The content of the statement is very clear, the Red Army is not xenophobic, and the Red Army is willing to do business with us "capitalist countries".The Red Army is only anti-Japanese, who made Japan want to annex other countries.

Most countries have seen the sincerity of the Red Army.At this time, someone began to study the relevant materials since the independent column uprising, and found that the Red Army controlled by Wu Aihua was very different from the traditional Red Army of Zhu and Mao. For example, the land of the landlords was not confiscated in his base area. .Of course, limited confiscation is possible in any country.In addition, although the Red Army was powerful, it did not attack central and eastern Guangdong. This shows that the Red Army kept its promises and respected the interests of its allies.

The intelligence of the Cantonese army and the Guangdong local government can be grasped by the big powers at any time. Who makes this era too many people who worship foreigners.

Although the great powers were not very happy about the victory of the Red Army, it was not unacceptable.If it is really because of this that they start a war in China, it is not in the interests of the big powers. Therefore, they acquiesced to the fact that the Red Army occupied Xiamen, and the protest letter was never issued at all.

However, there is a country that is particularly unhappy, and this country is called Japan.Japan is also a member of the board of directors of the Gulangyu Public Concession Bureau, but Japan only holds one vote, but the total number of votes is at least seven. In the face of national interests, no one dares to agree with Japan's proposition.

Unable to think of a solution from Gulangyu and Xiamen, the Japanese government finally came up with the idea of ​​Chiang Kai-shek's clique.

On February 2, the Japanese Minister to China sent a note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, proposing to strengthen Sino-Japanese cooperation and jointly prevent the spread of gcism, the "Sino-Japanese Joint Defense Plan".Of course, judging from the history of later generations, Japan has long had plans in this regard, and has also signed similar documents with China, but this era has been brought forward because of the appearance of Wu Aihua.

The core content of the "Sino-Japanese Joint Defense Plan" is only five: first, the Chinese government officially recognizes the international status of the Puppet Manchuria; second, the Chinese government formally recognizes and protects the interests of the Great Japanese Empire in China; To jointly prevent g, for this purpose, Japan will provide the Chinese government with 1000 million yen in free aid, 1 million yen in interest-free loans, and 1 million yen in low-interest loans; fourth, China and Japan will carry out extensive economic cooperation and work together To develop China's economy, improve Chinese people's livelihood, and enhance China's strength and international status; fifth, the Chinese government hired senior Japanese military officers as national army advisers to guide the national army's training and operations (at this time, Germany and Japan were not allied).

"Japan is really lingering, and the heart of death will not die!" Chiang Kai-shek, who saw this report, seemed to know the face of the Japanese for the first time.

"Chairman, if China g, especially the military bandit Aihua, agrees to use the area it currently occupies as the boundary and no longer take the initiative to attack, you might as well start negotiations with them!" At the critical moment, Yang Yongtai had to come forward.

"Well, it's up to you to discuss this matter. As long as you give me five years of peace time, I will definitely be able to wipe out all the gangsters!" Without the Japanese forcing this hand, Chiang Kai-shek seemed to never take the initiative to speak.

(This volume is a transitional volume, and a few more chapters will officially enter the Anti-Japanese War Bird. Red Army soldiers, we must win the battle!)

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