The Red War God of Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 399 Hailan Pao, the Beginning of Revenge 5

Chapter 399 Hailan Pao, the Beginning of Revenge 5

"Let the radar soldiers pay attention to the search and strengthen their vigilance! Let the air force get ready. Once they receive the take-off notice, they must fly to the sky for me within 3 minutes!" Zhuang Xi really thought about it, but decided not to use the plane first.

War is like this, it is not whoever strikes first will win, but whoever shows his cards first may suffer losses.

This is not because Zhuang Xi is really cold-blooded, but because of the needs of the war.Before the launch of the campaign, President Wu Aihua specially asked the commanders of the major front forces to hold a small meeting.At the meeting, Wu Aihua emphasized that this war will not end in one or two battles like Japan, but may take three to five years or even longer. Therefore, our commanders in the early stages of the war should try their best to Use various opportunities to train the troops and train the soldiers, and let the troops grow up quickly to meet more difficult challenges and undertake more arduous tasks.

Because of this, the Northeast Front Army, the Central Plains Front Army, and the Northwest Front Army all reserved the right to use strategic weapons such as the air force, armed helicopters, armored army, and artillery army in the hands of the front army.Although in terms of troop deployment, the armored and artillery armies were allocated to various attack directions, but they were prepared for any danger, and it was not necessary to use such a powerful weapon of the country from the very beginning.

On the front line of Hailanpao, although the engineering troops were severely damaged, the next battle began to gradually favor the National Defense Forces.Because the reconnaissance team that lurked to the north bank of Heilongjiang a day ago played a role again. They continued to send real-time information back to the 5th Army, and these information included the content of the Soviet artillery positions.

"Order the Heavy Artillery Brigade to hit me hard with the regiment as a unit!" Guan Linzheng breathed a sigh of relief when he got the information, but he had to let go of the depression in his heart.

At the same time, a large number of grenade squads also moved to the opposite bank of Heilongjiang, strengthening anti-tank firepower and attacking fortifications.

With the development of the heavy artillery brigade of the National Defense Forces, the Soviet artillery positions discovered by the National Defense Forces reconnaissance team have suffered devastating blows, and the battlefield has begun to show a favorable situation for the 5th Army.

By 12 o'clock in the morning, the strength of the National Defense Forces crossing the river had reached the size of 4000 people, about one marine regiment, and occupied an area about 2 kilometers wide and 300 meters deep on the opposite bank of the river.


Sure enough, seeing the tank troops of the Wehrmacht crossing the river, the few remaining artillery groups of the Soviet Army risked being wiped out and started shelling desperately.However, the Chinese tank units and the pontoon bridges of the Chinese National Defense Forces are not that fragile. In the first and second rounds of shelling, the Soviet army only damaged three light assault tanks. Although some shells also hit the pontoon bridge, they The pontoon bridge seemed to be stronger than the reinforced concrete bridge. The shells exploded on the bridge. The bridge deck was only bombed and shaken a few times, but cars could still pass.

Over the past few years, the National Defense Forces have not only developed new weapons, but also greatly improved the related equipment of engineering troops and logistics troops.For example, the engineer battalion already has some characteristics of the pontoon bridge troops of later generations; for example, the pontoon bridge is all made of prefabricated steel structure and light foam pressed at one time. It becomes a whole, easy to install, easy to disassemble, and its strength can completely resist the shelling of artillery below 105mm.

At this time, Guan Linzheng had already walked out of his headquarters, came to the hidden command post of the 051 Division by the river, and personally took over the baton.Therefore, as soon as he saw that several tanks had been blown up, he yelled on the phone again: "Heavy artillery, heavy artillery, destroy the Soviet artillery!"

In fact, there is no need for Guan Linzheng to come to the front line in person, let alone make this call. After several hours of fighting, the artillery commander combined the map and the intelligence of the reconnaissance team to mark the coordinates of every place on the opposite bank. As soon as the Soviet artillery shells fell, after simple calculations, we knew where the Soviet artillery positions were hiding.

"Boom boom boom..." With the roar of my artillery fire, the Soviet army's artillery fire quickly fell silent.

"Comrade Busikavilyuski, the Chinese tank troops are crossing the river. If we don't attack again, we will be too late when the Chinese gain a firm foothold!" At the Hailanpao Soviet Army Command, Bao, the political commissar of the Hailanpao Group Army, Lieutenant General Brodwich stared at General Busica coldly and said.

Since Big Beard came to power, the political workers of the Soviet Army tended to have greater authority than the military chiefs. In the past, many decent officers were directly shot by political commissars; The rights of the political commissars have been weakened, but the political commissars still have a strong right to contend with the military chief, and even have the power to dispose of them on an ad hoc basis.Although it is not allowed to shoot the commander casually, he was temporarily dismissed.

"Comrade Political Commissar, do you know how many Chinese troops there are on the opposite side of Blagoveshchensk? Do you know who the commander is on the other side of the river?" Busikavelyuski asked back.

"..." Bob Lodvich was speechless, because although the Hailanpao Army tried their best, and even Soviet Russia used spies in China, they did not get any information about the Chinese army, only that they It is the Northeast Front Army, and then they still know about "a certain department", and they don't know anything about the rest.

Seeing that Comrade Political Commissar did not speak, Busikaveliuszki added: "The Soviet-German war has been going on for 8 months, and the Soviet-Chinese war has just started today. There will still be more wars to be fought in the future. Therefore, we should not rush. Hailanpao, we only have two divisions of mobile troops, which is our only strength; at this time, we don't know what other means the Chinese army on the other side has, so we will use all our strength and reveal all our cards. It may give the Chinese army an opportunity. Besides, although our forward position has been breached, the second and third lines of defense are still in our hands."

"Okay, Comrade Busica, you stay at the headquarters, I'll go to the troops to see." Bob Lodwich said.

"Comrade Commissar, please." Busikaveliuski shrugged and said.

Bob Lodwich is a graduate of the Politics Institute of the Soviet Red Army University. The war he believes in is to attack, attack, and attack again; therefore, he despises Busica's command style similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Soldiers, die He died on the battlefield; if he hadn't been in the Hailanpao Army for only three months, he would have used his privileges to dismiss Busica long ago.Therefore, he will use his power to find the air force regiment stationed in Hailanpao and order them to bomb the Chinese army immediately.

"Idiot, do you think war is a charge?" Looking at the background of Bob Lord's departure, General Busikaveliuski cursed bitterly.

An air force regiment of the Soviet Army has three combat brigades, all of which are mixed brigades. Each brigade has 36 fighters, including 18 bombers, 18 fighters, and 108 fighters in the regiment.At this time, the Soviet army did not have professional ground attack aircraft, and fighters or bombers often took on the task of ground attack.

On the three pontoon bridges, after being bombarded, the tanks of the National Defense Forces only paused for a while, and then continued rumbling towards the north bank of Heilongjiang.Although the Soviet army continued to have artillery fire falling around the tank, as long as the tank was still moving, they continued to charge forward.Even some t-12 tanks simply drove off the pontoon bridge and drove on the ice.

Where there are leaders, there are those who follow.Seeing that the vehicles in front were all right, the T-12s behind followed suit and drove off the pontoon one after another, charging forward on the ice.

This is a surprise move, and also a soldier's creation!

Because of this trick, the speed of the tank crossing the river was greatly accelerated.

In this case, Soviet artillery fire could not stop any tanks at all.Even if the T-12 on the ice can be sunk at the bottom of the river, a fool knows that those big guys driving on the pontoon bridge are the main battle tanks of the Chinese army, and sinking those small tanks will not solve any problems at all.Besides, when those little guys got on the ice, they didn't follow the usual route at all, they just went on a rampage, they drove as they wanted, and the distance from each other was so large, how could the artillery be able to aim?

"Hahaha, these bastards are really interesting!" Guan Linzheng smiled happily when he saw the "innovation" of his tanker through the telescope.

It is certain that light tanks can pass over the icy river in Heilongjiang; in fact, a 24-ton medium tank can also pass, but it is relatively difficult. As long as it is hit by a shell around it, it may cause the nearby ice to shatter. Therefore, a 24-ton tank cannot directly cross the ice.

Previously, Shi Jue, the commander of the 051 Division, was correct in not allowing the T-12 tank to run over the ice directly, because the T-12 assault tank was also afraid to fire on the ice, which means that it has no combat effectiveness. In addition, if the Soviet army conducts intensive shelling of its marching queues, then these tanks may wait until the end of the war before sending people to fish them out of the river.

But the current situation is completely different. First, three more stable pontoon bridges have been erected. The tanks on the pontoon bridges are much more powerful than the tanks on the ice, so the pontoon bridges have attracted Soviet artillery fire; Most of the Russian artillery is still surviving in concealment. When it bursts into trouble, the Wehrmacht tank units are likely to be severely damaged. The current situation is that the artillery positions of the Soviet army have been almost destroyed, and the density of Soviet artillery fire has dropped greatly. He can't even take care of the tanks, so how can he take care of these guys on the river.

"Hey, I finally understand why Commander-in-Chief Wu Aihua loves to say that we need to learn war from war! Only after this volt can we know how tanks should cross the river, don't you, Commander?" Commander of the 051 Division Shi Jue laughed happily.

"How can we guess the vision and thinking of the commander-in-chief?" Guan Linzheng said with some emotion.

"Yes. However, the appearance of the commander-in-chief is really lucky for China, and also for our soldiers." Shi Jue also sighed.

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