Broken wolves

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

"Shoot! I'm not afraid of death! My life should have been lost on that damned stone island! Do you know? When I was dying of hunger! I saw you in a white light Smiling! From that day on I told myself that you are what I live by! Shoot! I have the ability to say what I want to say after being shot! I just want to tell you that I never want to What regrets are left, even if you shot me to death today, I will tell you loudly, tell you the words I never had the courage to say since I was a child! I like you! Liu Yanan! I like you...! "Ye Yangjian almost roared, strode forward with his strong chest, and hugged Liu Yanan's delicate body in his arms...

"No! Why? Why! Why didn't you tell me until now?! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this sentence? Do you know how long I've been waiting?..." It seemed that he could no longer support the weight of the pistol , Liu Yanan snorted and threw herself into Ye Yangjian's warm embrace...

"Don't say it, just let me hug you like this for a while, okay?" Ye Yangjian hugged Liu Yanan tightly, unwilling to let go for a long time, he felt that today he had sighed all he could for a lifetime.

"I really want to die in your arms like this..." Feeling Ye Yangjian's strong heartbeat, breathing in his unique masculine smell.How much Liu Yanan wanted to just lean on Ye Yangjian's arms all the time, hoping that everything in the past would never happen.She is almost greedy and wants to have all of this. She hates that if Dayang Jian doesn't become a soldier, then she should be able to marry this fool regardless of the consequences, right?Just like 'Zhaoxue' at least have a perfect life.But now, everything is coming to an end, since this kind of love can't last forever, at least let yourself remember to work hard!Thinking of this, she couldn't help closing her eyes, and the pistol that had been hanging down in her hand was tightly held in her hand again...

"No! Don't do stupid things!" Sensitively aware of the strangeness in his arms, Ye Yangjian stretched out his big hand and snatched the miniature pistol from Liu Yanan's hand, skillfully unloaded the bullet and threw it on the ground to prevent her from committing suicide.

"But! I can't kill you, I can't do it, no! Let me go..." Liu Yanan cried and tried to stop Ye Yangjian, but her weak strength was like a mantis in front of Ye Yangjian. I had to look at the pistol and bullets that were thrown on the ground and weep silently.

"Hey! You go! Just pretend I haven't seen you! Just pretend you've never been back!" Letting go of Liu Yanan, Ye Yangjian sighed deeply.He didn't know if it was right for him to do so, but he knew that if he didn't do it, he would regret it.

"It's mission has failed...I can't go back, my fate may never belong to me..." I slowly sat on the football field, the lawn was as comfortable as when I was in junior high school, and there was a breeze Blowing across the lawn makes the sound of 'shasha'.Liu Yanan crossed her arms and raised her knees, unwilling to think about her future...

"No one will know that your mission has failed, because I will not leave a life alive! ...Listen to me! Listen to me! Go back and find a place where no one can find you, or whatever! Anyway, don't Come back again!" It's autumn, watching Liu Yanan's body trembling in the night wind, Ye Yangjian took off his coat and put it on her body, and sat with her on the lawn, just like when he was studying and finished playing the game It's as casual as drinking drinks side by side together in the end.

"But, it will be very dangerous for you to go in..." Liu Yanan shook her head and said.

"Well~ maybe so, little fool, why did your shoelace untie again, I won't be by your side in the future, you have to take good care of yourself~Silly girl, why is there a dead knot on this foot?" Ye Yangjian pretended He coped with nothing, sat up with a smile and helped the girl beside him untie the knotted shoelaces.

"Well, because I'm stupid~..." Liu Yanan broke down in tears and quietly looked at Ye Yangjian who lowered her head to help her tie her bag.The laces are full of knots.She knew that no one would bend down to tie her shoelaces when they were untied.She no longer gave others a chance to replace him in her heart.

"Stop crying, okay?..." Feeling a tear dripping from the back of his hand, Ye Yangjian, who was squatting on the ground, paused for a moment, tried to take a breath, trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall, and then continued to hold back the tears that were about to fall. The laces are tied into a beautiful bow.Stand up slowly,

"Can you sing me a song? You never sang to me..." Nodding her head and looking at her tied shoelaces, Liu Yanan suddenly raised her head and said, her eyes filled with tears.

"Come on~ Hehe, today I fulfill my daughter-in-law's wish, which can be regarded as understanding one of my wishes before I die~ Wahahaha~ You are so lucky, you happen to have my brother's piano in the car, wait for me ~I'll go get it..." Ye Yangjian laughed, concealing his sadness, and ran to his car in three steps and two steps, took back the piano left by the guitarist, and trotted all the way back to hold it Qin sat cross-legged on the opposite side of Liu Yanan, gasping for breath, smiled and adjusted her breathing, gently moved the strings with her fingertips, and the moving melody immediately flowed quietly in the night wind...

"Sitting face to face with disdainful eyes~...

The squeezed smile looks so abrupt~...

I took a wrong step~ and fell into a deep valley~...

I still think of your absurdity~...

As soon as the needle was pierced in the heart, the blood was already flowing~...

Betrayed happiness~ Bet on love~...

I once exiled my feelings~, when will it end? ...

Met you I want to stop nomadic! ...

Let love go back to nature~...

Wandering will end~...

The promise is so unforgettable! ...

Your tears make me helpless! ...

Do you understand that I endure humiliation for love! ...

Try to learn to forgive, forgive that mistake~...

Not reconciled to our love dying halfway! ...

I hear your heart still crying! ...

Forget about the speed at which the pain spreads! ...

I really understand~...

The wound slowly heals and then is covered by love~~~”

Ye Yangjian's voice was a bit hoarse, with a strong tooth sound, but it was very clean.It's like whispering in the ear, which makes people feel unbearable to be disturbed.The lyrics are not a hypocritical love story, nor a sensational roar, but more like a light confession to the girl next door.The melody of the guitar is gentle and quiet. From the beginning to the end of the music, it feels so sad. It is very suitable for such a quiet night, turn off the lights, listen to the song, and look out the window... The car brakes sharply on the road outside the playground His neighing cut through the crisp, paper-thin singing, and the flowing crowd turned into a group of static statues.Trying to blend into the dark crowd, one after another began to look for who was playing the guitar and singing just now.Why does his young voice always have so much sadness and vicissitudes, it is a kind of pain that is about to end! ...

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