Only more than a thousand people brought by the ring increase, no more than 500 people participated in the battle, and it was almost recognized in less than half an hour.

He Ran looked at the [-] or [-] soldiers who had been identified, and said with a gloomy expression: "On the battlefield, fighting for the first place should be rewarded, but if you still do this in front of the parents who support you, then you are foolish bastards." Well, because of precedents, there is no such article in the military law. If you are ignorant and driven by military orders, I will give you a light punishment this time, and sentence you to three years of hard labor." After finishing speaking, he turned to the people, " Elders, don’t suspect that I am protecting my own soldiers, I have always been strict in running the army, and I will advance when I hear the drum, they have something to forgive.”

The common people really felt that the sentence was a light sentence, and the murderer paid for his life, but it was not unreasonable for the military master to say so, so some reasonable people took the lead in expressing their understanding, and everyone stopped talking.

He Ran turned to the team that had not been identified, and said loudly: "All ranks will line up according to Zoe's rank!"

From the top to Bingzhi and the bottom to the Mojia panicked and stood in line, He Ran first said to Bingzhi who was standing in the front: "Vice general Zhong Min dared to disobey, your rank is comparable to him, you can speak well in front of the chief general Yes, don’t you know that it’s wrong to kill the people?! Soldiers know that there is nothing wrong with it, but you, as a consort, should understand righteousness, and you can be punished?” [

That Bingzhi is also a man, and said: "As for how the military division will deal with the last general, the last general will be punished. This time, the last general also gave advice to General Huan. General Huan insisted on not obeying. The last general lacks the courage of Vice-General Zhong. Dare not to disobey orders, killing the people is not what I wanted, the last general dare not quibble in order to reduce the crime, I just hope that the military adviser can understand the mood of the last general."

He Ran nodded slightly, and said: "If there was a remonstrance, then the crime will be reduced, but it will be discussed after verification, but even so, you will be hard labored for 20 years and will never be hired, otherwise you Don’t even think about keeping a single head, dozens of lives have a lot to do with you.”

Then he lowered his head and kept silent.

Facing the generals behind, He Ran said: "Joining should be a death penalty. You will be punished according to your rank. This time it is considered cheap. In the future, if such a thing happens again, the generals with more than a thousand orders will be punished with death." At the same time, he looked around all the soldiers and said loudly: "The military order is like a mountain, but it depends on whether the military order is in line with the law of heaven and righteousness. Although obedience is the bounden duty of you soldiers, I want soldiers with heart, brains, love and righteousness." Yes, against the enemy, you are the divisions of tigers and wolves that make the princes of all parties discolored. You should be the divisions of benevolence and justice to the common people. Confronting the military orders issued by Huanzeng, you will be rewarded for resisting, and you will be guilty of following them. No matter when, no matter what You must have a righteous heart, so that you will never be the minions of evil tigers, and truly become a heroic soldier who makes the people worth supporting and is willing to support!"

After saying these words, before the soldiers had any reaction, the crowd cheered first, and everyone's eyes were full of excitement and joy.

An old man raised his arms excitedly and shouted: "Longevity, military master! God-given military master, Fuze my people!"

He Ran said to the people with a solemn expression: "The elders are too magnanimous. I was the one who led the army to cause such a disaster. I can't escape the guilt. After I go back, I will immediately order people to improve the military law and strengthen the treatment of the soldiers. Let them understand righteousness, the so-called ignorance is not guilty, this time they are given a lighter punishment, please forgive me, I have to let the whole army accept it, the punishment is too strict, I may not be able to convince the public, However, the head of the evil will never be merciless. According to the previous practice, I should have killed the county guard and the leading generals on the spot to give everyone a good time, but now the law is being perfected, and everything must be done according to the rules. When Master Lu Kou makes a mistake in the trial, he will definitely announce the result to everyone, and everyone can request that the criminal be brought here to be executed, the law already has this clause."

"We shall see them beheaded!"

"Dug out the heart and disembowel, and dismember the corpse!"

"This law is good, we just want to see with our own eyes that they will die!

The people gritted their teeth and shouted.

Du Ting turned pale, fell to his knees with a thud, and said to He Ran, "Military commander, please forgive me. I have been honest since I took office. Although there is a mistake this time, the crime will not be punishable by death."

He Ran looked at him and said, "It's not up to me whether your crime will end in death or not, it depends on Lord Kou and the jurors how to judge, but... my Lord Du, the jurors are all randomly selected people , I think you should know what the people think of your actions."

Du Ting's body went limp and he collapsed to the ground, with despair in his eyes.

He Ran stopped looking at him, and said to the people: "Fathers, take off your guard, you can go back and live in peace, and the dead and injured will be compensated accordingly. I know that money cannot cover the pain of losing a loved one, so I would like to apologize to everyone Already." Saying that, he bowed down and gave a deep salute, Zhuyin, Kou Wei and the others didn't expect him to do this, so they hurriedly saluted.

The people had never seen such a thing before, they were at a loss for a while, some returned the courtesy, some avoided, and became a mess.

After getting up, He Ran said to Covey: "My lord, please arrange for two staff members to take the opportunity to explain the trial procedures to them. At the moment, people's hearts are agitated. I'm afraid that those who don't know the procedures will suspect that we are partial to the guilty officials. The rules of trial in different places, my lord, see where it should be handed over to the trial. I have explained everything, my lord, please return to Wangcheng immediately, our business is urgent, we can't delay, but I can't hold on for long, I can't tell When the sky is tired, I will go back to the Valley of Hidden Virtue."

Kovinai shook his head and said: "The heavenly talents don't take the heavy responsibility, and I wait for the dull ones to take the blame, alas!"

He Ran winked at Zhuyin, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing for us, let's go to the city first, and when Zhong Min comes and replaces the inspector, we will go back."

Zhuyin couldn't help but want to laugh every time he called Huang Xie to be the inspector, but she couldn't smile on such occasions, so she got on the horse with him and left amidst the praises of the people.

After walking for a while, Zhuyin said in a low voice: "Is your speech encouraging people to hold weapons a bit too much? I think..."


He Ran interrupted: "This article must be written into the code of law, and there is no need for a court meeting. If it is necessary, it will be discussed after the people's political participation system is perfected. I am afraid that the current officials will not pass this article, and you should not object to it." Me, trust me, there's nothing wrong with this."

Zhuyin pondered and said: "I understand the truths you just said, well, I know that what you insist on is right in the end, I... just listen to you."

He Ran chuckled and said, "It's good to have a Zhongshuling wife. If you don't object, it's useless for Su Ge and the others to object."

Zhuyin could not suppress a smile and said: "We are controlling the government."

He Ran curled his lips and said, "You think I'm willing to control it? It's all troublesome things, and I wish I could ignore them."

Zhuyin pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I still think that you brought Kou Wei here to preside over the case. If you don't let him try it in person, then why bring him here?"

He Ran smirked and said, "I just want him to see for himself the disadvantages of the prefect's overpowering, so that he can have a more real understanding of the benefits of decentralization."

"Is it necessary? A person like him can be transparent at all. I think it's superfluous."

He Ran said: "Even if it's redundant, I can still discuss the unfinished matters with him along the way. I can save a day. I think I've made it to the end. I really want to go back to the Valley of Hidden Virtue as soon as possible."

Zhuyin looked at him affectionately and said: "If you are bored in your heart, take a rest first, I think it is very difficult for you to do this."

"There is no turning back when you start the bow. Now that you have done it, you can't stop at this point. Fortunately, it's almost done. As long as you let them understand the general idea, I don't need to do the rest."

"Well, let's go, tell the inspector, and then let's go play around, which nearby city do you want to go?"

"It's the closest one. Zhong Min will arrive tomorrow at the latest. I don't dare to leave the Inspector for too long. Her mouth is too dirty, I can't bear it."

Zhuyin pursed his lips and smiled, and walked side by side with him towards the camp of the Tibetan Xiangu disciples.

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