Great Luck

Chapter 27

No.20 Seven Festivals

No.20 Seven Festivals

Zhou Dazhong's eyeballs almost popped out, he is an undeniable figure in Shu Tianfu.Even if the six ministers of the capital came here, they would give him three points.But ever since Zhu Tianjiang and the fourth prince arrived, they have challenged his authority one after another.

Zhou Dazhong originally wanted to catch Yamen to show them some color, but he didn't expect to be ashamed and dismissed. More than 400 people were beaten by forty people and ran all over the street, and sixty people were also detained.If Yao Yiping was present, Zhou Dazhong would have to slap him a few times, not to mention living people, even if four hundred pigs were thrown over, forty people would not capture sixty of them alive.

Seeing a group of fast guards crying and howling, Zhou Dazhong slapped the gavel, "What are you screaming, you still have the face to cry after being beaten like this. What about Wang Hao, this kid was beaten to death, right?" "Zhou Dazhong shouted angrily.

"My lord, Commander Wang, Wudu and Yu Hai are all detained by the post station." A bold arrester said carefully.

Zhou Dazhong frowned, good guy, that kid Zhu Tianjiang still watches people order dishes, and specially detains those with official positions.If Zhu Tianjiang was not treated well today, Zhou Dazhong's mood would not be smooth.

"Report to my lord, I'm sure you've already won the game, but who knew that a group of thugs from the Shu Tianfu ran out. Those thieves had no way to rule, and beat us to the brim, which led to the failure of the operation." A jailer knelt down and reprimanded with.

Zhou Dazhong rubbed Yintang, thinking that he was still a villain, if Lao Tzu's territories were all such well-trained villains, they would all be fucking kings.

"Let's go back to the arresting office first, and the government will uphold justice for you." Zhou Dazhong waved his hand, forcefully driving these unlucky people out of the hall of the government office.

"My lord, it seems that the emperor has already made plans." Tang Qili said in a low voice.

Zhou Dazhong's face darkened, "Hmph, since you want to make things big, don't blame me for being rude. I'll see what the master will do if you beat the pawns. Come here, mobilize three soldiers and horses to go to the post~ Zhu Tianjiang is here. Qi Li, you lead the team yourself, and if Zhu Tianjiang dares to refuse, you can forcefully lead the team."

"I obey! My lord, are you bringing all of their people here?" Tang Qili said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Zhou Dazhong thought for a while, "I don't need it for now, just bring Zhu Tianjiang."

Zhou Dazhong doesn't want to do anything to the fourth prince and Yugege yet, if he can be forced, these two people will be good hostages.Zhou Dazhong felt that it was a good thing even if those wastes from arresting officials stayed in the station.At the very least, it is equivalent to leaving evidence that the Fourth Prince beat someone.Now that the matter has become serious, the key is how to solve it so as to bring the greatest benefits to the Zhou family.

In the post house, a group of officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs bandaged the wounds and came to the yard one after another.Seeing those who arrest Yamen, as long as they are not honest, they will be kicked, which can be regarded as a solution to their hatred.

The spies at the sticky pole came and went quickly, without even saying hello to Zhu Tianxiang, they disappeared around the station without anyone noticing.The fourth prince and Yugege were also shocked by the energy of the sticky stick.One Shu Tianfu can hide so many people, if the entire Dafeng Dynasty is added up, it is estimated that it is no less than a terrifying army.

In fact, the sticky place is not as huge as the fourth prince imagined, mainly because Shutian Mansion is an important place in Dafeng Kingdom, and the Zhou family and Emperor Chengwu had a bit of a fight, so Wei Zhan arranged so many people.Not only that, but the Anzi from the nearby sticky poles are still rushing towards Shu Tianfu.

Yu Gege accompanied Guo Ying to the inner room to change clothes, and took a look at the bruises on her body.There were no female relatives in the entourage, so Yugege could only come to give her a hot compress.Looking at Guo Ying, who is heroic and looks like a tomboy, Yu Gege really admires her courage.

The fourth prince walked around the courtyard, seeing so many yelling Yamen arresters, he frowned and walked to Zhu Tianjiang's side.

"Heavenly descend, what should we do next?" The fourth prince looked at the 'captives' in the courtyard and asked in a low voice.

"What else can we do, wait! Wait for the news. From now on, our mission is over, the cover has been lifted, and the rest is about your father and your uncle. I said fourth, your father this time If I give in, I will run for my life. Otherwise, I will be responsible for all the crimes." Zhu Tianxiang gave the fourth prince a depressed look.

The fourth prince knew that what Zhu Tianjiang said was right, once his father bowed his head to the old queen and the Zhou family, Zhu Tianjiang would be the most suitable person to bear all the charges.Even if the emperor didn't kill him, the Zhou family would probably kill Zhu Tianjiang as well, to give everyone a warning.However, this kid has the secret identity of the stick, and the fourth prince wonders if the Zhou family dares to touch him.

Zhu Tianjiang walked into the side room, where Zhu Yi and four others were waiting.With such a big incident, they knew that Zhu Tianjiang would definitely give orders.

"Zhu Er, how long will it take to report the news to Beijing as soon as possible?" Zhu Tianxiang asked.

"My lord, it only takes two days to pass the letter by flying pigeons, and the secret report can be received in the capital."

"Well, report this incident to the emperor right away. Remember, the more serious the better. Also, spread the news to King Jing and General Guo. Tell those two old guys, just say I am Zhu. Tianxiang said, if I don't find a way to save me quickly, I will harm their daughter." Zhu Tianxiang said seriously.

Zhu Ersi and the others looked at each other, thinking that our lord is really a master who dares to say anything.In the capital, who doesn't know that King Jing loves Yu Gege more than his own life, if this word is passed on to King Jing, that old guy might dare to chase and kill Zhu Tianjiang with the king's whip from the clan mansion.

Zhu Tianjiang noticed that the expressions of the four people were a little weird, so he turned his face, "Just pass it on as I said, and you are not allowed to change a single word. Also, tell King Jing and General Guo that if the emperor is subdued, send someone to notify My lord, I will take the two girls to find a place to hide, and maybe I can give them a big fat grandson in the next year."

Zhu Er wiped off his sweat and quickly spread out the paper to write the secret letter.Anyway, the news reached Suzaku envoy Mu Qi first, as to whether it was according to Zhu Tianxiang's original words, it's none of their business.

By doing this, Zhu Tianjiang was forcing King Jing and Guo Tianxin to quickly dispatch troops. These days, no bullshit decree will work, and the safest thing is to have military power.With the relationship between Prince Jing and Guo Tianxin, it is not a problem to transfer 2 to [-] people from southern Xinjiang privately.Shu Tianfu is far away from the capital, but it is relatively close to the southern border.With the eyes of a paparazzi, Zhu Tianxiang saw that the Zhou family had a premonition of rebellion.Only when Guo Tianxin dared to mobilize troops privately, Zhu Tianxiang had confidence in his mind.Otherwise, even if Emperor Wu wiped out the old Guojiu's family, Zhou Dazhong would still be able to kill them all in Shu Tianfu.

"My lord, do you want to investigate the matter of the secret bank?" Zhu Si asked quietly.

"Investigate, of course we must. No matter who wins or loses, money is still very important."

Zhu Tianjiang had already thought about it, as long as he survived the difficulties, once the money was found, he would embezzle part of it no matter what.Only with money can he recruit troops, and Zhu Tianxiang secretly trains a group of troops who will be loyal to him.

A guard ran in from the outside in a panic, "Lord Zhu, it's not good, there are three teams of officers and soldiers coming outside. The leader is Tang Qili, he asked you to go out and obey orders."

The faces of Zhu Yi and the others changed, and the three soldiers and horses were organized according to the Dafeng Dynasty's military establishment, that is, 600 people.Could it be that Zhou Dazhong is really going to arrest someone.

Zhu Tianjiang sneered dismissively, "Don't be nervous, if Zhou Dazhong wants to arrest someone, he doesn't have to be so polite, just rush in to save trouble. Zhu Yi, you go with me." Zhu Tianjiang said, He pulled out the gold pen and walked out.

The fourth prince was already standing at the door of the backyard in horror. When he saw Zhu Tianjiang approaching, he grabbed Zhu Tianjiang's sleeve and asked nervously, "Tianxiang, they don't mean they want to kill each other, right?"

"Look at your prospects, what are you afraid of. I'll meet them, you don't need to show up." Zhu Tianxiang sighed secretly, really disappointed that he found such a useless prince.This guy is really smart, but he is too timid. It seems that he needs to be trained slowly.

Outside the post station, three teams of officers and soldiers lined up neatly, and Tang Qili stood proudly in front of the team.He wished that Zhu Tianxiang would resist, so he gave the order to push the kid down to the ground, then went up and kicked him twice before spitting.

"Zhu Tianjiang, I am here to take you to the government office under the order of Master Zhou." Tang Qili shouted at the top of his voice when he saw Zhu Tianjiang coming out.

"Master Tang, what are you waiting for, let's go." Zhu Tianxiang waved his hand and asked the guards at the door to tell the fourth prince and others.

"Uh~!" Tang Qili didn't expect it to be so easy, and this guy didn't even say a word of rebuttal.

Zhu Tianjiang and Zhu Yi got on their horses and went straight to the government office to beat their horses.Tang Qili was stunned for a long time before he realized, and quickly ordered to follow.He was here to guide people, good guy, but he became like a follower.

The Fuya was not very far from the official post, Zhu Tian descended to the Fuya, without even saying hello, he walked towards the lobby.Tang Qili got off his horse and trotted after him.

"Stop, do you hear me? Stop for me." Tang Qili was so angry that he chased after Zhu Tianxiang.He was a civil servant and he couldn't ride a horse. Tang Qili couldn't walk fast, and those officers and soldiers didn't dare to surpass him.

According to the regulations, after Tang Qili reported, he brought Zhu Tianjiang to the court. Zhou Dazhong saw that he was a good guy, and the two of them ran up like they were grabbing money.

"Crack~!" Zhou Dazhong slapped the gavel, "Bold Zhu Tianjiang actually violated the government's regulations and brought people to beat the arresting officials. You can be convicted."

After Zhou Dazhong finished speaking, the officials on both sides shouted ~'Wei~wu~! '

"My lord Zhou, I am about to report to you that Yao Yiping, the inspector of the yamen, insulted the emperor. He will be punished lightly and sent to the army. However, his subordinates, regardless of the identities of the prince and Gege, stormed the post station and beheaded for the crime. My subordinates are currently interrogating, and it is estimated that they will be able to sign and pledge soon. Master Zhou, I hope you can make a judgment in accordance with Dafeng's law." Zhu Tianxiang held his head high and looked at Zhou Dazhong calmly.But his fingers were trembling secretly.

Zhou Dazhong gritted his teeth and sneered, "Zhu Tianjiang, you really regard yourself as a master. To tell you the truth, even if I kill you after such a big disaster, Your Majesty would not dare to do anything to me. I think you don't eat toast and fine wine, come here! Bring the guilty minister Zhu Tianxiang to this official, and beat him fifty times!"

Zhou Dazhong took out the official ticket, raised his hand and threw it out.Facing Zhu Tianjiang's arrogance, Zhou Dazhong decided to set rules for this kid.Even if it is reported to the imperial court, he should be beaten severely.

Just as the servants on both sides were about to rush forward, Zhu Tianjiang waved his golden pen, "Wait a minute! Master Zhou, I have something to say. After the officials finish speaking, whether to hit or not is up to you!"

Zhu Tianxiang looked at Zhou Dazhong coldly, he knew that if he was beaten with a fifty-kill stick, he would be crippled if he didn't die.This Shawei stick is very skillful in hitting, if you say it is very popular, when you hit it, you only hear the sound of the stick but you don't see any bleeding.But the guys from Shu Tianfu wanted to beat him to death, and prepared to tear him apart with a few sticks.After fifty sticks, Zhu Tianjiang felt that even the slightest would suffer from the sequelae of impotence.

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