Chapter 149 Pricking a Nail

(This story is purely fictitious, please do not imitate!)

"Okay, the Telecommunications Office will send the above decision immediately. Now, take a break for half an hour, and then continue the meeting." Wu Aihua is going to study the merit system, so as not to be overjoyed when he gets it and be "remembered" by everyone.

Host: Wu Aihua.

Level: Level 7.

Influence: Level 5 (Conditions: a. The subordinate commander reaches the military level; b. Legally owns at least one province.)

Title: War Elite, National War Hero.

(System explanation: The so-called national war heroes refer to those who have wiped out more enemies in the battle to safeguard the interests of the country, race, and nation, and have made outstanding achievements, and their deeds have been praised by the people.)

Title function:

1. War elites: the meritorious value obtained by the host due to the war will be increased by 10%;

2. Heroes of the National War: The meritorious value obtained by the host for killing the enemy in the national war is doubled twice that of the civil war (the meritorious value of killing an ordinary enemy soldier in the civil war is 2 point, the squad leader is 1 points, the platoon leader is 1 points, and the company commander is 2 points , and so on, it will be doubled if you are in a regular position; the meritorious value of ordinary soldiers killed in the national war is 4 points, the squad leader is 8 points, the platoon leader is 4 points, the company commander is 8 points, and so on...); when the b host participates in the national war, he will Get luck bonus; c host charm index bonus 16%; d other mysterious functions, please host to explore.

Meritorious value: 96598 (details: 86598 points for annihilation of the Hebian Zhengsan Brigade and Suzuki Chongkang Brigade, and 1 points for capturing one flag of the Hebian Zhengsan Brigade).

After the "strike" last night, Wu Aihua is more mature than before, and no matter how the system changes, he will not make a fuss.However, Wu Aihua must take every handwriting and every small change that appears in the system seriously, absolutely not daring to be sloppy, and must understand the "true meaning" in it.

Previously, Wu Aihua's biggest mistake, to put it bluntly, was that he didn't understand the word "host" well, which led to the system's "punishment". Perhaps, the system didn't feel disgusted by the protagonist's moderate gift of items exchanged for merit points (because before Wu Aihua sent a lot, but the system did not respond), but if you give away your own troops, or give away the power obtained through the system (the conditions of the host's authority level and power level), it is obviously touching the bottom line of the system.

Secondly, Wu Aihua is not sensitive to the "deduction" of meritorious service.I only know that there are merit points for killing the enemy, but I don't know that the sacrifice of my own soldiers will also "deduct" the merit points.It is logical to have an increase or decrease, but Wu Aihua has not thought about this problem before (it has something to do with the total merit value given by the system in general), and giving one's own troops to others is tantamount to "sacrificing" one's own soldiers .

Therefore, Wu Aihua's punishment is indeed his own fault.

Seeing the system restored to the previous panel, Wu Aihua's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

The host project is unchanged.Of course, if it changed, Wu Aihua himself might disappear.

The permission level has not changed, so the related "exchange" items have not changed (combat-type functional robots have been cancelled).

The power level was raised to level 5 because he appointed the head of the group army (military level), which is easy to understand.

"Hologram" has been cancelled, and it seems that it will not be restored for a short time or ever.

The biggest change is the "Title"!No, it was "evaluation" before, but this time it is a title. What does this change mean?This system is very good, but it's not good to like to play riddles.It doesn't make any requirements clear, and always asks the host to "explore by itself".

According to the "systematic interpretation", the so-called heroes of the national war refer to those who wiped out more enemies in the battle to safeguard the interests of the country, race, and nation, made outstanding achievements, and their deeds were praised by the people.Does that mean that the "evaluation" in the past was just a systematic evaluation, but the current "title" refers to a realistic title, because "his deeds are praised by the people".

The more Wu Aihua thought about it, the more he felt that this was a possibility. In the past, he knew how to fight and won so many battles, but in the eyes of the people, it was essentially a "civil war" for political and economic rights, which is not worthy of praise.Now, I have just fought a battle against the Japanese invaders, and I have the title of "National War Hero"!

Still not right!Wu Aihua suddenly felt that because of the sound of the system's "ding", it was when he made the decision to "publish the results of our army's battles". The statistics are over, why didn't the system notify me that I had won the title of "National War Hero"?

Does this mean that it is not appropriate to keep a low profile in a national war?

Wu Aihua thought carefully about the wars between countries in human history, and finally found that it is not appropriate to use "low-key" or "pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger" tactics in national wars (strategic deception and tactical deception are not included in this list), but The results of the battle should be announced in a timely manner to boost morale and unite the hearts of the people; in a national war, the army is the mainstay of the country and the hope of the people and the country. If the army cannot let the people see the hope of victory, not only the country is in danger, but also the army The same danger!

Therefore, the national war cannot be low-key!

It should be understood in this way.Wu Aihua clenched his fist and waved it in the air.

The meritorious value is "twice as much as the civil war", this reward is huge!Wu Aihua remembered that when the system was just launched, it was said that the meritorious service for killing an enemy in the civil war is worth 2 point, and the meritorious service for killing an enemy in the national war is worth 1 points. Now, because of the title of "National War Hero", it has become 1 points. very good!Judging from the 1 merit points obtained by annihilating more than 2 enemies, it will not take much time for Wu Aihua to restore the merit storage of about 4.

However, the function of "Lucky Bonus" made Wu Aihua scratch his head again. What does this mean? Is it like playing mahjong in war, and you can get a good hand of cards?There is obviously a problem with this understanding.Because the cards of both sides of the war have been prepared long ago, other people's good cards will not disappear suddenly, and it is impossible for oneself to increase good cards out of thin air.

This "lucky bonus" has to be handled carefully.Wu Aihua didn't come up with a result, so he could only think like this.

"Add 10% to the charm index", is it to make yourself more handsome?Seeing this, Wu Aihua involuntarily took out a small round mirror from his carry-on luggage, looked at himself, and thought after a few glances, nothing had changed.However, it seems that there is a little change.Regarding this point, Wu Aihua didn't pay attention to it, thinking that as long as it doesn't become too ugly, it will be fine.

"Other mysterious functions"?Wu Aihua was even more confused, the previous "lucky bonus" had already caused Wu Aihua a headache, and there was another "mysterious function", and the host needed to explore it by himself, how to explore it?It is impossible for me to look for things for nothing like the scientific expeditions of later generations, or play extreme sports, or stare at the system in a daze all day long.Forget it, this one seems to go with the flow.

Wu Aihua believes in science and science fiction, but not fantasy.Even the incredible thing of traveling through time and space, in Wu Aihua's view, can be explained scientifically.The function of the system can also be explained to some extent.Just like in the natural world, there is a scientific basis for it to rain in the sky, and there are copper coins, silver coins, and fresh fish all over the ground.

Force yourself to calm down and continue the meeting.

"Just now, I made three decisions," Wu Aihua said immediately when he saw everyone sitting together waiting for him, "Fourth, our army will start from Guangling and Lingqiu in Shanxi in the west and reach Laiyuan in the south in the next stage." , Yixian, Laishui, Fangshan, Mentougou, and Yanqing in the east, and Huai'an, Zhangjiakou, and Xuanhua in the north to establish the "National Defense Force Northern Base"; fifth, order the National Defense Force headquarters to recruit, Train recruits, and expand at the rate of training one group army every quarter! Sixth, our anti-Japanese advance detachment will also start recruiting and training recruits from now on! Sixth, send people to Shanxi to contact Yan Xishan, and we will occupy two of his At the same time, let him support our logistics supplies, of course, we will pay according to the price. We set up a base here, which is equivalent to helping Yan Xishan stand guard, and Yan Xishan should agree to our request."

In the meeting place, except for Wu Aihua's voice, it can be said that there was no sound at all. Everyone in the meeting buried their heads and wrote down in their notebooks.

"Now, I order: Chief of Staff of the Guard Division, Xiao Fei, will concurrently serve as the director of the Northern Base, and be fully responsible for the regime, construction, people's livelihood, recruitment of new recruits, and training of recruits in the Northern Base! The 4th Regiment of the Guard Division will also serve as the base's left-behind troops!"

"Yes." Xiao Fei and Li Jinkun replied loudly.

Xiao Fei was originally the deputy head of the engineering regiment of the independent column. At that time, Jin Zhiyuan was still the head of the engineering regiment. Later, the two became the chief and deputy directors of the logistics department of the independent column respectively.In this expedition, Xiao Fei happened to follow the advance detachment, so Wu Aihua defined his position as the chief of staff of the guard division, and in fact also served as the director of the logistics department of the advance detachment.

"Everyone, do you have any questions?"

"No." Everyone said in unison, and another guy added, "The commander is wise!"

"As long as there is no problem. The regiment leaders can leave, and the division-level cadres will stay!"

"Yes." Everyone promised.

"Everyone, I asked you to stay here because I want to tell you about the situation alone. Don't look down on the Japanese army because we suddenly wiped out two brigades. Japan, a country, has been plotting against China for a long time. Their war potential is huge. The Kwantung Army in the Northeast may support the Pingjin area and North China through railways and sea routes at any time. Therefore, our future combat environment is very difficult.

However, no matter how hard it is, we have to persevere.The act of establishing a base under the noses of the Japanese army is tantamount to driving a nail in North China, which must be firmly nailed next to the Japanese army, so that it will not dare to attack other places easily.

Maybe some comrades will think, our strength is so strong, why not quickly fight to the death with Japan?Some words, some things, I can't say now, you will understand later.The most realistic thing is that one-fifth of the ammunition we transported to the north has been consumed after a night of annihilation. Although our supply capability is strong, the distance is too far; or when the northern base can produce ammunition, our situation will be completely fine. "

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