Jiuding Military Division 2

Chapter 16 The Mind of a Talented Woman

After Lu Mo went out, Lin Yan read the letter again. The letter was very long. The reason why she had a look of surprise on her face when she first read it was because the wording was so ugly that she couldn't believe it was a letter from a famous name. Written by the world-shaking Yi Guo military adviser, the talented woman is proficient in the languages ​​of various countries, and Yi Guo uses the Zhao Guo language, which naturally will not cause her dyslexia. After reading the content carefully, she confirmed that the person who wrote the letter was indeed He Ran. , because only He Ran can know some things mentioned in the letter.Especially the last page of the letter, it was a picture in the standard He Ran style. It was so lifelike, so when she saw this, a knowing smile appeared on her face.This painting further proves that the letter was written by He Ran himself.

Before the letter, he recalled the past in a short space, expressing his gratitude to himself for sending the farewell flag, saying that he has always treasured that big flag and only used it during grand occasions.Imagining the scene of the free and elegant miraculous military master pointing the country, laughing and using troops under the big banner embroidered by herself, the talented girl can't help but feel a little bit of joy and contentment in her heart.With thousands of troops and horses as the background, the image of He Ran under the guard of the generals is her favorite. At that time, he seemed so different. It was still the flashy smile, but that smile seemed to give people a different feeling. It not only set off his calmness and ease, but also showed his strong self-confidence and insightful wisdom.It's a pity that Lin Yan didn't see such a scene very much, but he saw him leading the army when he was leaving, but even the image of He Ran, dressed as a scribe sitting on a horse amidst the shining swords and swords, caught Lin Yan's eyes. one light.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he fancied for a while imagining the appearance of He Ran giving orders in the army of thousands of horses. Lin Yan moved his eyes to the letter paper again, the smile was still on the corner of his mouth, but his eyebrows could not help but frowned, showing a look of resentment on his face. This word is too ugly, right?Didn't his master teach him to write?Could that Zhuyin bear her husband's ugly handwriting and not teach him?She was puzzled by He Ran's words.

Putting aside these idle thoughts, she began to think about what He Ran entrusted. In the letter, He Ran explained the current court dispute in Kang Kingdom with a lot of pen and ink. Although Lin Yan is from Kang, she really knows very little about it. Little, she couldn't help being startled when she saw it. Afterwards, He Ran asked her in subtle words if she would go to Dechang to help Mo Ju eradicate the traitorous party. "" "Great violation of the heart" and other words, Lin Yan could vaguely guess his strategy. He Ran didn't use grandiose words to show his righteousness, but said that Kang Guo'an can make Yi Guo not lose his support, and Zhao The country dare not covet.Lin Yan appreciates He Ran's "true villain" style of conduct.

Lin Yan secretly said to He Ran, when you took Bafu City to pay homage to your late father, I told you that my father's death made me think about many things. To the people of my country, I am the same as you The mentality has changed, since you know that I have lost my heart of loyalty, why bother to let me do this kind of thing again?Besides, do you really think I can do this kind of thing?All you want is to preserve Yiguo, Zhuyin and Su Xiyao, for them you can sacrifice anyone, if Zhuyin was in my position, would you have the heart to let her do such a thing?

Thinking about it, Lin Yan bit her cherry lips and stared at the letter, infinite anger and resentment arose in Fang's heart.I really wish I could question him like this face to face.After a while, her resentment gradually dissipated, and she couldn't help but feel that she was funny, why did she have to compare it with bamboo sound for no reason?It doesn't make sense, besides, the language in He Ran's letter is very relaxed and tactful, it just put forward this idea, there is no pleading, begging, or even a few words of encouragement, everything is up to him to judge, he has already felt extremely ashamed for this idea, It seems that he really had no other way to bite the bullet and wrote this letter to himself.

Read the letter again from beginning to end. Lin Yan burned the letter according to He Ran's instructions, but she was reluctant to keep the picture. Looking at the picture carefully, Lin Yan's face With a smile again, she couldn't help but took a piece of drawing paper and an eyebrow pencil to copy. Since He Ran taught her this drawing method, she has practiced a lot, but she has learned too little from He Ran. No matter how much she practiced, she couldn't find the right way, and now that she has obtained an authentic handwriting, it is naturally like a treasure. Once she devotes all her attention to it, all the things that bothered her just now are excluded from her mind.If He Ran saw her now, he would probably turn his nose upside down.

At dinner time, Lu Mo came to the lady's door lightly, and whispered: "Miss, it's time to eat, should I use it at the bottom or serve it up."

"You come! You come!"

Hearing the lady's voice was very cheerful, Lu Mo walked in with confidence, Lin Yan handed the two scrolls to her eyes, and asked with a smile: "Look, do you look like it?"

It is not uncommon for a young lady to draw this style of painting in Lv Mo, and she knew that He Ran taught her, and she could tell the difference between the two paintings after a cursory look. She took the original painting and said happily: "It's between the In the letter? Why did the lady show it to me, hehe, this is me, haha, look at the way he drew himself, hahaha... this is... Miss, hahaha." Lu Mo couldn't stand up straight with a smile , Tears are about to come out.

Lin Yan hurriedly took the painting in her hand, fearing that she would accidentally tear it, and said with a smile: "As for making you happy like this, don't laugh, look, where I don't like the painting."

Lu Mo held back her laughter, and went to look at the two paintings again, but the flower branch that only looked at the two eyes and smiled trembled wildly, covered her mouth and said: "Miss, this... I see, don't be angry, if you talk about paintings This kind of painting, Miss is quite different from him, the others are similar, but the expression is not as vivid and interesting as his painting, if you don’t look at the original painting, Miss’s painting is already very good.” Lu Mo has been with Miss for a long time, and has been influenced by it It is not shallow, and the appreciation skills are not bad.

Lin Yan put the two paintings together and looked at them again, and sighed: "At that time, the soldiers were besieging the city and there was no chance to ask him for advice. Now that I think about it, it would be great if I could let him draw a few more paintings and keep them for reference. It will be much better."

Lu Mo winked at her and said: "If Miss really wants to learn, wouldn't it be better to let him teach you in person?"

Lin Yan gave her a white look, and said angrily, "I just told you what I said, and you forgot it after a while?"

Lu Mo stuck out his tongue, not daring to speak anymore.

Lin Yan put away the scroll, walked out of the room, stopped slowly at the door, and turned to look at Lu Mo.

Lu Mo saw what the young lady wanted to say, and looked at her with wide eyes, waiting for orders.

The master and the servant just looked at each other like that. Lu Mo had never seen a young lady like this before. Just when she couldn't help asking questions, Lin Yan said indifferently: "You go and get ready, I'm going to visit Dechang."

"Dechang?!" Lu Mo was very surprised, "Why did Miss suddenly think of going to Dechang?"

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, as if making this decision made her feel a lot easier, she turned around and said, "I'm bored, I want to go out for a walk, go get ready."

Lu Mo agreed in her mouth, her small brows were frowned, but they were relaxed after a while, and her small face showed a happy smile. She thought, Miss's trip must be related to He Ran's letter, could it be that He Ran came to Germany prosperous?As a little girl, she naturally didn't know about military and national affairs, so she naively thought that since He Ran was able to come to Kang Country before, he would definitely be able to come now.If He Ran really came, then I have to find ways to help them...The more Lu Mo thought about it, the more excited she became, and instead of serving the lady for dinner, she turned around and ran to pack her luggage.

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