Hearing that the song he hummed just now is "Slaughter in the Mountains", which is the music score that many people want to find to drive spirit beasts. Yun Chu finally understood why the second half of this song is full of murderous intent.

The stave was introduced to China in the [-]th century. In this era, Yunchu can't calculate the time using the AD calendar, but he also thinks it should be earlier, right?

Not to mention whether Princess Yin Yin of the Snow Country is an oriental person, seeing the staves that even Peeping Sky can't understand appear on Chen Yufeng's body, which also proves that the things that Yin Yin knows are not what the people of Snow Country know.

Looking carefully at the music score again, the corners of Yun Chu's lips twitched unconsciously. Is it really possible to form a group in this time travel?

I count myself, Liu Yu'an is, and now another Yin Yin princess!

Under the title of the music score, there is a line of boys, Yun Chu can understand it, but Yun Chu is sure, others must not understand it.

dec. 31st, 2011

December 31, [-]!This should be the time to compose the music, right?Hmph, as a person who travels through the army, Princess Yinyin, you won't quit your role so soon, will you?

Thinking of this, Yunchu suddenly felt very curious and confident about this princess Yin Yin who had never met before. She was convinced that, just like herself, Yin Yin's coming here must have been arranged somewhere, so she shouldn't It disappeared so easily!

Seeing the inexplicable smile on Yunchu's face, everyone present was full of suspicion.

But Yunchu had no intention of explaining, stretched out his arm and patted Chen Yufeng's shoulder in front of him, and said loudly, "Go, take the painting!"

At this time, on the eleventh day, I don't even care about asking for instructions, do I want to go together?Because Binger wants to move forward, so he must go.

What's more, Xiaotian has no plans to quit.

Mango followed Xue'er, who was still angry, and directly threw the second Qilin Jiao to Chi Jiao.

This group of people, as Yun Chu said, was too eye-catching, so they stepped out of the cliff, and Yun Chu asked Nirvana to disguise everyone.

Nie Mie was still merciful, he didn't deliberately put a cruel hand on the ugliness, but just changed his coveted faces into ordinary people.

In this way, the group divided into two teams and went to Yuqizhuang respectively.

Yunchu was protected by Long Shiyu and Lan Wuxin. In terms of kung fu, Nie Mie didn't think he could compete with them, so he automatically ranked beside Bai Wushang.

Zi Peiyang, on the other hand, has been by Yunchu's side all the time, exerting his kung fu of "understanding" as the first explorer in the Jianghu, "Yu Xia, the master of Yuqi Zhuang, obeys his teacher, Taoist Kongshan, and what Ling Luoqun wants to win over is an unknown With power as the background, Yu Qian actually relies on the deadly twin flood dragons we have seen today."

"Why does someone from the Lingluo family have to kill Lan Wuxin? Just because he is the heir to the throne?" Yun Chu frowned slightly, and when he asked out of curiosity, Lan Wuxin paused.

"Actually, it's not just Wuxin, as long as there are people around you, there are people who are always planning their lives!" It was Bai Wushang who spoke very few words today.

This group of six people, when Bai Wushang said it, they were all stunned. Yunchu didn't understand, while Long Shiyu and the others couldn't figure out why Bai Wushang, who was most protective of Yunchu on weekdays, chose to be here. At this time, do you want her to confess this?

"The reason!" Yun Chu, who was stunned for a while, said lightly, and found that his voice was a bit hoarse.

"Tonight!" Long Shiyu was the first to stop him, "Don't panic and cause trouble!"

Yun Chu looked between Bai Wushang and Long Shiyu, went back and forth for a few rounds and there was no change, the anger in his heart suddenly rose, what is this?Is it interesting to hide half of the words?

Turning his head to look at Lan Wuxin on the other side, the unspeakable distress in his heart instantly filled Yunchu's heart, the coldness on his body made people feel distressed!

"Why did someone kill you?" Yun Chu stared at those eyes that couldn't see into his eyes, and asked word by word.

Regarding this matter, Lan Wuxin was not completely sure, everything was guesswork and she couldn't talk nonsense, so for a while, she didn't know how to answer Yunchu's question.

And the lazy and bewitching voice floated from the side: "If you want to know something, you can just ask Peiyang, Madam. Among these people, who said they know more than Peiyang?"

Although there is no dregs left behind by Yunchu, Zi Peiyang still feels comforted in her heart, because what she obeys is forgetting love, and the deeper the love, the more thorough the forgetting. The position in my heart is no worse than that of Long Shiyu.

Looking up at Zi Peiyang's enchanting eyes with peach blossoms, Yun Chu secretly felt sorry, how did this look become a man?What a pity!

Seeing Yunchu staring at him, but she didn't make a sound, Zi Peiyang couldn't hold back anymore, stretched out his arms and grabbed her wrist, and said in a deep voice, "I really forgot all about it!"

Startled by his actions, Yunchu instinctively hid in Lan Wuxin's embrace. Although he looked cold, Yunchu had an intuition that he was the safest. He didn't know why, but he felt that he trusted him.

There was no expression on Lan Wuxin's face, the ice in her eyes melted away, and she stretched out her arms to embrace her, and whispered in her ear: "Yu Xia also has a pair of priceless Southern Region pearls. , I heard that there is a wealthy businessman who sold 2 taels of gold, and I’m afraid he’s going to Yuqizhuang today!”

"Is there any reason for this?" Yun Chu was dissatisfied when he heard this, how many weapons would he have to build for 2 taels of gold?Thinking of this, Yun Chu was stunned, looked back at Lan Wuxin, then raised his eyes to the other four people, and asked doubtfully, "Did I make weapons before?"

"Pfft..." Nie Mie couldn't help laughing out loud, successfully drawing Yun Chu's eyes.

"Not to mention, according to the identity of the head of Jianmen, you are really the boss of forging weapons!" Nie Mie ignored Yun Chu's white eyes, and said with a smile.

"Jianmen?" This name is somewhat familiar, but Yunchu couldn't remember any connection with this place called Jianmen.

"Forget it, we'll talk about it later, we have to hurry up, we can't let the pair of top-quality pearls and the 2 taels of gold run away!" After Yun Chu finished speaking, he picked up the snow-white skirt with his little hand and ran straight forward.

After running for a while, she found that the people behind hadn't kept up. She turned her head and looked at the group of people in puzzlement, and asked anxiously, "What are you doing standing there? Hurry up, I can't take it by myself!"

Everyone raised their foreheads, why can't this money-greedy temperament change after being convinced of Wangqing and forgetting so many people?Everyone thought, Yu Xia must very much hope that Yun Chu can forget him, the more cleanly he is forgotten, the better!

At the same time, in the other team, Jin Xuanqi stared at Chen Yufeng with resentment, making the latter feel that he had some deep hatred with him that spanned generations?

Because Chen Yufeng was going to be assigned to this team, Jin Xuanqi, who was in charge of Chen Yufeng all the way, was abandoned by Yunchu in this team.

At this time, the other gaze was also very unfriendly. Eleven, who thought he was wrong, had never dared to look back at Xueer's hateful gaze generously.

Bing'er was firmly held by her sister's arm, and she had to walk with Xue'er, leaving Shi Yi and Xiao Tian far away.

Mango, on the other hand, was at ease, walking beside Jin Xuanqi, and when he looked at him, his eyes were soft.

"You love that girl Yunchu very much, right?" Mango asked aloud.

"..." Jin Xuanqi's face became hot, no matter how generous a young man is usually, he didn't know how to accept the move at this time.

"What's so embarrassing?" Seeing Jin Xuanqi's flushed face, Mango burst out laughing, "Stupid boy!"

"Master, five miles ahead is Yuqizhuang!" Chen Yufeng said excitedly, he was about to get Yin Yin's new painting!

In an independent courtyard of Yuqizhuang, a young man stood with his head bowed, and said to the white-haired old man who was sitting on it: "Master."

"Things are all right, no matter what, we will take the life of one of the seven people!" The old man said leisurely, as if there was no bloody scene in what he said.

"That Bai Wushang is the son of a junior, this..." Helplessness crossed Yu Xia's face.

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