Excellent plug-in

Chapter 57 Crayon Shinchan

Chapter 57 Crayon Shin-Chan

"what happened!"

The two most famous portals in China have nearly tens of millions of visits per day.However, it is such a portal website that is actually hung with a Trojan horse virus, and it has not been discovered yet!

This is really incredible!

At first, Lu Feiyang also suspected that there was a problem with the scanning skills, which caused such a result.

But on second thought, absolutely impossible!

Because all kinds of things have been reflected, this "system" is definitely ahead of the technology in the real world by how many years, how many times!

Such low-level mistakes will definitely not happen!

Therefore, this can only prove that someone has indeed installed a Trojan horse virus on domestic websites, and seeing that the Trojan horse has spread so widely, it can be proved that the time it was installed must not be a day or two.

What puzzled Lu Feiyang was that no one had discovered him for such a long time.

After carefully looking at the source code of the scanned Trojan virus for a long time, Lu Feiyang didn't see why. After all, he hasn't learned programming yet, and he only half-understands the source code.

Opening the search engine, Lu Feiyang chose a well-known hacker forum in China——Black and White Forum.

Opening the forum, Lu Feiyang saw that there was a line of words on the website: "Hackers Guild."

There are only a few forums in the forum, such as programming, practical tutorials, rookie world and so on.

Lu Feiyang took a look and chose a forum for Trojan horse virus.

The posts in this forum are all posts about Trojan viruses and so on.

"Halo, I just searched for a Trojan horse virus, but I don't know the name of this Trojan horse virus!" Lu Feiyang was a little depressed, he didn't even know the name of this Trojan horse virus, how should he ask for help?

In desperation, Lu Feiyang had no choice but to register a user name, and then posted a post in this forum, "Help, does anyone know the name of this Trojan horse?" Then, in the post, he will scan the source code The file is uploaded.

Lu Feiyang waited online for a while, then refreshed the forum, and found that there were quite a lot of people browsing the posts, but very few people replied.

And the content of the replies, most of them are the same, I don't know, I haven't seen it, etc., there is no substantive answer at all.

"What happened?" Lu Feiyang was a little depressed. He estimated that many people in this forum must have had this Trojan horse virus on their computers.But after I posted this post, how could no one pay attention?

Lu Feiyang browsed through his post carefully, and suddenly realized, "Dizzy, I'm such an idiot!"

He found that he only uploaded the source file of the Trojan horse virus, but he did not explain the spread and specific harm of the Trojan horse virus. No wonder everyone's reaction to this post was neither salty nor weak.

Figure out where the problem lies, and the next thing is easy to solve!

After thinking for a while, Lu Feiyang reposted a post, this time, he made the name of the post very eye-catching.

"Shocked! Shocked! An unknown Trojan horse virus was discovered on major domestic portals! And it has been hanging for as long as a month!"

In the post, Lu Feiyang listed well-known websites such as World of Huanshou, Xinchao.com, and Solang.com.And emphatically explain that all these websites are hung with Trojan horses, and no one has discovered them. I also inadvertently scanned the Trojan horse virus through scanning software.

Then, he refreshed online and waited to see if anyone replied.

I have to say that the title of Lu Feiyang's post this time is very attractive to the audience, but in just a few minutes, the number of views and replies has skyrocketed.

"Can the host explain in detail what scanning software you use? You can scan out the source code of the Trojan horse virus. I am deeply impressed. Finally, I would like to send a message to the host, you should take medicine!"

"I agree with the first floor's point of view, the landlord really should take medicine!"

"Same as above, plus one more sentence, the strength of the landlord must be working in companies such as Microsoft, IBM, etc.? Haha!"

"The landlord has such profound strength, found a Trojan horse virus, and can also decompile the source file of the Trojan horse virus, so why didn't he release an anti-virus tool? For you, it should be a piece of cake!"


Lu Feiyang was depressed for a while, he didn't expect that he would be considered crazy when he posted a post out of good intentions.

At this time, Lu Feiyang heard the beeping sound from the computer speaker, and at the same time a voice came, "You have a new message."

Lu Feiyang opened the mailbox casually, and found that it was a short message sent to him by the system administrator.

"This forum prohibits the posting of rumor posts and watering posts. This post has been identified by Bamboo Crayon Shin-chan and is considered to be a rumor post. After a decision, this post will be deleted, and a warning will be issued, and the account of the poster will be banned for ten days. The next time it is discovered, no notification will be given, the account will be deleted directly, and the ip address will be permanently blocked!"

"Damn it, is this Crayon Shin-chan sick?" Lu Feiyang suddenly became angry for no reason. He had good intentions and ignored it, but he didn't expect that Banzhu was even mentally ill, and he didn't even investigate. , Just ban your own account!

"Crayon Shin-chan, right? I remember you!" Lu Feiyang quit the forum, and then re-registered an account, intending to make trouble in the forum. New, then I will be called Dynamic Superman!

Entering the Trojan horse virus section again, when Lu Feiyang was about to open a post to curse, he suddenly saw a post.

"Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! We found out that the portal website has been installed with a Trojan horse. We are looking for the expert who just posted!"

Lu Feiyang was curious for a while, who made this post, he looked at the name of the person who posted it, it was called Numb God.Below this post, there are several other posts, all made by this guy.

It seems that this guy is a veteran who often hangs around in this forum!

Lu Feiyang opened this post and browsed it.

"...I just wrote a small program according to the source code of the Trojan horse in that post, and searched my machine according to the source code of the Trojan horse. As a result, I found that in my computer, there is actually There is this Trojan horse virus file! For this reason, I ran this program in a virtual machine and found that this Trojan horse virus file is not a virus that actively destroys, but quietly opens a back door on the computer. The backdoor appears to be an unpublished vulnerability..."

The post briefly explained the harmfulness of this Trojan horse virus. The God of Numbness said in it that due to the short time, he only did a hasty experiment and went to the forum to find the hero who just posted. , I wanted to ask some questions, but found that the post just now had been deleted by Banzhu.

In desperation, God of Numbness had no choice but to post a post, hoping that the expert just now would show up!

ps: I'm sorry, I'm on duty today, I just get off work in the evening, I'm in a hurry, I have to accompany my wife to my mother's house in the second day of junior high school, maybe I don't have time to update, please take a leave in advance, and make up the owed changes this week!

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