The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 387 The Battle of Mongolia 1

Chapter 387 The Battle of Mongolia 1

Zhang Xueliang, the director of the National Police Department, was the official sent by China to the Northeast. The "King of the Northeast" who lost the Northeast without firing a single shot, finally realized his long-cherished wish in life.

This is naturally Wu Aihua's face for Zhang Xueliang.Of course, the days when the mountain was king are gone forever.

The smooth recovery of the Northeast has increased China's industrial production capacity by about a quarter, which is equivalent to the sum of China's investment in two years. It has also greatly enhanced China's overall national strength and is expected to surpass Japan before the end of 1943.

Simultaneously with Zhang Xueliang's acceptance of the Northeast, it was the "liquidation" of the puppet Manchukuo. Similarly, Wu Aihua was not polite to the political bureaucrats of the puppet Manchuria. The emperor of the country was naturally killed, and Wu Aihua was unwilling to keep him, and it was even more difficult to "reform" him.


While China was busy solving the Northeast issue, Germany also achieved great results in the Soviet-German War.

In the direction of the Baltic Sea in the north, the German army successively occupied Kaliningrad, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, and the soldiers pointed directly at Leningrad.

In the direction of Belarus in the middle, the German army captured Minsk and Mogilev, and on July 7 captured Smolensk in Russia. The German army was only 15 kilometers away from Moscow, the capital of Soviet Russia.

Historically, the German army made a strategic mistake here. In order to end the Kiev campaign on the southern front as soon as possible, in order to lay down the big "granary" of Ukraine, Hitler transferred a large army from the German army that attacked Moscow to go south to join the Kiev campaign.

"Will you help Germany correct this mistake?" Wu Aihua was a little confused.

"Boss, the German army is 20.00% stronger than that of the same period in history. I suggest that the boss no longer give Germany tactical advice." Before Wu Aihua had a clue, Shen Ren suggested aloud.

"Okay, if you don't give pointers, don't give pointers." Wu Aihua's entanglement is mainly because the shadow of history has too much influence on him, and he is worried that Germany will fail.

The Germans did continue to make this mistake and divided their troops to rob the "granary".And the part of the soldiers that was separated was the armored force of the famous Heinz Guderian.

Although the Germans made mistakes, the results of the battle made Germany ecstatic. During the entire Kiev campaign, six Russian armies were annihilated. All the main commanders of the Soviet Southwest Front Army were killed. Russia lost a total of 6 troops (81 in history).

After the Battle of Kiev, Germany launched the Battle of Moscow on September 9.

In the Battle of Moscow, the German army concentrated 180 million people, 1700 tanks, 14000 cannons, and 2100 aircraft. The commander-in-chief was Marshal Ferdor von Bock. Army Group (commandered by Admiral Strauss), 9th Army Group (commanded by Marshal Kruger), 4nd Army Group (commanded by General Weicks), Tank Group 2 (commanded by General Huot), The 3th Group (commanded by General Hoppner), the 4nd Army (commanded by General Guderian).

However, the Battle of Moscow, which could have been launched in mid-August, was postponed to October due to the "greed" of the Germans, and Soviet Russia thus concentrated the Western Front, Reserve Front, Bryansk Front, Kalinin Front and The Southwest Front Army and other troops have a total of 8 million infantry, 10 tanks, 125 artillery and mortars, and 990 aircraft.

Although the German army has the upper hand, especially the advantages of tanks, artillery and combat aircraft, but the German army is the offensive side, and it is very difficult to say how far the battle can be fought.

Compared with history, the biggest change is that the commander of the Soviet side in the Battle of Moscow was Marshal Budyonny, not General Zhukov in history.Although Budyonny is very powerful, he is much worse than Zhukov. This can be regarded as a blessing to the German army. Superb command art, but after all, he failed to achieve victory, which is tantamount to temporarily "hiding" Zhukov.Only "experts" like Wu Aihua understand the horror of Zhukov as a "firefighter".

The progress of the war was very fast. By October 10, most of the Soviet Russian Bryansk Front Army had been wiped out, and the Soviet army had lost as many as 23 troops.

However, history has its strong inertia. On November 11, when the Russian side of the Moscow campaign was at a particularly critical juncture, the bearded man urgently dispatched troops from other places to support Moscow, and at the same time urgently appointed Zhukov as the commander of the Moscow campaign.

However, the climate in Moscow had become very cold at this time, the roads were frozen, and the German armored group could not move an inch, so they had to stop their offensive, and Moscow also got a chance to breathe.

It seems that in order to cooperate with the German army's operations, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a request to the Soviet Union from the Chinese Embassy in Soviet Russia on October 10, after the last soldier of the Japanese Kwantung Army crossed the Yalu River, requesting the return of the unequal treaty adopted by the Soviet Union in history. The territory of 31 million square kilometers was ceded.

Facing the "unreasonable demands" of the Chinese government, the Soviet Russian government naturally rejected them.The Chinese government also took the opportunity to sever diplomatic relations between the two countries on November 11, the day when Russia held a military parade on Red Square, and withdrew all personnel from the Russian embassy in the Soviet Union to the country; territory.

China and Soviet Russia seem to be entering a state of war soon!

After Hitler heard the news, he immediately held a banquet in Berlin and invited the ambassadors of various countries in Berlin to attend. Generations of friendship.

On November 11, the 20rd Army of the Northeast Front Army (renamed the Northern Front Army) Deng Xihou (three-star general) and the 23st Cavalry Army of Sun Lianzhong (three-star general) suddenly sent troops to Mongolia, which revealed the history of China's territorial recovery and external expansion operations. prelude.

The 23rd Group Army of the Chinese National Defense Forces, Commander Deng Xihou, Deputy Commander Yang Deliang (Lieutenant General), Chief of Staff Zhou Tiren, under the jurisdiction of 231 Division (Zhang Deneng), 232 Division (Huang Baitao), 233 Division (Liu Jin), 234 Division (Ma Liwu), 235 Division (Wang Mingzhang).The entire 23rd Group Army officers above the rank of division are all officers of the former national army or local army. Only regiment, battalion, and company level officers have people from the old national defense system.However, after several years of training, integration and running-in, in the current National Defense Forces, those factional concepts in the past have long since disappeared.



Mongolia has a long history of separatist tendencies. After the rise of Tsarist Russia, the upper class of Mongolia began to lean towards Tsarist Russia, and later to Japan, in order to fight against the Chinese central government; With support, they sent troops to invade Inner Mongolia, but Yuan Shikai sent troops to take them back. However, due to historical limitations at that time, the Qing army did not send troops to Outer Mongolia.

On November 1919, 11, the Beiyang government took advantage of the melee between the Soviet Russian Red Army and the White Army, unable to take into account the opportunity of Outer Mongolia, and sent troops to take back Mongolia. Outer Mongolia formally submitted a letter to Xu Shichang, President of the Republic of China, petitioning to abandon the autonomy of Outer Mongolia and return Mongolia to China in full. On November 7, Xu Shichang ordered the cancellation of Mongolian autonomy in the form of the "Chinese President's Announcement", and at the same time canceled the "Sino-Russian Statement" and the "Khakhtu Agreement". The central government established the "Northwest Frontier Mission Office of the Republic of China" in Kulun .

However, the good times didn’t last long. The upper class of Outer Mongolia took advantage of China’s internal strife, coupled with the intervention of the Soviet Red Army, and finally became "independent" in 1921, and Soviet Russia took the lead in acknowledging the fact that Mongolia was "independent" in 1922, but However, the Chinese government has never recognized the independence of Outer Mongolia.

The system established after Mongolia's independence is basically the same as the Soviet-Russian system. Its highest state authority is the Council of Ministers, and Choibalsan is now the chairman of the Council of Ministers, the commander-in-chief of the Mongolian People's Army, and the minister of defense.

Because of the rise of China, Choibalsan felt that his status was threatened, so he took refuge in Soviet Russia more actively, and was even more aggressive in the military.The total population of Mongolia is only about 150 million, but it has established a huge army of 12. Its army is full of Soviet Russian Red Army advisers, but its combat power is not as strong as its numbers.

"The key points of this Mongolian battle are, first, that Choibalsan must be captured alive or killed; second, all Mongolian cavalrymen who refuse to lay down their weapons must be killed; third, all Mongolian local officials who do not cooperate with the Chinese army in combat must be killed. Traitors are punished; fourth, the Inner Mongolia region will send a large number of officials to prepare to take over the local Mongolian government."

At the pre-war meeting, Wu Aihua said murderously to Deng Xihou and Sun Lianzhong.

Don't blame Wu Aihua for being too murderous. The Mongolian issue is actually a problem that has always troubled China in later generations. This nation has always acted as the vanguard of Soviet Russia, restricting China in all aspects. Relations with Russia are very close.The most important thing is that this piece of land with an area of ​​156 million square kilometers has become another country in the eyes of 4 million Chinese people. How can Wu Aihua, who is a traverser, tolerate it!

In the eyes of later generations, Mongolia has always been a barren land with a cold climate, poverty and backwardness.However, this is a misunderstanding of history!Mongolia's poverty is because it has been subject to the constraints of the Soviet Russian system for a long time, which does not mean that it is really poor.


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