Chapter 384 Intensified

In the past, Wu Aihua always wanted to use his wisdom and strength to take advantage of the excellent opportunity of World War II to seek the greatest benefits for the Chinese nation.This idea is correct, and Wu Aihua still adheres to such a concept today.

However, Wu Aihua is quite stubborn in terms of specific strategies for realizing this idea. Of course, his stubbornness has been proven to be correct many times.

For example, this time, when Wu Aihua was discussing the strategy of using troops against the Soviet Union with the senior generals of the army, no one reminded him whether he should use troops against Japan first.Because Wu Aihua explained that the purpose of keeping Little Japan temporarily is to let Little Japan, a mad dog, bite others, and the Chinese nation can gain more benefits from this.As for the 3000 million compatriots in the Northeast, it is only a small benefit to be bullied by a small Japan for several years; compared with the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, this small benefit seems to be forgivable.

Previously, Wu Aihua thought this way, and most people in the National Defense Force also thought this way. For the sake of greater interests, small interests can be given up.In fact, Wu Aihua has unknowingly tainted the logic of the later celestial dynasties here.

Compared with the tens of millions of square kilometers of the entire country in the future, it is indeed a small benefit to take back the Northeast a few years later; but, should the 3000 million people in the Northeast bear this price and make this sacrifice?

The reason why a nation and a country can prosper lies in the cohesion and centripetal force of the nation, in sharing difficulties, sharing blessings, and advancing and retreating together.If a ruler always uses the pretext of sacrificing the interests of some people to achieve the so-called greater interests, this is actually implementing the law of the jungle within the nation. If this continues, it will only plant hidden dangers for the future of the nation.

At this time, Wu Aihua felt that Chen Jitang's simple words, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, woke up Wu Aihua from some wrong obsession, and his heart seemed to be clearer.


Germany's occupation of the British Isles was another major victory achieved by Hitler since launching the war.During the war against Britain, Germany's powerful war machine also swept through Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, and Croatia in Eastern Europe at the same time, bringing Eastern Europe, except Soviet Russia, into Germany's sphere of influence.

At this time, Germany finally freed up its hands and was ready to deal with Soviet Russia with all its strength.

Although the history of parallel time and space has changed a lot, the basic trend has not changed.Although Germany and Soviet Russia signed the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" in August 1939, in July 8, just after Germany occupied France, Hitler instructed the German Wehrmacht General Staff to formulate a plan aimed at comprehensively solving the Soviet-Russian issue. The famous "Project Barbarossa".

Historically, in order to cover up the fact that he wanted to invade Soviet Russia, Hitler adopted a lot of deceptive means. The famous "Sea Lion Project" basically became a "dangzi" to cover Germany's increase of troops to Eastern Europe in the later stage of its implementation.Parallel time and space, Hitler also used this "Shaker" to the extreme around January 1941.However, Hitler's ghost idea was completely exposed by Wu Aihua, and he made it clear to Denitz in the Indian Ocean that if Germany can completely solve the British problem by the end of May, China is willing to provide military assistance to Germany.

The "Sea Lion Project", from the original intention of formulation, was definitely not used to cover up any attack on Soviet Russia. Its real purpose was to land on the British mainland.However, in the long-term air battle, the British became more and more tenacious. Coupled with the assistance of the United States, Hitler realized that it seemed difficult to completely occupy the United Kingdom, and the cost seemed too high, and the destruction of Soviet Russia was Hitler’s stated goal. One, and the main goal.Therefore, for this main goal, Hitler had to let the British go.However, if there is a chance to get rid of Britain and make it easier for Germany to deal with Soviet Russia, Hitler will definitely be willing.

Because the war has reached this level, it cannot be said that if Hitler no longer attacks Britain, Britain will let Germany go.Originally, Germany did not land on the British mainland in history, but it was just a matter of helplessness.

However, because of China's strong support, especially Doenitz's submarine formation annihilated the British Indian Ocean Fleet in the waters of the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean, Hitler suddenly rose to prominence.

As a result, the "Sea Lion Project" underwent a dramatic change from true to false, then from false to true, and finally occupied the UK.This is a real fight, this, can't it paralyze Soviet Russia?

As in history, the end of the war on the Western Front means the beginning of the war on the Eastern Front.Although Hitler did a good job in intelligence work and successfully deceived the bearded Soviet Russians, but in the face of the pervasive "style bureau", Hitler only deceived the Soviet Russians.

In fact, large-scale military operations have no secrets at all.The garrison of a barracks wants to march to another place, don't they march in line, don't they take ###communication tools?As long as they guard the traffic arteries, people with a little common sense will know where these troops are going and how many military vehicles have passed these days.

However, compared with history, before June 1941, the German troops gathered on the Eastern Front were much stronger than in history.Because of the resolution of the British problem, the German troops stationed in France were liberated.Historically, because of the existence of the United Kingdom, the German army had always had a strong army stationed in France to deal with the counterattacks of the United Kingdom and the French government-in-exile; but the resolution of the British problem made Hitler's game of war come alive. It can play its due role in European defense, and the army can be transferred eastward in large numbers.For this alone, the Germans obtained a mobile force of 6 people out of thin air.

Historically, as of mid-June 1941, Germany had assembled an army of 6 divisions and 190 million people in the border area where it intersected with the Soviet Union. It had 300 tanks, more than 3800 cannons, and 43000 aircraft.In the parallel time and space, the number of German army troops assembled on the Eastern Front has not changed, and the number of tanks and artillery has not changed, but the number of combat aircraft has increased from 1830 to 1830, including those purchased from China in the war against Britain. The remaining 3800 "Eagle Dragon 1300", "Fire Dragon 1" and "Screaming Dragon 1" fighters.

Because of the success of the British war, the military observation (staff) group of the Chinese National Defense Forces in Germany has received more attention from Hitler. Since April, what an ordinary observer of the observation group said is even more effective than what a general of the German army said.Because Hitler has long requested that as long as it is a written opinion of the Chinese military observer group, whether it is an individual or a group, it must be backed up by the head of state's office.In other words, what the Chinese say can reach heaven.

Members of the China Observer Group took advantage of this opportunity to provide Hitler with many suggestions. For example, the best way to move troops is to "sleep by day and go out at night", that is, to move forward at night and rest in the barracks during the day. This method is particularly beneficial. confidential.Hitler understood at a glance that this was a good way.For example, when the members of the Chinese observation team suggested to Guderian, they said that they are not afraid of tanks charging, except that the bridges are not strong. , to prevent enemy damage, etc.

In addition, Chinese observers intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that Eastern Europe is different from Western Europe. The terrain of Western Europe is narrow, and tanks can pass through the Netherlands and Belgium without refueling; they can cross France after refueling three times; There are few people, and the tank is refueled ten times, and it may not be possible to see the next city.When the enemy is on the way to retreat, a tank company can destroy an army regiment; but when the enemy hides in a city or permanent fortification, a tank regiment may not be able to deal with an army company.

When Hitler accelerated the pace of war, the Chinese National Defense Forces also began to act.Through repeated discussions at the top of the National Defense Forces, and finally solicited the opinions of Chiang Kai-shek, Chen Jitang, Mao Zd and others, the National Defense Forces formed a "wolf drive plan" aimed at limited attacks on Japan and driving the Japanese Kwantung Army back to the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

For this point, Chen Jitang showed full understanding, and also praised Wu Aihua for really matured.Because the enemy is still useful, you don't have to beat the enemy to death with a stick; but you can't pay the price of continuing to enslave your own citizens.

The Japanese Kwantung Army is still commanded by General Kenkichi Ueda.In Japan in a parallel time and space, because of the sudden defeat at the hands of China, the upper echelon was particularly shaken. Instead, it did not change its commander frequently like in the same period in history. This is why Kenkichi Ueda was able to sit as commander for 41 years. s reason.


In addition to the improvement of tank troops in Japan, the improvement of firepower below the regiment is very limited. The weapons of ordinary soldiers are still 100-type rifles, and even Japan's self-produced [-]-type submachine guns are pitiful.To put it bluntly, this is determined by Japan's poor resources.

Therefore, Wu Aihua is not worried at all about whether the Japanese Kwantung Army will pose a threat to the Chinese National Defense Forces.

In fact, Wu Aihua handed over this limited counterattack mission to the Northern Front Army stationed in Beiping. Moreover, Wu Aihua gave the Front Army Commander Zhuang Xizhen, Deputy Commander Luo Zhuoying, and Chief of Staff Wan Yaohuang a clear order: The forces under the jurisdiction of the Front Army will drive the Kwantung Army out, and no cavalry group army, armor group army, artillery group army, etc., will be given away by a single division;

ps: Today's third change, counting as a debt payment, it seems that you still owe three changes this month?In order to make up for the change, the classmates will not go.

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