Reborn as a wolf

Chapter 38 9 Huashan

Chapter 38 Mount Jiuhua

Tianhe hangs green water, showing nine hibiscus.

It is about Jiuhua Mountain. The Jiuhua Mountain is full of deep ditches, canyons, deep pools, flowing springs and waterfalls. It is like a fresh and natural landscape painting.

Jiuhua Mountain has a total of 99 peaks, among which Shiwang Peak, Tiantai Peak, Lianhua Peak and Tianzhu Peak are the most majestic.

"What a blessed place."

Tang Hui praised sincerely from the bottom of his heart, "No wonder the Golden Core cultivator opened a cave here. Unfortunately, he failed to cross the tribulation, and died. I wonder if there is any Golden Core left behind?"

Tang Yan was not attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her, she tugged on Tang Hui's sleeve and said, "Master, this place is so beautiful."

Tang Hui smiled, lowered the five-foot dragon-pattern sword, and landed at the foot of Tiantai Peak. The five-foot dragon-pattern sword shrunk and was placed between his eyebrows. It will take some time to open all the mountain gates, not to mention breaking through the restrictive formation arranged by the Jindan monks, it is not easy."

Tang Hui sat on the ground and said to Tang Yan, "Let's rest here first."

"Master, don't we hurry up and look for the golden core cultivator's cave, lest others get there first?" Tang Yan asked while pulling out a dog's tail grass, chewing it in her mouth.

"No hurry, no hurry." Tang Hui rubbed his nose and said, "It's such a big Jiuhua Mountain, just relying on us, master and apprentice, to find the hidden cave of Jindan monks, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, not to mention that the [-] mountain is originally a demon cultivator. In such a blessed place, there must be many demon cultivators hiding here, let the inner disciples and true disciples of these top ten sects take the lead."

Tang Yan nodded as if she had realized something, then took out the tent from the storage bag, and carefully sprinkled realgar powder around the tent to prevent snakes, insects, rats and ants from entering by mistake.

Tang Hui closed his eyes, embraced Yuan Shouyi, and immediately fell into samadhi. One hundred and eight acupuncture points all over his body opened wide, greedily absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and moon into his body.Now his internal organs are temporarily vacant because the five uncles "settled" in the Lingtai Consciousness Sea, which happens to be used to accommodate the spiritual power of the five elements, while the lower dantian is dedicated to storing the demonic power.

Tang Yan set up the tent, sprinkled the realgar powder, and took out dry food from the storage bag—big cake. She originally planned to ask the master if he wanted to eat it, but seeing that the master was practicing kung fu, he knew that he could not disturb him, so he collected some firewood. I plan to light a bonfire at night to avoid the attack of wild animals.

The cultivators who came and went saw this pair of masters and apprentices, but they didn't step forward to bother them, or hurriedly searched for them, or disciples of the small sect and casual cultivators who had the same idea as Tang Hui were also there. Camp not far away.

It was dark, and everything was still.

Tang Yan lit the bonfire, her little face was flushed red, she held her cheeks, and occasionally looked at the master and the cultivators who were camping not far away, and fiddled with the firewood of the bonfire with branches to make the bonfire burn more vigorously Some.

Tang Yan had nothing to do and was bored. Then she remembered the basic knowledge taught to her by her master this afternoon, and silently reviewed it in her mind. With an attitude of trying, she imitated her master and sat cross-legged, with her hands naturally spread on her knees. , Looking at the nose with the eyes, watching the heart with the nose, my mind is empty.

Slightly take a long breath, and then slowly exhale, using the simplest method of exhalation, to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, to find the sense of aura.

Until the sky turned white, Tang Yan worked hard all night, but it was still in vain. She didn't find a sense of aura, and she complained angrily to herself. Could it be that her fundamental talent is really so scumbag?


Tang Yan sighed helplessly, opened her eyes, rubbed her legs that had been sore all night, looked at the master who was still meditating with her eyes closed, and looked around, planning to find some water sources, wash her face, and cook some porridge Fortunately, before going out, I purchased everything in Weishanfang City, filled five storage bags, and even bought a large carved bed.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of fighting, mixed with the screaming of the woman and the roar of the monster.

It should be that some cultivators have fought with the local demon cultivators in Mount Jiuhua.

The cultivators not far away were moved when they heard the sound. Could it be that someone discovered the spirit beast guarding the door of the Jindan cultivator, set up their escape light, and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Tang Hui frowned imperceptibly, then stretched it out, motionless like a mountain, and continued to breath out the aura of heaven and earth. Tang Yan originally planned to follow along to join in the fun, but seeing that the master was still indifferent, she gave up this idea, and did not dare to walk around to find the source of water , set up a casserole made of earthenware, poured some water from the drinking water bag, took out a handful of millet from the storage bag, and started cooking porridge.

The noise in the distance was getting louder and louder. Xu Shi's fighting sound had alarmed many cultivators and local monsters in Mount Jiuhua, and a war between humans and monsters had begun.

At this time, Tang Hui slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips, and said to the open space, "Come out, Xie Zhengyang, I know you are there."

Tang Yan followed Tang Hui's gaze, and there was an open space in front of her, overgrown with weeds and nothing.

Tang Hui casually picked up a small stone on the ground and threw it into the open space.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of pain in the open space. A scholar in a white robe rubbed his forehead with one hand and tore off the invisibility talisman on his body with the other. He walked up to Tang Hui carelessly, smiled slightly, sat cross-legged, and said: " Senior, I'm bothering you."

"Hehe." Tang Hui chuckled lightly, waved his hands, and said, "I just had a bad relationship with you Piaoxiang Academy not long ago, aren't you afraid that I will take care of you, kill chickens and monkeys, and take revenge on Piaoxiang Academy?"

"Hey." Xie Zhengyang said to Tang Yan: "Little girl, do you have any sweet potatoes?"

Tang Yan shook her head and remained silent.

"It's sweet potatoes. Roasting sweet potatoes on a campfire is delicious. I have the most experience." Xie Zhengyang said familiarly, "It's okay, I'll take it with me."

After finishing speaking, the kid really took out a few sweet potatoes from the storage bag, stuffed them into the bonfire that had not been extinguished, buried it with soil, picked up the scabbard that he carried with him, fiddled with the bonfire to make the fire smaller, and said: "Senior Now that I know my name, and I can say it outright, I must be someone who knows this junior, if I want to make an example of this junior, can I try the sweet potato roasted by this junior first?"

This kid is really a wonderful person.

Tang Hui shrugged indifferently, and said, "Why don't you join in the fun, kid?"

Xie Zhengyang became more energetic, blinked his eyes, and said: "Didn't you go, senior? Of course, safety is the first priority. If you accidentally become the food of a monster, what else do you want to ask? Pulled into a bubble of shit."

Speaking of shit, Tang Yan gave Xie Zhengyang a disgusted look, stayed away from Xie Zhengyang, got into the tent, and couldn't come out.

This person is too unqualified, he doesn't look like a cultivator.

"Don't burn it, turn it over." Tang Hui kindly reminded.

Xie Zhengyang's eyes lit up, he turned over the sweet potato buried in the ground with his scabbard, and said, "How about this, senior?"

Tang Hui touched his nose, talked about it from left to right, and said, "Aren't Piaoxiang Academy full of nerds? How come you are such a weirdo?"

"Wonderful?" Xie Zhengyang didn't understand the meaning, repeated it in a murmur, and asked the mysterious person with his eyes.

"Here." Tang Huixin pointed to the brothers who were fighting fiercely with Xie Zhengyang, and said, "Your brothers are all killing demons and demons, and you still have the mind to roast sweet potatoes here. What are you not?"

"Hey." Xie Zhengyang said with a shy smile, "It's not too much if I have one more, and it's not too many if I'm missing. What's more, there is Master Tao in charge, so I won't join in the fun, so as not to be incompetent in my studies, I will teach the elders of the school We are ashamed. My death is a small matter, but it is a big matter to insult the name of Piaoxiang Academy."

This kid is really working hard, it makes sense to fight monsters and upgrade experience.

Tang Hui stood up from the ground, looked at the two sides who were fighting fiercely, and said: "You don't join in the fun, I will join in the fun, I know that your kid's fighting skills are average, but your escape skills are first-rate, help me take care of mine Little apprentice, your benefits will be indispensable for a while."

"Okay." Xie Zhengyang glanced at the small tent, and said with a smile: "Senior, are you going to fish in troubled waters or take advantage of the fire?"

"piss off."

After speaking, Tang Hui's figure flashed and disappeared from Xie Zhengyang's sight.

Xie Zhengyang resentfully took out the sweet potatoes buried in the ground with his scabbard, thinking hard all the time, who is this mysterious man wearing a bamboo hat and covering his whole body in robes?Why do I have a sense of familiarity?It seems like I have seen it somewhere, but I still can't remember it.

Xie Zhengyang has always believed in his sixth sense, or intuition, otherwise he would have died long ago, so this adventure came to the mysterious person who had just had a relationship with him not long ago. To be on the safe side, he put on an invisibility amulet, but the According to my intuition, this mysterious person will not hurt himself.

Xie Zhengyang waited for a while, and the sweet potatoes in the campfire were almost fully cooked, and shouted to the small pink tent: "Little girl, do you want to eat sweet potatoes?"


Tang Yan stretched herself out in the small tent. She didn't sleep all night last night. Her whole body was sore and limp. She had no clue about the feeling of aura. Now that she was dozing off, she planned to have a good night's sleep.

"Don't forget it."

While peeling off the blackened skin of the sweet potato, Xie Zhengyang threw out an invisibility amulet and stuck it on the small pink tent, alerting the surrounding fish that might slip through the net.

Still feeling unsafe, Xie Zhengyang took out five palm-sized formation disks from the storage bag at his waist, and performed a formula in each of the four wind directions of southeast, northwest, and buried the formation disks in the ground, and then buried the last formation disk Underneath the small pink tent in the center is the Five Elements Lost Formation.

Immediately, each of the five array disks emitted a faintly invisible white light, which converged on the top of the small pink tent, hiding the small pink tent without a trace. Among the traces, there was no trace of the small pink tent with the invisibility talisman on it.

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