The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 263 Unlucky "China Hand" 1

Chapter 263 The Unlucky "China Hand" 1 (Seeking Red Flowers!)

This kind of harassment continued until the surrender of the Japanese East China Front Army; moreover, the National Defense Forces also applied this "raiding and harassment" strategy to subsequent regional operations, which caused great confusion to the armies of various countries.

Yes, this kind of "harassment" is not a simple tactical arrangement, but has risen to a strategic level and has become a necessary means and strategy for the National Defense Forces to fight.

Based on the experience of this "harassment", the General Staff of the National Defense Forces has summarized several principles related to "harassment":

First, pack lightly.The troops participating in the harassment had particularly high requirements on the speed of movement because they interspersed, moved, and fought in the enemy's rear, so the 60mm mortars or the individual rocket launchers that appeared later were the highest equipment for carrying weapons.Any weapon that cannot be operated or transferred independently by a soldier is not suitable for the "lightly armed" principle of harassing troops.

Second, elite soldiers.Because the situation behind enemy lines is complex, the combat tasks are heavy, and the movement distance is long, the participants must be elite soldiers. The bodies of ordinary soldiers or troops cannot withstand high-intensity and fast-paced combat life.At the same time, combatants are required to be familiar with the functions of major weapons of various countries in the world and the driving of various vehicles.

Third, hardcover.The equipment of the troops participating in the war must be well equipped. In addition to fully automated firearms, field survival equipment, guidance equipment, communication equipment, medical equipment, etc. must be systematically complete.

Fourth, agile.The choice of combat targets and the choice of marching routes must be flexible.A predetermined combat objective can be set, but one should not stick to the established objective; the marching route can be determined in advance, but it is allowed to change the route midway.

Fifth, weary the enemy.This "harassment" target can be the enemy's active forces, the enemy's heavy ammunition, or the enemy's transportation and communication facilities. It is very flexible, but these are not the goals.The purpose is to make the enemy tired and exhausted.

Sixth, independence.That is, each raiding force pursues the principle of independent operations.Before the war, there can be general principles and directions for the determination of the area of ​​activity or combat objectives of each unit. However, once the unit is deployed behind the enemy, it will mainly fight independently to harass the unit. Under normal circumstances, it will not ask for instructions and reports. Whether it can fight or how to fight , It is entirely up to the harassing troops to judge by themselves.If the higher authorities interfere too much, it may be counterproductive.

Wu Aihua spoke highly of the six "harassment principles" summed up by the General Staff.This is a typical spirit of learning war from war, and it also proves the strong innovation ability of the national defense force.

Wu Aihuahua believes that in terms of combat capability, the attack and harassment operations summarized by the National Defense Forces are lower than the lightning force's ability to raid and break the situation, but it is much higher than the ZG's historical guerrilla capabilities behind enemy lines.

This kind of "harassment" operation can be used not only when the enemy and our armies are evenly matched, but also when the enemy is strong and we are weak, and it can also be used when the enemy is weak and we are strong. It is not only a symmetrical combat method, but also an asymmetrical combat method. .

When the enemy and the enemy are evenly matched, he can change the situation of the enemy and the enemy, so that the enemy's superiority cannot be brought into play; under the condition that the enemy is strong and we are weak, he can cause confusion and losses to the enemy, or accumulate small victories into big victories. So as to lay the foundation for our army to finally win the victory; under the condition that the enemy is weak and we are strong, this kind of harassment can accelerate the defeat and demise of the enemy

Therefore, "harassment operations" should become one of the regular combat methods of the National Defense Forces.


At 23:7 p.m. on the [-]rd, the National Defense Forces East China Field Army's combat order was officially issued:

The Sixth Group Army is responsible for solving the front-line enemies in Changxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing, and Jiashan, a total of three divisions of the Japanese army; combat requirements: total annihilation; campaign launch time: 24 am on the 4th.

The Second Army set off immediately and advanced to Haining to hide and stand by.

The Fourth Army is the reserve force of the whole army and continues to garrison in situ.

In response to this combat order from Ye Si, the divisions of the Sixth Army seemed elated, the divisions of the Second Army were calm, and only the division commanders of the Fourth Army were depressed.

Stationed in place, the nearest enemy is surrounded by the bastards of the Sixth Army, what is the defense?It was Yu Hanmou, the deputy commander of the field division, who suppressed the complaints of the division heads in person.

"The three armies of the National Defense Forces are like three sharp arrows. The first arrow has been fired, the second arrow is on the string, and the third arrow is still hidden in the archer's quiver. Which arrow can do meritorious service?"

Yu Hanmou was doing the ideological work of his subordinates, while Li Yangjing was holding a battle meeting.

Since the "wartime reconnaissance battalions" of the divisions overturned the Japanese-controlled area for two consecutive days, it can be said that the National Defense Forces have a good grasp of the Japanese garrison situation.

Li Yangjing's Sixth Army has a total of 5 army divisions, plus the three strategic decisive forces of the heavy artillery brigade, armored brigade, and rocket brigade directly under the group army, while the Japanese 10th Army opposite him has only three divisions, of which the armored brigade of the 10th Army The regiment and the heavy artillery brigade were not sent to the front line, but huddled in Songjiang.

In terms of military strength, the National Defense Forces are superior, and in firepower, the National Defense Forces are also superior.Under such circumstances, if Li Yangjing wants to win this battle, he only needs to use his troops in an upright manner. Under normal circumstances, there will be no accidents.Even if there is an accident, isn't there still a reserve fourth army?

However, after all, Li Yangjing belongs to one of the military figures of this era. As Chen Jitang's classmate and the "military courage" of the Cantonese Army, Li Yangjing is superior in all aspects. lost.

Regarding the three divisions of the Japanese army, the 117th Division has the weakest combat power, followed by the 107th Division. The Japanese 3rd Division is one of the ace divisions of the Japanese Army. It was formed in 1888 and the current division commander is Fujita Jin Lieutenant General.

In Li Yangjing's view, the 117th Division and the 107th Division can temporarily survive the war, but the 3rd Division must be completely wiped out!

Only in this way can the arrogance of the Japanese invaders be severely hit!

However, a problem arose: the 3rd Division was hidden in the Hongxi, Yangmiao, and Yaozhuang areas behind Jiaxing and Jiashan. This position could support the Japanese troops in Jiaxing and Jiashan at any time, but it might also withdraw to Songjiang or Qingpu at any time. It's a bit like a slippery loach.

Li Yangjing put the enemy's situation and his own combat ideas in front of senior officers above the division commander, and asked everyone to discuss how to better complete the combat tasks assigned by the field division.

An hour after Ye Si gave the order, Li Yangjing came up with a battle strategy, which only had eight words: "One sticky, two sudden, three cards and four strikes."



Three cards.With the 2nd Division (062 Division) of the Sixth Army attached to the 2nd Regiment ([-] Battalions) of the Rocket Artillery Brigade directly under it, they quickly attacked and advanced from the east of Jiashan, pretending to attack Songjiang, but in fact they quickly got stuck and blocked the return of the three Japanese divisions.


The entire group army uses the 063 division, 1 rocket battalion, the group army guard group, and the special operations group as the battle reserve.


Xingta is only seven kilometers away from Lugang, which was occupied by the "Wartime Reconnaissance Regiment" of the 041 Division. Two days ago, a small unit of the Chinese Army successfully attacked Lugang, which made the 18th Division lose face. The East China Front Army Command And the military headquarters of the 10th Army, used it as a negative teaching material and notified it to the whole army.

The location of Xingta is in the middle of Jiashan and Songjiang. It is the only way to enter Shanghai from Zhejiang. The strategic location is very important.Therefore, the 107th Division of the Japanese Army has a brigade of Japanese troops stationed here.

Two days ago, a Chinese army unit also came to attack Xingta. After the Chinese army attacked for half a day, they did not capture it because they did not have heavy artillery. Because of this, Major Matsuda Heiji was also punished by the 107th Division and A joint commendation from the 10th Army Department.

Matsuda Heiji is a graduate of the Japanese Army University. He was a squadron leader a year ago, but because of the opportunity to expand the army, he suddenly changed from a squadron leader to a battalion leader.

Among the middle and lower ranks of the Japanese army, Matsuda Heiji has a remarkable feature, because he is a "China hand".In the upper ranks of the Japanese army, there are many "China hands", from Honjo Shigeru to Doihara Kenji to Matsui Iwane, but there are very few "China hands" among the middle and lower ranks.This is because they are young and have no experience of working or being stationed in China.However, Matsuda Heiji is a freak. His understanding of China is even better than his predecessors.

Because Matsuda Heiji's father, Matsuda Moguchi, is a China hand and spent most of his life doing business in China.Since childhood, Matsuda Heiji has been educated like this: China is the place where my Matsuda family can realize their dreams; If you get rich, you have to learn and speak Chinese.

Therefore, when the 107th Division ordered the Matsuda Brigade to replace the Xingta Town where the former Liancang Brigade of the 117th Division was stationed, Matsuda Heiji happily accepted the task. This was his first opportunity to lead troops out independently.

This guy made a contribution as soon as he arrived in Xingta.

What happened was similar to that of Lu Gang. A reconnaissance company of the National Defense Army disguised itself as a Japanese army and wanted to sneak into Xingta. However, just as Matsuda Heiji was inspecting the guard post, he found that the Japanese army coming was wrong.Why not, because the average height of this group of people is much higher than his soldiers; in addition, although these people look like Japanese soldiers in their marching posture, their mental strength is completely different from that of Japanese soldiers.

The spirit of the Japanese army had a kind of wildness or beast spirit, while the soldiers of the former national army were mostly blind and full of decadence. However, the soldiers walking in front had a heroic spirit and a murderous spirit.

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